Chapter 1262 Cure Epilepsy
Qin Lang left the abandoned small secret realm, and took the pet animal Xiao Hei to his uncle's house in the oasis in the Taklamakan Desert.

Of course, it was still the same, the pet beast Xiao Hei continued to be placed in the spirit ghost bag, and Qin Lang had no intention of exposing it to everyone.

Uncle Wang Tiejun had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Xiao Qin, have you found the earth lung crystal?"

Seeing Qin Lang coming back, Wang Tiejun asked quickly.

He is eager to hear the answer he wants from Qin Lang. After all, his father Wang Chao's epilepsy can only be completely cured by the crystallization of the earth's lungs.

"En." Qin Lang nodded, and threw a small jade bottle in his hand to his uncle.

"Hey, be careful."

Uncle hastily took the small bottle containing this precious medicine primer, and carefully looked at it. The jade bottle is transparent, and the fiery red crystals inside are really beautiful.


Wang Tiejun was so excited that his hands were shaking while holding a small jade bottle.It was pure excitement.

"Okay, now that Yao Yin has been found, the treatment for grandpa can start." Qin Lang also said at this time.

Grandpa has been suffering from illness for so many years, and he also hopes that grandpa will get better soon.


So Uncle Wang Tiejun cooperated with him and went to grandpa's house again. Now the house has been cleaned up, it's clean, and some pesticides have even been sprayed on it.

Grandpa's body was also very clean, after all, it had been repaired before, at this time uncle and Qin Lang stepped forward to subdue Grandpa again, and lifted the chains on his body.

Qin Lang asked his uncle to put his grandfather on a bed, and then used gold needles to pierce the big acupuncture points all over his body, making him unable to move.

Grandpa Wang Chao went mad when he hit the Martial God Realm, causing insanity and madness, and the location of the lesion has already been ascertained by Qin Lang, so now he only needs to treat the lesion.

Next is the process of dredging the meridians and reconnecting the nerves at the lesion. The process is actually somewhat similar to the treatment of Uncle Wang Tiejun.

However, the true energy needed to treat grandpa is much more than the real energy spent on treating uncle's hidden illness. Even though Qin Lang has two meridian systems, light and dark, the true energy is twice as much as that of the average Dzogchen monk in the late stage of alchemy , After this treatment, I also feel a little overwhelmed.

During Qin Lang's treatment, Grandpa started cursing because he couldn't move, but after all the disordered nerves were corrected one by one, he was readjusted by a lot of real energy, and he felt so comfortable that he fell asleep with his head tilted past.

And after the grandfather fell asleep, it was more convenient for Qin Lang to treat him. He turned the grandfather's body away, and then re-injected the needle into the corrected nerve points on the back of the head and back.

Genuine Qi was injected into the golden needle bit by bit, and soon Qin Lang's body's true energy was exhausted. It is a big project to cure this kind of obsession in Grandpa's body, and it is also a huge challenge for him. .

Because at this moment, the treatment process is not over yet.

Qin Lang wiped his sweat. A cultivator at his level already seldom sweats, but now he has consumed too much physical strength and energy in the process of treating his grandfather, and his spirit is too tense. Qin Lang is also afraid that he will make some mistakes and cause some unavoidable problems. The situation happened, after all, the nervous system is too complex and delicate, so I can't help but be careless.

Fortunately, because of Qin Lang's extra care, nothing went wrong in the previous busy work, and the first half of the treatment was completed normally.

At this time, Qin Lang stopped the treatment, swallowed a few pills of essence and energy to restore the excessive consumption of true energy, and was thinking about the next treatment plan while resting.

When the true vitality recovered to about [-]%, Qin Lang continued to inject true energy into the grandfather's body, stimulating the nervous system that had been rectified just now, and activating these nerve transmission units.


After four or five hours of busy work, Qin Lang stopped the treatment process. At this time, he was so tired that he was sweating profusely, but the treatment process for Grandpa was still not over.

Because Qin Lang still needs to refine a furnace of Guyuan Pill for Grandpa to use, it can be regarded as the end of all the treatment process.

During the process of alchemy, in order to prevent being disturbed by others, Qin Lang changed to a separate quiet room. After recovering his physical strength and energy, Qin Lang started.

In fact, Guyuan Pill is only at the level of intermediate-level panacea in the realm of comprehension. For Qin Lang, who is now at the alchemy master level, it is naturally a piece of cake.

Needless to say, the process of alchemy contains a large amount of elixir, including the key earth lung crystal with the property of igniting fire.

After adding the Earth Lung Crystal, about 10 minutes later, Qin Lang finally refined the Guyuan Pill, and it was Yinyuan Pill of perfect quality.

"It's good to have the fire of hurdles, and it's really leveraged to increase the success rate of alchemy..."

Qin Lang looked at the more than 100 grains of Guyuan pills produced in the pill furnace, all of which were bright red in fire attribute, round and round like soybeans, with fine and dense pill patterns on the surface.

The elixir looks very attractive, like a little cherry, but there is no trace of spiritual energy leaking on the surface, which is also a normal phenomenon of the perfect quality elixir.

You must know that even if a perfect-quality panacea is exposed to the air for three to five days, it will not leak any of its qi.

"There are more than 100 grains of Guyuan Dan. Grandpa's illness only needs to be used for one month, that is, one pill every morning and evening, a total of 40 pills, and the remaining more than [-] pills can be used by yourself. This fire-type panacea It’s also a great tonic for myself.”

Qin Lang collected these elixir, filled about three small jade bottles, then walked out of the yard, and handed two of the jade bottles to his uncle.

"Uncle, the treatment for grandpa has almost ended, and now he is taking medicine every day. If you take these pills one by one in the morning and evening, grandpa will be able to return to normal sanity in about three days, and he will be able to fully recover in about a month. "


Uncle quickly took the two small jade bottles, Qin Lang's words were undoubtedly good news for him.

And Qin Lang planned to stay at his uncle's house for a few more days, and then leave after his grandfather woke up. First, he wanted to observe the physical changes of his uncle and grandfather, and second, he wanted his mother to spend more time with these relatives from her natal family.

After all, Wang Chunxue hasn't returned to her natal family for more than 20 years. This is a very nostalgic woman who cares about the family relationship very much.

Moreover, if grandpa wakes up, as a daughter, she can see it immediately and call him dad again. That feeling is probably very happy, and she has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Three days later, Grandpa's room.

At this moment, there was a circle of people around the bed in the room. Qin Lang, Qin Lang's uncle, aunt, mother Wang Chunxue, and several servants were all inside, watching Wang Chao who had been comatose on the bed for three days.

That's right, after the treatment, Qin Lang's grandfather, Wang Chao, has been in a coma, and his uncle has fed him the medicine for the past few days.

Grandpa's drowsiness is normal. He has been insane for so many years, and he was suddenly cured by Qin Lang's treatment. The consumption of energy and vitality is also great, which requires a lot of recuperation.

And Qin Lang's Guyuan Pill is the best pill to restore the body's vitality. After three days of feeding, Grandpa has recovered to the point where his brain has recovered, so he can definitely open his eyes today and his consciousness will return to normal.

About half an hour after my uncle fed my grandfather the pill again, the corners of my grandfather's mouth moved when he was sleepy on the bed, and then he let out a sigh, and finally slowly opened his eyes.



"Dad, you're awake!"

Qin Lang's uncle, aunt, and mother Wang Chunxue all exclaimed at the same time, and grandfather Wang Chao also woke up in this round of exclamation. Looking at the rows of heads on the hospital bed, he moved in confusion. Mouth: "Why do so many people surround me? Oh, Xiaojun, Xiaoxue, why do you look so much older?"

"Father, you've finally woken up. Don't you know that it's been nearly 30 years since you became obsessed with kung fu?"

Wang Chunxue stepped forward to hold his father's hand and said excitedly.

"For 30 years... I practiced qigong and became obsessed..."

Grandpa wondered why he felt like he just fell asleep in a daze, and the past 30 years were just a snap of his fingers.

Thinking back carefully, with a sound of ah, grandpa was holding his headache and screaming.

"Grandpa can't be allowed to think about the past again. His illness has just recovered, and he hasn't fully recovered yet."

At this time, Qin Lang reminded that the memory of Grandpa just now touched those fragile nerves that had just recovered.

"Oh, good!"

"Dad, you rest, continue to rest, don't think about it!"

"Since Daddy is awake, get him some more food and make up for it. Guifang, go to the kitchen to get it!"


Everyone was in a hurry, and everyone was busy, covering the quilt for Grandpa Wang Chao, washing his face, and his aunt Guifang was also called to the kitchen by her uncle, preparing to make some nutritious food for Grandpa.

"Hehe, hehehe..." Seeing this funny and busy scene, especially his mother Wang Chunxue, who was overwhelmed with surprise, almost fell while walking, Qin Lang felt it was funny.

However, he can understand everyone's excitement. Grandpa hasn't returned to normal for nearly 30 years since he became obsessed with martial arts. As a child, I hope that one day this old father can return to normal. Hearing them call him dad, Then the old father nodded and stroked their heads like when they were children!

Grandpa's return to normal was a great joy in the eyes of the Wang family. It caused a greater sensation than the cure of uncle Wang Tiejun's hidden disease. The whole oasis is now busy.

Now the whole oasis is decorated with lanterns and festoons, and pigs and sheep are slaughtered inside. The atmosphere is like Chinese New Year, and uncle Wang Tiejun is going to throw a big banquet to invite everyone on the oasis to celebrate this great event of the Wang family.

In fact, there are not many families in the oasis. Apart from my uncle's family and a few servants, there are only five other families who are attached to the oasis. That is to say, the total population of the oasis does not exceed thirty people.

"Firecrackers! still need firecrackers, Azi, go buy firecrackers and ride a motorcycle."

Uncle said to a servant at this time.

"Okay." The young servant named Azi nodded and left as ordered.

"That's great. The Wang family hasn't let off firecrackers for nearly eight years. The last time they set off firecrackers was when Qilin and Qinglong were just born."

Uncle Wang Tiejun sighed with emotion, and then smiled: "Now because of Xiao Qin, the Wang family has regained its vigor and vitality. From now on, I will decide that the Wang family will set off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year!"

"Speaking of which, Xiao Qin is really the lucky star of the Wang family. I have decided that this time the oasis celebration must let Xiao Qin take the first place to express the gratitude of the entire Wang family. Although Xiao Qin is a junior of the Wang family, I believe everyone will do this. No objection."

Wang Tiejun said to himself.

Qin Lang has done so much for the family this time, no one can overshadow his credit, and he will punish anyone who dares to have an opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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