The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1237 The real mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 1237 The real mastermind behind the scenes

"What do you mean?"

The face of the bald little boss changed, and he looked at Qin Lang unkindly.

No matter how stupid he is now, he also knows that the young man in front of him came here on purpose to find fault.

So the tactic of pretending to be confused is probably useless, so he immediately exposed his true side. After asking the words coldly, his eyes were fixed on Qin Lang, and he would immediately act when Qin Lang made a slight move. .

After all, the other party came to find fault. Even if he didn't know the specific reason why the other party found fault, he had a lot of enemies, so he had to be careful and cold-blooded.

"Hehe, your code name is Eagle, right?"

Qin Lang asked with a sneer.

"Eagle... how do you know, ah, you are..."

The little bald leader code-named "Eagle" looked at Qin Lang, as if thinking of something, pointed at him, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't say anything.

"Hehe, you should have guessed it! I am the boss of Lanrun Company you are going to deal with."

Qin Lang pointed to himself, "My name is Qin Lang."

Hearing Qin Lang's self-report, the little bald leader codenamed "Eagle" finally understood the purpose of Qin Lang's visit. His feeling was that something went wrong with a mission he had accepted, and now the sufferer has come to him.

"There is something to say, the reason why my Geely Security Company will deal with your Lanrun Company is also because I have accepted the buyer's entrustment."

The little bald leader code-named "Eagle" thumped in his heart, secretly complaining.

He thought that the other party was just an ordinary person looking for faults, how could he know that Qin Lang had such a big background.

In particular, when Qin Lang introduced his identity, the aura he exuded clearly increased several times. It was definitely the aura that only belonged to super masters, and he had to be very afraid of it.

He knew that Qin Lang was not a good comer, and he was able to sneak into the seventh floor of No.20 of his company without a sound. His own strength should not be weak, and he might not be able to deal with it at all, so he spoke humbly.

"At the beginning, the buyer paid [-] million and asked our Geely security company to be responsible for secretly suppressing your Lanrun branch in Singapore. You must know that [-] million is not a small amount for Geely, and there is no need to directly fight Shasha, just need to secretly contact some retailers to jointly resist Lanrun's products from entering the market, so I took this task directly without thinking much at the time."

"Eagle" looked at Qin Lang and said helplessly, saying that Geely Security Company is only a participant in this matter, and it has nothing to do with Lanrun Company, and the person Qin Lang is looking for is not himself.

"I know you are not the real owner. I came here this time to find the mastermind behind you. Now tell me who the buyer is, and I can consider spare your life."

When Qin Lang heard the words of "Eagle", his eyes flickered.

"I'm sorry, this is the company's rule, and it is also the foundation of Geely Security Company. The secrets about the buyer cannot be leaked."

Eagle heard the words and shook his head. "However, I can tell you one thing. This buyer's background is very strong, even stronger than our Geely Security Company. Your Lanrun Company can't afford to provoke that person at all."

"Is it?"

Qin Lang gave him a cold look, and said: "This guy has bullied him to the door, and he still makes Lan Run Company a coward? It's really ridiculous!"

But "Eagle" didn't speak after hearing it, but his inner thoughts have undoubtedly told Qin Lang that this buyer is indeed something Qin Lang can't afford, and Lan Run Company must be sure to suffer this time.

"Okay! Since you defend the buyer behind you so much and refuse to reveal the identity of the buyer, then I have no choice but to force you to reveal it!"

After Qin Lang said this sentence, he suddenly turned his head and shouted sharply: "You're looking for death!"

It turned out that the female secretary of the company sneakily took out her mobile phone just now, and was going to dial the number to call the security personnel outside.

With a wave of Qin Lang's hand, a gust of wind passed by, and the mobile phone in the female secretary's hand was blown away, and at the same time, he slapped it, knocking the girl unconscious.

And when Qin Lang made a move, the bald leader code-named "Eagle" also made a move. Suddenly, his body swelled up, his muscles became stronger and stronger, and he rushed towards Qin Lang.

"Transformation of people!"

Qin Lang narrowed his eyes and said in surprise.

It turns out that this Geely security company also has reinvented people, but think about it, the reincarnated technology is just some incomplete version of the European and American mutant plans. People are also normal.

This little boss code-named "Eagle" is a body-strengthened version of the cyborg. It has the ability to transform into a Hulk, and its strength and defense are good. It should be a cyborg close to level six.

Qin Lang, a reformer of this kind of power defense department, has also met in the Nanyang Laboratory before, and he has encountered many, so he is very experienced in dealing with this kind of reformer, and directly took a few shots. , ready to ban this guy's power.

A dazzling white light appeared. This was Qin Lang's banning formation. Now that Qin Lang has reached the level of an advanced formation apprentice, some simple bans can be performed without the help of foreign objects. As soon as the white light appears, it will disperse and become many The stars are small, covering the "Eagle" around.

Immediately, Ying felt as if his surroundings were trapped in a quagmire, but the surroundings were clearly surrounded by air, and he could not see any obstacles, but his movements were extremely slow.

Surprised, "Eagle" is also struggling to attack Qin Lang, but now his speed is several times slower than before, this speed is full of flaws in Qin Lang's eyes.

The five-element array flag was thrown casually, and another forbidden array appeared to isolate the outside world and prevent the aftermath of the battle from being heard by other people in the entire building.

As soon as the Five Elements Forbidden Formation appeared, Qin Lang could finally deal with the guy in front of him with peace of mind. It was easy for Qin Lang to kill the reformed person who was close to the sixth level, but it still took a lot of effort to take down this person and take down a living person. a little means.

Therefore, Qin Lang's arrangement just now was not in vain at all. At this time, it didn't take much effort to subdue this power-defensive modified man who was close to level six.

After "Eagle" was subdued, he was very surprised at Qin Lang's ability, and said something after a while: "Unexpectedly, the boss of Lanrun Company is not an ordinary person, but also a powerful person. Your abilities are very weird, and you look better than us. The company's most powerful transformation person is even more powerful, it should be a mutant warrior, right?"

"No, you guessed wrong, I'm not a mutant warrior."

Qin Lang shook his head.

"Oh, if you're not a mutant warrior, then you must be a member of those hidden ancient martial arts families in China, an ancient martial artist."

"Eagle" continued to speculate, but he didn't expect this guy to have a certain understanding of Huaxia's hidden ancient martial arts family.

"Hehe, you guessed wrong..."

Qin Lang smiled and said that he is not an ancient warrior either. In fact, he is just a warrior who is almost in the late stage of Wu Zun, not an ancient warrior.

"Then you are..."

"Eagle" was also stunned, completely unable to imagine that Qin Lang would deny his two guesses.

"Hehe, I'm not going to tell you."

Qin Lang tapped the guy's sleepy point, making him faint.

Although he is not Wu Zun, he is a higher-level cultivator. Practitioners have been extinct in China for thousands of years, so it is normal that "Eagle" cannot guess Qin Lang's identity.

In fact, if Qin Lang didn't take the initiative to speak out, I'm afraid no one in this world would be able to guess his identity as a cultivator.

After clicking the "Eagle" on the sleeping point to make him pass out, Qin Lang began to extract the memory of this guy. The physical fitness of the reformed person who is close to the sixth level has far surpassed that of ordinary people, and they are equivalent to the warriors in the late stage of Wu Zun, so Qin Lang used It is not easy to forcibly extract memory with the technique of searching for gods.

After all, the art of searching for gods is just a low-level technique in the cultivation world. It is usually effective against ordinary people, or against some Qi-level cultivators, but it has no effect against high-level cultivators. It is a comparison. A tasteless practice of comprehension.

Fortunately, the human primordial spirit and spiritual consciousness on the earth are generally not strong. Even the reformed human "Eagle" who is close to level six in front of him is only ten or twenty times stronger than ordinary people. Can be extracted to deal with the memory.

During the coma, "Eagle" was also struggling against Qin Lang's God-searching technique, but the effect was very weak. If he was awake, the resistance effect might be much stronger, but now he really can't break free Qin Lang's control.

Under Qin Lang's control, the memory of "Eagle" was searched bit by bit. Qin Lang had a choice to block out the unnecessary information. Otherwise, the memory of this person who was close to level [-] reformed suddenly exploded. , might explode his brain.

Qin Lang got a lot of useful information from the memory of "Eagle", including some situations of Geely Security Company, and the source of Geely Security Company's transformation of people, and the most critical point, the one who secretly bought Geely Security Company to deal with The identity of the mysterious buyer of Lanrun's Singapore branch actually came from Retzman.

" this Reizman again?"

After Qin Lang got the news, his eyes flickered for a while, and he is now thinking.

The matter about Geely Security Company can be put aside for the time being. Geely Security Company’s taking over this task this time is only the personal work of the little leader "Eagle". The whole company is not deeply involved in this matter, so Qin Lang only needs to deal with "Eagle". "That's fine.

Qin Lang knew that it would be a very troublesome thing to carry it with Geely Security Company. This Geely Security Company has a deep background in Singapore, and the laboratory that secretly trains security personnel for Geely Security Company is better than the life experiment in Nanyang. Room specifications are higher.

I heard that the laboratory obtained at least half of the core information about the Mutant Warrior Project in Europe and the United States, so the morphed humans it researched were all of high level, basically level [-] or [-] morphed humans. In contrast, the laboratory in Nanyang Like a laboratory from the country.

Therefore, after Qin Lang dealt with the matter about the "Eagle", he was going to withdraw from Geely Security Company and go directly to trouble with Reizman Company. All obstacles encountered by the Singapore branch, Qin Lang probably had to do with that Reizman's second ancestor "Noguli" is inseparable.

After all, the second generation ancestor wanted to acquire Lanrun Company but failed. Instead, he was ridiculed by Qin Lang for a while, so he must have held grudges, so he thought of ways to trip up Lanrun Company and suppress Lanrun Company. In order to prevent the development of Lanrun Company, they finally had to accept the acquisition from Reizman.

"It's really a good idea! But buying a security company to deal with Lanrun's Singapore branch, the process is so tortuous, and the price spent secretly is not small, but the end result is nothing. I have to say that this second generation ancestor is a pig." Brain, don't even think about it. Is Lanrun Company just made of batter? Can you let Reizman knead it?"

Qin Lang was rarely angry, his face was cold, and he had a strong sense of disgust for the so-called Reizman Group with mysterious origins!
(End of this chapter)

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