The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1272 Treasures in the Kunlun Hall

Chapter 1272 Treasures in the Kunlun Hall
The New Year is getting closer and closer. On the other side of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm, Kunlun Nu No. [-], who has not been in touch for a long time, also sent a short message to Qin Lang, inviting Qin Lang to celebrate the New Year in the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm.

Kunlun Slave No. [-] said in a voice message that there is a cultivation treasure left by his master in the treasure hall of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm, which may help Qin Lang practice quickly and fight against the catastrophe that breaks through the Nascent Soul Stage.

"In the treasure hall of the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, is there a catastrophe that can deal with the arrival of the Nascent Soul Stage?"

Qin Lang was also shocked when he heard the news.

Qin Lang naturally understands the catastrophe of cultivators, and it is precisely because of this understanding that he pays special attention to it.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters... Heavenly Tribulation is an external catastrophe, and it is also the most powerful external catastrophe, which is more terrifying than the heart demon catastrophe.

There is no heavenly calamity for a cultivator before the Nascent Soul Stage. Generally, at most, some mental tribulations occur during the cultivation process, which is also called the heart demon calamity.

But when a monk breaks through the late stage of alchemy or wants to become a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, he not only has to overcome his own inner demons, but also fights against external catastrophes.

After all, the practice of a cultivator is to fight against the sky, to fight against the sky, and the existence above the Nascent Soul stage is a monster that can live for more than ten thousand years, which is not tolerated by the sky. , This is also the origin of the catastrophe.

From the Nascent Soul Stage to the Transformation Stage, all the higher realms need to go through the catastrophe before they can make further progress.

If the catastrophe of the Nascent Soul Stage was in the realm of comprehension, it would be easy to survive if the resources were well prepared, but it is really hard to say in China where resources are scarce.

In fact, if Qin Lang had enough magic weapons, he would not have considered how to survive the Nascent Soul Stage Tribulation at all, but before leaving Qinghe Continent, most of the treasures on his body were exploded in the battle with the monks of the Transformation Stage. However, there is a high-grade defensive magic weapon Raging Flame Yuanyang Ruler, a middle-grade attack magic weapon Black Eagle Sword, and the others are auxiliary treasures.

In the process of fighting against the heavenly movement, only the defensive magic weapon and the offensive magic weapon can be used, and other auxiliary treasures are probably useless. Feel very mysterious.

This time, Kunlun Mama No. [-] told herself that there is a cultivation treasure left by her master in the treasure hall of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm, which can help him practice quickly and fight against the catastrophe that breaks through the Nascent Soul Stage, which is also true for Qin Lang. A great thing.

Therefore, Qin Lang was already tempted, and returned a short message to Kunlun Nu No. [-], deciding to join Kunlun Nu No. [-] in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountains and spend the New Year in the secret realm.

However, before leaving, Qin Lang is also planning to invite his family to go to the secret place of Kunlun Mountain, for example, his parents, the master and apprentice of the Golden Phoenix, and Liu Zhenzhen and so on.

After all, for the New Year, it is meaningful to have a family reunion. To be able to reunite with a family in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain, Qin Lang also achieved a breakthrough in cultivation and a year-round reunion. This is a very meaningful thing.

So in the next period of time, Qin Lang worked hard for this matter, calling his parents and Golden Phoenix master and apprentice to spend the New Year together in the secret place of Kunlun Mountain.

And Liu Zhenzhen has a weak personality, so she doesn't need to persuade her at all. When she goes to the secret place of Kunlun Mountain by herself, she will definitely go with her.

However, it was not easy to convince his parents. Originally, his father planned to stay in BJ and his mother planned to return to his natal home in Tarim for the new year. Afterwards, Qin Lang spent a lot of energy to get his parents' job done, and agreed to go with him. New Year's Eve in the secret place of Kunlun Mountains.

And after the parents told their request, the master and apprentice of the Golden Phoenix around their parents could speak more easily. After all, the three masters and apprentices have no family and marriage. It doesn't matter to them where they celebrate the new year.

In this way, the matter of the whole family going to the secret place of Kunlun Mountain to celebrate the New Year was finally settled under Qin Lang's efforts.


After that, it was a big purchase, and Qin Lang purchased a large amount of annual loans to prepare for the New Year.After finishing these things, he set off with Liu Zhenzhen.

On the other side of the capital, Qin Lang joined up with the two cars of Golden Phoenix to form a small convoy, and nearly ten people rushed to Kunlun Mountain in a mighty manner.

Going this time is not only to celebrate the reunion year, but also to find the resources needed to cross the catastrophe. It has double meanings, but Qin Lang does not want to let things like crossing the catastrophe trap him, but wants to relax and have fun with his family Happy Chinese New Year.


In the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, the current Kunlun Nu No. [-] has become half the owner of the secret realm. This guy is probably more familiar with the entire secret realm than Qin Lang.

After helping Qin Lang's family set up a place to rest, Kunlun Nu No. [-] brought Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen to the treasure hall in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain.

The formation around the palace has been hacked to pieces by Qin Lang. However, Qin Lang has not figured out the core formation. One is that his parents are only trapped in the middle of the palace and have not entered the core of the palace. There is no need to go deeper into the place before; the second is to enter the core of the treasure hall, which requires a more powerful mechanism and formation miscalculation ability, and Qin Lang's level at that time was still a little worse.

"If you want to enter the core of this treasure hall and get that treasure, I'm afraid you will have to spend some time thinking about breaking out all the formations in the treasure hall."

Kunlun Nu No. [-] reminded; "This is a Nascent Soul-level formation, and I don't have any relevant information about breaking the formation at present. After all, I was just a servant of the master before, and I didn't have the high-level authority of the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain. If you want to get the treasure, you can only rely on yourself."

After he was repaired by Qin Lang's repair magic from the secret place of the pyramid, he possessed the intelligence of a normal person. Whether it is behavior or speech, he is actually no different from a normal person.

After recovering his memory, as a powerful cultivator, he is also very familiar with the environment where he used to live here. He is very clear about where there is a formation in the Kunlun Hall and where it is very dangerous.

Looking at the formation, Qin Lang nodded cautiously. He knew that he would have to rely on himself for the next period, and Liu Zhen really couldn't enter this formation. Dan's strength above the late stage can't hold on at all.

However, if I encounter some difficulties in the process of breaking the formation, I can go out and ask Liu Zhenzhen for advice. With Liu Zhenzhen on the side, it is equivalent to opening a big cheat, so this process of breaking the formation is very difficult for me now. It shouldn't be that hard.

In the next few hours, Qin Lang entered the process of concentrating on breaking the formation, and soon broke through the place where he saved his parents before, and came to the deeper part of the Kunlun Mountain Palace.

Facing this Nascent Soul-level comprehension formation, Qin Lang also actively thought about how to deal with it. When he was really stuck, he had no choice but to go out and ask Liu Zhenzhen for advice.

In this case, it took about two days to go back and forth, and Qin Lang finally came to the core of the Kunlun Mountain Palace and saw the most critical treasure in the Kunlun Mountain Palace.

This treasure is a bit unexpected, it is very big, it is a big bed made of Longyang jade, and seven or eight people can lie on it.

"Longyang Jade!"

When Qin Lang saw it at the time, he also exclaimed. This kind of Longyang jade has long since disappeared in the world. It is a top jade material in the cultivation world, which is close to fairy material. There are not many in the Chinese world or in the Qinghe continent. See, it's incredible to see such a big bed made purely of Longyang jade now.

The Longyang Jade Bed in front of me is a jade bed of the highest magic weapon level. Not only can practitioners assist in their cultivation, but this jade bed also has a very powerful defensive effect, which is even stronger than the defensive effect of the Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler on him. Many times stronger.

Moreover, this defensive effect is automatically inspired, and does not require the user to consume true energy and mental energy, and it fully has the function of the magic house.

Regarding the magic house, it is actually a kind of talk in the cultivation world. It is said that the magic weapons above the highest level in the cultivation world are all composed of one or more magic weapons, which integrate attack and defense. Compared with the single-function top-grade magic weapon, it is so powerful go.

However, in the realm of comprehension, it is rare to see a magic house, even those old monsters at the Nascent Soul level do not have it, so Qin Lang has always heard about it, and has never really encountered it.

But now when such a powerful magic weapon really appeared in front of his eyes, Qin Lang's brain suddenly became a little Spartan, and he kept stroking the Longyang Jade Ding with his hands excitedly, and kept saying: "Okay! Really! That's great! With this super big bed, what kind of catastrophe do you have to worry about!"

Yes, the defensive ability of the Longyang Jade Bed is comparable to that of a house of magic treasures. I am afraid that even a cultivator at the stage of transformation can resist the full attack for a while. Go all out!

Thinking of this, Qin Lang couldn't help rolling around like a child on the Longyang jade bed, laughing loudly. Speaking of which, Kunlun No. [-] is really his lucky star. After returning to the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, he immediately sent him such a big gift .

"Not bad!"

Qin Lang smiled crookedly, and wanted to put this Longyang jade bed into the storage bag, but then he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't put this top-quality jade bed into the storage bag.

In the end, he discovered that the Longyang Jade Bed seemed to have taken root, and it was integrated with the entire Kunlun Mountain Palace. If he wanted to take the Longyang Jade Bed, he would have to first consider how to destroy the Kunlun Mountain Palace. OK.

It seems that the Longyang jade bed can't be taken away, Qin Lang sighed helplessly, but it doesn't matter, if he needs to break through the Nascent Soul Stage to cross the tribulation, he can go directly to the core of the Kunlun Mountain Palace to cross the tribulation, for himself It has no effect.

Rolling on the Longyang Jade Bed for a while, Qin Lang found that his body was continuously infused with warm spiritual power, which was the benefit of the Longyang Jade Bed.

Qin Lang found that if he practiced on it, even if he didn't use middle-grade spirit stones, he still had the same effect as using spirit stones.

This also proves the strength of the Longyang Jade Bed.

In terms of assisting cultivation, it does have a unique effect.

Of course, there is another point that this place is at the core of the secret place of Kunlun Mountains, and the concentration of aura in the air is enough to produce these special effects when combined.

It is good luck to get such a treasure just after entering the core of Kunlun Hall, Qin Lang is very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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