The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1274 Promote Nascent Soul!

Chapter 1274 Promote Nascent Soul!

Now the body of the Nascent Soul in Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness has manifested the head, hands, feet and limbs, and the facial features of the head have also begun some slow changes.

It is said that if a real infant body is fully formed, even the fine hairs on the Nascent Infant's body can condense, which is no different from a real human body, like a monk's body that has been shrunk by an unknown number of times.

And once the baby body is formed, the monk will have the capital of real longevity.

The Nascent Soul can exist independently of the monk's body, and even after the monk's body is damaged, he can still pursue longevity in the same body as the Nascent Soul.

However, the Nascent Soul Body is a purely energy-condensed body, and it is relatively fragile without a physical body, so monks usually pay more attention to protecting their physical bodies, and let their Nascent Soul Body have a stable shelter.


The third heavenly catastrophe was the flying sand catastrophe. The entire Kunlun Mountain Palace once again blew a strong wind, accompanied by a large amount of extremely hard earth star sand. These earth star sand did not exist in the realm of cultivation, but existed in The outer world, which is what Huaxia calls the universe.

The earth star sand itself is a kind of heavenly material and earth treasure, but each of the earth star sand in the flying sand catastrophe has an initial velocity comparable to a powerful bullet, and it is definitely a gut-wrenching bullet when it hits the human body. the result of.

Fortunately, the Longyang Jade Bed is still extremely powerful, and Qin Lang still doesn't need to take action. The defensive shield directly blocked the third catastrophe.

The third catastrophe just disappeared, and the fourth catastrophe came in a blink of an eye. This time, a large number of pale flames appeared, covering the entire Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm Palace, and it turned out to be the real fire of Kanli.

This time, without waiting for Longyang Jade Bed to react, Qin Lang made a move directly.

Kanli True Fire is a great tonic for him. Isn’t there a fire seed of Kanli Fire in his body, and now he just attracts and transforms these external Kanli Fires, and strengthens this mass of Earth Fire in his body? tinder.

This kind of great opportunity, Qin Lang is unwilling and will not miss it in vain.

I chose to break through the Nascent Soul stage deep in the core of the Kunlun Hall, because I also took a fancy to this place, which is equivalent to a big magic weapon as a whole. I didn't expect that I really chose the right one.

For a moment, like a long whale absorbing water, Qin Lang directly inhaled the large amount of Kanli fire that was burning in the hall, and transformed it into his own, strengthening his natal fire.

And because of the unexpected blessing of this catastrophe, the natal fire has grown dozens of times, and now it is almost the size of a solid shot put in the body, and it no longer has the weak appearance of the size of a matchhead in the past.

And after Qin Lang absorbed all the flames of Kanli, the fourth catastrophe was also gone.


At this time, the fifth catastrophe followed. Suddenly, the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm Palace seemed to open a dimensional space door, and a strange creature appeared in front of Qin Lang.


Seeing this weird monster, Qin Lang let out a cry of surprise.

The spirit sucker is a special monster that is only rumored in the cultivation world. It is said that this kind of monster lives by devouring all kinds of spiritual energy, and it is also the enemy of the cultivation world.

Qin Lang was also a little surprised that such a monster was sent in the fifth Heavenly Tribulation.

In this case, the Longyang Jade Bed in front of him is a great tonic for the illithids. The magic weapon has no effect on the illithids, including his true energy attack, which cannot cause harm to the illithids.

However, the spirit sucker's attack ability is also very weak, and it is impossible to hurt Qin Lang.

After it appeared here, seeing the faint precious light of the Longyang Jade Bed, it screamed excitedly, and quickly jumped on the Longyang Jade Bed and began to swallow the magic weapon aura of the Longyang Jade Bed.

"Give me death!"

Qin Lang on the jade bed tried to use a few sword qi, but it didn't work.

The sword qi slashed at the spirit sucker, splitting it in half, and then this guy rejoined into one again. Qin Lang couldn't do anything about it.

"Number three, come and help!"

At this time, Qin Lang used his spiritual consciousness to summon Kunlun slave No. [-]. The spirit sucker cannot be dealt with by himself, and now he can only ask others for help.

And Kunlun Nu No. [-] had long been guarding outside the treasure hall outside Qin Lang's catastrophe. After receiving Qin Lang's call, he suddenly appeared in the treasure hall.

At this time, when he saw the illithid, he was also startled, and he had never seen such a special creature.

"This is the legendary spirit sucker that feeds on the spiritual energy of the cultivation world. It is a terrifying monster. It turned into my sixth catastrophe and appeared here. Please help clean it up now, my The process of crossing the catastrophe has not yet been completed!"

Qin Lang said quickly.

In the process of dealing with the catastrophe, he can't multi-task.

Fortunately, when this kind of spirit sucking monster appeared, it was the time between the two catastrophes. Kunlun slaves can safely take away these spirit sucking monsters. The power may be doubled, which will be very unfavorable to him.


Kunlun Nu No. [-] nodded. After knowing the characteristics of the illithid, Kunlun Nu No. [-] directly used the power of the body to bring the illithid out of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm Palace.

However, he has no experience in how to get rid of this monster. It seems that he has to wait for Qin Lang to go through the catastrophe before thinking of a way.

After the spirit sucker left the palace, the sixth catastrophe followed closely.

This time there was no accident, it was a lot of cold hail.

This cold ice hail is not ordinary hail, the water inside is formed by the condensed essence of heavy water, so these hailstones, which don't look like the size of a ping pong ball, each weigh several hundred tons!
Hundreds of pieces fell down, and the shield of the Longyang Jade Bed almost broke with a creak. Fortunately, Qin Lang also used his own Lie Yan Yuanyang Ruler, and under the double protection, he was not injured.

After a round of hailstorms, the ground of the Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm Palace was already full of pits and pits, studded with hailstones formed by the essence of heavy water.

And with the end of the six rounds of catastrophe, Qin Lang finally succeeded in conceiving a baby!Now in the sea of ​​consciousness, a Nascent Soul body sits cross-legged in the center, with clear eyebrows and eyes, exactly the same as Qin Lang's body.

Nascent Soul is done!

Qin Lang finally opened his eyes, and now his whole body is floating with a dusty air. After becoming a Nascent Soul cultivator, he already has the feeling of an extraterrestrial master.

"Finally successful..."

Qin Lang smiled slightly, looking at his own changes with joy, the process of conceiving a baby this time was very smooth, although there were some twists and turns during the tribulation, but overall it was safe and sound.

Qin Lang knew that it was due to his own rich background that he was able to conceive a baby so smoothly. Otherwise, like many monks in the cultivation world, they failed once or twice, and the materials were spent, and even owed huge foreign debts. But it was empty-handed and got nothing.

After crossing the catastrophe, Qin Lang began to clean up the star sand and heavy water essence on the ground.

These are all treasures of heaven and earth, and he collected all the star sand from the earth, but the essence of heavy water found that this thing is really heavy, weighing hundreds of tons.

Before I had a baby, I definitely couldn't hold these ping-pong ball-sized objects.

After finally picking up these heavy water essences, Qin Lang put them one by one into the storage ring.

Only the storage ring can hold these terrifyingly heavy things. If the storage bag is replaced, I am afraid that only one is needed to make Qin Lang's movements so slow that he can't move.


After crossing the catastrophe, the treasure hall of Kunlun Mountain has been completely destroyed because of Qin Lang's crossing the catastrophe this time, and the roof of the treasure hall has disappeared. Now Qin Lang can directly see the sky of the secret realm.

The formation of the treasure hall has also lost most of its effectiveness. When Qin Lang walks out of the treasure hall, he no longer has to think about any footwork, and just walks out so swaggeringly.

After walking out of the treasure hall, Qin Lang saw Kunlun Mountain No. [-]. This guy shook his head pointing at the spirit sucker who was making trouble in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, and said distressedly: "What are you going to do with this monster? Anyway, I have nothing to do with it. It can't be beaten to death, and it can't be banned."

Spirit sucking monster... This is a trouble, and Qin Lang also felt a little puzzled, how could he send such a thing for the fifth time in the catastrophe.

Qin Lang was also prepared for the catastrophe in the Nascent Soul Stage, and obtained a lot of information. Those catastrophes in the Nascent Soul Stage were basically normal, and it was never heard that such a monster was sent down to act as a catastrophe.

However, in terms of destructive power, the spirit sucker is definitely much more terrifying than the general catastrophe, and this kind of damage is continuous. If this spirit sucker stays in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, I am afraid that the entire secret realm of Kunlun Mountain will be destroyed. At that time, it will be destroyed because of it.

After all, this guy feeds on spiritual energy, and now the entire Kunlun Mountain Secret Realm is a world full of spiritual energy.

Having had a headache for quite a while, Qin Lang could only come up with a non-solution: "No. [-], you should drive this thing out of the Kunlun Mountains secret realm first, China is already a world of doomsday with a serious lack of aura, and it probably won't be able to lift it up there." What a storm."

"we can only do this."

Kunlun Nu No. [-] sighed and nodded.

Regarding the depression in Kunlun No. [-]'s heart, Qin Lang could only hold a happy smile. For No. [-], this secret place in Kunlun Mountains is his home, and no grass or tree can be destroyed by others. The blame must be removed as soon as possible.


After that, Qin Lang and Kunlun Nu No. [-] got busy, drove the spirit sucker out of the secret realm, and locked it in a nearby wasteland with a large iron cage.

Although this kind of spiritual sucking monster absorbs psychic energy at a terrifying speed, it doesn't have much combat power, so as long as it doesn't use its true energy to deal with it and uses its physical strength to resist it, it can't do anything.

The three Kunlun slaves have the physical strength of Yuanying level, which is stronger than the current Qin Lang, so it is still very easy to transfer this illithid outside the secret realm.

So, near the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, there appeared such a creature of different space who had passed through the prison. Before Qin Lang and Kunlun Nu No. [-] thought of a better way to deal with this creature of different space, this guy could only Sit through the bottom of the prison.


After Qin Lang was successfully promoted to Yuanying, he found that his physical strength and spiritual sense meridian had a qualitative leap. The current spiritual sense is three or four times more than that of the Dandan Dzogchen, and the spiritual sense sensing ability has directly expanded to a distance of more than 500 feet.

And if the strength of his body is fully exerted, it has expanded from twenty or thirty tons to one or two hundred tons. This kind of strength is simply inhuman, comparable to a crane in this world.

The capacity of the meridians on his body has also doubled compared to the Great Perfection of the Dandan. Now the true energy in his body is no longer called true energy, but should be called true liquid. Compared with the previous strength of Qin Lang's cultivation base, it is really a sky and a ground. .

Moreover, all aspects of his physical fitness have also been significantly strengthened, and his nerve response speed has once again increased.

Now Qin Lang believed that if he singled out a small group of mutants, he would no longer have to work as hard as before, and he could easily eliminate a small group of mutants without using the power of pills.

(End of this chapter)

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