Chapter 1257 Crazy Grandpa

"Xiao Qin is good. He actually cured my hidden disease. Now I am really impressed. He said that he can not only cure the hidden disease, but also cure his grandfather's madness. If this wish can be realized , then Xiao Qin is the lucky star of the entire Wang family..."

After his hidden illness was cured, the current Wang Tiejun had greater expectations, and he was even more looking forward to Qin Lang's next show of his talents.

There has already been a surprise, will my nephew bring an even bigger surprise next time?He is now waiting to see.

Before he cured his hidden illness, Wang Tiejun thought Qin Lang's words were just nonsense and didn't take it seriously, but now, unknowingly, Qin Lang's promise has taken a lot of weight in Wang Tiejun's heart.

Because the current Qin Lang has proved himself with practical actions, proving that there is no priority in learning, and the master is the teacher.

The next day, Wang Chunxue and Qin Lang's mother and son also obviously felt the aunt's warmth. At dawn, the aunt personally prepared the two mothers and sons to wash the water, instead of asking the servants to prepare these as before.

After breakfast, the uncle first thanked Qin Lang, and then asked Qin Lang about treating his grandfather, and how confident Qin Lang was.

"If I'm sure... there should be five or six points. I need to see the condition of my grandfather before making a diagnosis."

Qin Lang smiled and said: "However, to see a doctor for grandpa, uncle will be needed to help."

"Okay." Wang Tiejun nodded.

Both of them are refreshing people. After eating, they came to Qin Lang's grandfather's residence, ready to start action.

Wang Tiejun approached his father very carefully. After Wang Chao became crazy, he basically no longer recognized anyone. He was very wary of everyone, and would violently hurt others if he got close.

However, for his own son, the old man still has a half-hearted impression. Even after he went completely crazy, he didn't completely cut off the father-son relationship.

So next, Wang Tiejun approached his old father smoothly.

"Father, your grandson is going to see a doctor for you today, and needs your cooperation, so I want to restrain you, please cooperate more."

As Wang Tiejun said, he started to attack, trying to subdue his old father.

However, although Wang Tiejun and Wang Chao had a trace of father-son relationship, the crazy old father was completely enraged when his son wanted to capture him, and immediately resisted with all his might.

This is an ancient warrior in the late stage of King Wu. Although Wang Tiejun is an ancient warrior in the middle stage of King Wu, the suppression in the realm is inevitable, so Wang Tiejun can't help his angry old father with all his strength.

And several times, he was almost injured when the angry old father kept shaking the iron chains that restrained his body during his rage.

Although his father was crazy and had no rules, the force was still terrifying, so Wang Tiejun had to avoid the limelight, and it was impossible for him to deal with his father with a dead hand, so the situation was somewhat stalemate.

"Uncle, let me help you."

Seeing this, Qin Lang also joined this embarrassing battle group.

And Qin Lang's grandfather didn't know Qin Lang. After seeing Qin Lang joining, he became even more furious. He didn't kill his son because of his family affection, but he acted like crazy to his grandson.

Under such a crazy situation, it is really difficult to find someone in this world who can completely restrain Wang Chao.

However, Qin Lang is a Dzogchen cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, and his strength has far surpassed the level of warriors and even ancient warriors. Therefore, he believes that he can still successfully subdue the opponent when dealing with his grandfather in front of him.

After all, the ancient warriors in the late stage of King Wu are at most equivalent to the mid-stage alchemy practitioners. They may have reached the peak strength level in the mid-stage alchemy, but they have definitely not broken through to the late stage of alchemy. Compared with Qin Lang, who is now in the late stage of alchemy, he is far worse One chip, so I don't have to worry too much at all.

Sure enough, with the help of Wang Tiejun, Qin Lang successfully subdued his grandfather, tapped the acupuncture points on his body, and even used several restraining methods on his body.

It was because the body of the ancient warriors in the later period of King Wu was too vigorous. If he didn't do this, Qin Lang was very worried that his grandfather would break through the acupoints on his body and go crazy again in a few minutes.

That would be a troublesome remark, and it would be inconvenient for him to judge his physical condition in the future.

So Qin Lang put some restrictions on the grandfather, which is equivalent to using a double insurance.

"It stinks!"

As soon as he got closer, Qin Lang frowned a little. His grandfather didn't know how long he hadn't bathed. It seemed that he had to take a bath first.

It's not that Qin Lang dislikes the elderly, it's completely normal for people to frown after smelling the smell.In fact, the more grandpa was like this, the sadder he felt.

The miserable old man in his later years, even if he is unconscious, his life can only be described as miserable. He wished that his grandfather's disease could be cured now, so that the old man could regain his sobriety and spend his old age peacefully.

After knowing Qin Lang's meaning, Wang Tiejun also smiled: "I also have this intention. Speaking of it, your grandfather hasn't bathed for at least three years. I almost beat him up last time to bathe him. Seriously injured."

"Uncle, it's really not easy for you."

Qin Lang can understand the difficulty of being a son, and it is indeed not easy for an uncle.

Next, my grandfather was unchained by his uncle, and he took it outside to wash his body thoroughly with a horse brush, wasting more than a dozen buckets of clean water.

Fortunately, this is an oasis in the desert. There is a small lake for self-sufficiency, so there is no need to worry about wasting too much water.

After cleaning up, grandpa was put on clean clothes, but there were still some faint odor residues on his body, which was inevitable. After all, he hadn’t bathed for many years. Even if the dirt was washed away, the odor would not be a one-off. Just remove it completely.

When the grandfather was cleaned up, although his body could not move, his mouth was not idle, and he kept yelling, but the words were incoherent, and Qin Lang couldn't hear what the old man was swearing at all.

It's sad to say that a crazy person's brain is insane. My grandfather has been in such a daze for decades. Living is actually a kind of torment. This is not only a pain for himself, but also for his family. .

Another little episode is that when my grandfather was washing his body, his mouth attacked the Malaysian brush used to clean his body several times, and every time he bit off a lot of bristles.

After his family cleaned him, the big horse brush became bald, and Qin Lang couldn't help shaking his head when he saw the ubiquitous aggressiveness of his grandfather.

Alright, now that I have cleaned my grandfather's body, I can take a good look at his body next.

Qin Lang first took his grandfather's pulse. Although his grandfather was over 70 years old, his physical vitality was not inferior to those in his prime. Although his practice was completely delayed due to madness these years, his physical foundation was still there, and he felt that his physical fitness was better than his current one. Uncle Wang Tiejun has to be stronger.

When bathing grandpa, even Qin Lang couldn't help being envious when he saw grandpa's pectoral and abdominal muscles, which were stronger than iron. In terms of physical fitness alone, grandpa's blood is probably stronger than his own. no.

Taking the pulse for a while, Qin Lang felt that although Grandpa's qi and blood were terrifyingly strong, the pulse was very disordered, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, very irregular.

He knew that this was the result of his grandfather injuring his brain and nervous system after he became obsessed with his practice. This is a very abnormal behavior.

After taking the pulse, Qin Lang began to grope around his grandfather again, looking for some clues more carefully, and found more clues about the accident after the practice.

However, what I didn't expect was that a guy as strong as iron like grandpa would still be ticklish even after going mad. During the process of Qin Lang groping his body, he was tickled and laughed many times.

This seems to be Grandpa's weakness. Next, Qin Lang began to use this to threaten Grandpa. If he didn't cooperate with his diagnosis, he would continue to make him laugh. Unexpectedly, the crazy Grandpa understood Qin Lang's words and became frightened. .

"Well, this kind of understanding means that there is still a part of the brain of the old man. However, most of the time in the brain is still occupied by the consciousness of madness. This part of the conscious consciousness is only an extremely small part and usually does not dominate. s position."

"Because of the existence of this part of conscious consciousness, grandpa should still recognize his son. This is also the most critical reason why only Wang Tiejun can get close to this old man after he went insane."

During the diagnosis process, Qin Lang discovered this key point, and the next step was much easier. Using some medical knowledge from the cultivation world from the Heavenly Medicine Sect, Qin Lang then used a set of complicated medical techniques on his grandfather.

It took an hour or two for Qin Lang to find the exact location of the lesion. In the area where the brain connects to the back, many nerve connections have been destroyed, and it seems very troublesome to restore.

After all, the connection of nerves is more complicated and finer than that of meridians, so it is even more difficult for Qin Lang to heal his grandfather well.

"I hope that the prescription provided by Tianyimen is really effective. If it is really effective, it is really possible to cure grandpa's madness."

At this time, Qin Lang recalled the mysterious prescription in his brain.

Most of the medicinal materials used in this recipe are elixir-level medicinal materials, and many of them are extinct in China. However, Qin Lang has a lot of medicinal materials in his body, so he can gather most of them.

But among them, the most crucial one, the earth lung crystal of the elixir fire attribute, was not able to be found.

The reason for the formation of the earth lung crystals is very complicated. After all, the earth lung qi has been accumulated and precipitated for many years, and the earth lung qi is divided into five elements, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

Speaking of this lung crystal, in fact, Qin Lang once owned one in Qinghe Continent before, and it was the best, so it was inlaid with the Fire Spirit Orb on the flame gun.

In fact, the fire spirit bead is formed by the condensation of the best fire-attributed earth lung qi, and Qin Lang was ready to use it as the carrier of the second soul when the second soul was formed.

However, the Fire Lingzhu exploded in a battle, so Qin Lang couldn't find any more for the time being.

Now, as a medicine guide for treating grandpa, this fire-attributed lung crystal must be found. Qin Lang also seems very distressed now, because without this lung crystal, he will not be able to continue to treat grandpa.

(End of this chapter)

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