The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1253 Mom urges marriage

Chapter 1253 Mom urges marriage (add more for Scorpio fyx!!!!)

After Duan Zhifei left, the meeting continued.

Qin Lang discussed with the three patriarchs of the five-party alliance for a while about the future development direction of the alliance. The result of the discussion is that the five-party alliance may develop in the field of biopharmaceuticals in the future.

After all, the five-party alliance has funds and research talents like Duan Zhifei, and biopharmaceuticals are an absolute profiteering industry, which is very suitable for accumulating wealth.

It is approaching the end of the year, and the three owners also said that they have recently been counting the business income and profit of the family business for this year. According to the previous agreement, at the end of the year, Qin Lang's bonus income for this year will be transferred to Lanrun Company's account superior.

In the early morning of the next day, Duan Zhifei, who had recovered his energy, once again devoted himself to the research of the mutant genetic warrior samples in the laboratory.

This genetic warrior sample played a key role in the breakthrough of human transformation research technology, so whether it is Duan Zhifei or the researchers in the laboratory, everyone attaches great importance to it.

The research on genetic samples is in full swing, and Qin Lang has already left the laboratory and returned to the headquarters of Lanrun Company to start work.

While going to work, he studied some array knowledge with Liu Zhenzhen, and entered the small world of the two in his spare time, and the relationship was so good.

However, neither of the two sides has broken through the last step. Qin Lang is planning to get married in a prosperous and prosperous way before doing business, and Liu Zhenzhen is also planning to dedicate his first and first nights to the moment in the bridal chamber. This is a lady from a family. ordinary thinking.

Speaking of it, Liu Zhenzhen is indeed a very good woman. She follows Qin Lang, and doesn't even mind that Qin Lang associates with other women, and doesn't care whether she will be Qin Lang's main room or side room in the future. Such a woman is very caring and can get She is also a blessing that Qin Lang cultivated in his previous life.

In the vast sea of ​​people, I only love you. This is Liu Zhenzhen's true love. Once you give, you will never regret it.

It was rare that Qin Lang had some free time and lived a comfortable life as an office worker.And the company's business seems to be developing well recently, no matter whether it is Lan Run's headquarters or the Singapore branch, no one has come to make trouble.

As for the Reizman Group, since Noguli mysteriously disappeared on the high seas, there has been no movement in the Asian branch, and the position of the general manager of the Asian branch has always been vacant.

Qin Lang has been sending people to pay attention to the situation of the Asian branch of Reizman. He knows that he has killed the son of Renault, the president of the Reizman Group. As a father, he will not remain indifferent when he knows that his son was killed.

At present, it must be only a moment of tranquility before the storm, and the next moment, I don't know what kind of terrible blow to meet myself and Lanrun Cosmetics Co., Ltd.

However, after the five-party alliance talks, Qin Lang now has more confidence in dealing with the crisis, so he is not afraid that Reizman will fly over from the United States to take revenge on him.

After all, this is the mainland of China, and now the whole of China has been managed by Wufang Congmeng. No matter how strong the foreign dragon is, it will not be able to overwhelm the local snake.

There is a good saying, a strong dragon crosses the border... If it is a dragon, you have to coil for me, if it is a snake, you have to lie on your stomach.


On this day, Qin Lang was writing documents in the office when his cell phone rang suddenly. When he opened the phone, he found that it was actually a call from his parents.

"Qin Lang, is work going well recently? While busy with work, pay more attention to your body. How is your partner doing? When we chatted last time, you said you had a girlfriend. Now your child is too old. Yes, your father and I are also looking forward to having a grandson."

It was the voice of Qin Lang's mother, Wang Chunxue.

Hearing his mother's words, Qin Lang was a little embarrassed: "Mother, don't be in a hurry. You didn't call this time to force a marriage, did you? I'm only 24 years old after the new year! A man stands at 30, and your son is [-] years old. You are still five or six years away from starting a family at the age of [-]!"

"Hehe, I'm just saying this casually. You may not be able to understand the mood of a mother. I guess all mothers in this world are like this. Don't mind!"

Hearing his son's complaints, Wang Chunxue also laughed.

"Son, tell mom how is the girlfriend you were talking about? Have you started discussing marriage?"

It seems that Wang Chunxue is going to break the casserole and ask the end.

She respects Qin Lang's emotional choice, and believes that Qin Lang's girlfriend will be excellent, but she can't hide her urgency.

After escaping from the Kunlun Palace, her and her husband's life was on the right track, but they found that the previous enmity with the Murong family disappeared with the killing of the Murong family by Qin Lang, and her and her husband's life suddenly became idle.

As soon as she was free, she felt that the time was very long, so she hoped that her son Qin Lang would get married quickly, and then give her a grandson, so she would like to hug him.

In fact, she knew that one of Jin Fenghuang's apprentices, the ice phoenix with a snowy temperament, was interested in her son Qin Lang, but it didn't matter whether the ice phoenix could get together with Qin Lang or not.

She hoped that Qin Lang could get along well with that girl Bingfenghuang, and it would be best to take Bingfenghuang's twin sister, Huo-fenghuang, too. After all, the Qin family is weak, and the burden of supporting the Qin family lies with her son. Qin Lang's body.

"Mom, don't be so busy urging the marriage, I will definitely bring my girlfriend to you when the time comes." Qin Lang laughed.

"Well, okay, then as soon as possible."

Wang Chunxue exhorted.

Then, Wang Chunxue went on to say: "This time I called to find you, I want to take you to your uncle's house."


Qin Lang made a doubtful voice, for so long, he didn't even know that he still had an uncle.

"It's like this. Your mother and I were also from the Guwu family, but the Wang family is just a small Guwu family. It's not as famous as your father's Qin family. In this generation of the family, your uncle and I have the best relationship , this time your uncle knew that your father and I were still alive, so he sent an invitation for our family to return to our natal family as guests."

After a pause, Wang Chunxue said: "But your father is a machismo and he doesn't want to go back to my natal home with me. He thinks it will lose my status, so I can only call you and ask you to accompany me back to my natal home. Son , you won't refuse, will you?"

"Uh, okay."

Qin Lang couldn't refuse his mother's request.

However, after agreeing to his mother's request, Qin Lang was also wondering why he didn't tell him that he had an uncle when he met his parents the first two times.

Moreover, my parents were hunted down by the Murong family and had to flee. What was my uncle's family doing back then?My parents have been trapped in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain for many years, and after being rescued by myself, they only appeared in Huaxia for a few months. My uncle knew whether it was my parents who took the initiative to inform me, or my uncle was well-informed...

With doubts in his stomach, Qin Lang left Lanrun Daxia, got into his car Audi A8 and got on the expressway to the capital. It would take about four hours to travel from the sea of ​​clouds to the capital by expressway.

While driving on the expressway, Qin Lang recalled the car racing with a bunch of little kids, couldn't help but smile, and when he passed the section where the accident happened, he suddenly stepped up the accelerator and slammed past.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang himself is also a young man, and he also has passion and impulsiveness, so sometimes he will do some unsteady things. That drag racing action should also be regarded as a thrilling highway horror. Fortunately, The little girl was rescued by herself so that there was no car accident.

It was even more of a coincidence that the little girl was Uncle Ye Xiaorui's youngest daughter, Ye Xiaohua, and they met again when he was helping Uncle Ye Xiaorui with his illness.


These are small slices of life that are fun.

Four hours later, Qin Lang came to the place where his parents lived in the capital.

After returning to Huaxia, the life of my parents is very leisurely. At this moment, my father is feeding the fish in the rockery pool, while my mother is pruning the branches and leaves of the flowers and plants.

Qin Lang found that there was an old lady in the whole small yard, it should be a cooking servant invited by Golden Phoenix to his parents last time, and this old lady was cleaning the courtyard at the moment.

"Yo! The young master is here!"

The old lady is a smart person, as soon as she saw Qin Lang open the yard door and come in, and Qin Lang's appearance was somewhat similar to Wang Chunxue, she immediately knew that the boy in front of her was the biological son of the old master and his wife.

"Hehe, this is Wang Ma."

Wang Chunxue introduced with a smile.

"Hi, Mama Wang."

Qin Lang looked very polite, and didn't look down on the other party because he was a servant.

In fact, people in this world are pretty much the same no matter their origin, no matter how high or low they are. Didn't I also come from a poor boy step by step, and now I have my current identity and status.

As for his parents, they seemed to be getting along very happily with this new mother, Wang Ma, and it seemed that Golden Phoenix was also very good at challenging servants.

"Since the young master is here, I'll cook!"

Wang Ma went to the kitchen with a smile.

"Your Mama Wang is good at cooking, and her fish cooking is even better. It's not even worse than your Aunt Jin's cooking!"

Wang Chunxue added.

"Oh, then I'm lucky!"

Qin Lang smiled, and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, Wang Ma, please slow down, don't you know how to make shark fin?"

"Shark's fin? That's so expensive, it seems that it's hard to buy even if you have money in the market."

Wang Ma stopped in her tracks: "I can do it, but I don't have the materials."

"I have it, it's in the car outside! In addition to shark fins and shark meat, it's all fresh from the sea."

Qin Lang smiled and pretended to go out to pick it up from the car, but in fact these ingredients were all in his storage bag.

In fact, I did this because I was afraid that I would not be able to explain it when I took out the ingredients. After all, Wang Ma was an outsider, and Qin Lang didn't want to use magic tricks to coax her.

Qin Lang hunted a total of five sharks in the open sea, and each of the five sharks had four shark fins, but the shark's fin was the most delicious one on the dorsal fin, and it was a premium shark fin.

Qin Lang took the fins and part of the shark meat from two sharks and entered the courtyard again, and then heard the surprised voice of his parents: "So many!"

Qin Lang really had a lot of ingredients in his hands. Eight shark fins and more than 30 catties of shark meat were enough to make a big shark feast.

"Just take two shark fins that are close to each other and make soup. The rest of the shark fins will be packaged in my opinion. This time Qin Lang and I go back to my mother's house because I don't know what gift to give, so it's the best gift to take these shark fins."

Wang Chunxue said at this time.

"Mom, I still have a lot in the car! If you want a gift, you can pick it up from the car. These shark fins are honoring you two, so you don't have to take them away."

Qin Lang said.Shark's fin is a good thing, and he also wants his parents to eat better, which is also his concern as a son.

"Oh, that's good, but Mama Wang, you don't have to do so much at one time, two or three shark fins and three or four catties of shark meat are enough!" Wang Chunxue said.


Wang Ma nodded, took the food and walked to the kitchen, and the extra ingredients were ready to be put into the refrigerator, so that they could continue to cook for the old master and his wife in the future.

Shark meat is a great tonic, this young man is really filial to his parents!When Wang Ma walked towards the kitchen, she admired this young man very much.

(End of this chapter)

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