The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1238 Fire in the Backyard!

Chapter 1238 Fire in the Backyard!

Since this person nicknamed "Eagle" is not a good person, Qin Lang is not polite when using the technique of searching for gods, without any psychological burden.

After Qin Lang finished searching for God, Ying did not become an idiot.

His spiritual consciousness was twenty times stronger than that of a normal person, and the technique of searching for gods only slightly disturbed his spiritual memory, causing his memory to decline and his IQ to drop a bit. Now he is equivalent to a ten-year-old child.

After thinking about it, although Qin Lang was not going to kill the eagle, he took out a few gold needles and pierced the unconscious eagle's brain, making the connection of several nerves in the center of the eagle's brain even more disordered. Qin Lang's loss of memory when he met this part can be regarded as a complete solution to his worries.

After dealing with the "Eagle" matter, Qin Lang also cast a spell to erase this part of the memory of the company's female secretary. The female secretary is just a pretty ordinary person, and it should be the daily life of the little boss "Eagle" It's just a plaything and doesn't deserve much attention.


After doing these things, Qin Lang clapped his hands, as if he had done a trivial thing, then took a picture of himself with an invisibility talisman, and then escaped from the office. Of course, he did not forget to turn the office The room is closed.

This time, the patrol personnel on the 27th floor of the Geely security company were unlucky. The company's strict security measures would also have loopholes, allowing outsiders to appear inside the company and attack a small leader of the company, causing huge losses and influence.

I'm afraid that the next ten or so patrollers will be severely punished. Geely Security Company's current status and power in Singapore is inseparable from the company's strict and strict rules and regulations. Luo personnel will be severely punished.

And next, Geely Security Company will investigate the bizarre incident that happened to "Eagle", and it is estimated that after this, they will also suspect the mission that "Eagle" took over, the Reizman Company, or Qin Lang Blue Run Company, but these doubts and guesses need time to verify.

It is estimated that Geely Security Company will be busy investigating and collecting evidence in a short period of time, and there is absolutely no energy to do other things. Qin Lang can free up his hands to deal with the second ancestor of Leizman Company Noguli.

But what Qin Lang didn't expect was that before he could act, the warehouse of Lanrun Company's Singapore branch had caught fire, and all the cosmetic products that had been produced in the factory had been wiped out in a fire.

"This fire happened strangely. There was still the smell of gasoline at the scene. It should be caused by man-made fire. The direct economic loss is about more than one billion yuan."

"Of course, this is the external sales price of the product. In fact, the production cost of raw materials plus labor, the real loss should only be between [-] and [-] million."

Jiang Xinzhong, the company's safety and production supervisor, was reporting to Qin Lang the losses caused by the accidental fire. He said with distress: "The fire burned all the cosmetic products and caused the company to suffer huge losses. I can't blame it. However, the company's entire The site is surrounded by high walls, the outer wall is at least five or six meters high, and there are a large number of security personnel patrolling the factory area, but arsonists were allowed to come in and set the fire. It can be seen that this fire should not be caused by ordinary people .”

"Could it be a retaliatory action by Geely Security Company."

Qin Lang looked at the burnt ruins of the warehouse and thought to himself.

But I also wonder, I just came back from Geely Security Company, and the warehouse on the factory side has already caught fire, how will Geely Security Company respond so quickly?
From the memory of "Eagle", the small leader of Geely Security Company, Qin Lang knows that only "Eagle" in Geely Security Company has accepted the task of Reizman Company, and other personnel in Geely Security Company do not know about this at all, so Qin Lang can deduce that , people from Geely Security Company should not be the arsonists of this fire.

Could it be that the retailers in Singapore did it, but I don't have much animosity with these retailers at all. Is it too much for these retailers to do so?It should and cannot be the work of these retailers.

So, who could be the arsonist?
This is a question, and I am afraid that there is no chance of finding real evidence to find the arsonist.

Qin Lang guessed suspicious people and objects in his mind.

Besides the security personnel of Geely Security Company, who else has such a powerful skill?Can break into the factory of the Singapore branch of Lan Run Company, which is heavily guarded by security, and set fire to the factory warehouse?
Qin Lang felt that his brain was a little confused, and he couldn't figure it out at all.

His number one suspect is naturally the Reizman Group.

Could it be another arrangement by Leizman, that is, Leizman bought other forces besides buying Geely Security?
If this is the case, this Leizman company really thinks highly of itself and the Singapore branch of Lan Run Company.

Could it be that the second ancestor Noguli is an idiot!Lan Run Company rejected the acquisition by the Leitzman Consortium. Does he really regard Lan Run Company as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh?
For a while, Qin Lang couldn't guess more, so he turned around and said to Jiang Xinzhong: "Jiang Bo, don't blame yourself, this fire is not your fault, but fortunately, it only burned a warehouse, and the various production facilities of the factory are still intact. Yes. You are now in charge of warehouse reconstruction and the re-production of cosmetic products in the factory, and I will once again dispatch a group of strong backup from China to strengthen the security work here."

Putting his arms around Jiang Xinzhong's shoulders, Qin Lang expressed comfort and asked his capable men to do things with confidence and boldness. At the same time, Qin Lang will also investigate the factory fire in the next few days, hoping to see if there are any clues left from the scene Find the mysterious arsonist.

The mysterious arsonist didn't show up for several days after he set the fire, and the side of Geely Security Company was also relatively quiet. It seemed that he was still secretly investigating the "Eagle". He should not come here to trouble Qin Lang and the Singapore branch of Lan Run Company.

As for the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company, as Geely's security company "Eagle" lost contact with its subordinates, retailers' resistance to Lanrun's products entering the market has disappeared, which is a great thing.

However, what is more depressing for the Lanrun Singapore branch is that the products still cannot enter the market temporarily, because the cosmetic products that were originally backlogged in the factory warehouse disappeared with the fire, and now even if they work overtime, it will take at least a week. Get the first batch of products out and hand them over to the retailer to put them on the shelves.


In the next few days, Qin Lang secretly went to Geely Security Company to see the internal reaction of Geely Security Company, and at the same time, to see if he could get clues from Geely Security Company about the fire in the warehouse of Lanrun Company's Singapore branch. .

However, Qin Lang didn't get the news he wanted to know. Although Geely Security Company had already had some doubts about Lanrun Company, and there were various signs that the three people in the company had problems with Lanrun Company, but they never took any action.

After all, it is only in the stage of suspicion. The more Geely investigates, the more it discovers that this Lanrun company is not simple. Although it is not as good as Reizman with an international background, it is also a strong force in China.

And following the investigation, they also found that Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun Company, was related to several warrior families in Huaxia, and it was said that these warrior families had recently been promoted to the Guwu family, and their power had skyrocketed because of this.

Therefore, this Lanrun company is not a simple company, and its background is also very deep. Although Geely company is also the leading local security company in Singapore, it also understands a truth. There are some enemies that should not be provoked. .

Although this time it seems that Geely has suffered some losses and lost three people, but the status of these three people in the company is not high, so Geely feels that it is not worthwhile to go to war for this matter for the time being.

Therefore, the current attitude of Geely Company is to hide this matter temporarily, unless the truth of the matter is verified, and it is known that Qin Lang and Lanrun Company are the real murderers who turned "Eagle" and other three people into idiots, then they may have to deal with Qin Lang.

A few days later, the foreign aid from Lanrun Company's Singapore branch arrived. This time, they were all fighters drawn from the three families of the Four-Party Alliance, most of whom were at the level of Wu Zun.

It turned out that Qin Lang contacted the three families by phone, promised some positions in the Singapore government, asked the three families to send some warriors to help, and was willing to bear some of the training expenses of these warriors.

Of course, the three families are very willing to do such a good thing, and immediately agreed to send a hundred elite family disciples over, and even if Qin Lang doesn't offer benefits, they will help Qin Lang without hesitation after receiving Qin Lang's great kindness.

After a hundred fighters from the Quartet Alliance arrived, Qin Lang arranged them to work. In this way, the security force of the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company was greatly strengthened again. Even if the mysterious arsonist wanted to sneak into the company's factory to make trouble again, Qin Lang would not Don't be afraid anymore.

After all, these more than 100 are elite disciples of the three families, and most of them are at the Wuzun level. The security force of the Singapore branch of Lan Run Company is not much worse than Geely Company, the number one security company in Singapore. .

This kind of security intensity, unless the arsonist has the same strength as Qin Lang, otherwise, if this person sneaks into the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company again, he may not make trouble. The security force here is enough for this person to drink a pot.

After arranging these warriors transferred from China, Qin Lang knew that the predicament of Lanrun Company's Singapore branch had finally improved a little, and then he waited for Lanrun Company's cosmetics products to really enter the market.

Before that, Qin Lang continued to investigate the mysterious arsonist. He knew that he needed to go back to China and go to the Asian branch of Reizman Company to get the results he wanted.

"Go to the Asian branch of Reizman, arrest and torture the second generation ancestor Reizman, and solve this big trouble, it is serious!"

Qin Lang looked into the distance and muttered, the more the company develops now, the more strange people will jump out of the process to obstruct his company, but he is not afraid, the more he does this, the more he will face the difficulties .

I believe that with my own efforts, Lanrun Company will eventually spread its wings, and at that time, Hairun Sky will let the birds fly, and others will no longer be able to restrict it.

(End of this chapter)

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