The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1240 Take the opportunity to hone yourself

Chapter 1240 Take the opportunity to hone yourself
After fighting for a while, seeing that fists and legs could not deal with this person, Qin Lang decided to use his weapon, and he showed his black carving sword.

Seeing Qin Lang unleash his weapon, the genetic warrior in front of him didn't feel scared at all. Instead, he smiled, showing a big mouth full of white teeth, which looked extraordinarily ferocious.

This guy directly met his flying sword, not afraid of Qin Lang's sword attack at all, which made Qin Lang also wonder, is this genetic warrior so against the sky, even the strongest sword attack in the cultivation world can't break The person's defense.

But then Qin Lang found out that this was just a joke. No matter how strong the genetic warrior is, how could he be able to resist the sword attack!You must know that it is the strongest attack method in the cultivation world.

After Qin Lang's sword energy reached his body, this guy was like a balloon being punctured, and a large amount of high-pressure gas was released from the puff, and his whole body was sent flying tens of feet away like a rocket by an impact.

What followed was that this guy's body rapidly became smaller and became normal. After becoming normal, the genetic warrior was actually not at all tall and burly. He was like a bamboo pole. It may fall.

Qin Lang had the upper hand at once, but he didn't have any arrogance.

For him, the method used by this mutant warrior is so magical that it is against the sky. In the eyes of ordinary people, the method of diving into the sea for more than ten minutes without dying is tantamount to unimaginable. But for him, But it's not surprising.

In fact, if he hadn't used the thunder attack method for a quick fight, he could have fought steadily and suppressed his opponent step by step, regardless of the time.

After the defense was broken, the genetic warrior did not die. Qin Lang can also understand this. Those high-end laboratories in European and American countries spend so much money to manufacture genetically modified human warriors. If such high-tech products are so easy to kill, then European and American countries Those high-end laboratories don't need to spend so much energy and cost to study it.

It is said that existences like mutants can fight against aircraft and cannons. Many abilities of mutants are unheard of in reality, and it is hard to imagine even in the realm of comprehension.

Modern science and technology can apply body modification technology to that extent, allowing genetic warriors to have enough strength to fight against high-level cultivators.

Compared with incomplete transformed humans, mutants are the most perfect technological products in the world, completely surpassing the world's top fighters. Each of these genetic fighters has strength equivalent to the level of a martial king, so it should not be underestimated.

Moreover, even if they were to fight against warriors of the King of Martial Arts level, with the ability of genetic warriors to change and change, they would most likely win. Just like the genetic warrior in front of Qin Lang, Qin Lang couldn't help him after fighting for so long just now.

After a sword broke the genetic warrior's defense, Qin Lang approached again, trying to capture the mutant, but although the sword just now was powerful, it only broke the defense of this person, and did not give the mutant a body. No matter how much damage it caused, this guy became more agile after the excess air in his body was discharged.

Fighting again, Qin Lang found that this guy's agility had increased by more than ten times than before, and now he went to another extreme, that is, Qin Lang's flying sword attacked many times, but the opponent predicted in advance to dodge.

Unexpectedly, this guy has good combat experience, and he doesn't know whether this combat experience was forcibly instilled in by the laboratory, or he had already experienced hundreds of battles before becoming a mutant.

If it is the combat experience forcibly instilled in the laboratory, it means that this kind of mutants with rich combat experience can be mass-produced. It is really scary to think about it. If there are more such powerful opponents, I'm afraid Qin Lang needs to flee when he sees it.

Feijian is good at long-range attacks, but not good at close combat, so now Qin Lang retracted Feijian again, and competed with this reformed person with punches and legs. Now the modified person's body defense has been broken, just like Huaxia horizontal kung fu iron The cloth shirt and golden bell cover are broken for the same reason, and it is impossible to recover in a short time.

So now Qin Lang's punches and kicks can also cause damage to this guy, instead of punching and kicking this guy can do nothing like before.

This moment, that moment is the truth.

After the melee attack, Qin Lang turned on the speed-boosting arc of the "Shadow-changing Boots", and then used the Phantom Wind Walk, so he still had the upper hand when punching and kicking, and attacked the guy's body many times.

Although this guy is physically strong, but now that the defense is broken, every attack of Qin Lang can make the mutant groan, and at the same time, his injuries are getting worse.

Slowly accumulating, when the injuries on the mutant's body turned from minor injuries to serious injuries, I'm afraid this guy in front of him would not be able to bear it either.

During the fight, Qin Lang was occasionally hit a few times. The attack strength of this mutant is not very high. Every punch and every leg has only about ten to twenty tons of strength, which is completely inferior to him, and he The magic weapon on his body has a strong defense, and those attacks can break through one or two layers of defensive shields at most, and they are dissolved invisibly. Such attacks are equivalent to tickling himself.

Moreover, Qin Lang became interested instead.

After all, no matter what, it was impossible for him to die at the hands of this mutant warrior. It was inherently determined that he should not worry about failure in the fight, so he was very comfortable in his disposition, and he decided to use this fight to hone his skills.

You know, he has almost no equal opponents in the country. Those martial arts powerhouses are superpowers in the country, but they are not good enough for him. It is rare that he can fight fiercely with mutant fighters developed by powerful technology this time. This is not necessarily an opportunity to improve one's fighting skills and strength.


Qin Lang's strength was beyond the expectation of this European and American mutant. This time this guy was also prepared to come, but now he was frustrated again and again, which made him a little unacceptable.

However, no matter how unacceptable it was, this battle had to continue. Now that I was completely watched by this young and powerful kid, it was impossible to escape without a hit.

"Wow wow wow!"

This guy got angry, and while retreating violently, he took out a blue potion from his arms and swallowed it.

After swallowing this special potion, this guy's body movement speed and agility increased by [-]%, and he has already caught up with Qin Lang's current speed. At the same time, this guy flipped his hand, and a weapon made of alloy appeared in his hand .

The guy rushed over like a gust of wind, and this guy slashed violently, so Qin Lang couldn't help but switch from attack to defense. He couldn't help but feel that the weapon in his hand was sharper. This mutant seemed to know that most of the attacks were staggered with his own weapon.

At this time, the shield on Qin Lang's body shook quite violently. The mutant who swallowed that special blue potion had greatly enhanced his comprehensive strength. Twelve layers of defense, I'm afraid it really can't resist it.

This special alloy knife can cut off about five or six layers of defense with each blow, and if it is replaced with a general middle-grade magic weapon, it may have broken through dozens of times in a row.

In the frantic onslaught of mutant genetic warriors after the outbreak, Qin Lang was like a boat swaying in the wind and rain, swaying unsteadily. If this guy can continue such high-intensity attacks for half an hour, Qin Lang's result will be a bit bad , if it can last for an hour, then Qin Lang is likely to be killed by this guy.

After all, Qin Lang's resistance also needs to consume a lot of real energy and physical strength. In such a high-intensity confrontation, Qin Lang can't guarantee that he can survive for an hour.

However, the outbreak of this mutant was completely Cheng Yaojin's three-handed axe, or a paper tiger. After taking the blue potion, he only attacked Qin Lang for less than 10 minutes, and then stopped completely.

All of a sudden, it was as if it was stuck. One moment, the mutant was fierce, and the next moment he was limp as a bug. He fell directly in front of Qin Lang and fell into the sea.

For a while, Qin Lang also felt a little astonished, thinking that this guy was cheating, but seeing this guy sinking into the sea and then floating up, floating and sinking on the sea surface, with a performance of complete loss of strength, also confirmed this. The guy should not be cheating, but has really lost his strength.

The guy in front of him was probably overdrawn after using the blue potion, allowing his body's potential to burst out ahead of time, and that's why he had the mighty power of the previous round.

I am afraid that even the ancient warriors in the middle period of King Wu could not resist the stormy attack intensity of this guy just now, and it is thanks to Qin Lang that he can resist this kind of attack.

I have to say that the mutant genetic warrior is indeed strong enough. At this point in the fight, Qin Lang is also full of respect for this opponent, not only in terms of physical fitness, but also his own willpower. This guy is the top of this era.

When Qin Lang descended into the sea and picked up the mutant again, the mutant was already in a coma.

Of course, it wasn't Qin Lang who was knocked out. In fact, this mutant had already completely fainted after losing his strength in the air just now.

After all, the explosion of that kind of potential consumes a lot of energy. If it is not for the special physique of mutant genetic warriors, if it is replaced by an ordinary mutant, after the potential explosion, the whole body will be bloody and bloody like rags. .

Speaking of this mutant who passed out, Qin Lang knew that this guy would never wake up for a while, so Qin Lang tried to use the technique of searching for gods to find the memory in this guy's brain, and wanted to get more information about what happened behind this guy. Information.

But even though this mutant is in a coma, Qin Lang really can't take it down for a while. This guy's brain seems to be encrypted, and his thinking forms a circle after circle. Qin Lang wants to attack the core. It is more difficult to reach the memory of the primordial spirit deep in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But Qin Lang didn't give up either. Now that the mutant is completely in a coma, it means that he has completely given up resistance. Such an opportunity is rare, and Qin Lang will definitely not be reconciled if he doesn't try a few more times.

So, if you fail once, try again, and if you fail twice, try again many times.

Only through repeated tests over and over again, Qin Lang believes that he will be able to break the encryption of this guy's brain and get the most core part of the memory.

Qin Lang has this confidence. The more difficult things are, the more his interest will be aroused. This is the essence of a cultivator. Only by facing difficulties can he pursue the ultimate longevity.

This process will definitely not work without a little persistence, and without a little perseverance, so these difficulties and challenges in front of me will only stimulate my more interest in researching, cracking, and mastering the deeper secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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