The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1281 Playing This Trick Again

Chapter 1281 Playing This Trick Again
I don't know what kind of special organization this is. It can actually have that special blessing method, and it can also cultivate a large number of loyal men like dead soldiers.

Now Qin Lang can be sure that the Sisko in front of him is at best the level of a small leader in this organization.

Because with Sisko's ability, it is impossible to mass-produce such dead men. This is a pattern. Judging from Sisko's character and performance, it is impossible for this guy to have such a large pattern.

Vision determines many things, not to mention Sisko, regardless of ability or financial resources, is absolutely impossible to form such a powerful team alone.

Qin Lang felt that this kind of special blessing secret technique in the Middle East world, the special power produced was no worse than the top reformers in Nanyang, but it was still one or two points worse than the top black technology mutants in this world.

However, this special method can achieve such a level, and the power behind Sisko is also proud enough, which may be the capital of this power to be able to move across the Middle East.

The three bodyguards rushed towards Qin Lang after the burst of energy and blood. Now they have the strength close to the ancient warriors. Their body speed, strength, and agility are many times higher than before. They are exactly like three cheetahs with huge energy and blood. Same.

Faced with such a charge, with that incomparable momentum, it is not impossible for anyone to run away in fright, and it is not impossible for the timid to even lie limp on the ground.

But Qin Lang, who is already at the Nascent Soul level, is fearless.

He knew that the three guys in front of him who had exploded with qi and blood were very abnormal, and it was even possible that this outburst of qi and blood had a time limit, and in the end there would be fatal sequelae.

It is very likely that these three guys have either fallen into madness and cannot extricate themselves recently, or the result of exploding to death.

Bang bang bang!Bang bang bang!
Qin Lang fought against these three guys. The speed of both sides was very fast. The speed of the three cheetah-level opponents after the burst of energy and blood was very close to Qin Lang who did not use the magic weapon to increase the arc.

The swishing sonic booms continued, and Qin Lang seemed to always have three people attacking him at the same time, but in fact the three mutant fighters were attacking around him, which also showed how fast the three were moving. up.

It's just that, although their qi and blood are huge, they are chaotic, and their control ability is too weak. They fight completely out of order, and they just fight fiercely with a brute force.

In such a situation, a martial artist of the same level might have been beaten to death by them three punches and two punches, but now their opponent is Qin Lang.

Soon after dozens of moves, Qin Lang found that although their energy and blood were huge, their physical endurance was limited, and he didn't make much effort. All the three guys in front of him had broken limbs and fractures.

Compared with the peak warriors of the same level, their defensive ability is also a little too weak, not as strong as they appear at all, which is probably the biggest weakness of this kind of temporary blessing.

After all, the abilities of warriors are obtained through hard work step by step. If there is a way to reach the sky in one step, how can other warriors live? If everyone is looking for a shortcut to improve their strength, the world may be in chaos.

However, there are not no shortcuts to increase strength, such as the world's black technology to transform people and mutants are a shortcut to turn ordinary people into powerful people, but the sequelae are just as huge.

Take cyborgs as an example, cyborgs are semi-finished products of mutant research, they are full of flaws, and they need to be injected with genetic drugs to control changes in their bodies every once in a while.

As for mutants, their body structure is already very different from that of ordinary people. They have no respiratory system and no emotion. In fact, they are no longer human beings.


The three bodyguards who forcibly exploded with energy and blood did not completely lose their combat effectiveness after their limbs were broken and fractured. They lost their hands and legs. Now they are like fighting machines. They don't know what fear is at all. Qin Lang launched an attack.

At this time, Qin Lang found that the redder the skin of the three guys, the higher the temperature of the body surface. He felt that the blood in their bodies had completely lost control. He immediately knew that it was not good, and quickly retreated.

"Fuck, play this trick again."

Qin Lang was quite speechless.

Do these people like to play self-detonation so much? Here it comes again.

The three guys who were forcibly promoted all blew themselves up within a minute. The burst of blood in their bodies was almost comparable to molten steel in a boiler. Qin Lang didn't know if he could resist this special body bomb.

It is worth mentioning that the blood explosion of these three guys is very corrosive, and the surrounding area of ​​five feet is affected. The blood turned into green smoke instantly, leaving only some black marks on the roots of the grass.

Seeing these situations, Qin Lang couldn't help praising himself for being cautious. If he hadn't retreated in time and was contaminated by these highly corrosive Qi and blood, his defensive shield might be corroded and pierced.

God knows that the blood in these guys' bodies is not the blood of normal people after the secret surgery of qi and blood blessing, and it can actually corrode the ground, which is too scary!

At this time, Sisko had successfully escaped from Qin Lang's sight because the three subordinates faithfully executed the order to intercept Qin Lang.

However, Qin Lang snorted coldly without changing his face: "Does this guy think he can escape like this? It's not that easy!"

The purpose of coming here is to capture Sisko, how can he allow the other party to slip away easily.

After speaking, Qin Lang quickly chased towards the front.

Not to mention that Qin Lang's spiritual sensing ability is extremely powerful now, and he can scan everything within a radius of two hundred feet, and just now, in order to prevent Sisko from escaping, he even used tracking methods to order a fire ant to follow here one by one. The guy's ass is behind, so I'm not afraid of this guy escaping at all.

Even Qin Lang is not in a hurry to catch Sisko, to see where this guy wants to escape, and then follow the vines to catch the forces behind this guy, and catch those higher-level forces hidden behind Sisko. The presence.

In the sense of consciousness, Sisko has entered the secret tunnel on one side of the farm, drilled in, and his own fire ants are now following in, so Qin Lang is very clear about this guy's every move.

After all, the fire ant is connected to its own consciousness, which is completely equivalent to one of its own eyes, just like the scout eye in the game.

With this special eye, Qin Lang's field of vision is wider. Using the special sensory ability connected with his consciousness, Qin Lang can even guarantee that as long as Sisko does not escape from AJ's capital within a radius of [-] miles, he can immediately Learn about this person's movements.

Compared with direct sensing with his own divine sense, Qin Lang who has such a strange insect is equivalent to extending his field of vision infinitely. Basically, as long as it does not exceed the range of [-] miles, the spiritual sense between Qin Lang and the strange insect will not be interrupted. Lose.

This is only the consciousness ability of the early stage of Yuanying. If Qin Lang can reach a higher level and reach the middle stage of Yuanying or higher, the distance between him and the strange insect can be doubled.

It is said that monks above the stage of transformation of gods use some special secret methods, and their spiritual sense sensing ability can even track every corner of a world, making the enemy impossible to hide.

Even if the monks of this level are more sophisticated, there may be some connections between spiritual consciousness across the two worlds.

This ability is amazing, but it can also be understood with our normal thinking.

It's like a direct conversation between two people. The sound may be heard clearly within one or two miles, but it cannot be heard no matter how far away.

But if you use the phone, two people can talk directly to each other even if they talk across a country, or even across an ocean.

The telephone is a special arc-increasing tool, just like a special method, exercise or magic weapon in the world of self-cultivation, which can enter the voice of ordinary people into infinite arc-increasing and transmit it to the other side of the ocean.


Qin Lang also penetrated into the cave at this time. It is unknown who dug out this tunnel on the farm. It is actually a large project extending in all directions, and the inside is as intricate as a city's sewer.

Fortunately, Qin Lang now has fire ants locked on the target, and he is not afraid that he will not be able to catch up with Sisko if he takes the wrong path, so he hangs far behind and chases after him leisurely.

In fact, he can speed up several times and capture this guy before Sisko walks out of the tunnel.

But Qin Lang didn't do that. Now Sisko is completely leading the way. I believe that after such a fright on the farm, this guy will definitely rush to the place where the forces behind him are at the first time, and then ask for help.

In this case, Qin Lang doesn't need to waste his mind at all, just follow this guy's ass, and now he just needs to be ready to face the battle.

About half an hour later, Sisko appeared in a place a few miles away from the farm, and got out of a hole in the ground.

After the guy got out of the burrow, he ran directly in the direction of the road, waited for about ten minutes, got on a passing donkey cart, turned around, and ran in the opposite direction of AJ's capital.

The speed of the donkey cart was not fast, so Qin Lang followed in a leisurely manner. With the fire ants stalking him, he kept a distance of two or three miles, so Sisko in front could not find him at all.

The donkey cart ran for about half an hour. At this time, a car came across the road. Sisko got off the donkey cart and drove away in this car.

It turned out that the donkey cart was only hired by Sisko temporarily, and it was not his own.

Now that his own car is coming to pick him up, of course he will change the car. Besides, the escape speed of the car is faster than that of the donkey cart. Sisko, who has been frightened, just wants to escape to the base camp as soon as possible.

Sisko got on the car and ran faster, Qin Lang could no longer ignore it, and directly recruited Feitian Luo Yunsuo to use the magic weapon to drive away, and changed the cloud form of the magic weapon.

It was almost evening now, but the sky was very bright. Such a large piece of cloud floating in the air several tens of feet above the ground was still very eye-catching.

At this time, the owner of the donkey cart in the carriage saw the large clouds floating in the sky, and there was even a figure on the clouds, and almost thought he was dazzled.

He wiped his eyes vigorously, and when he looked again, he seemed to be right. He couldn't help but clasped his hands together. He didn't know what he was muttering, but he could guess that these prayer-like words were probably related to gods and Buddhas.

The Middle East is a region with strong religious beliefs. This ordinary AJ citizen thinks that he has seen a miracle at this moment, so of course he will make such a move.

(End of this chapter)

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