The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1239 Mutant Warrior Emerges

Chapter 1239 Mutant Warrior Emerges
Regardless of whether the arson incident at Lanrun Company's production base in Singapore was caused by Reizman Company or not, Qin Lang also knew that it would be impossible for the police to find solid evidence like the police.

In other words, it is obviously unrealistic to hope to use legal evidence to crucify the Reizman Group abroad.

He can only let go of the things in Singapore for the time being, because the foundation of Lanrun is still in the country, he must go back first, to prevent being caught by the opponent and destroying the foundation of Lanrun.

In this way, Qin Lang bought a plane ticket and got on the plane to go back to Huaxia.

The plane took off, flew up to an altitude of [-] meters, and shuttled through the clouds, but Qin Lang didn't care to watch the scenery.

At this time, wanting to go to the toilet for convenience, Qin Lang got up and went to the toilet, and when he was about to close the door of the toilet, his heart froze suddenly, and a sense of crisis suddenly appeared.

Turning around, Qin Lang saw a guy in black clothes and sunglasses who looked as good as Arnold Schwarzenegger suddenly appeared behind him. He was very strange. How did you come to your back.

The Arnold wearing sunglasses showed a sinister grin full of muscles, and then rushed into the toilet, punched out, smashing the high-strength steel glass of the toilet, and directly threw Qin Lang out of the plane.

However, Qin Lang, who reacted alertly, also pulled this person, so the two fell off the plane at the same time.

The strong wind roared in the air, and the [-]-meter altitude was terribly cold. In an instant, the two of them were so frozen that they fell straight down like two stones.

Falling from a height of [-] meters, an ordinary person would probably die before landing. During the rapid descent, the impact force and pressure are very terrifying, not something ordinary people can bear.

While descending, Qin Lang also had a question in his mind: "Who the hell is this guy? I feel that his strength is so strong!" Judging from the performance of Arnold wearing sunglasses just now, this guy's strength definitely exceeds the level of a sixth-level reformer , because of the hidden breath on his body, Qin Lang couldn't deduce the real strength of this person at all.

That is to say, the guy in front of him is an opponent that Qin Lang has encountered since he came to China.

Could this person be the actor in the arson incident in the warehouse of Blue Run Company in Singapore?

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lang had already turned countless thoughts in his mind, and then he realized that he was in a dangerous situation, and he had already started his own magic weapon defense.

At the same time, the flying Luo Yunsuo on his body has also been turned on, and it has become a cloud to support him, constantly reducing the momentum of falling, reducing the inertia of the acceleration of gravity.

Slowly, Qin Lang's falling speed slowed down, and he gradually floated at a height of several thousand meters.

At this time, looking up, Qin Lang found that A Nuo wearing sunglasses who was pulled off the plane by himself was still floating in the sky. This guy didn't know why, but he was already prepared. When he fell off the plane just now, he actually He opened a parachute bag behind him and was slowly descending to the ground.

"Hmph, this guy above my head should be the leader of the branch warehouse arson case, and only this person has the strength to sneak into the warehouse of my Lanrun branch and set fire to it. Now that he took the initiative to appear in front of my eyes, he must not let it go! "

Qin Lang looked at the top of his head and snorted coldly. Although the enemy in front of him didn't know the details, he was even more eager to fight against such an enemy.

On the road of comprehension, monks should overcome obstacles and never back down when encountering difficulties, so Qin Lang will never back down now, the result of the meeting of the last two powerful opponents... that is a bloody battle!
Qin Lang swung a sword aura upwards, but his sword aura mainly attacked the opposite side, not the Arnold wearing sunglasses, but the parachute above this guy's head. If he can break this guy's parachute, then the next The state is enough for this guy to drink a pot.

Qin Lang's strategy was very good, and then he saw that guy in astonishment, watching his parachute surface being cut by sword energy, and then this guy suddenly fell like a weight, exceeding Qin Lang's falling speed, brushing It was gone.

But Qin Lang lowered his head and found that there was a vast sea beneath him.That guy had already fallen into the sea and sank to a depth of several tens of feet. A long snow-white wave was stirred up on the sea surface, whizzed and disappeared again.

At this time, Qin Lang also manipulated Feitian Luo Yunsuo to descend to the surface of the sea, trying to find traces of this person, but he did not find this person floating on the surface of the sea for a long time.

"Could it be that this person has already drowned... No, if he drowned, the body should also float to the surface. Now even the body can't be found. Could it be that this guy was swallowed by a big fish in the sea?"

Qin Lang's eyes flickered, and he also felt that his guess was outrageous, but after waiting for a full ten minutes, he still couldn't see that guy surfaced.

At this time, the figure fell again, and when Qin Lang was only three to five meters away from the sea, suddenly, the sea below him broke open, and a figure jumped up and attacked Qin Lang.

"I know you're not dead!"

Qin Lang sneered for a while, he was so close to the sea just now, in fact, he was using himself as a bait to lure this guy out, but he succeeded unexpectedly once.

Bang bang bang bang!Bang bang bang bang!
Qin Lang and this guy fought more than a dozen moves on the sea surface, but they were evenly tied.

Of course, Qin Lang also left some spare energy and didn't use all his strength, but the guy in front of him was able to do this, which was enough to surprise him.

This guy has a very special ability. When Qin Lang fought against him, many times he hit this person's body as if he was hitting a sandbag. Although there was a bang, the guy in front of him continued to fight himself like a normal person. .

This is too strange, the Dragon Elephant Fist that I have mastered, the strength of each blow is at least [-] to [-] tons, if it were an ordinary person, it would have been smashed into meat paste, this guy can still bear it.

After fighting for a long time, Qin Lang found that after he had consumed a lot of physical strength, the guy in front of him was still alive and well. The ability to fight is too perverted.

If the fight continues like this, it is estimated that this guy is fine, but he will lose his strength instead.

Therefore, Qin Lang then slowed down his attack speed, and even swallowed two essence pills during the fight, secretly accumulating more strength and true energy.

Although the monster in front of him can't be killed, it seems that the monster in front of him can't help Qin Lang. This guy is much slower than Qin Lang in terms of strength and reaction speed.

Under Qin Lang's careful observation, he found that this person's body was even more inflated than before on the plane, as if he had been inflated with air, and his muscles were swollen beyond words.

"It can hide its own breath, and its ability to resist attacks is super. Speaking of which, this guy is a bit like a reformer of the strength defense department, but he is much stronger than a reformer!"

Qin Lang wondered: "Could it be that this guy is a mutant fighter who is being researched by European and American countries!"

Qin Lang's guess is not unreasonable. He has seen the top-level reinvented people. Even a sixth-level reinvented person does not have the comprehensive combat ability of this guy in front of him.

Therefore, the guy in front of him is probably a new type of genetic warrior developed by a European and American country, that is, a modified human. Qin Lang has read the research data on modified human, so he knows that mutants in European and American countries are also called genetic warriors.

At this time, when he looked at this person carefully, Qin Lang found that the guy's sunglasses and the hood he had just lost when he fell into the sea, and he really had a European and American face.

Seeing this person's appearance, Qin Lang can be sure that this is a mutant of a higher level than the modified person, that is, a genetic warrior.

"Are the genetic warriors studied by European and American countries so strong? I, a late-stage Dzogchen cultivator who has been fighting for so long, still can't deal with this guy."

When Qin Lang had this idea, he couldn't help but be speechless. The mutants developed by European and American countries are indeed powerful, and they are definitely not comparable to those fake versions of the mutants.

If it was a counterfeit reformer, Qin Lang was confident enough that it would not matter if he fought dozens of them alone. No matter how many top reformers came, it would just add some trouble to himself.

As for the more powerful genetically modified human fighters from European and American countries, Qin Lang can't guarantee that he dares to speak such big words. In fact, this one in front of him is so difficult for him. end.

From the server obtained by the Nanyang Life Science and Technology Laboratory, Qin Lang obtained a lot of information about modified humans and mutants. He knew that the research on both modified humans and mutants was expensive. It would take at least With hundreds of thousands of dollars in funding, it is estimated that the cost of researching a mutant genetic warrior is at least ten times the cost of researching advanced mutants.

So this kind of genetic warrior is completely a technological product made of money, and its worth is completely equivalent to gold of the same quality, and even more worth than gold, reaching the level of platinum or diamonds.

When fighting this mutant, Qin Lang was thinking about these materials. Now after dozens of moves, Qin Lang has gradually figured out the details of this mutant, so he didn't waste any more effort, knowing that he was only It is estimated that it is difficult to kill the opponent with fists and legs, so I can only find another way to deal with this person.

"Wow wow wow!"

Seeing that he couldn't take Qin Lang down, the European and American genetic warrior in front of him screamed in anger. He took another sharp breath, and his body became more inflated. In this way, his own defense ability became stronger.

The physical ability of this genetic warrior is very special and distinctive. Putting aside his own ability to hide his breath, the other ability is to continuously absorb air and fill his body, turning himself into a balloon to strengthen his body's defense and increase his own strength. Anti-strike ability.

After inhaling, the genetic warrior became more vigorous. He didn't care about Qin Lang's attack at all, and hugged him like a strong man, trying to hold Qin Lang in his arms, and then strangled Qin Lang cruelly.

However, Qin Lang will not be fooled. He is also full of scruples about the existence of genetic warriors. He has long been prepared. When this guy hugged him, he avoided it. Anyway, this guy's movement speed can't catch up. Himself, so Qin Lang deliberately avoided this guy and couldn't stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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