The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1235 Product sales are not smooth

Chapter 1235 Product sales are not smooth

After Qin Lang took over the investigation, he focused on dealing with this matter, investigating the behind-the-scenes man who prevented Lan Run's cosmetics products from entering the Singapore market.

For several days in a row, Qin Lang was running around the market. As Jiang Xinzhong, the director of the company's production department, said, these retailers in the market have always kept tight-lipped about this matter.

In fact, it is not impossible for Qin Lang to quickly know the thoughts of these retailers. If he uses the technique of searching for gods, these ordinary people will have no way to resist. He can directly extract the memory and get the news he wants.

But it is against the harmony of heaven to use the technique of searching for gods against these ordinary people, so Qin Lang is not prepared to do so, unless these retailers are really not good people, then Qin Lang does not have to be condemned by conscience for doing this.

The fact has been stalemate for a few days. Although the investigation has not made any progress in the past few days, Qin Lang is not in a hurry. He believes that as long as he has the heart, he will be able to find some clues.

These days he is investigating and lurking at the same time.

They even used the fire ant queen to re-produce more than fifty strange fire ants as a tool for spying on intelligence, and placed one near each retailer's living and working place as a monitoring tool.

With such 24-hour uninterrupted surveillance, Qin Lang's investigation has finally made some progress.

The head of the chamber of commerce of the group of retailers under surveillance met with a mysterious person that day, and had a long conversation, in which he vaguely mentioned Qin Lang's Lanrun Company.

Although the fire ants in charge of surveillance could not fly over to listen, for fear of being discovered by these two people, Qin Lang was still heartbroken, and his investigation now had a clue.

Then, when the mysterious figure left, Qin Lang's fire ants followed quietly.

This mysterious figure is a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses with an Asian face, but he doesn't seem to be a native of Singapore. Qin Lang's fire ant followed this guy into a five-star hotel recently.

This mysterious person collapsed in the hotel room No. 3302, which is the second luxury suite on the 33rd floor.

This kind of luxurious suite is not cheap. Although it is not as good as the presidential suite for 3000 to [-] a night, it still costs more than [-] a night, which is affordable for extremely wealthy people.

This mysterious person seems to have lived in this hotel for several days. Under Qin Lang's surveillance, he found that the hotel service staff were already familiar with this person. When this guy passed by, they all greeted him and said, "Mr. Liu is good." !"

And this middle-aged man wearing sunglasses kept a straight face all the way, and didn't pay much attention to these waiters. He took the elevator directly to the 33rd floor, and then returned to his guest room.

After returning to the guest room, this guy closed the door of the guest room casually. With the weak spiritual sensing ability of the fire ant, he could only sense that this guy turned on an electronic device in the guest room, as if he had been busy with that electronic device.

"That electronic device, based on the analysis of the fire ant's spiritual sense, should be a finger computer! In other words, this guy is using the computer in the guest room to communicate with the people behind the scenes, or to report on the suppression of the blue sky in Singapore. The progress of this matter in the branch of Run Company."

"It's really disgusting! I really want to know who this guy is contacting. However, now that the main body already knows the address of this mysterious person and is on the way quickly, I believe that we will be able to find the man behind the scenes soon. .”

The fire ant pondered over these things with a trace of Qin Lang's weak spiritual consciousness, and at the same time continued to stare at this guy's movements, waiting for Qin Lang's arrival.


After Qin Lang received the message from the fire ants, he immediately rushed to the target. The transportation in Singapore is very convenient, but there are many vehicles on the road and the traffic jam is serious, so it took Qin Lang at least an hour or two to get there. Rush to this five-star hotel.

After entering the hotel, the head waiter came over quickly and asked, "Sir, what help do you need?"

The foreman speaks English. Singapore's mother tongue is English. It used to be a colony, so almost everyone speaks English fluently.

Fortunately, Qin Lang's English was so-so, and he quickly replied, "I'm looking for someone."

"Excuse me, who are you looking for, sir?" asked the foreman.

"Well, it's the guest in your room 3302, can I go up?" Qin Lang asked.


After asking clearly, no one in the foreman suspected anything. In fact, such a big hotel has a lot of guests who need to go in every day, so some things are just ordered.

Qin Lang directly took the hotel elevator and went straight to No. 3302. The elevator of this hotel is exterior-style. When ascending from the elevator, you can see the street and night scene outside. It is night now, and the night scene is beautiful, with shadows of neon lights everywhere.

When he arrived at No. 3302, the elevator door opened, and Qin Lang appeared in the aisle of the guest room department. The aisle was covered with bright red carpets, and it was very clean. It could be seen that the hotel staff took care of it diligently.

There is no one on the aisle now. Then, in a five-star hotel like this, there will be at least one or two waiters waiting on each floor, waiting for the orders of the guests. Maybe there is something wrong with going to the toilet now, so Qin Lang didn’t even look at it. There are people in the corridor.

This is also a good thing, it facilitates Qin Lang's next break-in plan.

He went straight to room 3302, then fiddled with the door of the guest room, and at the same time said in a crisp falsetto: "Is the guest inside, please open the door!"

"What's the matter?" A deep voice came from the room, it was the mysterious man.

"I'm Xiao Wu, the cleaner who cleans the room. Please open the door. I need to do routine cleaning of the toilet inside the room."

“Toilets are clean and don't need to be cleaned.”

The mysterious man inside said impatiently.

It wasn't that he was suspicious of people outside. In fact, he was very relieved when he stayed in this hotel. He was not afraid of someone doing side tricks like fairy dance, but the bathroom here was really clean, so there was no need for service staff to clean it.

"The hotel toilets are actually very dirty. We need to do a routine cleaning every two or three days. It is also for the sake of the guests, so please cooperate with my work."

Qin Lang continued to answer in a false voice.

"Well, what a hassle."

The voice said helplessly, then walked towards the door of the room and opened the door of the guest room.

And Qin Lang, who was waiting outside the room, had already gained momentum, and at the same time as the door lock clicked, he had already squeezed into the room, and at the same time subdued the stunned mysterious figure three or two times.

At this time, Qin Lang raised his foot, closed the door of the room again, then lowered his head, looking at the middle-aged man who had taken off his sunglasses with a half-smile.

This middle-aged man has a horse face, and there is a deep scar on the left cheek. He looks like he is full of evil spirits.

"You... what are you doing? How did you break into my room."

Although the middle-aged man was subdued by Qin Lang, he was still able to speak. When he realized it, he found that he could not move.

At this time, Qin Lang has already tapped the numb points on his body, so now his whole body is numb and crisp.

"What am I doing... Hehe, I want to ask you first, what are you doing now?"

Qin Lang still looked at the person who made trouble for Lanrun Branch with a half-smile.

"What am I doing, I'm not doing anything! Brother, I have something to say, if you want money, I have ten or twenty thousand on me, and I can give it to you."

The middle-aged man realized that he couldn't struggle, so he took a more relaxed tone and asked for advice.

As long as the other party is looking for money, then there is something to discuss. Even if he doesn't have enough cash, he can deal with people who are greedy for money. I'm afraid he won't understand the purpose of this young man's visit.

He was afraid that Qin Lang came here to kill him. After all, he had realized that his own abilities were far inferior to the opponent's. If the opponent's intention was to kill him, then he would have no power to resist.

But whatever he was afraid of, he soon heard the answer he was least willing to hear.

"Sorry, I'm not here for the money."

Qin Lang shook his head, looked at the open laptop in the room, and said, "I believe you should be very clear about why I came here."

"You... are you invited by Lan Run Company?"

The middle-aged man with a scar face immediately realized that he was being followed all the way just now.

"Yes, I am the boss of Lanrun Company."

Qin Lang chuckled and said: "My company has established a branch in Singapore City, and the products are all ready, but in the market, they encountered a joint boycott by retailers, which made me feel very puzzled, could it be the company's Is the product not working?"

"But our company's products are the leading sellers in the country, and the guest rooms are all good. How come this situation keeps happening in Singapore? I'm also puzzled!"

"After investigation, I found out that someone secretly contacted all the retailers, promised huge profits, and linked the retailers together to boycott and boycott our company's products. The branch has never been able to investigate this mysterious figure, and this time I was so lucky to finally meet you."

"It turns out that you are the mysterious person who secretly contacted the retailer in Singapore City. Now let me take a good look at why you did this, and who is behind you who is pushing this matter... Who is right? What is our dissatisfaction with Lanrun Company, it is so deliberate to suppress our Lanrun Company and our Singapore branch."

After Qin Lang finished speaking, he snorted heavily, walked directly to the laptop with the collar of the middle-aged man, and checked the call records on the laptop.

This guy opened MSN, the popular communication tool of Huaxia Network is QQ, but the most stable and popular communication tool at home and abroad is MSN.

On this guy's MSN, Qin Lang looked at a recent chat record, which showed that the middle-aged man with a scarred face had been keeping in touch with a guy named Eagle recently, reporting the new news of the low-cost Lanrun Company, a retailer in Singapore. The dynamics of products entering the market at any time.

"Damn it, it's really abominable, what exactly is my Lanrun company doing to you?"

After reading the chat records, Qin Lang shook his head, and then decided to directly enter the scar-faced middle-aged man into the art of searching for gods.

Only by performing the technique of searching for gods, can Qin Lang understand in more detail who or what kind of organization is behind the scenes dealing with Lanrun Company's Xinjiacheng branch.

So, Qin Lang put his hand on the middle-aged man's head, and directly performed the extremely cruel technique of searching for gods.The middle-aged man also showed a particularly painful expression during the process of searching for gods. Although he is physically strong, he is actually just an ordinary person, so how can he deal with Qin Lang's cultivation method.

(End of this chapter)

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