Chapter 1254

After that, Wang Ma prepared a sumptuous shark feast. Not to mention, this ordinary-looking old lady is really a good cook, and she can handle such high-end food very well. The taste is not bad.

After eating, Qin Lang and Wang Chunxue made preparations before departure. This was Wang Chunxue's first return to her mother's house in more than 20 years, so the preparations were very grand.

When helping his mother sort out the gifts, Qin Lang also had to learn that his mother's natal family was in an inconspicuous small oasis in the Taklamakan Desert, and the entire oasis was owned by the Wang family.

In addition to the uncle's family, the mother's natal family also has Qin Lang's grandfather, but Qin Lang's grandfather is not a normal person. I heard that he was originally a martial artist in the late stage of Wuwang. He became insane because of his failure to attack the realm of the Martial God more than 30 years ago. Yes, I don't even recognize my family members.

"Late stage of King Wu?"

Hearing that his grandfather was originally a martial artist in the late stage of King Wu, Qin Lang couldn't help being speechless.

You must know that among the ancient warriors, the ancient warriors of this level in the later period of King Wu are probably the No. 1 in China. It is no wonder that the Qin family, the largest ancient martial arts family in China, married the humble Wang family.

However, although the original Wang family had the number one master in China, the family has been thin for hundreds of years, and each generation is basically a single pass, and in my mother's generation, there are only two brothers and sisters, uncle and mother.

It was precisely because of this that my mother had a very good relationship with my uncle since I was a child, but it was only a little over a year since my mother married into the Qin family. Something happened to the Qin family, and the two siblings haven't seen each other for many years.

So now Qin Lang can also understand Wang Chunxue's mood. He hasn't returned to his natal home for many years. This time, he wants to go back to his natal home to see how anxious he is.

Moved all the presents to the car, and then Qin Lang packed the rest of the shark's fins. This large pile of gifts and these shark's fins are also high-end and stylish. I believe I won't let my first-time mother face.

So, Qin Lang drove his beloved Audi A8 on the road back to his natal home. This was equivalent to a long-distance training. The journey from the capital to the Taklamakan desert oasis was not short, at least a whole week.


Taklamakan covers an area of ​​33 square kilometers and is located in the center of the Tarim Basin. It is the second largest mobile desert in the world. Large tracts of Populus euphratica forests can often be seen in the desert.

It is also the largest desert in China, with a length of about [-] kilometers from east to west and a width of about [-] kilometers from north to south. The desert is dry all year round, and the annual precipitation does not exceed [-] millimeters.

Qin Lang's car has already entered the desert, the scenery here is very good, and it is golden as far as the eye can see.The sand dunes in the desert are continuous, and affected by the wind, the sand dunes often move. The roots of a small number of drought-tolerant plants in the desert can sometimes penetrate tens of meters underground, which is dozens or even hundreds of times deeper than the aboveground part.

This is not only a kingdom of wild plants, but also a paradise for wild animals. The number of wild animals exceeds Qin Lang's imagination.

During Qin Lang's driving, he saw eagles, mice, dragonflies, butterflies and other wild animals many times, and even the footprints of wild donkeys, wild horses, wild sheep, and gazelle on the desert floor.

Even Qin Lang can occasionally see a group of wild geese flying overhead in a herringbone shape and a zigzag shape in the sky.

Before arriving at the desert oasis where his mother's natal home was, Qin Lang's Audi A8 also encountered a curious sand leopard, but after being frightened by the roar of the car, he ran away far away.

There were seven or eight sand wolves who did not know how to live or die, and Qin Lang killed the two people who wanted to attack the car alone. In the end, one of the seven or eight sand wolves entered the stomachs of Qin Lang and Wang Chunxue as dinner, and the other Several heads have been turned into accompanying gifts, adding to the background of this accompanying gift.


Desert oasis, Wang family.

He had heard that Wang Chunxue would go back to his natal family. Before Qin Lang entered the Taklamakan Desert, his mother also contacted his uncle by satellite phone, so the uncle's family was well prepared.

When Qin Lang's car approached the oasis, he saw a welcome figure from a distance, a stubble-faced Daliu and two identical children of seven or eight years old were looking over here.

Seeing Qin Lang's beloved car approaching, he shouted happily: "Hi! Sister, you are finally back!"

"Big brother!"

Wang Chunxue also opened the car door, and happily went down to hug the big man.

Wang Chunxue looked very excited.Although after escaping from the Kunlun Palace, she called her natal family to tell her husband that she and her husband had come out safely, but this time was different, this time was to meet relatives of her natal family, and she was very happy to see them.

Afterwards, they introduced each other. This big man is Wang Chunxue's brother, who is also Qin Lang's uncle Wang Tiejun.The two seven or eight-year-old children behind Wang Tiejun who look exactly the same are Wang Tiejun's children, one is Wang Qilin and the other is Wang Qinglong.

These two children were both sons of Wang Tiejun after his middle age, but before his middle age, Wang Tiejun had never laid an egg, which is really strange.

The two little guys were bouncing around, full of curiosity about the two relatives who came from afar, and it was rare to see a car in the desert, so the two kids also touched around beside Qin Lang's car .

When Wang Tiejun saw the two naughty children, he was amused for a while.

Good guy, I can see that my uncle has high hopes for these two twins, Qin Lang can't help but look at these two little cousins, they are really cute children.

After that, Qin Lang drove the car and followed his uncle into the oasis.

This small oasis is not big, about one square kilometer. The land belongs to my uncle's family, and the other households are locals who have migrated in recent years. They live by hunting, and they need to pay some prey to my uncle's family as rent every year. .

Uncle's house was built fairly well in the oasis. It was a big courtyard, all built with soil, very solid.

After entering the courtyard, Qin Lang also saw his aunt and three or four servants. However, the aunt seemed to be a little lukewarm about Wang Chunxue's arrival, not as hospitable as expected.

"Hehe, that's what she looks like, Xiao Qin, don't look outside." Uncle laughed and explained.

Seeing that he just went out to say hello, and then went back to the house with no expression, Wang Tiejun was also very embarrassed to say it.

There must be something hidden in this!Seeing this scene, Qin Lang thought in his heart.

My aunt didn't seem to welcome my mother back to her natal home. When we met just now, my aunt's expression was terribly rigid. You must know that my mother brought a lot of gifts this time, and it was considered a visit from a distinguished guest. It's strange that she had the same grim expression.


Back in the Sihetang living room, my uncle called the servants to serve tea to the guests, and then asked the servants to prepare dinner, and then chatted with Qin Lang, mother and son himself.

When I heard my sister talk about the experiences of these years, I also sighed for the hardships my sister and nephew had gone through, and felt helpless that I couldn't help at all.

But after hearing that my sister and brother-in-law are doing very well now, and that my nephew has achieved his own career in Huaxia, he is also very relieved, and said repeatedly: "It's hard work, it's hard work!"

During the chat, Qin Lang also learned that after hearing about Qin Lang's accident, his uncle also went to the original site of the Qin family to search for it, and even fought against the Murong family, the mortal enemy of the Qin family, and was seriously injured. The location of the damn place is still the lower body, and it is almost infertile because of it.

After many years of treatment, I have been unable to have a married life, and the latter two children were conceived by my aunt through test-tube babies. Otherwise, I am afraid that my uncle's family will really be unprecedented.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly realized why his aunt didn't have a good face about the arrival of himself and his mother. It turned out that the root cause was here.

It's no wonder that my husband can't do human affairs, these years are enough to turn a daughter into a resentful wife.

What's more, in the final analysis, this matter is also because of the Qin family, so it's no wonder that my aunt can show a good face to Qin Lang and the arrival of the marriage.

After knowing these things, Wang Chunxue seemed very guilty: "Brother, I'm all to blame for all this, and you have been implicated as well."

"It's okay, which one of us brothers and sisters is with whom!"

Wang Tiejun looked very proud, and he didn't regret at all because he had become a real man now.

Qin Lang was also moved by Wang Tiejun's arrogance. He could feel the strong family relationship with his mother Wang Chunxue from Wang Tiejun's words. However, from the depths of his expression, the trace of helplessness hidden in his heart, Qin Lang can also feel it.

"This uncle is a real man, responsible and worthy of respect."

Qin Lang secretly thought in his heart that the Wang family still has these unknown inside stories all these years.

After knowing this, Qin Lang suddenly had an idea, he wanted to see a doctor for his uncle, to see if he could help a little, to cure his uncle's hidden disease that he was helpless as a man.

After all, my medical skills are already comparable to the top doctors in the world, unless my uncle's hidden disease is really so badly injured, otherwise, I should still be able to cure him.

However, just when Qin Lang wanted to tell his uncle what he was thinking, his uncle had already got up, and now he wanted to take his mother and himself to see grandpa.

"Xiao Qin, when you go back to your uncle with your mother, you can't see your grandpa. Although grandpa... well, although your grandpa's brain is a little bit wrong, he is our elder after all, so he should go no matter what. Say hello."

Wang Tiejun led the way and said.

Having said that, Wang Tiejun showed a distressed expression.

If possible, as long as there is a chance, even if he spends all his wealth, he hopes to cure his old father's illness.

In another room in the courtyard, Qin Lang finally saw his grandfather. The whole room was full of stench. He was a dirty old man locked by a chain the size of his fist.

(End of this chapter)

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