The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1259 Pet Beast Little Black

Chapter 1259 Pet Beast Little Black
The next purification work, Qin Lang is going to carry out here, he took out the Ziyun Dan furnace that he hadn't used for a long time.

There are several grids in the Purple Cloud Pill Furnace, which can be used to refine several different spirit pills at the same time. Now it is used to purify the fire attribute of the earth lung rock crystal, which is considered overkill.

The purification process needs to melt these earth lung rock crystals first. Qin Lang first put a sufficient amount of cold pool water into the Ziyun Dan furnace, and then put the rock crystals into it.

Then there is the process of heating and melting. After the water in the cold pool in the Purple Cloud Pill furnace boils, the rock crystals in the water are almost completely melted.

At this time, Qin Lang extinguished the flame, waited for the temperature in the furnace to drop a little, and after the impurities in the water settled, he began to put the pool water above into a volume prepared with him, and then poured out the impurities.

Among them is a method of physical treatment of impurities. Qin Lang repeated it three times before he obtained the incomparably pure earth lung crystal melt.

After that, it continued to heat up to completely evaporate the remaining water vapor. After waiting for more than 20 minutes, a layer of fiery red crystals that were crystal clear like salt appeared inside the alchemy furnace.

This is the pure and incomparable earth lung crystal, and it is also the medicine that Qin Lang needs. After finishing these, he carefully collected these earth lung crystals into a small jade bottle.

"Okay, you're done, you can go back now!"

Qin Lang was also very happy after turning the earth lung rock crystal into an earth lung crystal.

And at this time, the water 魃 also finished absorbing the inner alchemy, and now his figure is no longer so thin, but it doesn't look like he is malnourished.

Seeing that Qin Lang was about to leave, this guy came over again, screaming non-stop, and kowtowing to Qin Lang while holding his paws.

"You mean, do you want to come with me?"

Qin Lang asked curiously.

"Squeak, squeak..."

The thin water 魃 nodded repeatedly.

"Hey, okay, but if you want to go with me, you need to sign a contract with me and become my beast."

Qin Lang made his request.

"Squeak, squeak!"

The thin Shui Ba nodded again and again. It seems that this guy is also terrified in this small secret realm where resources are exhausted, and he really wants to leave with Qin Lang, even if he is restricted to become Qin Lang's beast, he is at a loss.

Moreover, judging from Qin Lang giving it a water-attribute monster inner alchemy, Qin Lang should have this kind of inner alchemy on his body. The water-attribute inner alchemy is a great tonic for him, and he can get this thick root. Hold tight.

"Okay, since you have agreed, then sign a contract."

Qin Lang began to use the method of signing contracts with pet beasts in the comprehension world, signed a contract with this thin water man, and imprinted his own spiritual consciousness in the soul of water man.

After being imprinted with his own spiritual consciousness, this water scorpion officially became his pet beast, sharing weal and woe with him, and if his spiritual consciousness was injured, this pet beast would also be hurt.

Moreover, if the soul of the pet beast is injured, it will also affect Qin Lang. However, the feedback of the injury of the pet beast's soul is far less than the feedback of Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness injury to the pet, but less than one-tenth of it.

This is a master-servant contract. In the final analysis, this contract is still dominated by Qin Lang.

Although this kind of contract has some disadvantages for the water bait, it is far inferior to the equal contract, but for the thin water bait now, as long as it can leave this terrible place, it will be very good to survive.

What's more, the current owner looks very powerful, but it feels that it has earned it. This is a direct instinct of an animal. Speaking of which, this monster's intuitive sensing ability is still very keen.

"Okay, since you decided to follow me, and now you have become my beast again, I'd better give you a name! Well, it's called Xiao Hei. After you go out, you have to be obedient. If you don't, I will I will send you back here!"

Qin Lang threatened.

"Squeak, squeak!" Shuiba Xiaohei nodded after hearing it, his spirit was abnormal.

In this way, the water bait followed Qin Lang out of this dilapidated little secret realm.

As soon as he came out of the secret realm, Xiao Hei squeaked and screamed, pointing to the front left with his crawler in a terrified look.

"What's going on? Xiao Hei." Qin Lang felt very strange, so he asked.

"Zhi Zhi, Zhi Zhi!" Xiao Hei continued to gesture, and continued to point in that direction.

While Qin Lang was puzzled, he also let go of his spiritual sense, felt it for a while, and was about to say that Xiao Hei's actions were unnecessary, when an astonishing evil spirit suddenly burst out from that direction.

A black ball quickly flew over from there.

not good!Get out of here!

At this time, Qin Lang felt a warning sign, and when he mentioned his pet beast, he quickly fled from this place.Behind him, a burst of light flashed. It was actually a powerful rocket just now, and someone was ambushing him in the desert. Fortunately, his sixth sense of pet beast was more sensitive than his own, which allowed him to escape the catastrophe .

"Who... who the hell..."

Qin Lang looked in that direction with a cold face.

After a while, the smoke cleared on the other side, and five figures appeared, and one of them happened to be carrying a bazooka.

"By... mutants!"

Qin Lang's face changed slightly, no wonder he couldn't sense the existence of the breath, it turned out that this group of mutants ambushed here to deal with him.

It should be the mutants of the Reizman Company. Unexpectedly, after disappearing for a while after the last battle on the high seas, these lingering guys reappeared.

And seeing the inside of one of the five mutants, the female mutant, Qin Lang suddenly felt familiar. Isn't this female mutant the one who was severely injured by himself and fed to the shark during the battle in the high seas? alive?

After thinking about a thought, Qin Lang suddenly realized that the female mutant did not die last time, but used her hidden self to avoid her own spiritual perception, and then escaped.

This time, after uniting with several mutants sent by the M laboratory behind Reizman, although they haven't done anything for a while, they probably have been hiding in secret and calculating something until today when they entered this small desert in the desert. After entering the secret realm, he was ready for an ambush against himself.

Qin Lang is now a little worried about whether his uncle and grandfather have also suffered a crisis, but the chances should be relatively small. The purpose of these mutant fighters is to kill him. In order to deal with him, he has to concentrate all the participants in this operation, so It is unlikely that staff will be freed up to do other things.

This time, fortunately, there was a warning from Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei, the pet beast I just subdued, is smart enough and better than me in perceiving breath, which also allowed me to escape this catastrophe, otherwise I might have been counted.

Qin Lang knew that if he was completely unprepared, he would not be able to resist that rocket without opening the magic weapon defense, and he would definitely suffer a big loss.

It's really dangerous!Looking at the five people in front of him, Qin Lang gave a hateful look, these guys are really cunning.

Now that I have dodged this rocket, the next step is up to you, let's see how your Master Qin Lang can perform!

After receiving the water bait in the pet bag, Qin Lang summoned his Black Eagle Sword. He could see that among the five mutants on the opposite side, three of them were defense-enhanced mutants who were proficient in the expansion technique. People can't do it with fists and kicks.

So, now he can only use sword energy to break the defense, kill these three first, and then target the female mutant of the agility department, and another mutant who is wearing a white tights and doesn't know what ability.

Brush brush!
Without any hesitation, Qin Lang took the lead. There were five mutants to deal with this time, and it seemed that at least one or two were elite-level existences, so he couldn't help but go all out.

As Qin Lang's Black Eagle Sword was used, more than a dozen sword qi slashed across, and three of them accurately hit the three primary mutant genetic warriors who were proficient in inflation, completely piercing the bodies of the three guys.

Chi Chi Chi, after being pierced by the sword energy, the three guys passively broke their defenses, and the gas in their bodies was quickly ejected, and their originally inflated bodies returned to normal.

And the other two mutants, the female mutant of the agility department naturally flashed past Qin Lang's sword energy, and suddenly disappeared, which Qin Lang could not perceive with his perception ability.

And another mutant wearing a white tights did not dodge or avoid Qin Lang's sword energy, and was immediately hit. He was hit by a sword energy and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"It doesn't look like this mutant in white tights..."

Just when Qin Lang was slightly happy, a white light suddenly appeared in the hands of the guy in the white tights, and the white light shone, covering himself and several companions beside him.

Then there was an incredible scene. In Qin Lang's astonishment, the wounds on the four mutants gradually healed.

So, the three primary mutant genetic fighters of the defense department continued to swell their bodies with grinning grins, and then rushed towards Qin Lang.

And the special mutant in the white tights is still supporting from behind, staying away from Qin Lang.

"There are still mutants of the healing department. Damn, with this guy around, wouldn't I be unable to deal with the three primary defense mutants?"

Qin Lang frowned, the current situation was beyond his expectation.

Just now, Qin Lang managed to seize the opportunity and used his sword energy to break the defense of the three mutant genetic warriors in the primary defense department. The mutant in white tights gave him a healing light, so the three guys were alive and kicking and could continue to use the expansion technique ...

Although the three primary mutant genetic warriors have a single function and are easy to crack, but with the presence of this priest-like existence in the game, Qin Lang feels that his brain is a bit Spartan.

It is obvious that the fighters and priests cooperate very well in the game, forming a very perfect team, and the previous agile mutant is like a thief, and now he is invisible, maybe hiding somewhere, prepare to Perform a backstab to sneak attack yourself.

"It's a bit troublesome this time. It would be great if that guy was here, and I won't be stuck fighting alone."

At this time, Qin Lang missed Kunlun Nu No. [-] who had returned to the secret place of Kunlun Mountain.

If he had a Nascent Soul-level master like Kunlun Nu No. [-] in charge, Qin Lang would not have to worry about the enemies in front of him at all. I believe it would be easy to deal with these enemies by then.

It's a pity that now this wish can only be buried in the bottom of his heart, to deal with the five mutants in front of him... Now he can only fight alone, this time it must be an extremely difficult battle.

(End of this chapter)

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