The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1261 Killing the Elite Mutant Warrior

Chapter 1261 Killing the Elite Mutant Warrior

Qin Lang smiled coldly, looking at the mutant genetic warriors in front of him, and after the elite-level female mutant was killed in the team's daddy role, he entered a hidden state again, and he didn't know where he was hiding.

Qin Lang is very sure that it is not a real invisibility spell.

After all, he has made an invisibility talisman that can hide himself for 10 minutes, and he knows the power of invisibility.

The hidden ability of the mutant female warrior on the other side is probably related to the special combat uniform on her body, and the principle is probably related to the mimic behavior of animals in nature.

Like a chameleon, it can change the color of the pigment cells in the skin according to the changes in the surrounding environment, so that the surface skin changes color and becomes similar to the surrounding environment.

Qin Lang was also very curious about this female mutant's powerful ability to hide her own aura. Speaking of which, this female mutant has escaped his pursuit many times, and this skill is really good.

Fortunately, this female mutant's combat ability is not very strong, she is an agile assassin, and her fighting methods are mainly sneak attacks and free combat, and she rarely fights herself head-on.

Qin Lang feels very fortunate about this, if this female mutant is not only strong in concealment skills, but also in fighting ability, he really can't resist.

At this time, the other three junior genetic fighters of the defense department once again bit the bullet and hugged Qin Lang. They also know now that without the support of the mutant in white tights just now, they now have only one chance to fight. , this time either the enemy died, or his own side was finished.

So now these three junior genetic fighters are also fighting. Just now, all three guys used that blue potion of potential, and they exploded at the same time!

After swallowing this special potion, the movement speed and agility of the three primary defense mutant genetic warriors increased by [-]%, and they have already caught up with Qin Lang's current speed. Now the three guys are holding a handful of alloys in their hands. Forged weapons.

They rushed over like a gust of wind, and slashed at Qin Lang violently, forcing Qin Lang to open the strongest defense of the magic weapon on his body and guard the door.

Qin Lang is also experienced. He knows that these three guys are very fierce when their potential is exploding. He is looking for abuse when he is fighting against the three mutants. It is more cost-effective to pick up dead fish after the guy is exhausted.

At this time, the shield on Qin Lang's body shook quite violently. The three mutants who swallowed the special blue potion had greatly enhanced their comprehensive strength. There are twelve layers of defense, I'm afraid it really can't resist it.

This special alloy weapon is in their hands, and each blow can cut off five or six layers of defense. After the three guys ping-pong-pong high-frequency beating, it is replaced by an ordinary middle-grade magic weapon, which may be dozens of times in a row. Hundreds of times have already broken through the defense.

I feel that I can last at most another 10 minutes with this kind of attack intensity, and after 10 minutes, my defensive shield may really be broken.

Qin Lang knew that he had to take some countermeasures, otherwise, the potential of these three mutants would definitely exceed 10 minutes after the potential burst, and he would definitely blow himself up by then.

At this time, the cooldown time of the split shadow bracelet is up again!
Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Lang once again activated this middle-grade auxiliary magic weapon.

Six identical clones appeared, and now the targets of the three potential mutants had changed from one to six.

With the distraction of energy, the attack on Qin Lang's body was greatly weakened. Until this moment, Qin Lang finally confirmed that the dust of this battle had settled, and the mutant genetic fighters in front of him could no longer make any waves.

Ten minutes later, when the time came, the mutant's potential explosion was exactly Cheng Yaojin's three-pronged axe, or a paper tiger. At this time, it suddenly seemed to be stuck. One moment he was fierce, and the next moment he was limp. , Limp directly in front of Qin Lang, and suddenly fell on the sand.


Qin Lang laughed, the aftereffects of these idiots taking the blue potion finally appeared, and now they finally completely lost their strength and passed out.

Now it's cheaper for me, and I have three more samples of mutant genetic warriors. After I return to Yunhai, I can take it to the "Three Lives Three Lives Technology" laboratory to experiment with the researchers there.

For such research samples, the laboratory said that the more the better, and it would never dislike the number of samples that Qin Lang brought over.

However, just when Qin Lang was about to take down the three research samples that were already at his fingertips, suddenly, the bodies of the three comatose mutants burst into flames. They were all burnt black.

"It's that female mutant...Damn it, this female mutant saw that the game was already doomed, and used hacking methods to activate the authority to detonate the systems of the three junior mutants in front of her, causing their bodies to burn themselves."

Qin Lang was very angry, such a thing happened again in front of his eyes, which is equivalent to the female mutant taking away the spoils that belonged to him.

After all, as research samples, it was already a certainty that the three comatose mutants would become their prey. Each sample was worth a lot of money. Now, after being burned by the system implanted by the detonated brain, the scorched corpses would naturally no research value

Out of anger, Qin Lang unfolded his consciousness again, but in the late stage of alchemy, his Dzogchen consciousness has been able to expand to a distance of 150 feet, but he couldn't find the hidden female mutant hacker no matter what.

After searching for a long time with no results, Qin Lang sighed: "Could it be possible to let this female mutant escape again this time?"

He was a little unwilling.

Keeping the other person's life is always a disaster for him.

In particular, he was worried that the opponent would change his strategy next time and attack his family, which would be troublesome.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang slapped his head: "I actually forgot the pet beast I just took in before! Shuiba's ability to sense breath is far superior to mine, and it may be able to solve the current situation. Alas, it saved me a while ago. Fate, how could I have forgotten its special ability?"

Thinking of this, Qin Lang no longer hesitated, and directly released the water bait from the pet bag again, and then pointed out the smart little guy, and the little guy became busy.

I saw this guy sniffing east and west, then pointing in one direction, leading Qin Lang to run in this direction.

After running for more than 30 feet, Qin Lang felt that the sand in front of him was constantly wriggling, as if a snake was scurrying towards the distance.But Qin Lang, who saw the situation in front of him, was overjoyed, and sneered: "I finally caught you, let's see where you escape this time!"

The black eagle sword in his hand threw out two long and deep sword qi fiercely, and directly slashed across the swimming sand, and then heard a scream of "ah", and a figure jumped out of the sand out.

The female mutant was injured, and Qin Lang's two sword qi slashed over, one of which was cutting on her shoulder, directly cutting off an arm of the female mutant.

"Hehe, run away, run away again!"

Qin Lang began to approach, and when he saw the female mutant playing tricks and wanted to drink the blue potion, the movement in his hand quickened, and another sword slashed, cutting off the female mutant's second arm.

This time, the female mutant was completely caught off guard. Now that the female mutant has lost two arms, the situation is no longer optimistic. It seems that this time, she might not be able to escape.

Qin Lang didn't care if he did this to destroy flowers with his hands. The other party was too dangerous, and he came here to kill himself. The benevolence of a woman is not responsible for his own.

When it's time to cut through the mess with a sharp knife, you can't be soft-hearted.

"This female mutant... seems to be code-named Haiyan No. [-]. She is an elite-level mutant genetic warrior. She is good at agility, good at hacking, and even better at concealment... It's a pity, this time it's your unlucky encounter When it comes to the nemesis, my pet beast, Xiao Hei, is so timely!"

Qin Lang smiled and approached her.

But the female mutant lost her arms, but she was unwilling to be captured without a fight, and wanted to hide again, but the blood gurgling from the sand betrayed her. This time, without Xiao Hei's reminder, Qin Lang was able to lock the female mutant up.

A flame erupted, and the female mutant seemed unable to escape, and she burned herself at a critical moment.

The self-burning of this mutant is produced in the body, and it cannot be burned at all, so Qin Lang is powerless to watch the charred black corpse of this female mutant.

The ability of mutants to incinerate themselves is really weird, that kind of flame is not an ordinary flame at all, it can't be extinguished with water, and after burning, it can't be stopped without burning mutants to black.

So far, the five mutant teams that wanted to ambush Qin Lang were all wiped out this time, and the results are very gratifying.

However, Qin Lang was a little unhappy. After fighting so hard, there would be no material gains at that time, which is really disappointing.

However, to be able to face the attack of the five mutant teams, and to be able to kill the opponent, for Qin Lang, this is an improvement in his own combat ability, and it can be regarded as an intangible gain.

Of course, his pet beast Xiao Hei is definitely the biggest hero in this battle. Without it, Qin Lang will definitely be disheartened this time, and he may have been injured in the first wave of rockets.

In that case, whether Qin Lang can survive the next battle is unknown, so speaking of it, his pet beast Xiao Hei is also the biggest lucky star, and Qin Lang decided to treat it well after returning.

If Xiaohei, the pet beast, knew what Qin Lang was thinking, he would be so happy that he was about to faint. After suffering for many years in the small secret realm with exhausted resources, now it finally ushered in its own spring.

After tidying up and burying the corpses of the five mutants under the sand, Qin Lang started the process of returning to the oasis. Flying Luo Yunsuo turned into a cloud and started the return journey with the leisurely Qin Lang.

And the pet beast Xiaohei leaned against Qin Lang's arms, looking at everything in the desert curiously with his small black eyes. Since he was born in that abandoned little secret place, this is the first time he has traveled far. Everything in the outside world is extremely novel to it.

However, monsters like Shuiba are not suitable to be shown in front of ordinary people, so after stopping not far from the oasis, Qin Lang lowered to the ground, directly took some reluctant pets back into the pet bag, and then started Walk unhurriedly to the location of the Oasis Wang family site.

It's only four or five miles away from the oasis, and it's only half an hour's journey. For Qin Lang, it's time to relax in the desert.

(End of this chapter)

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