The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1256 Cure Hidden Diseases

Chapter 1256 Cure Hidden Diseases
Under the strong light, Qin Lang first removed the clothes on his uncle, then took out the golden needles and sterilized them with an alcohol lamp.

After being sterilized, Qin Lang pierced these several-inch-long golden needles on some acupuncture points on Wang Tiejun's abdomen one by one, and along with the acupuncture, Qin Lang also used some true energy to cross into Wang Tiejun's acupuncture points through the passage inside the golden needles. middle.

With the entry of true qi, those acupoints began to be activated, and the relaxation expanded a lot.

This kind of result was also expected by Qin Lang. Next, Qin Lang began to use some special techniques, began to put some massage on his uncle's abdomen, and the true energy continued to flow into his uncle's abdomen, stimulating the acupoints.

Especially those meridians that were already somewhat blocked, under the action of Qin Lang's true energy, opened those contracted and closed channels bit by bit, and reopened them.

Due to the blockage of the meridians for too long, the meridians in the uncle's hidden parts were varicose and deformed, so in the process, Qin Lang continued to use special techniques to slowly straighten these varicose and deformed meridians.

This process is also the most painful time, just like the hand with broken tendons and bones in the martial arts novels, and the hand with broken bones only works on the hands. Qin Lang's special method of acting on the abdomen now, for my uncle, I am afraid that it is better than that in the legend. The wrong hand in the game is even more painful.

This speed is completely at the master level, and there is no anesthesia.

What's more, the abdominal meridian of the human body is the most sensitive place for pain, even surpassing the head, so one can imagine how much pain my uncle is suffering now.

Creak, creak, this iron-like man's face turned blue, he clenched his teeth tightly, and persisted with amazing perseverance.

Before Qin Lang said that the process of treating himself would be very painful, he didn't take it seriously at all, thinking that this kind of pain was nothing, and he could easily deal with it with his willpower.

But who knows that this kind of pain is so great, it may be more severe than the legendary Guan Gong's bone scraping to cure poison, under the stimulation of Qin Lang's true energy, his lower abdominal meridian is extremely active, even if a needle tip falls on it, then This sting will also be magnified ten times.

Therefore, even if this iron-like man has a strong willpower, he can hardly breathe from the pain. It hurts, hurts, hurts, it hurts too much!Oh my God, I never thought there would be so much pain in this world.

This kind of pain lasted for more than half an hour. Uncle Wang Tiejun's abdominal meridians were seriously deformed, so Qin Lang also spent a lot of effort on correcting the treatment, which was not an easy process.

His uncle is his relative, so Qin Lang is not stingy with the output of his true energy. He has also made up his mind that this time the treatment must be in place in one step, so that his uncle can show his masculinity again.

As for his uncle's willpower, Qin Lang also admired him very much. For ordinary people, they might not be able to persist in the treatment process for 5 minutes, and would fall into a coma.

However, after half an hour, my uncle was still conscious all the time, gritting his teeth and persisting, even bleeding from the corner of his mouth.

This is actually something Qin Lang didn't think of. In Qin Lang's view, it doesn't matter if his uncle can't insist on lying in his clothes in a coma. Anyway, it can relieve the pain of his treatment, instead of suffering like this.

However, there is also a greater benefit to being conscious all the time, that is, during the treatment process, Qin Lang can find the correcting direction of the meridians more accurately according to the changes in his uncle's body's pain perception.

Therefore, this is also the key reason why Qin Lang did not use some anesthetic drugs during the treatment of his uncle. This kind of hidden disease on his uncle really needs to be done. If so, the treatment effect will be much better.

Qin Lang also heaved a sigh of relief after re-opening the meridians of his uncle's private parts and resetting the chaos. Now the most critical treatment has been completed.

Next, Qin Lang did not take back his true energy, but used his true energy to continue to nourish these re-opened meridian nodes. These acupoints that have been blocked for many years have shrunk for many years. If they are not nourished, they will be closed again. In that case, Qin Lang's The treatment will be in vain.

The treatment process is very complicated, but at Qin Lang's current level, he is still able to do it with ease. This treatment does not consume a lot of qi, and it only consumes a quarter of his body until now. It is definitely not so easy before. .


"Okay, uncle, you can sleep and relax now." Qin Lang pulled out the golden needle, and now the treatment is over.

And after the treatment ended, the man Wang Tiejun was extremely tired, and his whole body was sweating profusely, as if he had just taken a hot bath, steaming.

This treatment process is really not something ordinary people can bear. Even Wang Tiejun probably won't want to have a second similar experience after this one.

Even though he was a martial artist in the middle stage of King Wu, Wang Tiejun felt that the treatment just now exhausted all his energy and willpower, so he was extremely tired. After hearing Qin Lang say that he could relax, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. He fell asleep.

Moreover, the man was snoring, he was definitely exhausted.

After receiving the golden needle, Qin Lang chuckled and felt very happy that his uncle's hidden disease was cured. However, although his uncle's hidden disease has been cured now, it still needs to be strengthened. Next, he needs to prescribe a prescription for his uncle. , Eat for three to five days, so that the situation on Uncle's body will be completely consolidated.

The medicinal materials on this recipe are basically common medicinal materials, but the lower-grade elixir of millennium ginseng is also used.

However, this is not a big deal, there are plenty of thousand-year-old ginseng in the storage ring, and it is not a particularly rare panacea in the cultivation world, just take out one or two stalks and it will be enough.

After prescribing the prescription, Qin Lang gave the prescription to his aunt, and at the same time gave the two low-grade elixir to his aunt as the medicine guide for the prescription, and said: "Aunt, now uncle's hidden disease has basically been cured, you According to the prescription I prescribed, grab a few Chinese medicines and give him three to five days, and he will be cured almost completely."

"Oh, is that true?"

At this time, because Qin Lang cured her husband's hidden illness, my aunt no longer rejected this nephew so much, and asked humbly.

"Don't worry, Auntie, you just need to take the medicine and boil it, and make sure that after a week at most, Uncle's performance can surprise you."

Qin Lang joked.

"Oh, that's fine, that's fine."

My aunt blushed, and hurriedly arranged for a servant to drive a motorcycle to the nearest town to grab medicine.

And the next thing, Qin Lang has nothing to do.

After healed his uncle, Qin Lang walked out of the small courtyard and began to appreciate the rare scenery in this desert oasis.

While admiring the scenery, Qin Lang was also thinking about things, thinking: "Uncle's hidden disease is not a big problem. It is rare for most doctors in China, but it can't help me. The current treatment is very smooth, and it can be regarded as a solution. Uncle and aunt had a long-standing knot in their hearts."

"Now that my uncle and aunt's knots have been resolved, the Wang family still has a big problem to solve, and that is my grandfather. Grandpa has been insane for decades, and the insanity caused by his obsession with practicing exercises like an ancient warrior is even worse. Trouble, even I am not certain that I can cure Grandpa's illness."

"However, I won't be discouraged. Among the classics of the Heavenly Medicine Sect, there seems to be one that mentions the method of treating comprehension practitioners who have become obsessed with practicing kung fu. I can learn from it and try it."

While admiring the scenery, Qin Lang was also sorting out his thoughts for the next step, making adequate preparations for treating his grandfather.

After all, my grandfather's illness is also a difficult challenge for me. If I can cure it, my medical skills can also be greatly improved.

In the evening, the servants bought all the traditional Chinese medicines, and my aunt personally boiled the medicine for my uncle to take.

The dinner was also prepared by my aunt herself. Most of the food was local specialties in the desert, and many of them were things that Qin Lang had never eaten.

I have to say that my aunt's cooking skills are really good, and Qin Lang ate this meal very well. In fact, the reason for the delicious meal is more because of the reconciliation between my aunt and his mother.

Because my uncle's hidden illness has been completely cured, and now my aunt no longer resents her family in her heart, so the Qin family and the Wang family can be regarded as a complete family, and everyone is in harmony. It is what Qin Lang values.

However, during the dinner, my uncle wanted to drink two bottles with Qin Lang, but Qin Lang stopped him, because Qin Lang said that in the next week, his uncle could not drink alcohol.

This is also because the condition of my uncle has not been completely consolidated. If after taking those traditional Chinese medicines, Qin Lang doesn't mind having another drink with him.

This can be regarded as a small episode on the dinner table. Although there is no drink, everyone is in high spirits, chatting about homework while eating.

Under such an atmosphere, this already delicious dinner has gained a lot of points, which is enough for Qin Lang to think about it for a long time afterwards.

The next day, my uncle really felt that his body had changed.

Although it is not completely Qingtian, this change is also gratifying, which also proves that Qin Lang's treatment is really effective, and now the hidden disease on his body has really been completely cured.



Wang Tiejun, a middle-aged man, doesn't know how to describe the excitement in his heart. The big problem that has plagued him for more than 20 years has finally been completely solved. This feeling is really good.

My nephew is really extraordinary, I really underestimated him before, I never thought that he really has the ability to completely heal himself.

(End of this chapter)

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