Chapter 1276

Qin Lang was a little surprised by Shar's phone call.

After all, the place Shar invited him to was Egypt, not a dinner at any restaurant in the sea of ​​clouds.

Of course, Qin Lang couldn't refuse such a good thing, so he didn't need to think too much, Qin Lang nodded and agreed: "Okay, thank you, old friend."

"Okay, that's it, I'll hang up on the expensive international calls first! Tickets are already prepared for you here, so you can just come here when the time comes."

The rare Shal even made a joke at the end of the call. Of course, for the local tyrant Shal family who owns a multinational oil company, an international long-distance call is nothing at all. You can call as long as you want. how long.

Now that he agreed to the Shar family's invitation, Qin Lang then made preparations for participating in this fair.

Lanrun Company is mainly engaged in cosmetics. At present, its products are already regarded as first-tier brands in China, but there is still a long way to go before becoming an international first-tier brand.

In terms of going out of the country, the company currently only has the Singapore branch as a transit point. If it can show its prominence in this exhibition and open up the situation in the Middle East, it will also be of great help to the promotion of Lanrun's products in the world.

Therefore, this exhibition in the Middle East is a good opportunity, and Qin Lang, including the senior management of Lanrun Company, cannot help but ignore it.

Soon, Qin Lang convened a meeting with the company's top management to study how to promote his company's products in the Middle East.

Within four to five hours of the meeting, it was finally decided that Qin Lang would lead the team, and the company's marketing department would draw out two assistants who were proficient in Middle Eastern languages ​​as assistance, and the three of them went to the Middle East to participate in the ten-country fair.


When I came to AJ, members of the Shar family came to greet me when I got off the plane. Qin Lang, a distinguished guest of the Shar family, still attaches great importance to it. After all, Qin Lang once had a great favor to the Shar family.

It will take a few more days for the Ten Kingdoms Fair to be held, and the greeters brought Qin Lang and his two companions to the castle, followed by a long banquet.

After that, it was the castle steward who arranged accommodation for Qin Lang and his entourage.

However, Qin Lang has stayed in Gubao for so long and has not seen the patriarch of the Shaer family and Shaer. After asking, he found out that both of them went to the site to make arrangements for the Ten Kingdoms Fair.

Three days later, the ten-nation fair was officially launched in the capital of AJ. It was said to be a ten-nation fair, but in fact, most countries in the Middle East participated in this grand event, and there were at least more than 20 countries after all.

Now the entire capital of AJ has become a sea of ​​flowers. In order to welcome this grand event, the Middle Easterners have also prepared for a long time.

Qin Ma followed the leaders of the Shar family to the venue of the fair. It was a large open-air place covering an area of ​​nearly an acre, and it was already crowded like a vegetable market.

There are beauties in the Middle East, especially now that elites from more than 20 countries in the Middle East are gathering in the capital of AJ. Now this exhibition hall is full of beauties.

All of these beauties from the Arab world with a strong exotic style are not bad in appearance, and some are even comparable to Tang Xue, Ye Xiaorui, and Nalan Hairong that Qin Lang knew.

However, compared to the Huaxia beauties who dress more conservatively, headscarves and veils are necessary in public places, so Qin Lang can only see their faces faintly, but that kind of graceful posture is impressive. Mesmerized.

Qin Lang has always maintained an attitude of admiration for the beauty Qin Lang. Under the guidance of the guides, Qin Lang finally met the patriarch of the Shar family and the two Shar.

These two also occupied a place in the venue, promoting the products and business of their family's oil trading company, and they were extremely busy at the moment.

Seeing Qin Lang's arrival, Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, came over, first gave Qin Lang a warm hug, and then pointed in another direction: "Mr. Qin Lang, my brother, I have already occupied your booth. Just in that direction."

Turning his head, Qin Lang saw an empty space not far away, which should be the booth occupied by the Shar family in advance.

"Haha, thank you my good brother."

Qin Lang smiled and hugged Ala, then Shar, and then took the two of his men directly to the booth to set up.

But when Qin Lang was about to set up the booth, a group of men in black came over: "Let's make room, we want this position."

This group of people didn't seem to regard themselves as outsiders, as if they came here as if they were at home, and they were all very carefree and even arrogant, as if this booth was born to be their private place.

This group of men in black are tall and strong, and they are also very imposing.If you were an ordinary person, you might really not want to have a conflict with this group of people.

After all, people who have come from afar understand the truth that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

But Qin Lang doesn't care about these.If you want him to give up this booth, hehe, those people should forget about it.

"What's going on, this booth seems to be mine?"

Qin Lang looked at the sign on the open booth, and it was true that the Shar family left it for him.

"I said it's ours, it's ours, you get out of the way for us now!"

Who would have thought that these five or six men in black were vicious and utterly unreasonable.

Hey!It turned out that he wanted to grab his own booth by force. Qin Lang had never suffered such a loss before, and immediately snorted coldly, and the aura on his body was released slightly, and the five or six men in black were suddenly overwhelmed.

The group of men in black suddenly felt struck by lightning, their eyes widened, and their eyeballs seemed to fall out!
The leader is the one who bears the brunt of the blow. He just feels as if he is in a vast ocean. If he doesn't want to retreat, he will be swallowed by this monstrous wave.

Although this was just an imaginary picture in his mind, the psychological fear it actually caused was the same as being in a huge wave!
No matter how stupid or rampant they are, they know that if they offend someone they can't afford to offend.

So at the end, the men in black knew that they had picked the wrong target to play tricks on, and were forced to retreat quickly, like birds and beasts scattered.

The current Qin Lang is a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, and if he leaks a little breath, how can these men in black, who are not much different from ordinary people, be able to resist.

After forcefully driving away these arrogant men in black, Qin Lang asked his two subordinates to start setting up booths, and Qin Lang was also thinking about the next marketing plan in his mind.

After all, most of the people who come to the ten-country exhibition this time are the middle-east elites. If Lanrun Company can complete a few big orders this time, it will definitely open up a new sales situation in the Middle East, and provide a good foundation for the next products. Prepare for promotion.

I heard that there are members of the royal family participating this time, and Qin Lang's main purpose is to make the members of the royal family interested, and the two sides will cooperate, so that Lan Run Company can lead the line of the upper-class royal family in the Middle East.

The exhibition has already officially started, and Qin Lang also arranged the booth with the help of two subordinates, displaying all the cosmetic products of Lanrun Company one by one.

The crowd was surging, and visitors from time to time entered Qin Lang's exhibition area, and Qin Lang's two entourages also tried their best to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the company's products.

This time I brought a lot of cosmetic samples, and sold more than 2000 copies in less than two hours. Based on the sales price of about 1000 yuan per copy, the sales volume is at least about 200 million yuan.

200 million yuan doesn't seem like a big deal. For Lanrun, which has a monthly turnover of [-] million or [-] million yuan, it is just a drizzle, but it must be considered that this is a new platform for the company's products. first test sale.

Moreover, since this time is to promote the company's products, this test sale is actually a warm-up for the company's products to officially enter the Middle East market.

Three hours later, a group of Middle Eastern aristocrats who were obviously dressed differently from commoners appeared in front of Qin Lang's booth. There were about a dozen people in this group, except for the three in the middle. The clothes on the outside were more uniform, and they were obviously bodyguards or servants. class role.

There were three people, one man and two women. Careful Qin Lang found that the clothes of these two women were far from ordinary. The fabrics were made of the world's top materials, and the trinkets on their bodies were all luxuries that can only be owned by the royal family in the Middle East.

Therefore, Qin Lang can be sure that these three people are definitely from the royal family of the Middle East, because the Shar family also said before that there will be many members of the royal family of the Middle East at the Ten Kingdoms Fair this time.

"Sally, look! The cosmetics here look really good."

One of the shorter Middle Eastern beauties said to the companion behind her.

"Della, there are already dozens of varieties of cosmetics at home, and you are still not satisfied... Hey, this seems to be a cosmetic from China."

Another taller beauty also stopped before the exhibition, curious.

Huaxia's culture has a long history, and the royal families of these small Middle Eastern countries are actually yearning for it. However, it seems that Huaxia's cosmetics have never been heard of in the international market~!

"Hello, two ladies, please allow me to introduce this top cosmetic product from China. This cosmetic is made of pure natural medicinal materials in China, and this batch of products has been specially studied for your Middle Eastern physique. Release of……"

Qin Lang has a good eloquence, and he described the superiority of the company's new products eloquently. In his mouth, this new product is not inferior to those first-line brands at all, and it is worth the possession of the two women in front of him.

"Is it true?"

After listening to Qin Lang's introduction, the two royal women were also a little moved.

"That's right, Huaxia Lanrun Co., Ltd.'s cosmetic products are preparing to enter the Middle East market. We will establish a transfer station in the Middle East for customers throughout the Middle East. In addition, before entering the market, if you have any questions about the company's products, you can Ask AJ's Shar family for consultation, we are here to participate in this exhibition at the invitation of the Shar family."

"That's it, then give each of us one set, oh no, ten sets for each of us, and we can go back and send the other sisters."

The eyes of the two beauties lit up and said.

"Okay." Qin Lang said happily, and now he has done another business, and he is a high-end customer of the royal family in the Middle East, which makes him feel very fulfilled, and immediately asked his two entourages to prepare goods for the two royal beauties.

And the royal male companion on the side hadn't spoken before, touching his chin to listen to Qin Lang talking to his two female companions, and finally spoke at this time.

"The Shar family... I have heard that this is a family of guards who are very loyal to the royal family. Since your Lanrun company can be recognized by the Shar family, it seems that it is indeed a real talent. In this way If so... I happen to have some spare money that I want to invest recently, I wonder if your company is interested in letting me join your Middle East plan?"

"I can't ask for it!"

When Qin Lang heard this, he was overjoyed that there are actually members of the royal family who are willing to cooperate with his company and invest in his own Middle East transit station.

In this case, it will undoubtedly provide more convenience for Qin Lang to enter the Middle East market and quickly open up sales.

After all, the capital injection of the royal family members from the Middle East is a huge howl in itself, which is also an affirmation of the cosmetics of the Lanrun Company from China. With this kind of affirmation from its own people, the Middle East market has accepted the cosmetics of the Lanrun Company more smoothly.

Afterwards, Qin Lang chatted with the three members of the Middle Eastern royal family, and only then did he know that the three royal family members came from Bit, a military and political country in the Middle East.

The three members of the royal family are cousins, the male is called Alsra, and the two female companions are sister Della and sister Sally.

In the Arab world, Bit's influence is not weaker than that of AJ, so Alsra Qin Lang is also very important. This is the fastest way for his company to quickly open up the Middle East market, especially to enhance the influence of new products in the upper class of the Middle East.

(End of this chapter)

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