The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1271 Presenting a Battle Puppet

Chapter 1271 Presenting a Battle Puppet

"Brother Qin Lang, you're awake."

At this time Liu Zhenzhen walked into the room with a bowl of soup in his hand.

She was wearing an apron, apparently just came out of the kitchen, and had been cooking soup for herself before, Qin Lang was very moved when he saw it.

The soup is very fragrant and whets the appetite.

Qin Lang sniffed vigorously, it was chicken soup.

"How long have I been asleep?" Qin Lang asked at this time.

"More than eight hours! Come on, drink this bowl of chicken soup, I cooked it myself!"

Liu Zhenzhen brought over the chicken soup at this time.

She said softly, showing a little bit of a little daughter's mood, if it wasn't for the inappropriate environment, Qin Lang couldn't help but hug Liu Zhenzhen into his arms and love her dearly.

The chicken soup was very fragrant, unexpectedly Liu Zhenzhen's chef Zhizhi was not bad, Qin Lang took the chicken soup and blew it, and drank it down.

"How about it?"

Liu Zhenzhen looked at Qin Lang with concern, waiting for the evaluation of the man she loved. In fact, it was her first time making chicken soup.

"Uh... It's okay, but the taste of the soup is a bit bland, remember to add more salt next time."

Qin Lang smacked his lips, the taste of this bowl of chicken soup was actually too bland, without the taste of salt, but considering Liu Zhenzhen was making chicken soup for himself for the first time, it was not bad to be able to reach this level.

You must know that in many TV dramas, the heroine cooks for the first time, and the food they cook is poisonous, either the food is boiled in a pot, or the food is so salty that it can kill people.

In contrast, Liu Zhenzhen's bowl of chicken soup is just a little less salt.

Maybe this beauty has watched too many TV dramas, and knows the taboo of women cooking for the first time, so she put less salt, making the chicken soup taste lighter!
"Yeah, I must pay attention, once raw and second cooked, I believe I will be able to make delicious chicken soup next time."

After receiving Qin Lang's neither good nor bad evaluation, Liu Zhenzhen squeezed his fists and cheered himself up in his heart.

After drinking the chicken soup, Qin Lang asked: "I passed out in the factory before, you brought me here, right? What happened during this process, can you tell me about it?"

"En!" Liu Zhenzhen nodded.

After that, she told him all the experiences that Qin Lang didn't know. It turned out that after Liu Zhenzhen was kidnapped by five mutants, she finally broke free from the alloy rope in her hand, and then she took out the jade that Qin Lang gave her recently. The stand-in doll, activated this stand-in doll at the most critical moment.

After the figure flashed, the stand-in puppet moved her to a road about two miles away from the factory, and then thought that Qin Lang was still fighting mutants in the factory, and Liu Zhenzhen, who was thinking about Qin Lang in his heart, couldn't care about himself, and once again ran to the factory.

When Liu Zhenzhen rushed to the factory again, the battle was almost over, and what she saw happened to be Qin Lang who was fainted due to sequelae after the effects of the Baoyuan Pill had passed.

After that, Liu Zhenzhen took Qin Lang back to Lanrun Mansion with great difficulty, and arranged to rest in his room. On the steps where Qin Lang was sleeping, Liu Zhenzhen was also busy making the first bowl of chicken soup in his life.

As a lady of the family, this is also the first time she cooks. She has made a lot of preparations in advance to cook this bowl of chicken soup, so her debut in the kitchen can barely be regarded as a success, and she did not make a bowl of "poison".

It is worth mentioning that although the scratches on Liu Zhenzhen's neck looked scary, they were actually not deep. She herself is a practitioner of the seventh level of Qi training, and she has healed after using some medicine.

It is estimated that after three or two days, this wound will completely shed the scab, and there will be no scars left. After all, the physique of a cultivator is far stronger than that of ordinary people, and a little injury is nothing at all.

Just like Qin Lang, whether in China or in Qinghe Continent, he has encountered countless battles and suffered many injuries, but every time his work heals, there are not many traces left on his body, which is also a normal phenomenon in the comprehension world.

After listening to Liu Zhenzhen's story about this experience, Qin Lang also sighed with emotion: "If it wasn't for the special treasure that my grandfather gave me, I and Liu Zhenzhen wouldn't be able to get out of trouble so easily today, after all, the five-person variant The small team is still very strong. If Liu Zhenzhen is taken as a hostage, it will be a real threat to Qin Lang, neither to fight nor not to fight.

In this case, Qin Lang might be restrained by these five guys instead, and the consequences would be even more unimaginable.

"What luck."

This time, there was no danger, but luck was on his and Liu Zhenzhen's side, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Qin Lang made a conclusion, and at the same time decided to strengthen the protection of his body and women in the future, so that similar things will never happen again in his future life.

He thought of the mechanism puppets on his body that he got from the cave mansion of the monks in the stage of transforming gods. Those mechanism puppets had the combat ability above the late stage of alchemy, and they were brave enough to fight, so they could be used for self-defense by those around them.

There are a total of 36 such fighting puppets on Qin Lang, and it is enough to equip everyone around him with one or two. Or if it is replaced by a high-grade spirit stone, I am afraid that the spirit stone will have to be replaced every time it is used.

Therefore, these fighting puppets, as big money burners, can only be used as a self-defense force, a deterrent method, and they must never be used at ordinary times. It is too wasteful of spirit stones. The earth does not produce spirit stones. Speaking of which, Qin Lang has been sitting and eating. But there is an extreme lack of spirit stones.

Fortunately, Qin Lang now has about 1000 million low-grade spirit stones, more than 4 middle-grade spirit stones, 31 top-grade spirit stones, and 24 top-grade spirit stones. For the time being, there are still enough spirit stones for the period from cultivation to Yuanying stage.

As for cultivating to the Nascent Soul stage, you can only think of a way slowly. Qin Lang believes that there is no unparalleled road, and there may be a new turning point at that time, so as to obtain a lot of cultivation resources.

"By the way, really, now I want to give you two good things for self-defense."

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Lang really took out the two battle puppets in the late stage of alchemy in the storage ring, and each installed a top-grade spirit stone as a power source, and then handed over the control of the two alive organ puppets to Liu Zhenzhen.

Moreover, fearing that the puppet's energy would not be replenished after it was exhausted, Qin Lang put six top-grade spirit stones in Liu Zhenzhen's hands. In this case, these two combat puppets should be enough to protect Liu Zhenzhen's future safety.

"Battle puppet?"

Liu Zhenzhen's eyes lit up for the two late-stage alchemy puppets in front of her, and she showed the eyes of a research madman. She was also happy to see Liexin. She was originally a master of organs and formations, and now Qin Lang gave her two puppets. The incomparably novel puppet of the high-level organization in the comprehension world can be regarded as what it likes.

Qin Lang also gave her organ puppets before, but they were of a lower level, so naturally they couldn't be compared with the two now.

Afterwards, Liu Zhenzhen excitedly took two battle puppets to the laboratory to enter the data test, and Qin Lang also followed Liu Zhenzhen to the laboratory. Qin Lang's organs and formation techniques were only at the level of senior apprentices, which was inferior to that of Liu Zhenzhen. There is really more than one part, so now it is also a good time to ask Liu Zhenzhen for advice on the knowledge of mechanisms and formation techniques, so that I can quickly break through and become a mechanism formation master.

After entering the laboratory, Liu Zhenzhen seemed to be a different person. He was so enthusiastic about the research of mechanism puppets that he even ignored the existence of Qin Lang, which made Qin Lang feel a little sad.

Liu Zhenzhen's academic attitude is similar to that of most researchers and scientists in the world, and it is precisely this enthusiasm that Liu Zhenzhen became a genius at the level of a mechanism and formation master in his 20s figure.

For Liu Zhenzhen's talent in this area, Qin Lang also sighs. There are many conditions required for the advancement of organs and formation techniques. This not only requires the accumulation of knowledge, but also requires a certain amount of perseverance and perseverance, as well as concentration and comprehension. It's more about creativity and spirituality.

However, except for Liu Zhenzhen, Qin Lang's talent in this aspect is still stronger than most people, so he can understand a lot of things and gain a lot of things from Liu Zhenzhen's research. The experience with the formation technique is also slowly increasing, and he is getting closer to becoming a real mechanism formation master.

After researching for a long time, Liu Zhenzhen has basically mastered the fighting principle of this battle puppet, and can use these two battle puppets proficiently, which is also the biggest gain.

If you want to go further, you need to continue to study and discover. The research on organs and formations is never done overnight. It takes time to accumulate, slowly harvest, and slowly comprehend more.

And when Liu Zhenzhen finished work, Qin Lang kept asking questions, humbly asking for some knowledge and difficulties about organs and formation techniques, and expanding his brain's memory.

As a master of organs and formations, Liu Zhenzhen is enough to act as his teacher in this respect, so Qin Lang doesn't think there is anything wrong with asking his own woman for advice. Master!

After that, it was the dinner of the day. Qin Lang didn't let Liu Zhenzhen cook again after a busy day, but took her to a restaurant outside for dinner.

Protect your own woman, but don't make her tired. Speaking of which, Qin Lang really cares about Liu Zhenzhen.

The most famous restaurant near Lanrun Hall is on the opposite side. It is a Chinese and Western restaurant. The two had a very meaningful and romantic candlelight dinner in the restaurant.


On the other side, at the headquarters of Reizman's Asian branch, the new general manager Nicola was so angry that he slammed a blow on the thick mahogany desk when he heard the news that the mutant team he had dispatched had been wiped out.

With a sound of "boom", the entire desk fell apart. The cause of such a commotion was not that the desk was not strong, but on the contrary, this kind of mahogany furniture is known for being thick and heavy. It collapsed twice.

As for Nicholas who was able to smash down the mahogany desk with one punch, he is obviously not an ordinary person, and when he thinks of the M laboratory behind Reizman, he can be sure that the body of the new general manager of Reizman Asia has also undergone similar Transformation like mutant genetic warriors.

"Damn! The operation failed! Waste, a bunch of waste, this little thing can't be done well!"

Veins popped up on Nicotine's face, and his knuckles creaked from his fists.

Looking into the distance, he murmured: "Lan Run Company... I'll make you proud for a few days first, and after I finish dealing with the interior of the Asian branch, the laboratory will send a group of people over to deal with you."

It turns out that the Reizman Asian branch has been unstable since the second ancestor of Noguli died. This made Nicholas feel a little tricky when he just came to the branch. During this time, he has been dealing with the internal affairs of the Asian branch. things.

And he didn't pay much attention to the mutant hunting team sent out before. He didn't expect to lose so badly. The team of six mutants was completely wiped out. In fact, it also included a third-level top-level mutant.

This made him have a high opinion of the strength of Lan Run Company, so before the new year, he is not going to take action against Lan Run, but concentrates on dealing with the internal disputes and Mao Dun of the Asian company, and secures his position.

(End of this chapter)

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