Chapter 1279
The fair was completed, and Qin Lang also benefited a lot from it.

At this exhibition, he and his two subordinates achieved a turnover of at least 4000 million yuan, and in the process of product promotion, they got [-] to [-] long-term cooperation orders from retailers.

After getting the capital injection from Prince Alsra of the Middle East, it is a certainty to quickly open the entire Middle East market.

This is also a very exciting thing. Qin Lang has already asked the senior management of Lanrun Company to step up to deal with all matters, to enter the Middle East as soon as possible, and to establish a Middle East branch.

When leaving the capital of AJ, Qin Lang once again accepted the invitation of the Shar family to visit the ancient castle. In fact, Qin Lang has no better foothold in the Middle East for the time being. It is undoubtedly the most convenient to live in the Shar family now.

The Shar family sent a total of ten vehicles to participate in the exhibition this time, all of which were luxury cars, among which an extended Lincoln and a Ferrari were temporarily lent to Qin Lang.

Unlike Huaxia, there are so many luxury cars in the Middle East, and even a large number of ordinary civilians can afford to drive more than 50 million vehicles. This is also determined by the general environment.

After all, more than 60.00% of the world's crude oil is concentrated here. Relying on the black gold income of oil is enough to make the living standards of people in most countries far exceed the world average.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. The rich oil resources in the Middle East have also caused the birth of European and American countries. A series of plots and plots against the Middle East countries have also made the entire Middle East change. The Middle East is also the most war-torn area in the entire world. one.

Qin Lang is now sitting alone in the extended Lincoln. He once sat in the extended Lincoln in the Singapore branch and felt very hard-core, so he is more interested in this kind of car. This time he rejected the driver of the Shar family and personally became a driver to experience it. a handful.

While driving, Qin Lang suddenly felt a warning sign, it's not good!As a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, his sixth sense is now more acute, and he immediately jumped out of the driving Lincoln and rolled to the side.

Boom boom boom!
Three or four rockets hit directly in the air, immediately igniting three cars, including his own, and only one ammunition missed.

boom!The three cars ignited immediately, and the occupants were unable to escape.

One of the three rockets hit Qin Lang's empty car, and the other two hit two vehicles of the Shar family. Fortunately, Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, and Qin Lang's good brother Shar were leaving the city. Before, the driving order of the vehicles was changed, otherwise the two rockets would definitely kill the two of them in flames.

So cruel!They actually used rockets as a weapon!
Qin Lang's eyes were filled with coldness!
"Enemy attack!"

The entire convoy also became tense, and the living people in the convoy took out their weapons one after another. Weapons are not allowed in the Middle East, so there are also many vehicles and weapons accompanying the Shar family.

And Qin Lang has already left the convoy at this moment, like a cheetah, running wildly in the direction of the rocket, and now he is going to find out the attackers behind them.

"It must be the person sent by Sisko from the Elmon logistics company, who even used the rockets. I really don't know what kind of hatred I and the Shar family have with this guy, so they will be so unscrupulous."

As Qin Lang ran, his doubts became more and more serious.

No matter who the other party focuses on, he is now on the same front as the Shar family, not to mention that if they don't wipe out this group of people today, it may be difficult for Lanrun's branch in the Middle East to develop its business smoothly in the future.

However, before he actually caught Sisko, Qin Lang probably had a hard time solving the mystery of this question.

There were four rocket attackers in ambush, and they must be international mercenaries just by looking at their skills. However, for Qin Lang, who is currently at the Nascent Soul level, no matter how strong these international mercenaries are, they are not enough. The technique extracted their memories.

Sure enough, this group of international mercenaries accepted Sisko's employment to deal with Qin Lang and the Shar family. After being extracted by Qin Lang, the four international mercenaries were completely idiots. Next, they will be handed over to the Shar family people are better.

However, it is estimated that the fate of these four guys is a bit miserable, but these are not things that Qin Lang should care about.

This time the convoy was attacked very unexpectedly. After Qin Lang came back and discussed with Ala and Shar, the patriarch of the Shar family, Ala, was also puzzled. Why don't you know?"

At this time, Shar added: "Perhaps, this may also be the personal actions of Sisco, the second largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company. It's seems that we have never offended this guy!"

Shar really felt baffled, angry and innocent.

The people from Elmon Logistics must have taken the wrong medicine. If they wanted to kill such a heavy killer on the convoy belonging to their family, if they didn't see the opportunity quickly, even the people and the car would be bombed to death by rockets.

Since the Shar family has never offended Elmon Company and Sisko, these people seem to have a deep hatred with the Shar family and Qin Lang, and Qin Lang and others are puzzled by the repeated setups against their own side. .

Qin Lang was very puzzled, but he could only wait for the development of the matter to reveal the reason.

At this time, the people who cleared up the loss of the team came over. Two drivers and a core member of the family died. Hearing this news, Ala, the patriarch, clenched his fist: "Damn! These damned bastards, I swear in the name of the family that I will never I will let you go!"

Yes, for no reason, three members of the family were killed, including a core member. Such a blow was also very huge for the Shar family, and the Shar family couldn't help but not take it seriously.

But staying here is not a solution, and then the convoy that entered the alert state escorted the four international mercenaries who had become idiots to leave here and move on.

Behind him, the three damaged vehicles had been abandoned, but the bodies of the three deceased had been taken out and prepared to be brought back to the family for burial.


After returning to the Shar family, when they knew about the attack on the convoy, they were all very angry.

You must know that the Shar family is the hero of the royal family in the Arab world. It has been cursed for thousands of years. On this AJ site, the members of the family will be attacked by unknown people, and three of them will die. What a big deal this is.

The tribe immediately asked the patriarch to report the matter to the royal family and let the royal family send people to investigate the matter thoroughly, but was stopped by Allah. He decided not to disturb the royal family for the time being, and decided to solve it by himself.

After appeasing the mood of the tribe, Ala led the tribe to hold a grand funeral for the three dead.

Funerals in the Middle East are a bit different from those in China. In addition to wearing a white cloth on the head, some necessary religious ceremonies will also be performed according to the customs of the Communist Party. For the deceased, death is the moment to end this life and lead to the afterlife.

After the funeral, the deceased was wrapped into a new mummy, and together with some burial objects, they were sent to the family cemetery and buried with their ancestors.

It is worth mentioning that the family cemetery of the Shar family is also an open large pyramid structure. Out of etiquette, Qin Lang did not follow the burial personnel into the cemetery. More than 2000 coffins were placed.


Afterwards, Lanrun's headquarters sent a large number of personnel over again to prepare to establish the Middle East branch.

There are also a large number of warriors and security personnel accompanying him. This is also specially arranged by Qin Lang. After all, the Middle East is a war-torn area. He needs to ensure that the second overseas branch of his company is absolutely safe after opening.

These accompanying warriors and security personnel are twice as many as those sent to the Singapore branch, with a total of more than 300 people, and there are a large number of Wuzun-level warriors. When these personnel arrived, Qin Lang was also a little relieved.

More than half of these Martial Master-level fighters were transferred from the Singapore branch, and they have rich security experience. If they are in charge, they don't have to worry about the construction and production of the branch for a while.

Afterwards, Qin Lang once again invited and signed a formal printing contract with Alsla, the prince of the Middle East. At the same time, he received an injection of [-] million US dollars from Alsla, and then the construction of the Middle East branch was officially launched.

The Middle East Branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company is close to the capital of AJ. It has encircled about 200 mu of land in the suburbs and started to build a large scale.

It has to be said that the land in the Middle East is very cheap. Even in the capital of AJ, the land price here is not as good as the land price in a second-tier Chinese city like Yunhai. Qin Lang spent less than 2000 million to buy such a wide land.

It is definitely impossible to develop such a large piece of land at the same time. For example, the Singapore branch of Qinlang only has [-] acres of land. This Middle East branch of Qinlang plans to divide it into three phases of development. The first phase will build [-] acres, and the second phase will build another [-] acres. Mu, and the third phase will complete the remaining [-] mu.

Of course, the construction of the first phase of the arrangement is the most important thing, which is about the construction of factories and supporting facilities. The next two phases have nothing to do with these. Qin Lang may carry out other industrial arcs, not limited to cosmetics. this one.

After all, after coming to the Middle East, Qin Lang found that there is no hatred for the business opportunities here, and he also has plans to use cosmetics as a fulcrum in the future, and at the same time drive other industries to develop together.

The construction of the first phase of the factory is in full swing, and Jiang Xinzhong, the company's safety and production director, also came to the Middle East to participate in the construction of the Middle East branch.

Jiang Xinzhong is an old man of Lanrun Company. He brought up the Singapore branch of Lanrun Company. He has rich experience in construction, so Qin Lang transferred him directly after the Singapore branch had stabilized. division.

With Jiang Xinzhong's guidance, I believe that the central branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company will be successfully completed soon, and I myself can't keep an eye on the entire construction process. Qin Lang is actually very relieved of himself as an old man.

After explaining some things to Jiang Xinzhong, Qin Lang put down his burden and continued to stare at the situation of Elmon Logistics Company, carefully paying attention to the movement of Sisko.

On this day, the fire ants he used to stalk finally sent a message: Sisko showed up!

Now the person has appeared in the remote farm that Qin Lang once visited in the outskirts of AJ's capital!
It's finally here!

After waiting so hard for so long, it was finally time to find the right master to settle the score.

Without the slightest hesitation, after greeting the people around him, Qin Lang rushed towards the farm without stopping.

That guy must not be allowed to escape this time, he wants to kill him!
(End of this chapter)

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