The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1258 Searching for Earth Lung Crystals

Chapter 1258 Searching for Earth Lung Crystals
If he wanted to cure his father, there was still a key medicine that could not be found?
When Wang Tiejun heard the news, he was silent for a while, and said, "Xiao Qin, what kind of environment does the kind of earth lung crystal you mentioned need to be produced?"

"It needs to be underground, where the fire attribute aura is relatively abundant, so that it is possible to produce this kind of crystal."

Qin Lang replied helplessly, the world has already entered the Dharma-ending Era, and the spirit veins are exhausted, so where can we go to find this special treasure of heaven and earth.

"Fire attribute aura...spiritual veins..."

After Wang Tiejun heard it, he thought for a while, then raised his head and said: "In this Taklamakan Desert, there is an abandoned ruins more than 200 miles away from our oasis. I heard that it was a small secret place in China thousands of years ago. It is one of the top three secret realms in the world, but it is also a place of spiritual veins."

"This place of spiritual veins in the desert, I guess it should be of the fire attribute. Now go there and have a look, maybe you can really find the fire attribute lung crystal you mentioned."

Hearing Wang Tiejun's words, Qin Lang's heart moved, "Where is that place?"

"Go west in the direction of the oasis, go in this direction..."

Wang Tiejun took paper and pen, wrote and drew, and drew a road map to the abandoned ruins.

"Okay, Uncle, you can rest at home and recuperate. I'll go and have a look. If the trip goes well, I will definitely bring back the key medicine."

Qin Lang accepted this topographical map and said with a smile.

"Well then, good luck."

Wang Tiejun was a little helpless. Originally, he wanted to lead the way himself, but Qin Lang refused his request on the grounds that his body had not fully recovered and he needed to continue taking medicine to strengthen himself.

Therefore, after pointing out Qin Lang's path, Wang Tiejun can only do so much now, and at the same time, he keeps praying in his heart that God will bless his nephew's business to find that medicine guide smoothly.


After bidding farewell to the oasis, Qin Lang set foot alone to the address of the abandoned ruins in the desert. This time he did not drive, but directly used the flying Luo Yunsuo to drive.

This is also because there are few people in the desert, and Qin Lang doesn't have to worry about exposing too many methods of cultivators. Speaking of it, it is much more convenient to use a car to travel with a flying magic weapon.

About three hours or so, Qin Lang has come to this abandoned ruins three hundred miles away. Hearing his uncle said that this place used to be a small secret place in the Chinese cultivation world, so Qin Lang opened his eyes everywhere curiously.

What I saw in front of me was a scene full of devastation. It used to be a large building like a palace, but now it has been destroyed or even weathered, leaving only incomplete bricks and tiles.

However, this is only the outside of the small secret realm. The real small secret realm is actually underground. In the ruins, Qin Lang finally found the entrance of the small secret realm with a hint of spiritual energy fluctuations through the induction of spiritual energy.

Then, the masonry debris at the entrance was lifted, and a dark entrance could be seen directly.

"Is this the small secret realm that used to be? It feels lifeless inside. It is indeed a place that has been abandoned for many years. The spiritual veins in the secret realm may have been exhausted, and it is not even comparable to the mercenary base with spiritual veins found in Nanyang. "

Looking at the dark hole, Qin Lang's eyes flickered for a while, and he murmured: "I hope this time I'm lucky enough to find that medicine to induce, in fact, the fire-attributed lung qi needed to treat grandpa is not much, the fingernails A larger crystal will suffice."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lang jumped directly into this small secret realm that had been abandoned for many years.

This small secret realm is actually a hidden demiplane, but with the exhaustion of the aura inside, the outer barrier has long since disappeared. This demiplane has overlapped with the Huaxia world and is directly connected.

The secret realms are not limited to the three famous secret realms of Kunlun Mountains, Pyramids, and Bermuda Triangle. These three secret realms are recognized as the largest and most dangerous secret realms that are still alive and well. harsh conditions.

Take the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm as an example, one must know the exact route to enter, and the strength must be at least a strong martial artist, so as to ensure that nothing will happen during the entry process.

After the end of the Dharma Era, the earth has actually left some other secret realms, but they are basically deserted, and they have no names and surnames and cannot be explored. They are far from being compared with the three secret realms.

After Qin Lang entered the demiplane of this small secret realm, he found that the aura inside was only slightly stronger than that of the outside world, and it was pitch black, he couldn't see anything, and there was no light source at all.

This time, Qin Lang didn't prepare any flashlights or anything like that.

However, with one move, Qin Lang took out a shining bead the size of an egg, illuminating the surrounding four or five feet away. This is the night pearl, which was obtained from the secret place of Kunlun Mountain before and kept on his body, but now it comes in handy.

This small secret realm is not big, about three or four miles away, Qin Lang quickly searched around in the secret realm,
The environment of the secret realm is a hill in the middle surrounded by uneven terrain. It used to be a lake, but it has already dried up.

There was no sign of life in the entire secret realm, it was lifeless.

While Qin Lang was searching, there was a whistling wind in front of him, and at the same time, two green lights moved towards him.

Soon this thing was exposed to the soft light of the night pearl, it turned out to be a thin humanoid life form, like a monkey but not a monkey.

"This...isn't this Shuiba?"

After Qin Lang saw it, he was surprised. However, this Shuiba may have lived too hard in this secret realm, and he was already skinny. Now this situation may not last long before he will die.

After all, Shuiba is a spirit of water, and it is also a spiritual monster produced by aura. This secret place was originally beautiful in mountains and rivers.

It's a pity that with the depletion of the spiritual energy in the small secret realm, the terrain of the original secret realm has also changed drastically. The lake and spiritual energy have almost disappeared, and the water ghost has no foundation and source.

However, the vitality of this spiritual creature is very strong. After such a long time, the small secret realm has completely turned into a relic, but it still persists until now.

This time Qin Lang appeared in this dilapidated secret realm, but the faint aura fluctuations on his body attracted this guy, so this guy rushed over from his hiding place on his own initiative.

Qin Lang was going to slap him directly to deal with this monster whose cultivation base has fallen below the foundation-building level, but when he saw Shui Yan looking at him with tears in his eyes, he couldn't help but feel sideways in his heart.

"You go!" he said.

Water demons are also legendary water ghosts, water monkeys, when they become stronger, they will kill people in the water, and their howls have a special magical power that can make people hallucinate.

There used to be a small town by the Yellow River, where tens of thousands of people committed suicide by drowning in the river overnight. It is said that it was a heinous crime committed by a powerful water cat using its natural ability.

However, the small secret place in front of him has been exhausted for many years, there is no aura, and there is no lake, so the tiny water man in front of him may not have harmed anyone since he was born.

This water 魃 is very spiritual, although Qin Lang told him to go, it didn't go, and kept following behind Qin Lang, looking pitiful.

In the end, Qin Lang remembered that this guy was finally a local snake in this small secret realm, and he might be able to help him, so he asked, "Did you find any fire crystals in this place?"

Although Shui Ba was intelligent, he didn't understand Qin Lang's words very well, so he kept screaming.

"It's something with aura that conflicts with your physical attributes."

Qin Lang kept making gestures, hoping that this little guy could understand.

With this water 魃, all the spiritual creatures with aura in this small secret realm may have been devoured by it, but the spiritual creatures that conflict with their own attributes are exceptions.

After gesturing for a while, the water bait finally understood Qin Lang's meaning, so he squeaked excitedly and started to lead the way and party.

It disappeared in front of it after a few jumps. This guy's agility is very high, and he can almost compete with Qin Lang who used the Wind Escape Talisman.

After a while, Qin Lang followed it to the middle of the hill, where there was a very secret small gap.

After following this extremely skinny little Shuiba into the crevice of the mountain, Qin Lang discovered that this is where the little Shuiba lives. The environment here is very dry and it is a place with lungs.

Shui Ba led Qin Lang to a corner of his lair. Qin Lang saw that the ground was red and reflecting light. It turned out that this place should be a magma spout, and it is also a node of the fire attribute spiritual vein, but this spiritual energy has been completely exhausted. , the magma becomes solid.

And the reflective substances on the ground are the minerals in the magma, shining in bits and pieces.

After coming to this corner, Shuiba's black claws kept scraping the ground, and Qin Lang's eyes lit up: "Fire attribute earth lung crystal!"

Under the leadership of Shui Ba, he finally found the key medicine for this trip, the fire-type earth lung crystals. Although the purity of these earth lung crystals is not very high, they cannot be regarded as earth lung crystals, but only earth lung rock crystals. But Qin Lang has a way to purify them and then use them.

"Okay, you made a great contribution this time."

Qin Lang praised it. After thinking for a while, he took out a water-attribute inner alchemy from the storage bag and gave it to it. This is an inner alchemy for a foundation-building monster, which is nothing to Qin Lang now.

And after getting this water-attribute inner alchemy, Shui Ba was so happy that he turned two somersaults, swallowed it in one gulp, and fell asleep on the ground to refine the water-attribute spiritual power in the inner alchemy.

As the spiritual power was stripped from the inner alchemy, the inner alchemy's spiritual power also began to re-moisturize the body of this weak water 魃. The originally skinny body gradually became fuller, and the dull skin turned black and bright again. Ze's true colors.

This inner alchemy has a great effect, bringing back the life of this monster that was on the verge of extinction due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy. Now that it is in such a situation, it will not be a problem to live another three to five hundred years.

And Qin Lang was also collecting the fire-attribute earth lung crystals on the ground that were full of impurities during the time when the water-drill was refining the water-attribute inner alchemy.

He used a small scraper to collect all these powder crystals into a jade bottle, which took up a whole jade bottle.

(End of this chapter)

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