The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1264 Find a place to cry!

Chapter 1264 Find a place to cry!
The company's masquerade ball will not start until a few days later. Qin Lang took advantage of the leisure time and called Bai Bao. He paid for the largest box in a big hotel in Yunhai. Bai Bao and White Leopard's younger brother eats.

White Leopard was the first younger brother with him, and so far his only younger brother. After he went to Qinghe Continent, White Leopard still led people to protect the flower planting farm of Lanrun Company as before.

The flower planting farm produces all kinds of fresh flowers. As the raw material of essential oil, one of the most important things in cosmetic production, the output of flowers is very high and the demand is also great, so it is natural to send capable and reliable people to guard there.

After Qin Lang came back from the Qinghe Continent, because he was busy with time, he only met Baibao a few times and taught him some martial arts. Today is the first time he has invited everyone from Baibao to a gathering.

After Baibao received the call, he drove over excitedly with a group of his men. Now they travel in a car, which is no longer the Jinbei van, but directly replaced by an all-black Audi A6!

There is no way, it is impossible to keep a low profile, the boss Qin Lang is too kind to them, not only the salary is higher than the middle-level leaders of ordinary enterprises, the benefits and bonuses are even more attractive.

With the money, Bai Bao followed Qin Lang's instructions and did not spend it on women's bellies, so he gathered his men and bought these eight Audi A6s. The eight cars in one trip are mighty and impressive.

"Boss Qin, I saw you!"

When Bai Bao saw Qin Lang, apart from being happy, he was also excited.

After Qin Lang gave Bai Bao a bear hug, he called everyone to sit in the box.

Bai Bao and others are rough people, and Qin Lang is not polite, so what to talk about, the atmosphere in the box is very free and lively.

As for the food, Qin Lang’s estimated value of the assets of a Lanrun company alone is tens of billions of dollars, and it’s still in US dollars. Even if his own cash is far from that much, it’s like playing with tens of millions of cash, so I really don't care about the tens of thousands of 10+ that will be spent on meals.

This big hotel is the most upscale five-star hotel in Yunhai City, and the box I ordered is the only platinum-level box in this big hotel. In addition, the dishes and drinks ordered by Qin Lang are all the most high-end, just this one meal The meal cost nearly 20.

When paying the bill, even Bai Bao was dumbfounded.

But immediately after, the White Panther was happy and proud.

Boss Qin is so willing to spend a lot of money to treat them to dinner, doesn't that mean that Boss Qin hasn't forgotten about them as younger brothers even after his success?
Nothing to say, continue to follow Boss Qin in the future, if Boss Qin tells us to go east, we will never go west!
White Leopard and the others had a great time eating this meal.

After drinking and eating, Bai Bao couldn't help asking: "Boss Qin, is there anything you want us to do, just say it!"

Qin Lang scolded with a smile: "Why, I thought that when I invited you to dinner, I just wanted to be courteous first and then serve as a soldier, so that your mouth would be softened, and then I would do things for me."

White Leopard waved his hands again and again: "How can that be, hehe."

He has been following Qin Lang for a long time, so he naturally knows that Boss Qin is not that kind of person.

But as he said, as long as Qin Lang has something to ask them to do, they will never refuse.

If any of his men dared to refuse, he would kick that bastard right away.

It is an honor to serve Boss Qin!

Qin Lang smiled, changed the subject, and said: "The main reason is that I haven't had dinner and chat with my brothers for a long time, and we all get together to get in touch with each other."

"I knew that Boss Qin would not forget our little brothers." Bai Bao was full of joy.

Although Qin Lang called them Yong's brothers, Baibao still willingly referred to himself as "little brother" in front of Qin Lang.

He is sincerely willing to be Qin Lang's younger brother.That's it, no one else has a chance yet, as long as there is a respectable Yunhai person now, who doesn't know that the real overlord of Yunhai is their boss Qin!

"White Leopard, how are you doing at the flower planting farm? Are you satisfied? If you need anything, just ask."

Qin Lang asked with a smile.

He is very relieved to have this group of people helping the company guard the raw material planting base.However, because it is on the outskirts of the city, the living conditions are not as good as those in the city, so if Baibao and the others have any needs, he will still try to meet them.


"Some eat, some play, and the salary is high, how can I have any opinions."

"That's right, this job is a hundred times better than being a gangster on the street before. Those people in the police station are polite when they see us now, because we drive an Audi A6 when we go out, and the level of the car is higher than theirs. Much higher."

A group of people said one after another, and Qin Lang could tell from their smiling expressions that they really had no objections and were willing to work on the flower planting farm.

In fact, Qin Lang also understands their mentality.

In the past, they were all gangsters, and they were still very low-level. They were often bullied by their peers, kicked out and arrested by the police. Don't look at people's prestige, shouting and killing at every turn, young and Dangerous, awesome, etc., but in fact they have no dignity and status.

But now, not to mention having a stable job, they earn even more than gold collars, they walk straight, and their neighbors are envious and admired when they go back to the neighborhood. Naturally, they are willing to enjoy such a life.

"Okay, you work there first, the company will expand, and then I will arrange jobs for you in the security department and production management department."

Qin Lang said.

Everyone was overjoyed.

This is the pace at which the treatment needs to be improved.They are all very happy.

Qin Lang then asked Xiang Baibao: "Baibao, do you have other ideas?"

Seeing that Bai Bao was hesitant to speak, Qin Lang couldn't help asking.

Bai Bao scratched his big bald head, and said with some embarrassment: "Boss Qin, do you think if our boys set up a security company in the future, it will be foolish?"

Qin Lang came to his senses, and couldn't help pointing at the white leopard and said with a smile: "Okay, I haven't seen you for a few days and finally learned to think about problems, and I know the importance of a man's career."

Seeing that Qin Lang was not angry, Bai Bao was also overjoyed. He thought Qin Lang would be dissatisfied when he heard that he wanted to go it alone.

"If you follow the path I have paved for you, you will at most be a manager in the security department or the production workshop department in the future. It's not very aggressive. It's good to start a career by yourself." Qin Lang expressed his opinion.

"Then can we do it?" White Leopard asked impatiently.

He is not confident.As Qin Lang said, the reason why they came out of the gangsters to live a glamorous life was not because Qin Lang was pulling them. In fact, they didn't take the initiative to do many things successfully.

This time they wanted to start a security company, but they also had no idea.

"Of course you can succeed if you want to. When the time comes, resources, funds, etc., I can help you." Qin Lang said.

"Thank you so much, Boss Qin!" Bai Bao was very excited.

Qin Lang waved his hand and poured cold water on it first: "Starting a business is also difficult. If nothing else, your skills are still a problem now. Even if you start a security company, if you don't have enough strength, your business will plummet."

It's not that Qin Lang deliberately belittled the White Leopards.Now security companies are springing up like mushrooms after rain, and the security team members are basically retired soldiers, and there are even mercenaries, athletes, etc. In terms of innate quality, the white leopards and their motley crew are much worse.

Only by improving personal strength and surpassing competitors in individual capabilities can the established security company truly survive in the mixed security industry.

Bai Bao laughed and said: "I've considered this, so I plan to implement militarized management on the plantation farm in the future. We will increase our strength. If it doesn't work in one year, it will be two years. Just don't embarrass Boss Qin."

"Okay." Qin Lang made a direct decision.

Baibao established a security company, and in the future, it can help Lanrun Company resist some troubles, and Baibao and the others can also realize their own life value.


After eating and paying the bill, Qin Lang asked Bai Bao and the others to leave first. He didn't go back in the Audi A6 convoy of Bai Bao and others, but planned to take advantage of his rare free time to take a stroll on the beaming street.

It's almost the end of the year, the school is already on winter vacation, and there are many young and energetic students on the street. Qin Lang seems to have vaguely seen himself. Although he is not very old now, he rarely enjoys the willful youth.

The company's masquerade ball will be held soon, but Tang Qian is hosting it, so there are a lot of things missing from him. Qin Lang felt the laughter of young people on the street, and unknowingly arrived in front of a car dealer selling electric cars .

This car dealership is called "Jacques" dealership, and its business area is not small. Through the glass windows, you can see electric cars of various brands in a space of about [-] square meters.

Of course, some of them are small motorcycles, but electric vehicles are obviously the main business.

There are many young people who are choosing a car. Qin Lang has no need for electric cars, so he only intends to leave after looking at it for a while, but when he glanced around, he accidentally found a girl who was negotiating with the owner of the car dealership. The back was very familiar.

"Nalan Hairong?"

After confirming that the girl in the white sweater and blue jeans was the school flower Nalan Hairong, Qin Lang walked up.

Through the huge window glass, he saw that Nalan Hairong seemed to be arguing with the owner of the car dealership, but he couldn't hear clearly. Since he happened to meet Xueba Xiaohua, he naturally wanted to go in to find out.

"Boss, I have only rented this electric car for two days, how could I damage your battery."

Nalan Hairong asked, Nalan Hairong was very dissatisfied with the boss who accused her of breaking the battery of the electric car and asked her to pay for it.

The owner of the car dealership is a strong guy with a fat face and is not easy to mess with. He is a full 1.8 meters tall. He is like a pillar when he stands there, especially now that he is extremely impatient with his triangular eyes. Very fierce.

"Hey, what do you mean, I, Zhu Dabiao, deliberately rented you an electric car with a broken battery?"

This vicious guy named Zhu Dabiao yelled at Nalan Hairong ferociously.

"Anyway, I've only charged the battery twice, and the battery is broken, and I can't charge it anymore, so I won't rent this car anymore, and the deposit will be refunded to me."

Although Nalan Hairong is a top student and has little social experience, she is very smart and knows that the battery failure cannot be the cause of her.

Although it’s already winter vacation, and it’s even close to the end of the year, she still needs to complete a project experiment in the school laboratory. In order to save time, she rented an electric car from this car dealership for one week and paid a deposit of 800 yuan .

"Little girl, do you still dare to ask me for a deposit?"

Probably thinking that Nalan Hairong is a student who is easy to bully, Zhu Dabiao's expression became even more ferocious, and he shouted: "The battery costs 900 yuan, plus wages and your rent for these two days, and the 800 yuan is deducted. , you bring another 200 yuan!"

Zhu Dabiao stretched out his hand to ask for it.

Seeing this, the employees in the store were not surprised, secretly thinking that the evil boss is bullying the ignorant students again.

Zhu Dabiao cheated and cheated to get money. The battery was naturally bad, but he blamed Nalan Hairong and insisted that Nalan Hairong lose money.

Qin Lang's hearing is very good, and he could not help being annoyed when he heard all these, secretly thinking that the owner of the car dealership is really shameless and despicable, and his methods are too low.

"Return my deposit, or I will call the police!"

Nalan Hairong didn't intend to give in, and said angrily.

"Hey, do you want to call the police? Brothers!"

A stern look flashed across Zhu Dabiao's face, and he shouted sharply.

Immediately, three or four equally vicious people jumped out from the car dealership, blocking Nalan Hairong in the middle.

"Little girl, if you don't pay me, don't blame me, Zhu Dabiao, for being ruthless!"

Zhu Dabiao said viciously.

"Hehe, do you still want to beat someone up?"

Qin Lang approached, looked at Zhu Dabiao with a sneer and said.

"Qin Lang, why is it you?" Nalan Hairong immediately showed a surprised smile after realizing it was Qin Lang.

I haven't seen Qin Lang for a long time, and I didn't expect to meet him here.

"You want to stand up for this chick?" Zhu Dabiao shouted with his thick forearm in his arms, not paying attention to Qin Lang.

"It's because you did something unethical. You know it well. Now that I refund my friend's deposit, I can pretend nothing happened." Qin Lang said coldly.


Zhu Dabiao stomped his feet vigorously, squashed the dropped cigarette butt, and yelled: "I also told you, if you don't pay 200 yuan today, no, pay 500 yuan, and I will let you lie down and go out!"

"You're looking for smoke!" Qin Lang burst out angrily, glaring at Zhu Dabiao.

It's disgusting that the other party is so arrogant!
Unexpectedly, Zhu Dabiao intensified, pointed at Qin Lang and said arrogantly: "Damn, dare to threaten to teach me a lesson, today I must beat you, you little bastard!"

"court death!"

Qin Lang finally didn't bother to talk to the other party any more, and slapped Zhu Dabiao and others away.

Seeing this, Zhu Dabiao realized how terrifying this young man was, and he was also afraid of being ruthless. Zhu Dabiao didn't dare to challenge him again, but his resentment never subsided, and he secretly thought that he would find someone to abolish Qin Lang afterwards.

Qin Lang didn't care how this man planned to revenge him, he said to Nalan Hairong: "Let's go."

"The deposit?" Nalan Hairong didn't forget about it.

"It's okay, the 800 yuan deposit will be regarded as compensation for his shop." Qin Lang smiled and left the car dealership with Nalan Hairong.

Zhu Dabiao was very surprised. There was no loss in his store. The loss was only because he and a few brothers were slapped in the face. What did the man mean by leaving 800 yuan as compensation?

Qin Lang first called White Leopard, and then talked with Nalan Hairong outside for a long time, because Nalan Hairong had an experiment task after all, so the two did not eat outside.

After sending Nalan Hairong away, Qin Lang returned to the company.

And the car dealership opened by Zhu Dabiao was soon smashed by Bai Bao and his people, and the dealership was completely changed. Zhu Dabiao was dumbfounded by the few words that Bai Bao left before leaving.

"Stupid, do you know who the person you provoked is Qin Lang, the boss of Lanrun Company! I don't know who Boss Qin is, so you can just ask a street ruffian!"

"My boss Qin said that the 800 yuan compensation has already been given to you, so you can find a place to cry by yourself!"

The white leopard left arrogantly, and Zhu Dabiao wanted to cry but had no tears.

If I knew that person was Qin Lang, why is he crazy!
Qin Lang's name, in today's Yunhai City, can be said to be as fierce as the earth emperor in the underground world, how dare he provoke Qin Lang again.

However, a quarter of the electric car in the car dealer was smashed, and the loss was at least 10 yuan. Naturally, he can only pay for this money, so don't ask Qin Lang for compensation.

Thinking of the huge loss of accidentally offending Qin Lang, Zhu Dabiao really wanted to find a place to cry silently.

(End of this chapter)

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