The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1280 Too Vulnerable to One Blow

Chapter 1280 Too Vulnerable
After about two hours, Qin Lang finally came to the suburban farm he had been to before.

Follow the fire ant's spiritual connection to confirm that it is here, then there should be no mistakes.

What's more, the speed of his journey is also very fast, so there shouldn't be any troubles in it.

And when he saw the seven or eight luxury vehicles parked outside the farm, Qin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, we arrived in time, and the person hasn't left yet.

Qin Tian bypassed the parked luxury cars and approached the gate of the farm.

The door was closed tightly, but no one was guarding it, so it was estimated that the other party was not afraid of someone coming to make trouble.

Qin Tian didn't hide, and approached the gate directly, very fast.

But at the moment in the farm, a large number of bodyguards surrounded a well-dressed middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was frowning unceasingly as he looked at a few subordinates who had been escorted up and turned into idiots.

These people are all underlings he sent out, and they were fine when they were sent out, but when they were found and transported back, they turned into idiots and mentally handicapped, it's no wonder he was happy.

"It seems that that guy has incredible power. No wonder he was able to make several people in the farm like this. In this way, it is not without reason that several people sent out last time failed."

The middle-aged man was contemplating, thinking that the young man he was going to deal with was really not a mortal, and it was really tricky to deal with.

The middle-aged man is none other than Sisco, the second largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company.

"Break in."

Qin Lang had already reached the gate, and kicked it directly towards the gate!
At this time, the closed gate of the farm was violently opened, attracting the attention of everyone in the farm.

And after seeing the figure appearing at the gate of the farm, the expression of the middle-aged man who was protected by a large number of bodyguards also changed: "I didn't expect this guy to come to the door so soon, it's okay, everyone just make a decision." .”

Sisko gave a wink, and suddenly a few people dressed as mercenaries among the bodyguards came out, facing Qin Lang who was walking slowly, expressionless.

"Huh? Transformers... No, they're not reformers either. Their aura is really weird!"

Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed that these four mercenaries were not ordinary people. Their bodies were full of energy and blood, but they didn't seem to have been promoted over time, as if they were temporarily blessed by a special method.

Qin Lang can sense through his divine sense that the physical quality of these four mercenaries has only reached the level of junior warriors, but now because of the blessing of a special power, the level of qi and blood can reach the level of Wu Zun, which is really surprising. endlessly.

"This is most likely a Middle Eastern secret technique. You must know that the Arab world has always been very mysterious. Otherwise, there would be no Pyramid Secret Realm in this region, which is the same as the world's three major secret realms..."

Qin Lang thought to himself, although he didn't know the reason why these four international mercenaries were so surging, but he knew that with his current strength, it would not be difficult to deal with these four mercenaries.

After all, I am already a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, and in the world of the earth, I am already a terrestrial fairy. No matter what kind of monsters and ghosts it is, it can't hide in front of my powerful strength.

Facing the four weird international mercenaries, Qin Lang, who had enough confidence, smiled and approached them again without fear.

And the four international mercenaries are really strange. Facing the powerful aura that came to Qin Lang when he was pressing every step of the way, they didn't even flinch. They still stood there expressionless, like four stone Buddhas. Same.

This also made Qin Lang secretly amazed, he knew that the aura he exuded just now might not be able to withstand the general Wu Zunqi martial artist, if it was an ordinary person, he might be scared to death by his own aura.

You must know that the aura pressure at the Nascent Soul Stage level is not so easy to bear, even among cultivators, even those who practiced Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy will feel a lot of pressure.

And these four international mercenaries who were not at the level of Wu Zun were able to resist and restrain the aura pressure at the level of Yuanying stage. Qin Lang couldn't help but become more curious about the power that was blessed on them.

I don't know what kind of secret technique this is, it must be good if I can get it.


Coincidentally, when Qin Lang was a certain distance away from them, the four international mercenaries all shot.

What the four of them were holding was actually an alloy dagger gun, which could be used as a dagger and fire bullets. It was also one of the most popular weapons in the mercenary group.

However, this is the first time Qin Lang has seen this special weapon.

Speaking of which, the earth's technology and the world of self-cultivation each have their own strengths, just like the special alloys refined by the earth's high-tech treatment, which can almost compare with low-level magic weapons in terms of hardness and toughness.

Of course, magic weapons have too many special abilities than alloy weapons, which cannot be compared with alloy weapons.

The two sides fought together, and the four international mercenaries took a joint attack.

If it were someone else, under such a strict offensive, it would definitely not be the enemy of these four international mercenaries with the strength of Wu Zun, but now their enemy is Qin Lang.

For the current Qin Lang, even if the four international mercenaries in front of him have reached the level of ancient warriors, it is impossible to defeat himself with one move.

After all, after his own strength has been improved, it is far from comparable to that of the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy. It is not a problem at all to deal with the joint attack of the four Wuzun levels in front of him.

Just activated the Phantom Wind Walk, without even opening the magic weapon defense, Qin Lang directly used the technique of capture to subdue the four international mercenaries in front of him, seized the weapons in their hands, and tapped the acupuncture points on them, making them completely changed. Became a wooden man.

"It's really vulnerable, vulnerable!"

Qin Lang shook his head and blew on a dagger gun that he got. This dagger gun is very exquisite and has a collection value, and the alloy material has been specially treated to never rust. He plans to keep one of the four dagger guns for himself. The next three were given away.

Seeing that the four mercenary helpers were subdued so quickly, the well-dressed middle-aged Sisko knew it was not good, and waved his hand again to let the seven or eight bodyguards around him step forward to block Qin Lang, but he himself was He retreated to the depths of the farm.

"It's really over the top!"

Qin Lang looked at the seven or eight bodyguards. Although all of these people had the strength of elementary warriors and held guns in their hands, he really didn't pay attention to them.

In his opinion, although there are many bodyguards in front of him, they are not useful, and they are not even comparable to the four international mercenaries he just eliminated. Contempt suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Clap clap clap clap!

Facing Qin Lang, the seven or eight bodyguards knew they couldn't stop them, so they shot before Qin Lang got too close. A row of bullets exploded like fried beans, but when the bullets hit Qin Lang, It has been blocked by the defensive force field that Qin Lang has opened!
Layers of ripple-like fluctuations appeared on the shield of the magic weapon, and these bullets couldn't even break through the first layer of the twelve-layer defense of the Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler.

This situation even surprised Qin Lang himself!
You must know from the gunshots just now, Qin Lang also knows that these bullets are special dum bullets, which are so powerful that they may even break through some alloy armor. Now that he is able to firmly defend against these bullets, it also proves one thing .

The self-defense ability in the Yuanying stage is stronger, at least half stronger than the Dzogchen in the late stage of alchemy.

This is a good thing to celebrate, Qin Lang suddenly became more confident, he laughed, and unfolded the little silk wrapping hand he had learned recently, and the guns in the hands of seven or eight bodyguards were suddenly attracted by an invisible attraction, and they burst through the air, It was sucked by Qin Lang with his silk hand.

Seven or eight pistols rotated and squeezed together over Qin Lang's palms, forming a metal cluster. After Qin Lang used his technique to squeeze and shoot, he suddenly pushed hard, and countless metal fragments flew out, like metal butterflies in the sky. .

These metal butterflies danced in the air, looking extremely beautiful, but they carried a huge murderous intent. Seven or eight bodyguards screamed at the same time, with countless metal fragments stuck in their bodies, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Speaking of it, the small silk-wrapping hand is a more special cultivation method than the ancient martial arts. It is not surprising that it can cause such a special power. Even some exercises in the ancient Chinese martial arts can create similar scenes .

For example, the Murong family's battles and stars, such as the Nine Suns Divine Art, such as the Six Meridians Excalibur...

However, these special skills are kept secret even in the Guwu family, and they exist like the hole cards of every Guwu family, and most people in the world don't know it.

After killing seven or eight bodyguards, there are only two or three bodyguards around Sisko and fleeing to the distance. With Qin Lang's current ability, it is only a breath of effort to catch up with this guy, so he is not in a hurry .

On Sisko's side, seeing Qin Lang so easily dealt with the seven or eight bodyguards he used to block him, his face suddenly turned pale, he gritted his teeth, and said to the three remaining bodyguards on the left and right: "You guys Go over and stop him no matter what!"


The remaining three bodyguards were very obedient. When facing Qin Lang, those companions were as vulnerable as paper. They also saw it in their eyes. Up to now, they have not had the slightest mood swings, which makes people wonder.

Perhaps these bodyguards, like the four mercenaries before, have been controlled by some special secret techniques, and there is no longer any terror on their bodies, so that such an unreasonable situation can occur.

Involuntarily, Qin Lang became more interested in this Sisko in front of him. This person, or the power behind this person is definitely not simple.

After receiving Sisko's order, the remaining three bodyguards rushed towards Qin Lang firmly.

These three bodyguards are much stronger than the previous seven or eight bodyguards, and each of them has strength close to the level of Wu Zun. Qin Lang is making a move, but finds that the vitality of these three bodyguards is getting stronger and stronger, and soon broke through the level of Wu Zun. Respect level.

And these three bodyguards looked like they were drunk, they were very red all over, and their aura was still improving. They broke through the Wu Zun level and didn't stop. Wu Zun's peak state stopped in the later period.

At this time, the appearance of the three bodyguards also changed drastically, as if their bodies had nearly doubled in size like the Hulk.


Qin Lang was amazed again, but he knew that the situation of the three bodyguards in front of him was different from that of mutants or transformed people. The abilities of these three bodyguards were only a special temporary blessing, not like mutants or transformed people. The same, is a permanent ability.

Moreover, after the huge changes in the body, although the three bodyguards in front of them now look very powerful, their blood is extremely chaotic. It can be seen that this kind of forced improvement is fatal to the body.

Moreover, Qin Lang used his spiritual sense to vaguely feel that in the next battle, these three guys might not be able to control the powerful qi and blood conflict in their bodies at any time, and their bodies would explode.

"These three guys in front of me...are really risking their lives now!"

Qin Lang had to sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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