Chapter 1282 Infighting
After Sisko got on the large Hummer, he had a dispute with the people in the large Hummer for some unknown reason.

After about 20 minutes, the car ran less than fifty miles, and there was a scream in the car, and then a guy was pushed out and rolled on the ground a few times, completely motionless.

It was Sisko who fell on the road, and for some unknown reason, this guy was pushed out of the car by his accomplices, and Qin Lang's fire ants saw a lot of blood on this guy.

There was actually a deep sharp puncture mark on Sisko's chest, that is to say, this guy was attacked by his accomplices in the car, and then pushed out of the car.

Qin Lang had already rushed over at this time, seeing that Sisko rolled down the middle of the road and did not die immediately, as if he still had a breath.

"What's the situation, it's just internal strife?"

Qin Lang glanced at the Mercedes-Benz cart that was fleeing quickly, but he was not in a hurry to catch up.

He has a magic weapon of flying, no matter how fast the opponent's speed is, he can't outrun him, now it's better to get some information from this guy while Sisko is still alive.

Qin Lang stepped forward and directly performed the God-searching technique on the dying man.

Sisko is now extremely weak, so there is no resistance at all. Soon Qin Lang knew the reason of the matter. It turned out that Sisko had shot Qin Lang and the Sol family several times to no avail. dissatisfied.

And above Sisko and a few accomplices there are higher-level forces. The order to stop Qin Lang and the Sasuo family was issued by a higher-level force. Several accomplices handed over the task to Sisko to complete , but Sisko's next few actions have not been successful.

And the last time Sisko escaped from the farm, he directly called his accomplices to come to the rescue, but then got into a dispute on a large hummer, and finally caused a tragedy due to internal fighting.

Sisko was seriously injured and lost a lot of blood. He died completely before Qin Lang got more news. In this case, Qin Lang can only know so much at present.

At the same time, he also knew that the accomplices of Sisko on the large Hummer were Jimmy, Condor and Fire Wolf. The identities of these three guys were not simple. The fire wolf is the two leaders of the mercenary organization that dealt with Qin Lang before.

Being able to control these people at the same time, the forces behind Sisko and others are not simple, and Qin Lang is more interested in this mysterious force at this time.

The road in front of me is a straight road, and there seems to be no fork in the road for tens of kilometers, and Qin Lang once again activated the flying magic weapon and chased after that large Hummer. Although Sisko is dead now, that Hummer Several accomplices on the large hummer were there, so Qin Lang was not worried about breaking the clue.


At this moment, on the large Hummer that Qin Lang was chasing, Jimmy, Vulture, and Fire Wolf were still arguing cursingly, and it didn't stop because Sisko was stabbed and thrown out of the car.

A few guys may also have a quarrel caused by the recent failure to deal with Qin Lang and the Shar family. The more quarreled, the more escalated the quarrel and the trend of conflict. At this time, the phone rang on the body of a fat man in a suit and leather shoes who was driving. .

This fat man is Jimmy, the third largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company. When he picked up the phone, he suddenly made a silent gesture: "The boss is calling."

Immediately, the other two mercenary leaders, Vulture and Fire Wolf, who were still arguing, suddenly shut up at this moment. It can be seen that this mysterious boss has a strong deterrent effect on them.

The phone was connected, and a deep voice came from over there: "How is the matter going?"

Of course, the three people in front of them knew what the boss wanted to ask, but Jimmy, the fat man's relaxed expression, seemed a little nervous: "Boss...boss, Sisko took the initiative to take over the task, but he failed to complete the task. Now Already suicidal."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Yes...that's how it is. Sisko planned two or three operations, each time almost succeeding, but in the end it fell short."

Jimmy wiped his sweat and didn't know what to do, so he could only talk nonsense on the phone cautiously.

He knew that the boss had a bad temper. If he didn't do this, the three people in front of him in the car would end up miserable. I'm afraid the fate of Sisko, who was killed by the three of them due to infighting, would not be much different.

"Bastard! It's really useless. I can't do this little thing well."

Hearing Jimmy's explanation on the phone, he was really angry and cursed.

"Boss... Boss, don't worry, give us a few more days, and I promise to get things done."

Jimmy was terrified, and said tremblingly.

"Okay! I'll give you three more days. If you can't do it, you all end up on your own!"

He beeped and hung up the phone.

But Jimmy, the big fat man who finished the phone call, was sweating profusely all over his body, and he trembled for a while before recovering.

Thinking of the boss's terrifying strength and cruel and irritable character, if they still fail to complete the task after three days, then it is really better to end it by themselves, at least they can leave a whole body, if they are really punished by the boss, the death will be a hundred times more painful .

While driving, Jimmy said to the two accomplices behind him in a distressed voice: "How is it now? How is it now? The boss is angry. If we can't complete the task within three days, we will die too!"

"His grandma's! What to do, just fight!"

Vulture and Fire Wolf behind them glanced at each other, and then both of them decided to go back to their mercenary base first, preparing to organize the troops and fight again.

There's no other way, it's impossible not to work hard, the boss is pressing, they can only face the difficulties.


Sighing, the big fat Jimmy stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and started racing on the road at least one or two times faster than before.

It seemed that he also felt that time was running out. The voice of the boss before seemed to cast a spell on the three people in the car, but now the three guys are ready to go all out.


AJ's Huangsha mercenary base is the seventh-ranked international mercenary base in the Middle East. There are more than 3000 international mercenaries in the base.

This base is in a desert more than 300 kilometers away from the capital of AJ, surrounded by sand, which is where the name of the base comes from.

A large Humvee drove into this international mercenary base very quickly, and after that, Jimmy, Condor, and Fire Wolf all jumped out of the car and directly summoned the mercenaries in the entire base to prepare for a big fight.

"Brothers! This time there is a new task for us to complete. Next, Fire Wolf and I will lead everyone to attack the Shar family's castle and kill everyone in the castle!"

"Although the Shar family has great influence in AJ and has connections with the Middle Eastern royal family, don't be afraid, everyone. The employer behind us is very powerful and has promised to settle all the sequelae after killing the Shar family."

"So let's act, brothers. The rewards for this mission are very generous. As long as you kill the Shar family and an oriental guest who was a guest in the Shar family, every member present can get at least [-] U.S. dollars. Fifty thousand U.S. dollars Oh, what a pleasure, after completing this mission, there will be fine wine and a warm bed waiting for you..."

The leader of the mercenaries, Vulture, began to speak provocatively. In fact, more than half of the international mercenaries present were ordinary artillerymen, which probably played little role in this battle.

Because the Shar family is a well-known ancient royal guard family, each member of the family is equivalent to a warrior in China, and all of them have good martial arts skills. It is even heard that there are existences in this ancient family whose strength has reached the level of ancient warriors.

And if his Huangsha mercenary base wants to deal with this kind of old family, it will definitely pay a terrible price. By then, this batch of cannon fodder will definitely no longer exist, and there are not many other relatively powerful mercenaries left. one survived.

But so what?As long as the mission of the mysterious boss can be completed, it is worthwhile even if the entire Huangsha mercenary base is destroyed.

For passionate mercenary leaders like Condor and Fire Wolf, the base can be re-established after it is gone. As long as the mission is completed, their own lives will be fine.

Just when the two leaders of the Huangsha mercenary base, Vulture and Fire Wolf, were organizing their own men, Qin Lang also came to this mercenary base at this time.

He hid in a corner where no one would notice, watching the scene in front of him.

Seeing the crowd lined up densely in front of him, Qin Lang also felt a rush of evil spirits. These international mercenaries in front of him seemed to be desperadoes who had seen blood.

But so what?For me who is already a Nascent Soul, the power of ordinary people is not enough to fear even tens of millions of people.

This group of mercenaries are not all ordinary people. Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed that a small half of the mercenary base, about five or six hundred strong mercenaries, were all blessed with mysterious spells, and their qi and blood were extremely active. Strength above Wu Zun level.

Moreover, the two bosses of the Huangsha International Mercenary Base, Vulture and Fire Wolf, both have the strength of a martial king, and they are real warriors. They have not been blessed with special secret techniques like those subordinates.

However, besides Vulture and Fire Wolf, Jimmy, the third largest shareholder of Elmon Logistics Company, is an ordinary person and nothing to be afraid of.

Qin Lang simply didn't bother to hide anymore, and showed up generously!
At this time, the mercenaries who were lining up also noticed Qin Lang's arrival, and the vultures and fire wolves were stunned when they saw Qin Lang. Obviously they had read Qin Lang's information and knew that Qin Lang was the mysterious boss behind him to deal with one of the enemies.

And now that this enemy appeared on his own territory, it also proved that the enemy the boss had to deal with was very unusual, and actually possessed the ability to counter-reconnaissance.

However, Vulture and Fire Wolf were not too worried about Qin Lang's daring to come to the door in person. With more than 3000 subordinates on their own territory, would they be afraid of just one person from the other side?
From their point of view, even if Qin Lang's methods are as powerful as the sky, it is impossible to deal with the more than 3000 people in front of them, and the crowd tactics alone on their side will drown this person.

"Hey hey hey! You're here, don't leave!"

Vulture, Fire Wolf, and Jimmy all sneered, this is their home field, and Qin Lang, who they wanted to follow, would definitely not be able to leave.

And Qin Lang looked at them with a sneer. Similarly, he didn't think about whether he could leave at all, but whether the other party could survive.

"It's a pity, it's another bloody murder, and the mercenary base in front of us will cease to exist tomorrow!"

Qin Lang looked at these mercenaries and sighed.

The other party wanted to kill him, so he would definitely not show mercy after doing it.

At least this base can no longer allow it to exist.

(End of this chapter)

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