The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1275 Celebrating the New Year in a Secret Realm

Chapter 1275 Celebrating the New Year in a Secret Realm
After becoming a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, Qin Lang truly possessed the strength to look down on this world, while the Dzogchen monks in the late stage of alchemy could only be regarded as hypocritical masters at best.

The next day, outside the secret realm, in the Kunlun Mountains.

A huge roe deer was running in a panic on the wasteland, as if being chased by something.

Kunlun Mountain is a well-known mountain and river in China. It is rich in wild animal resources. There are not only carnivores such as wolves, tigers and leopards, but also herbivores such as cattle, sheep and deer. Therefore, it is normal for roe deer to appear in the wasteland.

The roe deer is slightly smaller than the deer, but the appearance is actually similar. This adult roe deer weighs about 40 kilograms.

Everyone in China knows that roe deer meat is a delicacy, and roe deer skin is also a high-grade leather material. This kind of wild animal can be said to be a treasure.

This roe deer has very long legs. When it passed a ridge, it jumped up suddenly. It flew more than two meters high, but its body in the air was suddenly bound by a blue ribbon with light, and it stood upright. Falling down in the air, unable to struggle.

And then, a voice of speaking appeared above this wilderness.

"Really, your little silk-wrapping hand technique has improved a lot. That's right. If you find some prey and practice your hand more, this technique will basically be a little bit completed."

"Hehe, really? Thank you Brother Qin Lang."

It turned out that it was Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen who came out to hunt in the wilderness. The New Year is approaching, and Qin Lang was going to prepare some fresh meat for his family during the New Year, so he brought Liu Zhenzhen to Kunlun Mountains to hunt some small animals.

However, Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen did not hunt with ordinary hunting methods. They did not use hunting guns, hunting forks, and did not prepare traps and hunting traps.
Qin Lang taught Liu Zhenzhen a self-cultivation technique, and Liu Zhen's ability to practice Qi at the seventh level can just be used, which is this kind of little silk-wrapping hand.

The little silk-wrapping hand comes from a primary technique in the classics of Tianyimen in Qin Lang's memory. Although this technique may not be very advanced, it is very practical. It is also a manifestation of the integration of offense and defense when the enemy mainly restrains the opponent. .

Although the original Liu Zhenzhen had the ability to practice seven layers of Qi, she didn't know a single skill. Until now, Qin Lang taught her the little silk-wrapping hand, and she was truly a true cultivator.

And this hunting activity is actually an opportunity for Qin Lang to give Liu Zhenzhen a chance to practice. Every time Qin Lang does not intervene in the hunting process, he completely lets Liu Zhenzhen solve it alone. prey encountered.

Liu Zhenzhen's ability to comprehend is good. Except for scaring away two rabbits due to his inexperience at the beginning, he met four pheasants, including the roe deer in front of him, and was successfully captured by him.

This time, there were nearly a dozen people who came to the secret realm to celebrate the New Year. The prey in front of them was obviously not enough to eat, so Qin Lang took Guan Liu Zhenzhen to continue wandering in the deep mountains, ready to try his luck and see if he could meet them. some large animals.

With the current strength of the two of them, even if they meet those carnivorous beasts, there is no need to worry. On the contrary, if they can meet bears, tigers and leopards, they will only be happy. The large carnivorous beasts weigh several hundred catties. If so, this hunting activity can be called off ahead of schedule.


After four or five hours, neither of them harvested any decent prey. They were all small animals like rabbits and pheasants, about eight or nine of them. Liu Zhenzhen's little silk-wrapping hand was now more and more effective because of continuous practice. The more proficient.

And at this moment, Qin Lang raised his head and stopped the two of them from moving forward: "There is a big guy more than 150 meters ahead, you may not be able to deal with it, this time I will come."

"Oh, Brother Qin Lang, what is that guy?" Liu Zhenzhen asked curiously.

"An adult black bear." Qin Lang replied.

The weight of an adult black bear is more than 600 catties, and Liu Zhenzhen's little silk-wrapping hand, which he has just learned, really can't handle it.

After becoming a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage, Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensing ability can reach more than 200 feet, so the black bear who hid in the hole of an ancient tree and slept a lot naturally could not escape his spiritual sense sensing.

Soon came to the area of ​​this ancient tree, which is a dead tree, which may have a history of more than a thousand years, and the tree needs five or six people to embrace it.

There was a big black hole in the trunk of the ancient tree. When they got closer, both of them could clearly hear the snoring sound of the black bear in the tree hole. It seemed that the big guy was sleeping soundly.

It is winter and it is also the time when black bears grow fat. The meat is extraordinarily fat, especially the legendary delicacy of roasted bear paws. I believe that many Chinese people have never tasted it even if they are rich.

Qin Lang didn't enter the tree hole, but grabbed it directly in the void. He also used the small silk-wrapping hand, but he was much more skilled than Liu Zhenzhen. With his current strength and power in the Nascent Soul stage, this end can be torn apart. The big tiger and leopard couldn't break free at all, and was directly lifted out of the tree hole by that big invisible hand like a chicken.

The whole process was very smooth and flowing. Although Qin Lang was only using this technique for the first time, he was much more proficient than Liu Zhenzhen. After all, his vision was there when he had reached this level of cultivation.

"Did you see clearly what I did just now? There are still three or four omissions in your previous movements. If you imitate more, you will understand."

Qin Lang continued to point while handling the prey.

"Okay." Liu Zhenzhen also nodded.


It was finally the day of Chinese New Year. On this day, the three masters and apprentices of Golden Phoenix, mother Wang Chunxue, and Liu Zhenzhen were all busy preparing the New Year's Eve dinner.

It was a very sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner. There were ingredients brought by everyone from the Chinese cities, as well as game caught by Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen in the Kunlun Mountains. A total of 21 dishes were prepared.

Such a scale is almost equivalent to a full banquet of Manchu and Han. There are not so many dishes in ordinary wedding banquets.

Everyone enjoyed the New Year's Eve dinner, and Qin Lang even opened a few bottles of high-end Moutai to celebrate with everyone. During this New Year's Eve dinner, everyone more or less drank a glass or two.

Of course, the three men who drank the most were Qin Lang, his father Qin Zhengyang, and Kunlun Nu No. [-].

Especially Kunlun No. [-], this is the first time to celebrate the Spring Festival after resuming the human body. I was so happy that I drank three bottles by myself. If it were an ordinary person, I might have fallen down a long time ago, but Kunlun No. [-] was obviously a little drunk also no.

This guy's drinking capacity is currently only comparable to Qin Lang, and even Qin Lang dare not guarantee that he can beat him in terms of drinking capacity.

After all, Qin Lang and Kunlun No. [-] have the same cultivation level, and Kunlun No. [-] is transformed from a zombie body, and his physical endurance is even higher than that of Qin Lang now.

After the New Year's Eve dinner, Qin Lang took Liu Zhenzhen to set off fireworks in the secret place.

The secret place of Kunlun Mountain is somewhat imitated by Huaxia, and it also changes day and night, but the sky at night is slightly hazy blue, which is still somewhat different from the gray sky of Huaxia.

Another difference is that the sky in this self-contained demiplane is very pure, there are no stars and moons at night, and of course, there is no sun during the day.

The fireworks that Qin Lang and Liu Zhenzhen are going to set off this time are not purchased from the Huaxia store, but special fireworks made by the two of them during this period.

It turned out that Qin Lang followed Liu Zhenzhen to learn the art of mechanisms and formations, and made some spiritual fireworks in his spare time, which can be regarded as a model of applying what he has learned.

The interior of the spiritual power fireworks does not use gunpowder, but a pure spiritual power mechanism circuit.

When these fireworks are placed one by one, Qin Lang has to use his true energy to light the fuse of the fireworks. After the spiritual power fireworks are ignited, they absorb the spiritual power in the air and start a small explosion. A large number of colorful sprays of wine around, It is more beautiful and durable than ordinary fireworks.

"It's so beautiful!" Looking at the splendor in front of her eyes, Liu Zhenzhen put her hands on her cheeks and exclaimed.

"Yes, it's so beautiful." Qin Lang looked at her and also sighed.

The two leaned together so warmly, watching the brilliant fireworks change, looking at the beauty in front of them, it seemed like time would last forever.

One year passed, and the next year was another sign.

Next, Qin Lang followed his family in the realm for another half a month, and it was not until Lantern Festival that he left the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain and returned to the city.

And during this period of time, with Qin Lang's continuous consolidation and practice, the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage is now considered to be truly consolidated, and there is no such phenomenon of unstable realm as when he first broke the Nascent Soul.

This is the inevitable experience of every monk who breaks through the Nascent Soul stage. Qin Lang has been instructed by several Nascent Soul stage monks, so he naturally knows how to do it, so it takes a short time for him to stabilize his cultivation, unlike ordinary Nascent Soul First-term monks need at least a transition period of one or two months.

In fact, excluding the time for relaxation, Qin Lang actually spent less than ten days to consolidate his cultivation. With the guidance of his predecessors, he did save a lot of effort and avoid many detours.


After returning to the city, Qin Lang's company gradually resumed its activities, because with the passing of the Lantern Festival, the employees after the Chinese New Year returned to work normally one by one.

Although everyone still has some holiday syndrome, obviously not in the same working state as before, but Qin Lang doesn't care too much. After all, he is also a more humane and enlightened boss. He knows the current working state of these employees. Just like a machine that has just been started, it needs to be warmed up before it can really start.

And when Lanrun Company was slowly getting on the right track, the Shar family far away in the Middle East called Qin Lang, and it was Qin Lang's old friend Shar who called.

"We at AJ will hold a ten-nation fair recently. This event is also the most grand commercial event in the Middle East in recent years. There will be a large number of business, political and even royal members from various countries participating."

"I heard that Mr. Qin Lang also came from a business background in China. I think he will be more interested in this grand event, so here I invite you to participate in this grand event on behalf of the Shar family. I don't know what Mr. Qin Lang wants. ?”

Shar is a friend that Qin Lang met while exploring the secrets of the pyramids. He is trustworthy. Unexpectedly, Shar, who is far away in Egypt, will invite him to participate in a grand event.

(End of this chapter)

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