The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1267 Finding the opponent's weakness

Chapter 1267 Finding the opponent's weakness

Even with the addition of alloy materials, the metal sledgehammer of the top-level mutant genetic warrior is still not as good as the material of the flying sword in Qin Lang's hand, and was smashed to pieces again.

But this guy didn't care at all, the ability to control the metal was activated again with a smile, and the metal sledgehammer was taking shape again.

And Qin Lang made some new discoveries at this time. This time, the speed of condensing the metal sledgehammer seemed to be more than twice as slow as before. It seems that this kind of innate ability of mutants is not really able to be used indefinitely. Certainly consumed.

It's just that this kind of consumption is relatively slow, and it's hard to see it with the naked eye.

Before the metal sledgehammer was formed, Qin Lang swung his sword again and couldn't hit the flexible magician Alpha, but it was relatively easy to deal with this super sledgehammer.

As a result, the metal sledgehammer that had not yet been fully formed was broken again.

After being broken this time, Alpha, who has the ability to control metal, did not condense the metal sledgehammer again, but changed the shape of the metal-changing weapon into a five-meter-long metal whip.

It wasn't the sound of the weapon breaking, but the magician Alpha swung the long whip. When the long whip was swung in the air, a firecracker exploded, making a sound like a firecracker.

After turning into a long whip, the metal weapon in Alpha's hand became even sharper, almost radiating a range of five meters around it. Although it was not as powerful as a metal sledgehammer, its hitting area and efficiency were dozens of times that of a metal sledgehammer. above.

For a moment, Qin Lang's shield vibrated non-stop, as if being plucked with cotton, and Alpha's metal long whip hit Qin Lang's shield at least three times per second.

And Qin Lang's zhenqi was also rapidly consumed due to the need to maintain the shield, and the situation actually made Qin Lang look a little weak because of the production of this special weapon.

This kind of situation is also beyond Qin Lang's expectation. Before the battle, he can imagine himself killing the opponent. He can imagine that the opponent is very strong and there will be a stalemate for a while, but recently he will definitely get rid of the enemy without any danger... There are many situations that come to mind , I just didn't expect that when I was fighting head-on, I would be suppressed by an enemy who was slightly weaker than me with special abilities and weapons.

However, Qin Lang wasn't too panicked. If he wanted to escape, the top-level mutant in front of him wouldn't be able to stop him.

And he still has some hole cards, which he didn't use during the battle just now, and if he can't break the deadlock in front of him, he is ready to use it.

After all, his woman Liu Zhenzhen is still in the hands of the other party, so he has to rescue Liu Zhenzhen as soon as possible instead of continuing to waste time here.

"Clone... activate!"

Qin Lang activated the medium-grade magic weapon, the Split Shadow Bracelet, and five identical avatars appeared at the same time to assist him in fighting. With the main body, there are now six identical Qin Lang.

Although this is not another avatar belonging to his body, the power of the five avatars transformed by relying on the magic weapon of the split shadow bracelet cannot be underestimated.

The key advantage is that these five silhouettes are completely connected with his thoughts, and the combined power can be maximized.

In the past, he relied on this avatar method to suppress his opponents.

However, it seems that this time Qin Lang has eaten the turtle. The weapon in the hands of the magician Alpha is a range weapon, which can directly attack any object within five meters, so Qin Lang's clone phantom has become a decoration, all of which are covered by this The metal whip broke the camouflage effect.

Under the metal long whip, Qin Lang's real body had nothing to hide, and was directly restrained to death. Alpha sneered, and was really almost confused at first, and Qin Lang really transformed into five identical selves. Once you touch it, you know it's fake.

At this time, after the long whip in its hand penetrated those clones, it directly attacked Qin Lang's body.

After eating the turtle again, Qin Lang did not hesitate at all, and secretly used the paralyzing Ten Fragrance Soft Tendons on his body, and a faint blue smoke floated out, and when Qin Lang used this strange poison of the cultivation world The pores of the whole body have already been closed to prevent himself from being tricked.

"what is this?"

Clown Alpha is very strange, it has also seen the faint green smoke, but this kind of powerful mutant genetic warrior who has just come out of the laboratory and has no sense of crisis at all, how does he know what is the heart of defense, suddenly many green Smoke entered the body through pores.

Shixiang Ruanjin Powder is a strange poison in the cultivation world, even if it is just inhaled, it can poison a high-level practitioner, so the mutant magician Alpha in front of him has no way to fight against it no matter how weird his abilities are. A toxin spreads in the body.

Although mutants are no longer human beings and belong to the category of monsters, they must have a circulatory system in their bodies, and their metabolism is dozens of times faster than that of humans, so the onset of this toxin is even faster.

" are cheating, I don't accept..."

So, the clown Al Jae fell to the ground unconvinced with a trace of remnant, and was directly poisoned.

"Oh, it's really hard to deal with!"

Qin Lang is also very tired at this time, and the battle for more than half an hour just now consumes a lot of overdraft. This is also the most intense battle he has encountered since entering China.

The whole process of the battle this time, Qin Lang can be said to be aggrieved, even the special ability of the magic weapon of his split shadow bracelet was restrained to death by the opponent, if he hadn't resorted to Shixiangruanjinsan in the end, which is a miracle in the cultivation world The poison has played a huge role, and the final result of the battle is really hard to say.

After directly poisoning the mutant clown, Qin Lang directly lifted this guy who was not much higher than Wu Dalang, put on a series of blocking techniques, and then began to extract the guy's memory.

As a top-level mutant genetic warrior, the circuit of Magician Alpha's brain is more complex and sophisticated, so it is even more difficult for Qin Lang to extract the memory in this guy's brain.

Even with the previous experience of deciphering and transforming human brain circuits, Qin Lang still spent a lot of effort to find two relatively weak brain circuit points.

Next, it was time to deal with these weak brain circuit nodes with brute force. Qin Lang also tried his best to use his own consciousness to attack these two relatively weak brain circuit nodes.

It is worth mentioning that the consciousness of this top-level mutant is already comparable to that of a cultivator in the alchemy stage, so the strength of the soul is still very good, and it does not require Qin Lang to carefully test how to break through the two loop knots. point.

Under Qin Lang's full efforts, it took about ten minutes, and with a bang, the gate of the dam had been opened, and Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness poured into the mutant genetic warrior's sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Magician Alpha's two brain circuit nodes have been completely destroyed, just like a woman whose legs can't be closed after finishing her work.

As Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness poured into the sea of ​​consciousness of this top-level mutant genetic warrior, the memory in the brain of the magician Alpha also fed back to Qin Lang's primordial spirit.

As a powerful mutant fighter, the memory capacity in Magician Alpha's brain is even larger, so Qin Lang was also a little dizzy from the large amount of information fed back for a while.

For the many useless information in the memory of the magician Alpha, Qin Lang automatically screened the fraud, and even a lot of useful information is too late for him to process now, only looking for the most recent memory.

Finally, after Qin Lang's purposeful search, he found news about Liu Zhenzhen.

In Alpha's memory, Qin Lang discovered that Liu Zhenzhen was not near the Yunhai Bridge. This top-level mutant actually had several accomplices. They took Liu Zhenzhen to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Yunhai.

And the magician Alpha had agreed with these guys to split up and let it deal with Qin Lang. Those accomplices were waiting for their triumphant return in the abandoned factory.

In the mind of the magician Alpha, even if he can't beat Qin Lang, it should be easy for him to escape, after all, his teleportation ability is there.

That's right, the magician Alpha is a front stand, and he regards himself as a pawn to test Qin Lang's ability.

Moreover, its heart is full of self-confidence, and it doesn't think it will be able to defeat Qin Lang.

It's a pity that this top-level mutant genetic warrior never expected that Qin Lang had some special trump cards. In the end of the battle, he directly used the poison of the cultivation world to overthrow the defenseless Alpha.

It seems that the reason why this Alpha was able to escape the glance of his consciousness at the beginning was also because of his special ability. Fortunately, this person did not have all-hands and eyes, and finally fell at his feet.

There was no time to linger, after Qin Lang extracted these key memories, Qin Lang directly put the mutant into the spirit ghost bag, and squeezed it together with his water ghost beast.

In the world of comprehension, the spirit ghost bag is actually a special kind of animal pet bag, but its attribute is negative, so it can also hold life.

After accepting this nasty guy, Qin Lang didn't stop much, and drove directly to the next target location, which was the abandoned factory in the suburbs of Yunhai City.

Liu Zhenzhen was kidnapped by these hateful genetic monsters. If he falls into the hands of these guys for too long, he doesn't know what will happen later, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry.

Along the way, Qin Lang ran through multiple red lights again and again, causing traffic chaos. I am afraid that the number of red lights run through today is worth more than the sum of his entire life.

For Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang is also very concerned about it, so this woman does not allow to be desecrated, even if she loses a hair on her body, it is enough to arouse the raging anger in Qin Lang's heart.

"Bastards! You foreigners do all these low-level bad things. If you have the ability, let's face each other directly. If you involve family and friends, what kind of heroes are you?"

Qin Lang not only scolded these mutants but also all the people who targeted him in Reizman.

Because of the actions of the mutants this time, without the signal from Reizman's senior management, it would be impossible for these mutants in front of them to do such a thing.

"All that is happening in front of us is likely to be signaled by the new general manager of Reizman's Asian branch, Nikolai. I heard that Nicholas is the cousin of the dead Noguli. Renault came out of a family."

"Nicolas! I remember you, whether you are avenging your cousin, or you are just coming to the Asian branch to take advantage of Lanrun Company, I, Qin Lang, swear, as long as you stay in Huaxia, I will It won't make you feel better."

On the way, Qin Lang cursed out his heart with a livid face.

(End of this chapter)

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