Chapter 1278
Qin Lang judged that the people who had trouble with him and stained his booth with paint could basically only be the group of men in black who had had conflicts.

So, Qin Lang began to look for them in front of various booths at the fair.

The fair was crowded with people, and it was almost impossible to get through. Qin Lang could only observe the booths one by one. So many booths were cut down one by one, and a long time passed without knowing it.

After searching for about three hours, Qin Lang finally found the five or six familiar faces, it was the group of men in black, that's right.

"Elmont Logistics?"

Qin Lang showed a sneer, the company that this group of men in black belonged to was actually a logistics company.

There were many people coming and going at the fair, it would be inappropriate to teach this group of arrogant guys a lesson now, but now that they have found the location of this group of people, Qin Lang is not worried about them escaping.

Quietly released a fire ant as a stalker, Qin Lang left here and went back to his booth to help.

After all, the two subordinates are very busy at this time, if Qin Lang didn't join them, they might all be exhausted.

Of course, this is also caused by the backlog of business that was accumulated for a day yesterday. It is equivalent to the accumulation of two days of business, and today's business volume will definitely exceed 4000 million.

Anyway, there were psychic fire ants around, and even if the other party left the fair and went to other places, he could quickly determine the location of the other party's group by virtue of his special connection with the fire ants.

After a busy day, the fifth day of the fair has come to an end, and it's time to clear the venue.

At this time, Qin Lang also started to follow the men in black, and left the exhibition hall with them.

Regarding the Elmon logistics company, Qin Lang had also inquired about the two locals, Ala and Shar, before. He only knew that this company was a large logistics company in AJ, and he didn't know much about the others.

So now Qin Lang followed these guys, and did not take action to teach them for the time being, but also wanted to probe the bottom of this company. He felt that this logistics company was a bit abnormal, as if it had been targeting him at the exhibition.

Otherwise, there were so many booths at the exhibition, why did this company come to grab the booth I reserved, and since I have been taught a lesson by myself, the temper of businessmen is mostly calm, and it is definitely not so aggressive. revenge.

These two abnormalities are also things that Qin Lang can't figure out, and feel a little unreasonable.

He has always been a person with keen intuition, so he feels that there may be some situations that he does not know, so he spent a lot of time tracking down these men in black.

After the people of Elmon Logistics came out of the booth, they directly boarded a black chartered car and went to the outskirts of AJ's capital. That direction was not where the headquarters of Elmon Logistics was located.

Qin Lang didn't know where these guys were going. Perhaps Elmon Logistics Company had other logistics warehouses besides the one in Seoul. He called a taxi and hung it in this car far away. Behind the large van.

The car drove out of the capital quickly, and stopped at a relatively remote farm outside Xiaoxiao. All the men in black from the van in front got out of the car and entered the farm.

And after Qin Lang paid the taxi fare, he activated the Thousand Machine Mask and changed into a local, even his figure changed, short and thin.

The reason for such a big change is that Qin Lang used the bone shrinking technique, and no one would think of Qin Lang's original appearance in this way.

After entering the farm, Qin Lang carefully followed the man in black to a distance of several tens of feet, while the man in black in front just kept his head on his way, never expecting a pursuer to come to this remote farm.

These men in black have now entered the farmer's room and are talking to a bald man with a scarred face: "We have carried out two sabotage activities on the target booth according to your requirements, but the effect was not great. Changed a booth with the Shar family."

"The Shar family is also an enemy we need to deal with. You continue to stare at these two sides for opportunities to sabotage. I will report these things to the boss. I believe the boss will have new instructions."

The voices of the two conversations made Qin Lang feel puzzled. When did he have an enemy in the Middle East? Recently, the enemies of Lanrun Company seem to be only Reizman and the forces behind him. Could it be that Reizman's hands are so long, and his sense of smell is also Incomparably sensitive, it has already been extended to the exhibition of ten countries in the Middle East?
After confirming that the two groups of people on the farm were real enemies, Qin Lang was no longer polite. He felt that both parties in the meeting this time were ordinary people, and he had no scruples to rush in directly.


When Qin Lang kicked through the gate of the farmer, both parties who were meeting were stunned for a moment, and when they turned their heads and found that it was an inconspicuous local, they both heaved a sigh of relief.

"Is this person from your farm?"

The man in black asked.

"No." The farmer shook his head.

"Then, this local man is very weird. He may have overheard our conversation just now. If this is the case, we absolutely cannot stay."

After knowing the situation, the men in black from Canmon Logistics were determined to get rid of the local man who broke in by mistake.

"Oh, it's terrible, murdered and set fire!"

The local people dressed up by Qin Lang spoke the local language and ran out of the gate in panic.

Seeing the situation in front of them, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The original atmosphere of facing the enemy disappeared. This farm is too remote, and now there are only a few subordinates of the farmer in the farm, and there are no outsiders. , so there is only one ending for this local who broke in by mistake, and that is death.

Even, five or six men in black who were planning to hunt down and kill Qin Lang originally sent only two to arrest Qin Lang.

The two men in black were very strong, stronger than the average adult, and in their thinking, they were more than enough to deal with the thin local man in front of them.

However, they didn't know that the thin local man in front of them was completely disguised by Qin Lang, who was taken down by Qin Lang as soon as he went out, and then he directly obtained some useful information by using the technique of searching for gods.

Qin Lang couldn't get any more information because he only searched for two young men like characters, but from these two young men, he also knew that the two accidents at his booth at the trade fair were indeed premeditated Yes, now that he has tracked it down, he is getting closer and closer to the truth of the matter.

It turns out that the Elmon logistics company and the suburban farm in front of us belong to the same force. Qin Lang and the Lanrun company under his name were somehow blacklisted by the senior management of Elmon logistics, and even Qin Lang's partner, the Shar family , also made Elmon Logistics blacklisted.

In other words, there are people in the Middle East who want to deal with Qin Lang's Lanrun Company and the Shar family. I don't know if this group of forces is the original enemy of the Shar family or because of Qin Lang's enemies.

"It seems that if you want to know more, you have to kill all these little guys in front of you."

Qin Lang sighed, these people in front of him are really overestimated, but they are just ordinary people who are messing with themselves and Lanrun Company, they really don't know how to live or die.

After Qin Lang sneered, he continued to break into the farmer's room.

When the people inside saw Qin Lang again, they were also stunned. Where did the two companions who chased him just now go?
not good!These people immediately realized that something might have happened to the two men in black.

But it was only now that he realized that it was too late. Qin Lang made a move and directly knocked out seven or eight people in the room. In the end, there was only one person left, which was the farmer.

This is an old man who is over 50 years old, and he is still a warrior. Although his strength is only at the level of Wuzun, he actually avoided Qin Lang's first wave of attacks.

The reason why Qin Lang avoided Qin Lang's attack was that Qin Lang hadn't noticed that the old man was actually a warrior just now. However, the strength of Wuzun level was really not enough for Qin Lang, so the second time Qin Lang shot, the old man could no longer hide past.

All KO's at once, and Qin Lang definitely did not spend more than 30 seconds.

At this time, Qin Lang is still using the technique of searching for gods, wanting to know more about these people's plots against him.

After some searching, I found out that these people in front of me are just a group of minions, and they have not been able to get any useful information at all, even the farmer at the Wuzun level is the same.

However, after searching for the gods of these people, Qin Lang finally understood the source of the order against him, and it really came from the senior management of Canmon Logistics, so it seems that he has to go to the Elmon Logistics Company for a while before he can Know the real reason why this potential enemy wants to deal with you.

After searching for God, these people in front of them have all become idiots, but Qin Lang doesn't have any burden in his heart. If he wants to deal with himself, he must have the mind to bear his own blows and revenge, which they deserve.

Then Qin Lang left the farm directly, went to the headquarters of Canmon Logistics Company, and found the second largest shareholder of Canmen Logistics Company, Sisko.

The reason why he was looking for this person was also because Qin Lang learned from the brain memory of these idiots that the one who gave the order to deal with him was the second largest stock of Elmon Logistics Company, Dongsisco.

However, after arriving at Elmon Logistics Company, Qin Lang discovered that Sisko, the second largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company, was not usually at the headquarters.

The front desk asked Qin Lang what he wanted from Mr. Sisko. Qin Lang vaguely said that he was from Xiaoqu Farm and wanted to report some things to Sisko, but there was no phone number from Sisko himself on the farm, so he wanted to To get in touch with him personally.

Then he left a phone number, and Qin Lang left here. Of course, he didn't remember leaving a fire ant at the headquarters of Elmon Logistics Company as a monitor.

Now at the farm and the headquarters of the Elmon logistics company, Qin Lang has left fire ants as a monitoring tool. I believe that Sisko himself keeps appearing, and he will know it as soon as possible, and then find this person.

In the next two days, Qin Lang continued to be busy at the ten-country exhibition, but there was no new news from Elmon Logistics Company and the suburban farm.

And the exhibition platform of the Elmon company at the fair has also been vacant, and no one else from the Elmon logistics company has come to take over.

This situation also made Qin Lang conjecture, perhaps the second largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company, Shisco, had already known some news in advance, and knew about his previous shot, so there has been no movement, right? !
No matter what, Qin Lang finally passed the seven days of the Middle East Ten Countries Exhibition in a calm manner.

(End of this chapter)

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