The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1252 Five-Party Alliance Talks

Chapter 1252 Five-Party Alliance Talks
After killing Noguli, Qin Lang flew directly towards the port, and while flying back, he called Li Shan and asked him to meet him near the port.

The reason for letting Li Shan come to meet him is also because it is daytime, and it would be too stupid to drive the flying magic weapon back. It will cause too many unnecessary troubles in full view.

Qin Lang doesn't want to be the headline of tomorrow's news, exposing his cultivation ability to the world.

When it was about 30 miles away from the port, Qin Lang finally saw Li Shan driving the yacht, so Qin Lang joined him and arrived at the port on the yacht.

Li Shan's yacht is very large, and the cost is estimated to be at least 200 million US dollars. Not to mention, the feeling of riding the wind and waves on this kind of yacht is really cool.

Then, he asked Li Shan to drive himself to the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory" in his family's car.Now after a battle on the high seas gambling boat, Qin Lang got a mutant sample again, and the mutant data collection that was not completed before can continue.

This time on the high seas, Qin Lang's biggest gain is not money, nor is it hunting a few sharks, but the mutant sample in his hand.

With this mutant sample, the laboratory's next research on transforming warriors can continue, which is very gratifying.

Research on mutants has always been a secret in laboratories in countries like Europe and the United States. Now that we have this mutant sample in our hands, whether it is "Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory" or just joined Wufang Smart Whether it is Duan Zhifei or not, he will be very happy. The existence of this genetic warrior sample can save them a lot of detours in the next research.

As far as Qin Lang is concerned, he doesn't care whether the laboratory he has set up can develop equally powerful mutant fighters in the future. After all, even if he has mastered the technology, he doesn't want to catch living people as test products, which is too inhumane.

The purpose of his wanting to study the samples is to know how the series of superpowers of mutant fighters come from and how they are used, so that they can be more handy when dealing with mutant fighters in the future.

On the outskirts of Yunhai City, Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory.

After the last mutant hacking incident, the security force of the laboratory has been strengthened again, whether it is the security force on the surface or the local area network defense capability of the server, it has been greatly strengthened.

For the sake of preventing hacker attacks, the three families of the Four-Party Alliance spent a lot of money this time, poaching three or four domestic and foreign experts who are very accomplished in server firewall architecture, and at the same time recruiting talents everywhere to form an experiment Office LAN security defense team.

After a lot of efforts in the laboratory's local network security defense, the firewall defense capability of the entire laboratory has reached the highest level, which can deal with all existing hacker and Trojan horse attacks.

And because of the presence of these expert technicians, even if hackers create new Trojan horses and viruses to attack the defense wall of the laboratory server, the network security defense team can also make timely and effective countermeasures to quickly resolve some existing security risks.

That is to say, if the mutant hacker attacked the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology Laboratory" again, it might not be so easy to achieve the effect of the previous attack.

For the establishment of the lab's local area network security team, the three families of the Li family, Nalan's family, and the Lei family paid at least [-] million Huaxia coins. However, with the improvement of the laboratory's local area network firewall, the three families All the sacrifices made are worth it.

When Qin Lang brought the mutant sample to the laboratory again, the researchers in the entire laboratory cheered. With this new mutant genetic warrior sample, the next research can continue.

The accident similar to the hacking incident last time should not happen again. Now the researchers can finally collect data with confidence. All this is really thanks to the support of Mr. Qin Lang.


Not long after Qin Lang handed over the mutant samples to the lab, his cell phone rang, and it was actually Li Lengfeng who called: "Brother Qin Lang, where are you now?"

"It's in your laboratory." Qin Lang replied.

"That's just right, our three Patriarchs are all going to the laboratory..." Said over there.

"Mr. Duan Zhifei has arrived from Singapore in the morning. We have talked with Mr. Duan for a while, and now we are going to bring him to the laboratory to have a look!"

"Oh, Duan Zhifei has come, okay, okay, I'm waiting for you in the laboratory."

Qin Lang hung up the phone at this time. Unexpectedly, Duan Zhifei came from Singapore a few days after receiving his voice message. It seems that this guy is also very concerned about the alliance.

Now Qin Lang, the three Patriarchs and Duan Zhifei from Singapore, if they gather in the laboratory, all the main leaders of the five-party alliance will be gathered. This kind of scene is really rare.

About two hours later, more than a dozen luxury convoys appeared in the parking lot outside the laboratory, and the security personnel stepped forward to open the car door. It was Li Lengfeng, Nalan's old owner, Lei Boss, and Duan Zhifei who had rushed over from Singapore. people.

"Brother Duan, you are finally here!"

Qin Lang laughed and greeted him.

When they met again, Qin Lang and Duan Zhifei hugged each other.

Then, the laboratory vacated a large office for everyone as a conference room, but Duan Zhifei was not in a hurry to hold a meeting after coming to the laboratory, but followed everyone to visit the layout of the entire laboratory.

Duan Zhifei is a professional-level researcher, and he quickly saw some areas where the laboratory needs to be improved, and the researchers on the laboratory side also humbly asked for help, keeping these important pointers in their hearts.

When Duan Zhifei heard that Qin Lang brought a mutant sample again, he was immediately curious and asked the laboratory to take him to have a look.

Afterwards, seeing the mutant samples in this laboratory, the eyes of this expert-level researcher suddenly lit up. He actually asked the laboratory to prepare to personally dissect this mutant genetic warrior.

"This big brother forgot everything as soon as he got on the test bench..."

Qin Lang shook his head when he saw this, Duan Zhifei probably forgot that there is still an important meeting to be held!
Seeing this, Li Lengfeng, Nalan's old family and Boss Lei could only smile wryly at each other, and decided to wait for a while to see how Duan Zhifei rolled up his sleeves and went to battle in person, if he couldn't get something valuable from the experimental sample I'm afraid I won't give up.

The anatomy of the experimental body was officially underway. This time, Duan Zhixi, a Ph.D. in physics and biomedicine who came to Singapore, was the chief surgeon. This is a talented researcher who returned from studying in England. I believe it will be very helpful for the research progress of the laboratory.

This experiment went on for a full six hours. Duan Zhifei's red eyes were covered with blood, but his whole face was full of excitement. Needless to say, the acquisition must be huge.

"The collation and collection of mutant data has been basically completed. In addition, some important genetic parameters have been found in this mutant, which can be used as a reference to improve the progress of research on mutants!"

Duan Zhifei said very excitedly: "This time the research has gained a lot, it seems that I have to stay in this laboratory for a few more days!"

Qin Lang could tell that this newly-acquainted elder brother was also a research madman, and his dedication and madness in academic research was indeed worthy of admiration.

However, he still had to remind: "Brother Duan, you've been busy all day... You see, we still have an important meeting that needs to be held, and it may be too late when this meeting is over. Take a break, and continue the research tomorrow, anyway, the samples of the laboratory researchers will not fly away."

"Oh, ok, ok, meeting."

Only then did Duan Zhifei come to his senses. It seemed that the heads of the three Huaxia Guwu families who were next to him had waited for him for six hours. It was not a good manner to leave their heads aside like this today.

Therefore, Duan Zhifei hurriedly bowed his head and confessed to the three Patriarchs: "I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for so long! As a researcher, Duan was so devoted to Liexin before, don't be surprised."

"It's okay, Mr. Duan is also true."

The several Patriarchs also laughed and seemed very tolerant.

After this day's experience, for Duan Zhifei, a new member of the five-party alliance, everyone has now accepted from the bottom of their hearts that he is a member of the alliance.

This is also a good thing. From then on, the five-party alliance is a family of each other, and it is an iron bucket in every respect.

Sure enough, the new meeting also showed a healthy development situation.

At this meeting, Duan Zhifei cooperated with the three Huaxia families and Qin Lang's Lanrun Company in various aspects, and Duan Zhifei also decided to serve as the technical guidance of the "Sanhe Life Technology" laboratory established by the three families.

In the future, the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" laboratory and Duan Zhifei's humanoid laboratory in Singapore will achieve data exchange, and any experimental progress can be shared. In this way, both parties can save a lot of resource consumption.

Speaking of it, the "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" laboratory is more advantageous. Duan Zhifei has established a humanoid transformation laboratory in Singapore for some years, and the technology is relatively comprehensive, while Huaxia's "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" is a newborn baby. , the two are completely incomparable.

However, considering that "Sanhe Life Science and Technology" has the appearance of a mutant genetic warrior, which can promote further research on human transformation, Duan Zhifei's laboratory is not at a disadvantage.

Because of the appearance of mutant genetic warriors, the next research direction will definitely be a new height. This height is an attempt that neither laboratory has tried before. At that time, the two laboratories will also stand on the same starting line. .

The laboratory meeting of the Five-Party Alliance lasted for three hours and talked about all aspects, basically nothing was missed. Everyone is very satisfied with the results of this negotiation.

After the meeting, Duan Zhifei, who had been excited all day, was still in high spirits, but considering that he was just an ordinary person, neither a warrior nor a reformer, everyone advised him not to overdraw his body, it is best to sleep well now, Raise your energy, and do the research on mutant samples tomorrow.

In fact, Duan Zhifei is also a researcher with strong self-control ability, knowing that a good body is very important to him, so he nodded without further objection, and went directly to the lounge arranged for him by the laboratory to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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