Chapter 1236
Qin Lang's method of comprehension is really invincible against people on the earth. Not to mention that the scarred face in front of him is just an ordinary person, even those reformed people with special physiques can't resist, and they are directly searched by Qin Lang and turned into idiots the result of.

In the process of searching for gods, a large amount of memories poured into Qin Lang's sea of ​​knowledge like fragments, and Qin Lang is also very experienced in this, so he directly skipped those irrelevant memories.

His focus is to find out who this guy has contacted recently, what he has done, and so on.

There is no way, Qin Lang naturally does not want to use this technique of searching for gods on everyone, because this method has a great impact on people's spiritual consciousness and spiritual intelligence, he will not use it unless he is a wicked person.

And the guy subdued by him is obviously not a good person, and he doesn't need to bear any psychological torture because of the skill of searching for gods.

After some operations, Qin Lang got important information.

This guy is actually a member of a security company in the city of Singapore, and he is just an ordinary employee. That is to say, it is another leader of this security company who gave the order to Ma Scarface. Qin Lang wants to get more information , it seems that I have to go to this security company.

"The black hand behind the scenes is quite mysterious. He actually hired a security company as an agent. I don't know who it is. He is really impeccable!"

"It's really hard for others to find out the truth of this matter, but it's a pity that you are unlucky! You have offended Lanrun Company and me, Qin Lang. Others can't find out who you are, but I, Qin Lang, are different. There must be a way to find you bastards!"

Qin Lang let go, and the scar-faced man in front of him suddenly fell to the ground limply. After searching for God, this guy's sanity was in a mess, and now he almost turned into a vegetable.

This kind of result is also what he deserves. If he wants to make a black hand on Lanrun Company, he has to bear the price of revenge. No matter who it is, whether it is the main criminal or an accomplice, Qin Lang will not let it go.

After slumping to the ground, Scar's face was still shaking, like a sheep epilepsy, which was a side effect after searching for God, and his mouth was also bubbling, exactly like a person after a seizure of patients.

It's a pity that after searching for God, the big facial nerve was damaged, turning this guy into an idiot. I'm afraid that even with the most high-tech medical equipment in the world, the top brain doctor can't diagnose the cause of this guy.

In other words, this kind of destructive trauma to the brain is still untreatable with the medical level of today's society.

So this life of this scarred face is considered ruined, and he will spend the rest of his life lying in a hospital bed, probably needing liquid food to eat.

After getting the memory of Scarface, Qin Lang went out of this room directly, closed the door again, and left here.

Qin Lang didn't care about the reaction of the service staff in the hotel after they discovered the abnormality of Scarface. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, and now whether Scarface is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

Geely Security Company is a very influential local security company in the south of Singapore City, so after this security company put pressure on the retailers in Singapore City, those retailers will be so obedient and cooperate with Lanrun Company Cosmetic products entering the Singapore market will be boycotted and controlled.

Of course, Geely Security Company is also implementing the strategy of one carrot and one big stick. While putting pressure on the retailers, maybe after the promise is fulfilled, each retailer will have some financial compensation, although the amount is not very large, but At least there is still some sweetness.

Originally, retailers in Singapore City didn’t care about whether to boycott or manufacture Lan Run Company’s products, so this product is entering the Singapore City market for the first time, and there is no real guest room foundation, so it’s not easy for retailers not to accept this product Nothing to lose.

Now it is good to sell Geely Security Company, and to boycott and control the cosmetic products produced by Lanrun Cosmetics Company’s Xinjiacheng branch. Retailers can get benefits and please Jihao Security Company. Why not do it? Woolen cloth.

Therefore, even though Jiang Xinzhong, the company's safety and production director, has come here these days, he has nothing to do with retailers, and it's not without reason.

This matter must be resolved completely by Qin Lang. No, Qin Lang has already made key progress as soon as he made a move.

After leaving this five-star hotel, Qin Lang directly called a taxi and rushed to the headquarters of Geely Security Company. He now wants to find the leader of the company who sent the mission to Scarface, and find out who is behind the scenes. who is it.

The vehicle drove for more than two hours before Qin Lang came to the headquarters of Geely Security Company. Although Geely Security Company is a local security company, it is second to none in Singapore, so this security company directly bought a piece of land in the suburbs of Singapore. A building with more than 30 floors was built on the land, the lower 20 floors are used to rent out to merchants and some individual studios, and the upper ten floors are the real headquarters of the security company.

The land in Singapore is very expensive, even the land in the suburbs is more expensive than the inner city. This building is much more valuable than the Lanrun Daxia in Haishi. It can be seen that this Geely security company is living a happy life.

However, it is estimated that some people will be unlucky if they offend Qin Lang.

Now Qin Lang has entered this building and went straight up to the 25th floor. From the memory of the scarface, Qin Lang knew that the office of the boss who contacted the scarface was located on this floor.

The elevator door opened, and Qin Lang entered the sphere of influence of Geely Security Company. Geely Security Company has more than 2000 employees. The leader who contacted Scarface is actually a middle-level employee of the company, and the company's security level is not very high.

I heard that Geely Security Company has been based in Singapore for many years, and its energy is not small. The company's office buildings are divided into two security levels, one is high and the other is low.

And this little boss is not on the top three floors that are heavily guarded.Instead, working on a floor with an ordinary security level can be regarded as saving Qin Lang a lot of trouble.

Just like the previous Nanyang mercenary organization, in this Geely security company, there are also many masters with real skills, not weaker than those Nanyang reformers.

To be honest, if Geely does not have two brushes, how can it deter the black and white in Singapore and make such a fuss locally.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Qin Lang found a row of security personnel patrolling in front. The internal security measures of this Geely security company are really good. The ordinary security level is only this high. If it is the top three floors, it is estimated that it will be even higher. Trouble, Qin Lang took an invisibility talisman for himself at this time.

After stealth, the dozen or so security personnel in front of him failed to find Qin Lang, which made Qin Lang feel relieved and continued to sneak forward.

The effect of the invisibility talisman lasts about ten minutes, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry at the moment, it should be easy to find the office where the little boss is.

Sneak, sneak, bypass security, keep going.

Qin Lang finally came to the target in memory, and then quietly opened the door of this room with a thin wire. He was so careful not to disturb the security outside the room.

Otherwise, it would be fine to knock on the door directly like outside a five-star hotel room, but if you knock on the door directly, you will risk being discovered by patrolling security, which is obviously not worth the candle.

Qin Lang's lockpicking technology is not bad. Maybe when Geely Security Company designed this building, they didn't expect that someone outside would sneak into the headquarters of the company building and carry out some spying activities, so the design of the door pins in these rooms is relatively simple.

With a "click", the door finally opened.

"Who is it?" Someone inside raised his head and asked.

But Qin Lang, who was invisible, had already broken into this office, and closed the door of the office casually.

In the office, apart from Qin Lang's target, there was actually a disheveled woman, perhaps the female secretary of the master room.

And Qin Lang's target, the little boss of the Geely Security Company, is also disheveled. It seems that Qin Lang's intrusion has scratched the good things of the two of them. Just now, the two of them were about to do something, but because the locked door of the room suddenly opened And interrupted.

At this time, the little leader started to walk towards the door, opened the door and looked around, but found nothing.Then, the guy locked the door of the office again.

Turning around, the bald man said, "Honey, let's continue."

"Sorry, you can't continue!" A cold voice came from behind.

"Who?" The bald head suddenly turned around, but he didn't find anything, and he was very puzzled.

He didn't expect that there are people who can be invisible in this world. This kind of very rare example also made the bald head leader ignore the existence of Qin Lang all the time, and then he didn't realize that something was wrong until there was another voice in the room.

"Hehe, I'm right behind you!" A burst of laughter came from behind the bald little boss, at this time Qin Lang had already revealed his figure.

And when a stranger suddenly appeared in the room, anyone would be startled. Fortunately, this bald and small-headed leader was also very nervous, so he didn't get scared to the ground.

At this time, the female secretary of the security company lowered her head as if she had made a mistake, and put her hands on her face. A stranger appeared in the room, which made her feel shy about what she had just done.

However, it is obvious that she wants to be a whore and set up a memorial archway. Even a blind person can see all the filth of this female secretary just now. It's really strange that she still feels ashamed.

The bald boss was also stunned when he found Qin Lang. Although the company has more than 2000 people, he basically has a clear impression of everyone. In his memory, Qin Lang is a new face.

"Who are you? Are you a new employee of the company? Why haven't I seen you before?" The bald man looked puzzled at Qin Lang who suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hehe, I'm not an employee of a rubbish company like yours. I'm here just for you."

Qin Lang continued: "I don't know what is good or bad, dare to take on any task, is this the purpose of your Geely company?"

(End of this chapter)

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