Chapter 1266 The Clown
The Yunhai Bridge is located in the western suburbs of Yunhai City. It is a relatively remote place. Recently, it is undergoing a manual diversion. This construction site has been surrounded by construction parties. The government is planning to build a new bridge.

After Qin Lang drove the Audi A8 and left the Yunhai Hotel, he ran all the way. He didn't know how many red lights he ran through, and arrived here in more than 30 minutes.

Liu Zhenzhen was hijacked accidentally, he couldn't care about anything else, after arriving, he began to observe the surrounding environment.

After all, kidnapping Liu Zhenzhen should not be easy. Although he is a cultivator, he can't be blindly arrogant and cause things to capsize in the gutter.

The construction site in this area is very messy. The Quhai Bridge in front of us has already been blasted into two sections by the construction party using explosives. There is a section at each end in the middle of the sky. It should be that the blasting work has not been completely completed.

However, I heard that several shareholders within the construction party were having conflicts recently, so the project was forced to stop for more than a month.

After Qin Lang came here, he looked around and released his consciousness at the same time, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

You know, if someone is hiding around, as long as it is within the reach of his spiritual sense, then the hiding person will definitely not be able to hide from his spiritual sense scan.

And the coverage of his consciousness is at least a few hundred meters in radius.

"Strange, didn't the guy on the other end of the phone want me to come to the Yunhai Bridge? Why didn't this guy show up after I came..."

Qin Lang thought to himself.

Liu Zhenzhen was kidnapped. Qin Lang is also very anxious now, hoping that nothing will happen to his woman. This time he swears to the heavens that he will never spare these villains who dare to kidnap his woman.

After a while, Qin Lang's phone rang again. Picking up the phone, Qin Lang heard a voice from the side of the phone saying: "You go to the broken bridge now, don't move, just wait there."

"What are these people doing?"

Qin Lang was secretly vigilant, but now that the situation was pressing, he had no choice but to follow the words of the kidnappers.


"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of triumphant laughter came from behind Qin Lang, he turned his head, and a short guy appeared behind Qin Lang unknowingly.

This guy, Qin Lang, was very impressed. He was actually the Wu Dalang-level clown who had appeared in the Masquerade Ball of Lanrun Company and performed the show.

"It's actually you!"

Qin Lang was surprised. He never thought that this kind of situation would happen. Originally, the clown's performance at the masquerade ball was fake, and his real purpose was to kidnap his girlfriend Liu Zhenzhen and want to deal with him.

Qin Lang felt a deep anger!
He prepared the masquerade with all his heart, in order to give the employees of Lanrun Company a chance to relax and have fun. Unexpectedly, his opponent would sneak in and even pretend to be an employee of the company and perform a show under his nose. The performance of a clown won his applause. Now that I think about it, I am really angry!

"Yes, it's me."

The clown was still wearing makeup, and his exaggerated grin seemed to be mocking Qin Lang's stupidity.

Seeing the clown appearing in front of him, Qin Lang finally understood why he always felt that there was something wrong with this clown at the masquerade ball. It turned out that this clown was not an ordinary person at all, it should be a disguised mutant.

A mutant, another mutant sent by the Retzman Corporation!

It's a pity that there were too many people saying hello at the masked annual meeting, and Qin Lang didn't delve into it, which allowed the clown to calmly implement his plan and kidnap his woman Liu Zhenzhen.

Damn, really hateful...

Looking at the grinning clown in front of him who looked like he was laughing at himself, Qin Lang's eyes were also burning with anger.

At this time, he asked in a deep voice: "I've come, tell me! Where is my woman... Liu Zhenzhen?"

"Hehe, don't worry, let's have a good fight first."

The clown sneered, reached Qin Lang's side in a flash, and attacked Qin Lang.

This mutant actually has the ability to teleport, it doesn't look simple, at least he is an elite mutant.

And just when the clown's weapon was about to attack him, a protective cover like a flame appeared on Qin Lang's body.

Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler... This high-grade defensive magic weapon was finally activated by him.

The high-strength alloy weapon hit Qin Lang's defensive shield and directly broke through five or six layers of defense. The clown in front of him hit him casually, and he was actually comparable to a mutant in the defense department, and his strength was very strong.

"Strong strength and quick movement... The clown mutant in front of me almost combines the advantages of both combat-type mutants and agility-type mutants. Although this clown is only at the elite level, it feels like an assassin-type girl. Mutants are still tough to deal with."

Qin Lang endured this time, and when he wanted to fight back, he found that the clown in front of him flashed and appeared four or five feet away from him again.

"Hehe, your opponent is indeed formidable. No wonder you killed all your previous companions, but this time it fell into my hands. It is also your bad luck. Because I am a magician...Alpha!"

The alloy sword in the clown's hand flicked twice casually, and the sword twisted like a long snake, entangled and swam around its wrist.

"It's very powerful, teleportation... plus control metal?"

Qin Lang's eyes narrowed slightly. The mutant in front of him is really powerful. I guess he made a mistake just now. This guy should be far beyond the elite level, reaching the top level.

Qin Lang recalled the information in the middle of the brain, and the distinction between mutants is divided into five levels, namely elementary level, elite level, top level, extraordinary level, and S level, and the ability between each level is also a large leap , is getting harder and harder to deal with.

At least now Qin Lang is struggling when facing this third level, that is, the top-level mutant clown.

The opponent's teleportation ability is very powerful, and it seems that every teleportation does not require much energy. With this ability, it is very difficult for Qin Lang to hit the opponent.

Fortunately, although the power of this top-level mutant magician "Alpha" is powerful, it is still within Qin Lang's tolerance range, so Qin Lang can still handle it for the time being.

Otherwise, it would be even more difficult for Qin Lang.

It can be seen that the magician "Alpha" in front of him is very confident in his own abilities. Strength, teleportation ability and the ability to control metal are also the capital of it daring to face Qin Lang alone.

You know, this guy also knows that many mutant companions died in the hands of Qin Lang before, and now he dares to come to deal with Qin Lang alone, which shows how confident he is in his heart.

"Haha, you can't hit me, you can't hit me, you can't hit me..."

This magician clown seemed to be playing Qin Lang. During Qin Lang's repeated attacks, he kept using the innate ability of teleportation. His body flickered around Qin Lang, appearing here and then again. there.

And after Qin Lang attacked for a long time, he also sighed helplessly. This guy's teleportation ability is too perverted. I just took a picture of the wind escape talisman. Even with all my strength, I still couldn't touch the corner of Alpha's clothes. .

With this teleportation ability alone, the top-level mutant genetic warrior Alpha is almost invincible, and this guy's ability is not limited to this, the ability to control metal has not been used in the battle just now. !
After fighting for a while, Qin Lang found that he couldn't send the opponent, so he stopped attacking indiscriminately, but stood still, and swallowed a Jingqi pill to slowly replenish the consumption of physical strength and true energy.

Anyway, although the strength of the clown in front of him is strong, but his top-grade defense magic weapon is strong enough, the other party will also be unable to do anything to him in a while.

After Qin Lang stopped wasting energy, the clown didn't go forward to attack. He still locked Qin Lang and stared at him. He didn't know what his plan was, and the situation became stalemate for a while.

After a while, Alpha seemed to have finished accumulating energy in a fighting game. Finally, there was movement. It flashed towards the pier and slapped on the bridge railing.

Immediately, a large amount of metal substances on the railings on the bridge deck seemed to come alive, continuously piling up in its palm, and slowly turning into a metal sledgehammer weighing several hundred kilograms.

"Hey hey, see if I don't smash you to death!"

The magician clown held the metal sledgehammer weighing several hundred kilograms with one hand and threw it at Qin Lang. Its own strength plus the gravity of the metal sledgehammer probably had an explosive force of at least several tons.

This kind of force hit Qin Lang's body, and it also caused the Fafu shield to shake for a while, and the true energy of the shield was also rapidly consumed. Although this metal sledgehammer could not break through Qin Lang's defense, Qin Lang felt that he was maintaining the magic shield. The consumption of true qi was nearly twice as much as before.

Try not to let this guy's metal sledgehammer hit him. This is Qin Lang's next battle idea, so he also started to move. The effect is much better than waiting to be beaten.

In this way, you fought back and forth for hundreds of moves. Qin Lang found that this guy was really the first decent enemy he had encountered since he entered the Chinese cultivation world. Almost not weaker than himself.

It is a good thing to have a decent opponent, which can also improve Qin Lang's combat experience, but it is a pity that Qin Lang has been unable to fight the opponent, which is the most depressing place.

Moreover, now he can't patronize fighting, but also find a way to rescue his woman Liu Zhenzhen, but Qin Lang really doesn't know where Liu Zhenzhen is hidden by this guy now.

It is estimated that he can only get these important clues and information only by trying his best to defeat this difficult enemy first, so Qin Lang is now fighting with all his strength, and at the same time, he is thinking of a way.

Dozens of strokes passed after the fight. During this process, Qin Lang blasted the opponent's metal sledgehammer at least three or four times. Unfortunately, the opponent has the specialty of controlling metal, and a little use of the ability can restore the broken weapon to its original state.

Moreover, after the metal sledgehammer was broken many times in a row, this guy also integrated the alloy sword into the metal sledgehammer, which strengthened the firmness and toughness of the metal sledgehammer. Later, Qin Lang wanted to smash the metal sledgehammer again. It is very difficult.

"What should I do? What should I do? How can I completely defeat this difficult enemy in front of me..."

The battle has been stalemate, and Qin Lang also began to feel a little anxious at this time. This round of battle has been more than half an hour now, which has never happened before.

(End of this chapter)

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