The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1277 Business Cooperation

Chapter 1277 Business Cooperation (Thank you Scorpio fyx for the red envelope)
After all, in the Arab world in the Middle East, the royal families of all countries come from a common ancestor, so the people of the Arab world are very united.

And after the company's second stop in the Middle East has the support of Alsra, through the word of mouth among members of the royal family, Lanrun's cosmetics products will surely spread to various countries and quickly occupy new markets.

This is also the main purpose of Qin Lang and Alsla, who are interested in this guy's status as a member of the royal family and the huge advertising effect behind it.

In particular, it is worth mentioning that this kind of advertising effect is completely free of charge.

You can find influential people to promote Lan Run for free, as if this is the biggest gain from this trip to the Middle East, Qin Lang is very happy.

In contrast, agreeing to Alsra's registration and making him one of the shareholders of the company's second stop in the Middle East, some of the shares lost are completely insignificant.

There were people coming and going at the fair, and it was not a place to talk. Afterwards, Qin Lang made an appointment with Alsla for the next meeting, and prepared to start the second formal negotiation.

However, Alsla will not formally appear during the formal negotiations, but instead entrusts one of his negotiators with carte blanche to attend.

After all, for this kind of rich little prince in the Middle East who owns tens of billions, the idea of ​​investing just now is just a passing interest, not the whole of his life.

This is true after calculation. The investment of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of Huaxia coins is completely drizzle for Alsla. Even if the investment fails, he will not lose much. In fact, this guy is famous in all walks of life in the Middle East market There is investment, and this investment is just a small attempt among thousands of investment plans.


This time, the Ten Kingdoms Fair lasted for seven days, and Qin Lang had to negotiate at least 2000 million or more big deals every day. Such achievements are very remarkable.

But there is also a worry. At the end of the third day, Qin Lang found that the cosmetic samples he brought were not enough. Although he had contacted the headquarters of Huaxia Company in advance and sent a batch of products by air, on the fourth day of the exhibition, Qin Lang's booth still had a window of one day.

In fact, neither Qin Lang nor Lan Run Company expected that the market in the Middle East would be so hot. The cosmetics used as samples would be sold out in the first three days. You must know that Qin Lang and his two subordinates sold at least nearly [-] in these three days. Cosmetic samples, not including bulk orders that have not been delivered.

This is actually a good sign, representing the thirst of the Middle East in the cosmetics market.

People in the Middle East actually have an inner resistance to European and American products. This may also be related to some wars in the country. Europeans and Americans often create conspiracies against Middle Eastern countries, so the entire Arab world rejects Europeans and Americans, including products from European and American countries.

At present, there are not many international cosmetics brands in the Middle East, so as soon as Lanrun’s products entered the Middle East market, it aroused the interest of a large number of Middle Eastern women who love beauty, resulting in hot products and sales. The exhibition only lasted until the third day. It's out of stock.

On the fourth day, Qin Lang's booth was empty. Although Qin Lang didn't stick to the booth that day, the two attendants still tried their best to continue to promote the products, increasing the expectations of the passers-by at the fair.

At this time, Qin Lang was already in a five-star restaurant, negotiating cooperation matters with the negotiators sent by the new royal partner Alsla.

"Mr. Qin Lang, my master, Prince Alsla, intends to inject 60.00 million U.S. dollars, but we have to hold [-]% of your company's shares in the Middle East branch."

The negotiator said that this is a Middle Eastern man wearing glasses, black and thin, about 40 years old.

"NO, you believe in your master's sincerity in cooperation, and I agree with the injection of 60.00 million US dollars, but if you want to win [-]% of the shares, it will definitely not work."

After Qin Lang heard what the negotiator said, he waved his hands again and again.

Just kidding, if you do this, wouldn't Alsra, who holds 60.00% of the shares in the Middle East Division, step on the head of Lan Run Company and have the absolute right to speak in the Middle East Division of Lan Run Company? Business development is very unfavorable.

Although this is only an equity distribution involving the Lanrun head office in the Middle East branch, it will not directly affect the headquarters of the Lanrun company in Yunhai City, but it is impossible for Qin Lang to give in too much when doing business, although doing business here is true. The support of the bigwigs in the Middle East is needed.

But thinking about it the other way around, Lanrun set up a branch in the Middle East, and those local tyrants in the Middle East also saw that it was a cash cow, so they invited them to buy shares. initiative.

"Oh, if Mr. Qin Lang disagrees, then tell me your opinion."

The negotiator stroked his glasses. In fact, it was a common practice in the business field just now. The lion opened his mouth wide. He did this to try his best to get enough benefits for his master in this cooperation.

To be honest, the investment of [-] million US dollars is indeed very attractive to Qin Lang, which is equivalent to an investment of nearly [-] million Huaxia coins, which is much more than the assets owned by Lanrun Company now, but Qin Lang is not at all Will give up long-term value because of immediate benefits.

You must know that the development of Lanrun Company has always been smooth, and the company's products will open up internationally as soon as possible. It is possible to earn 60.00 billion or even [-] billion a year in the future, so the present Although an investment is attractive enough, Qin Lang will never agree to the condition that the negotiator wants [-]% of the shares of the Middle East Public Ministry.

In fact, even if it is 40.00% of the shares, Qin Lang will not agree.

At this time, Qin Lang spoke: "As for the cooperation between the two parties, I think that you can only occupy a maximum of 30.00% of the shares in the Middle East branch of our Blue Run Company. If there is more, we would rather give up this cooperation than agree to you. requested."

"Five billion U.S. dollars... It can only account for 30.00% of the shares of Lanrun Middle East Branch. It seems that your total assets in Huaxia are less than [-] million Huaxia coins, and it is only [-] to [-] million U.S. dollars... ..."

Alsla's negotiator felt a little dissatisfied, thinking that Qin Lang's teeth were a bit long.

"Don't worry, just listen to me."

Qin Lang smiled and waved his hands, and said: "The capital injection of 30.00 million U.S. dollars was proposed by you. In fact, our Lanrun Company Middle East Branch does not need so much capital injection at all, so you only need to inject [-] million U.S. dollars. Alright, two hundred million in exchange for a [-]% stake in the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company, I think your master will agree."

"That's it!"

The negotiator thought about it, and knew that Qin Lang would not make any more concessions on the equity. I am afraid that 30.00% is really the bottom line. This can be known from the reduction of the capital injection requirements of the other party. Pull made a phone call.

Afterwards, after obtaining Alsla’s authorization, the negotiators formally signed an agreement with Qin Lang. The contracts were prepared in advance and stamped with the royal seal of Alsla’s royal family. Just fill in the content with a carbon pen and it’s OK. up.

After a busy conversation, the cooperation between Qin Lang and Alsla, a member of the royal family of the Middle East, has been officially finalized. In fact, this contract is only a draft contract. It will wait until Alsla’s funds are in place and Qin Lang’s Lanrun Company’s Middle East branch officially enters the market. At that time, a printing contract will be formally signed, so that this cooperation plan can be considered as complete.

After signing the contract, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief, and then called the company and relayed all these things to the past, so that Lanrun can quickly organize staff training, arrange the process, and do everything to enter the Middle East market as soon as possible Prepare.

On the fifth day of the exhibition, the second batch of product samples of Lan Run Company was transported by air again. There were a total of [-] samples, which made up for the current shortage of the booth.

However, when Qin Lang came to the booth, he almost turned his mouth in anger. The whole booth was splashed with paint, and now the colors are too horrible to look at.

"Who is it? Who the hell is it? Don't let me catch you, and you will be rewarded by then!"

Qin Lang was angry, his eyes were ready to kill, this saboteur was completely cutting off people's money.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents. For Qin Lang who is eager to open up the market in the Middle East, it is simply unbearable. This person who secretly sabotages is really bad.

Who is it, who is this saboteur?
Qin Lang thought for a while, and finally thought of the men in black who robbed the booths on the first day of the exhibition. Those men in black wanted to grab their own booths, but they were taught a lesson by themselves. They must be dissatisfied. It must be these guys who destroyed it.

After all, Qin Lang is also a newcomer to this unfamiliar land in the Middle East, and he has no enemies. Except for the men in black on the day of the exhibition, he really can't think of anyone who would use such low-handed means to deal with him.

"It's a pity for this good booth. It takes at least half a day to clean up these raw paints, and even after the cleaning is completed, the whole booth has a special smell. This smell of paint is enough to scare away most customers! Damn, It's really disgusting!"

Qin Lang looked around, because of the raw paint, many people around hid their faces and walked away. Under such circumstances, it was impossible to promote their company's products.

At this time, Ala and Shar from the Shar family came over: "Oh! Mr. Qin Lang, I didn't expect such a thing to happen at the exhibition. I'm so sorry! In this way, our booth will be given to you now, and we will clean up this booth !"

"That's not good!"

Qin Lang said hesitantly.

"It's okay, what we're selling is oil, which doesn't require too much booth space. These can still be used after cleaning, but brother, your cosmetics won't work! So, don't refuse anymore!"

Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Good brother!" Qin Lang hugged Allah, then hugged Shar, and then accepted another help from the Shar family.

The booth of the Shar family is not far from the previous booth of Qin Lang, so after Qin Lang arranged it a little later, the business is still booming. The customers who made an appointment a few days ago quickly found this booth again, which did not have much impact on the business .

Let the two subordinates handle the business at the booth, but Qin Lang left the booth, gritted his teeth and searched for those troublemakers. He believed that those men in black must be at the exhibition, as long as he searched hard, he would be able to find them .

Damn, I'm a Nascent Soul cultivator now, even in the cultivation world of Qinghe Continent, he's going to be called the Nascent Soul old monster. His booth!

(End of this chapter)

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