The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1263 A Gift From Grandpa

Chapter 1263 A Gift From Grandpa
Then at the celebration banquet in the oasis, the firecrackers kept ringing non-stop. This time, my uncle was so happy that he asked his servants to buy a few baskets of firecrackers.

At the time of celebration, Qin Lang was really invited by Wang Tiejun to the first place in the main hall of the banquet. Originally, Qin Lang refused. With so many elders present, although my grandfather was unable to attend the banquet because he needed to continue to rest in bed, this position was not his turn. Juniors come and sit.

But my uncle persisted. After all, Qin Lang was a great benefactor to the entire Wang family, so if Qin Lang didn't sit down, he made everyone not sit down.

Seeing that all the elders meant the same thing, in desperation, Qin Lang, a junior, had no choice but to compromise, let himself swell his face this time to pretend to be fat, and show off with these elders.

After being seated, the banquet just started. This time, there were five tables in total. The food was served in the form of a flowing table. They were all local dishes from the countryside, mainly hard dishes, and the original taste was very suitable for Qin Lang's appetite.

Qin Lang ate five big bowls and drank a lot of wine, but his uncle couldn't drink because of his health, so he could only watch Qin Lang drinking so well with envy.

I heard that my uncle is a big alcoholic, and he had to drink a little with every meal before changing it. Now this feast really makes him scratch his head, and the wine bug almost jumped down his throat, but after his aunt stared Under the gaze, the hand that almost touched the wine bowl gradually retracted.

"Hehe, hehe." Uncle laughed dryly twice, and continued to bury his head in eating and eating vegetables.

Seeing this, Qin Lang shook his head amusedly, and said, "Uncle, you will be liberated if you persist for another three or five days. Don't worry, you can drink to your heart's content every day from now on."

"Yes, yes." Wang Tiejun agreed with this.


Qin Lang and his mother, Wang Chunxue, stayed in the oasis for about a week. They didn't prepare to leave until their uncle's body fully recovered and grandpa was able to get out of bed.

Before leaving, Grandpa Wang Chao actually called Qin Lang to the side, and handed Qin Lang a simple and simple box.

Wang Chao understood that he was able to regain consciousness because this grandson who seemed to come out of nowhere helped him, and after getting along with everyone these few days, his relationship with Qin Lang has also become much closer, and he has lost the initial sense of strangeness .

You must know that Qin Lang was entrusted by his parents to the Yunhai City Welfare Institute not long after he was born, and grew up in the Welfare Institute. This was the first time Qin Lang met him, and it was inevitable before.

"Xiao Qin, your first visit has brought such great blessings to the Wang family. Grandpa didn't give me anything. Inside the box is a gadget that grandpa got when he explored the small secret place in the desert. It should be a treasure. Now give it to you."

Grandpa had been to the small secret realm of ruins explored by Qin Lang many years ago when he hadn't lost his temper. At that time, the small secret realm hadn't completely turned into ruins, and grandpa got a lot of treasures in it.

After so many years, these are the only things left in Grandpa's hands, which are the things in the box in Qin Lang's hands.

Qin Lang opened this simple little box at this time, and found that it was a jade doll, and there were faint spiritual fluctuations on the surface.

"A stand-in doll?"

Qin Lang picked up the little jade doll and looked at it, and found that this little jade doll really looked like a substitute doll in the cultivation world.

The stand-in puppet, which can change shape and replace the master, has the same effect as the Baili Talisman. However, after the Baili Talisman is cast, the teleportation location is random, but the stand-in doll needs to set the coordinates in advance. There are advantages and disadvantages between the two, and it is impossible to say who is better.

Consumable stand-in dolls can only be made by refiners in the Jindan period. This kind of thing is not widely circulated in the market, and it is very valuable, even more expensive than the Bailifu.

However, this jade doll is a little different from the dolls in the cultivation world. Qin Lang has never heard of a doll made of jade.

"This should be a more high-end thing than a double doll. I wonder if the function is the same as that of a double doll?"

Holding this mysterious little jade doll, Qin Lang thought to himself.

For the time being, he couldn't figure out the purpose of this little doll, so he could only put it in his storage ring for the time being.

After accepting this gift, Qin Lang drove his beloved car and took his mother away from Oasis Wang's house. Behind him, the whole family of grandpa, uncle, and aunt were presenting grandly.

And mother Wang Chunxue also rolled down the window in the car and kept waving outside. If it wasn't for Qin Lang who had his own business to do in Huaxia and hurried to leave, I'm afraid his mother would stay here for a while.


After returning to the capital and sending his mother back to his residence to reunite with his father, Qin Lang bid farewell to his parents and returned to Yunhai.

Next, the five-party alliance called Qin Lang and asked Qin Lang to attend the annual meeting of the five-party alliance to discuss the distribution of dividends in the business field this year.

At the meeting, the Li family, the Nalan family, and the Lei family all brought out the year-end bonus plan that the family originally promised to Qin Lang. It is estimated that Qin Lang can get nearly [-] billion in bonus quota from this year's five-party alliance bonus .

Qin Lang is also satisfied with this bonus plan. Thinking about the five-party alliance's annual dividend of [-] billion, it is really incredible. Now the five-party alliance has become a behemoth without knowing it.

In contrast, his Lanrun Company is just a newborn baby, but it is estimated that this year's net profit will be more than one billion, and the development is considered very good.


After the annual meeting of the five-party alliance ended, it was the annual meeting of Qin Lang's own Lanrun Company. At the meeting, Qin Lang, Tang Xue, and Tang Qian were all present, and even Jiang Xinzhong, who was far away in Singapore, was also present.

This time, Lanrun Company convened an annual meeting of all employees, which was also a summary of the company's one-year operating situation, commending outstanding employees, and early deployment and discussion of the next plan for the end of the year.

"Lanrun's business has developed very well this year. At present, the company has developed into two strongholds, the head office and the Singapore branch. In addition to the [-] provinces and cities across the country, the business scope also includes Singapore."

"This year, Lanrun Company's total sales volume is [-] billion, of which [-] million is earned in the last three months. The company's performance is growing explosively. I believe that the company's sales volume in the first month of next year will be It will definitely be more than [-] million."

"With the development of Lanrun, the company has now expanded to 5000 people. It is already a first-tier brand in the domestic cosmetics industry. I believe that as Lanrun goes abroad, it will not be far to become an international first-tier brand."

"The development of Lanrun is inseparable from the joint efforts of everyone. Everyone here is a meritorious minister. Today, I need to commend a large number of meritorious people. Among them are high-level leaders, middle-level backbones, and grass-roots salesmen. They all It is the backbone of the development of the entire Lanrun Company, and these people are..."

At the company's annual meeting, Qin Lang gave a lot of speeches as the boss, and at the same time commended the excellent management and employees of hundreds of Lanrun companies, including the company's general manager Tang Qian.

These excellent administrators and employees will receive additional double bonuses from Lanrun Company. General manager Tang Qian’s red envelope is at least 1000 million. As the boss, Qin Lang is undoubtedly very generous, so now the entire Lanrun Company owns The employees are all smiling.

At this annual meeting, Qin Lang distributed [-] million yuan in funds alone, and even the most grassroots employees present received more than [-] to [-] yuan in red envelopes.

Qin Lang also concluded at the end of the year that in Lanrun, a new and dynamic company, all employees are members of a large group, and everyone has no mediocrity. As long as they work hard, they will have rich returns.

In fact, Qin Lang also fulfilled his promise. He promised that as long as he works in Lanrun, every employee of the company will have a good life and develop better in the future. He even sent a luxury car to every employee of the company Year-end gold is not out of the question.

Speaking of the welfare of the employees of Lanrun Company, it is definitely the best in the same industry in China. It is not one of them, and this is also recognized by the industry.

Therefore, every time Lanrun Company needs to recruit in the talent market, applicants flock in like a flood, often hundreds or thousands of people rush to grab less than a dozen positions.

At present, Lanrun Company has established a firm foothold in the country and has a good reputation in the industry. It is flourishing and rising to the outside world, extending its wings longer and farther to the international market.

This round of Lanrun Annual Meeting was held for a full day. The company should commend those who should be commended, and those who should be awarded bonuses. After that, they will discuss the next development plan, so that everyone in the company can contribute.

There is a saying that everyone gathers firewood with high flames. After a round of rain of red envelopes, everyone’s enthusiasm is high, and they are very enthusiastic to express their opinions. After Lanrun collected these opinions and suggestions, he really came up with a lot of good things. development ideas.

Among the collected opinions and suggestions, all the opinions and suggestions are benign, which also means that Lanrun's development prospects are favored by countless people.


At the end of the annual meeting, Qin Lang decided that the company would hold a masquerade annual meeting. At that time, the top five-star hotel in the sea of ​​clouds would be reserved. All company employees could participate, and they could also bring their lovers or friends.

This masquerade annual meeting is mainly to taste delicious food, chat, make friends, and dance for free. It is also a platform for the company's employees to completely relax. Activities to show sincerity.

This masquerade annual meeting is of great significance to some single young men and women. At the masquerade annual meeting, you can invite friends of the opposite sex who you have liked for a long time. If the other party is interested, this is also a platform similar to a matchmaker. Qin Lang thought of so many single men and women in the company, and came up with this strange trick.

I believe that after such a round of activities, the number of men and women matched by the company will increase a lot next year, which will also increase the cohesion of the company in a different way. After all, when a person has a partner and solves a life-long event, he will be more motivated to work.

In the future, these people will still need to support their families. Therefore, people with families will work harder. Lan Run Company needs this kind of people with stable work and a sense of responsibility most.

(End of this chapter)

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