Chapter 1260
Tattat, Qin Lang is also facing the three defense-type junior mutant genetic fighters at this moment, and at the same time the bodies of the three guys on the opposite side become swollen again. Here, Qin Lang waved the black carving sword in his hand, and the sword energy once again burst out.

"Three Lives Sword Jue, Sword Style Phantom Crack!"

The second form of the sword will generate ten sword qi, and then the sword qi will diverge and become more. Hundreds of sword qi will cover the whole body of the three primary defense mutants, and then a series of chuck chi chi sounds, It was as if dense needles had been stuck on the balloon, and the three junior mutant genetic warriors were deflated again.

Qin Lang couldn't understand how the mutant warrior, who was also flesh and blood, made his body swell, but obviously the opponent's stunt was not invincible.

His sword energy can cut the bodies of these mutant fighters, making the invincible expansion technique also invincible.

However, just as the defenses of the three mutants were broken, another ray of white light fell on the three early mutant genetic warriors, completely healing all their injuries, and the pinholes pierced by the sword energy recovered again.

At this time, Qin Lang and a mutant genetic warrior had a solid confrontation. Qin Lang's palm shook, but he couldn't push this guy away.

While grinning, this guy hugged him by the waist, wanting to cut Qin Lang completely in half.

Qin Lang's face changed, and he quickly pulled back. He didn't want to be entangled by this difficult defense-type low-level mutant. While retreating, he circled left and right, and avoided the combined attack of the other two genetic fighters. The round of coping is really over.

By this time, Qin Lang also found that there was the mutant of the healing department in the white tights, and it was impossible for him to kill the three primary genetic warriors of the expansion defense department.

After all, this kind of junior genetic warrior is good at defense. Even if there is no mutant from the healing department to interfere with him, Qin Lang can't kill these three guys in just one or two strokes. The vitality of mutants is too strong. After the low-level mutant genetic warriors broke through the defenses, they only completed the first step, and the second step was to completely cut off their vitality.

And now that there is the mutant of the healing department, it is equivalent to the possibility that the three genetic warriors of the primary defense department have the possibility of being invincible. Now they are not afraid of the expansion technique being broken at all, because as long as the expansion technique is broken, they will be dressed in white. The healing light of the mutants in tights will fall on the three mutants, allowing the three defensive mutants to regain their immortality.

What the hell, it's really like there is a character in an online game playing the role of a dad, responsible for outputting and treating injuries for the teammates in the team.

If the role of this baby daddy is not lost, the opposing team will obviously continue to be tough.

"The three mutant warriors in front of me seem to be unable to deal with them in a short period of time. It seems that we have to change our thinking and find a way to kill the mutant wearing white tights first, so as to completely cut off the battery life of this team. This battle is going to be extremely difficult.”

Qin Lang thought to himself.

Now after two rounds of sword qi attacks, even though Qin Lang's body has two different meridian systems, light and dark, and his true energy is twice as much as that of a general Dzogchen cultivator in the late stage of alchemy, he still feels more strenuous.

You must know that the true energy of the virtual meridians in the two meridian systems of Qin Lang's body is used as a reserve, and is rarely used at ordinary times. Only the original true energy of the meridians is usually used for fighting. Now after the second round of attacks, it has been consumed Almost half of it, almost reaching the warning line of excessive use of true energy.

And the opponent's three defensive mutants are still intact until now, and they haven't consumed much, which makes Qin Lang feel very depressed.

Moreover, in addition to the four mutants in front of him, there is also an assassin-type agile mutant lurking in the dark. It is not known when this guy will make trouble, which is the real reason why Qin Lang is secretly vigilant.

However, Qin Lang is not without hole cards. In the two rounds of fighting just now, he didn't use more of his hole cards.

The biggest hole card in his hand now should be the poison Shixiangruanjinsan that can be used three or two times.

This kind of paralyzing poison in the cultivation world is also effective on mutants. Although mutants do not have a respiratory system, they can use the pores of their bodies to exchange gas with the outside world, so after inhaling these poisonous gases, they should also be infected. Recruited.

However, Qin Lang did not intend to use this kind of strange poison. The poison in his hand is not enough to use it a few times now. Qin Lang plans to use it as a life-saving use in the future, not in the current situation where the situation is not clear.

There is another hole card in his hand, which is the magic weapon split shadow bracelet.

After a series of battles just now, Qin Lang has already understood the importance of the mutant wearing white tights in the team among the five mutants. If he can successfully kill this special mutant, then the advantage in the opposing team will be collapse.

To deal with this special mutant, it is necessary to bypass the obstruction of several other mutants in advance, and now Qin Lang is only one person, it is difficult to do this, but if the function of the shadow split bracelet in his hand is activated, the situation It may very well be different.

Split chain bracelet, this is a middle-grade auxiliary magic weapon that Qin Lang personally participated in refining. This magic weapon itself has no offensive power, but its importance to Qin Lang is stronger than a top-grade magic weapon.

This is an auxiliary magic weapon. This magic weapon has no other functions, but it can separate the magic weapon user into five identical shadows. In battle, sometimes it can also play the role of a surprise soldier.

Once, Qin Lang used this special magic weapon to kill an enemy who was one level higher than himself, Ji Changsheng.

The battle at that time was very exciting. In the late stage of alchemy, Qin Lang was able to transform into five identical false clones after using the split shadow bracelet to attack Ji Changsheng, forcing Ji Changsheng to consume a lot of real energy to deal with it, so that Qin Lang picked up Cheap, killed Ji Changsheng who was really exhausted.


And now, Qin Lang once again activated this middle-grade auxiliary system magic weapon, using the special ability of the split-shadow bracelet to transform into five identical clones again.

At this time, Qin Lang activated another medium-grade magic weapon phantom bracelet, because although the split-shadow bracelet is only a medium-grade magic weapon, the five clones separated out are as difficult to distinguish between true and false as the main body. If the monsters are not checked carefully, it will be difficult to tell which is real and which is fake.

And in this Chinese world, it is not easy to see any difference with the eyesight of these mutants.You must know that Qin Lang's five false clones are not ordinary virtual images, even the breath is exactly the same.

Even, if these mutants have the ability to sense heat, they can be surprised to find that the five false clones can actually emit heat, that is to say, it is also impossible to discern the truth with a thermal imaging scanner.

A very good middle-grade magic weapon, although it is an auxiliary type, but this magic weapon is really good.

Sure enough, after Qin Lang turned into six identical clones, the mutants in front of him were a little dumbfounded, and didn't know what to do next.

"Six clones? Oh my god, what kind of ability is this... It feels better than mutants!"

The brains of the mutants in front of them are all equipped with a system, and their eyes can be scanned by X-ray like a machine, but after scanning for a while, they all find that they are powerless, and they can't tell which of Qin Lang is the real body and which is the fake body.

There is no way, now we can only test the true and false one by one through the battle!

The three low-level mutant genetic warriors were blessed by the healing light behind them, and they were also fearless. They rushed directly in the front row and rushed towards Qin Lang's six clones like a wall.

However, when they opened their arms, they could only hug three clones, and then they could only watch Qin Lang's other three clones go around him and go behind him.

At the same time, the three avatars turned into air after being hugged by the three defensive mutants, and they were all fake.

And after bypassing the three fighter-type mutants, the remaining three Qin Lang clones went straight to the mutant in white tights. This is an elite-level mutant, so even though Qin Lang knew that the other party did not have an immortal body , I dare not be careless.

The three clones attacked the mutant in white tights from three directions in a zigzag shape.

As soon as the mutant was about to be attacked, the assassin-type female mutant hidden in the dark appeared to block the companion behind him.

A bright light flashed, and the mutant held the alloy sword and swept towards the direction where the two clones were coming.

However, the same light and shadow flashed by, and the two clones were still fake. The assassin-type female mutant only realized this when the two clones got close, and when she turned around in shock and wanted to rescue her companion, it was already a step too late.

Qin Lang swept across with a sword light, slashed at the neck of the healing mutant, chopped off the head, and blood spattered.

What's strange is that after the mutant's head was cut off, he still stood there undead, constantly shining healing light on himself and his companions.

"It's really strange, is this guy a cockroach?"

After Qin Lang completed this blow, he couldn't help but marvel.

However, the miracle didn't happen. After the mutant's head was cut off, he was actually at the end of his battle. After nearly half a minute of brushing, he couldn't save his own life. He suddenly fell straight upright, shaking the dust on the ground up.

After falling down, the headless corpse struggled twice, and then never got up again.

"The vitality of mutants is really strong!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Lang couldn't help but be terrified. If he was replaced by an ordinary person, he would have died long ago after his head was chopped off. How could he persist for so long.

Sure enough, this mutant already belongs to the category of monsters, and he is no longer a human being. This guy in front of him is also the first mutant that Qin Lang killed with his own hands. It is really not easy to think about it.

After killing this elite-level mutant who is equivalent to a priest in online games, Qin Lang also heaved a sigh of relief. Without this powerful nurse, it would be much easier to deal with the remaining four mutants.

After all, this is also equivalent to breaking the balance of challenging the BOSS in the online game team, and Qin Lang is equivalent to the challenged BOSS.

Originally, this boss was in a very dangerous situation, being besieged and losing blood all the time, but suddenly he made a big move at a critical moment, and as a result, the nanny among the five mutants was eliminated, and the remaining few were like autumn. The last grasshopper couldn't jump up anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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