Chapter 1241 Mutant Levels
After repeated experiments many times, Qin Lang found that this guy's encrypted brain has several weak thinking circuit nodes, it seems that he can try to impact these few thinking circuit nodes with divine recognition, and see if he can make a few The loop node is flushed open.

After having a new way of thinking, Qin Lang tried it immediately, and he carefully used a trace of divine sense to enter the mutant's brain.

Why don't you use it more? It's also because the mutant's consciousness is more than 20 times stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is still far inferior to Qin Lang, who is now in the late stage of alchemy. Therefore, Qin Lang also has to be careful to prevent his own consciousness. Accidentally burst the mutant's brain when entering.

If the brain is exploded, it is like the hard disk of the computer is burned out, and it is almost impossible for Qin Lang to get any news from this mutant's brain.

After all, it is not impossible to repair damaged things, but all aspects involved are more complicated. At least it needs to be repaired at the middle stage of Yuanying or above to realize it, which is far from what Qin Lang can grasp at this level.

With the injection of this trace of consciousness, Qin Lang's consciousness began to try to impact the nodes of the mutant genetic warrior's brain thinking circuit. Sure enough, Qin Lang's method was effective. Under the slow impact of consciousness, these few The joints show signs of gradually loosening.

This is a good thing. Seeing this, Qin Lang was also refreshed, and gradually increased the intensity of his spiritual impact. In the process of Qin Lang's continuous actions, the nodes of several thinking circuits in the mutant's brain were slowly being washed away.

This kind of extremely subtle operation based on brain neurons can be described as very precise, even the most brilliant martial artist can't do it, but Qin Lang is a cultivator after all, and his strength has reached the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. The control is handy.

In addition, spiritual consciousness is invisible, not tangible, and can minimize the impact on the neurons of the brain. It can be said that as long as Qin Lang does not make mistakes, then it is impossible for the spiritual consciousness to affect the neuron structure of the opponent's brain. damage.

Qin Lang seemed to hear the slight sound when the thinking circuit nodes of the mutant brain were broken away, and as the nodes of these thinking circuits were broken away, Qin Lang finally touched the core of the mutant brain thinking place.

In the sea of ​​consciousness of the mutants, the core memory of the primordial spirit was finally exposed.

A large amount of memory suddenly exploded, and Qin Lang was almost drowned in the ocean of memory by accident. From this memory, Qin Lang also got the most useful news, that is, the brain of this genetic warrior is like a super database. Many memories are artificially added.

The brain of this mutant genetic warrior has at least ten times the memory of ordinary people, and the combat experience like fighting Qin Lang before is the result of data input from European and American laboratories. Combat experience and combat awareness, but the powerful technological power makes it have terrible strength.

This is a terrifying and epoch-making research. It is unexpected that European and American countries have the ability to manufacture this kind of fighting machine. This kind of mutant genetic warrior is very powerful, but it is only a junior genetic warrior in European and American countries.

From the memory of this mutant, Qin Lang got a lot of information. After sorting out one by one, Qin Lang collected a lot of useful information, the most critical of which was the hierarchy of mutants.

In the laboratories of European and American countries, mutants are divided into five levels, which are junior, elite, top level, extraordinary level, and S level.

Among the levels of each other, the gap in strength is naturally obvious. What surprised Qin Lang was that even the most common low-level mutant warrior, taken alone, is definitely five times ten times stronger than the super soldier king!

Ordinary novels often describe how powerful the Chinese soldier king or the world mercenary king is, but in front of mutant fighters who have undergone body genetic modification, let alone you are the soldier king, even the emperor of soldiers, you are no match for the powerful mutant fighters!
In terms of individual combat capabilities, mutant fighters are undoubtedly much stronger, but even the low-level mutant fighters are very expensive to manufacture, and it is impossible for the military to manufacture them in large quantities and put them into war.

However, it is rumored that many heads of hostile bases died unexpectedly during the anti-Confucian period in the Middle East, all of which were related to the dispatch of mutant fighters.

Mutant fighters, or mutants, are the products of genetic enhancement, retaining the thinking of normal people, but their body structure is already very different from that of ordinary people. Ordinary mutants are only manifested in the strengthening of their bodies.

But the top mutants are not only invulnerable to all poisons, invulnerable to king kong, have amazing physical fitness without rest, are super hackers, etc., but also can resist heavy weapons, and have abnormal abilities such as restoration and immortality.

These top mutants can deform their bodies, grow bigger or smaller, can withstand high temperatures, are not afraid of sea water, are not afraid of falling, can see things in the dark, can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and can use their brains faster than optical brains to serve as databases. Connecting to the network, you can fly to the sky, you can act as a hacker, you can disguise your identity, etc., your abilities are very weird and tricky.

However, the cost of top-level mutant research and the expenditure of personnel, material resources, and energy are very large. European and American laboratories are still in the stage of experimental research. Even if they are researched, they basically exist as the ace of the laboratory and stay in the laboratory. internal.

Therefore, most of the mutants researched by European and American laboratories are middle and low-level mutants, mainly at the junior and elite levels. Like the M laboratory where the junior mutant is located, the code name of this junior mutant is only NO.13, that is, Saying that, before it, at least a dozen companions were researched.

Gene warriors are terrifying existences. They have the ability to fight against ancient warriors and even cultivators like themselves, which makes Qin Lang feel a sense of crisis in his heart.

Because if such a genetic warrior has mastered the opponent's weakness, it may not be difficult to deal with one or two, but it will be more troublesome if there are three or four. If there are more, I am afraid that I will also flee.

From the memory of this mutant, Qin Lang got the news that even the junior genetic warriors are almost close to the alchemy cultivators at the alchemy stage, and because of their special abilities, if they don't figure out how to deal with them, they may be It is more troublesome than dealing with a cultivator at the alchemy stage.

This is why Qin Lang was unable to kill this mutant before, unable to break through the defense of the opponent, and finally used the ability of the flying sword, and a sword energy directly broke through the defense of the opponent, causing the opponent's combat power to drop suddenly. In the end, he had to rely on that special The blue potion to burst potential against yourself.

It is worth mentioning that the blue potion is a genetic potion, which can temporarily increase the combat effectiveness of mutant genetic fighters, but the outbreak time after use is not long, only about 10 minutes, and the side effects are very serious. The effect is similar.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Gene potion is a special drug for mutants, while Baoyuan Dan is an exclusive drug for cultivators. They both increase their potential for a short period of time to burst out, and then the side effects are very serious after use.

In contrast, the Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death obtained by Qin Lang from the Pyramid Secret Realm is of a higher grade. The Forbidden Fruit of Life and Death can explode potentials, and after using them, it can permanently fix a part of these potentials without too many side effects. Material Dibao is almost equivalent to a top-grade panacea.

From the memory of the mutants, Qin Lang knew that the power behind this laboratory was one of the controlling parties of Reizman, that is to say, this mutant was indeed sent by the second generation ancestor of the Reizman consortium, and Lan Run Company Singapore The arsonist of the branch warehouse was indeed this guy.

It's no wonder, if it wasn't for this mutant who sneaked in, with the original security force of the Singapore branch, I'm afraid that even those who were at the transformation level could have found it in advance, and only the mutant genetic warrior who can hide his breath has it. This ability to silently evade security forces.

"Gene warrior... Such technological capabilities are really amazing. If this guy in front of you is brought to China, I believe most forces will be interested."

"After the three families of the Quartet Alliance obtained the technology of transforming humans, they are now researching transforming human warriors, but they have not been implemented because of the huge side effects of transforming humans. Now if this guy is brought to the three families, the three families will be very happy Yes, maybe experimental research can find some breakthroughs.”

Thinking of this, Qin Lang also put out the idea of ​​directly killing the mutant genetic warrior, but prepared to bring this genetic warrior back to the Huaxia headquarters as a sample for research in the newly established laboratories of the three families.

Recently, the power of the Lu family in Nanyang is gradually being cleared by the three families of the Four-Party Alliance, and Baosheng Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., where the Lu family belongs, has also been gradually taken over and integrated, becoming a company jointly owned by the four forces of the Four-Party Alliance. Commonwealth.

That's right, Qin Lang didn't contribute much to the follow-up processing of Baosheng Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., but he also bought a share under the strong request of the three families. However, Qin Lang wrote a blank check. Recently, Lanrun needs to spend There are too many places for money, and the three families can understand it.

As a result of the discussion of the four-party alliance, the distribution of shares is divided equally among the four parties. In the future, Baosheng Group Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. will also have a quarter of Qin Lang's shares.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang also earned shares for nothing. This is because the three families of the Four-Party Alliance are more grateful. They know that everything today is given by Qin Lang, so they did not forget to give the boss a share of the benefits.

What's more, Qin Lang is also a strong leader. Following such a strong and motivated leader to do things, the three families of the Quartet Alliance will not suffer. Anyway, everyone will be tied to the same chariot in the future. This is considered a blessing. It's hard to enjoy.

Due to the special body transformation of the mutant genetic warrior, strictly speaking, it has been separated from the category of human beings. From the memory of this mutant genetic warrior, Qin Lang discovered that the genetic warrior does not need to breathe, which means that the respiratory system of the genetic warrior is completely does not exist.

They, instead of them, they're just a special kind of laboratory-developed monster that looks like a human.

They are more thoroughly remodeled than human beings. Apart from being similar in appearance to humans, they are basically out of the category of human beings. That's why more weird abilities are derived from this.

The more he learned about these deeper information, the more Qin Lang valued this mutant genetic warrior. The bargaining chip in his hand was also a heavyweight bomb, and it was also Qin Lang's biggest gain this time.

It is said that even if it is to study a low-level mutant, the cost of the M laboratory in the United States is more than 800 million, and it is US dollars.

I'm afraid that even if it is to buy a large passenger plane with a thousand passengers, it will only cost about 6000 million yuan if it is converted into RMB at China's exchange rate.

Speaking of which, mutants are completely the product of accumulated money. Although the significance is huge, the cost is not small. I hope that after the three families of the Quartet Alliance get this research sample, the next research process will be smoother, so that it will not waste a lot of years. The funds are allocated to those failed products.

(End of this chapter)

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