The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1283 Bloody Mahamudra

Chapter 1283 Bloody Mahamudra
"Freedom attack!"

The vulture directly issued an order, making it clear that after Qin Lang appeared, he did not want Qin Lang to escape easily, so he asked everyone to participate in attacking Qin Lang at the same time.

In this way, if one of the [-] people hits one, he doesn't believe that Qin Lang can easily deal with it.

Following the order of the leader of the vulture, the 3000 people in the base took action one after another!

Some people took out their guns and prepared to shoot, while others rushed towards Qin Lang directly and wanted to fight him hand to hand.


Qin Lang was happy and unafraid, tilted his head, moved his body, and his joints made a series of explosive sounds.


An agile and strong man quickly attacked his body, and his claws directly grabbed Qin Lang's heart, trying to grab Qin Lang's heart out in one breath, but was kicked away by Qin Lang.

When the unlucky man was still in the air, his body folded in two, and Qin Lang's terrifying force directly broke the man's spine.

Although more people rushed up frantically, Qin Lang did not forcefully fight these people, but started to use magic weapons.

At this moment, the magic weapon defense on his body was quietly activated, and the Lieyan Wuyang Ruler formed a faint protective light shield around his body, which could not be seen clearly unless he looked carefully.

But this layer of mask is his greatest confidence in facing the many enemies in front of him.

Once the power of Lieyan Wuyang Ruler is released, it can ignore the opponent's attack, no matter if it is a few people or a dozen or hundreds, as long as the opponent's attack power is much smaller than him, all the attack power can't be broken together. In the case of the defense of Lieyan Wuyang Ruler, the power created by this magic weapon is equivalent to putting on Qin Lang's unbreakable clothes on the outside of Qin Lang.

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

A series of gunshots sounded. I don't know how many mercenaries shot at this time. All kinds of weapons sprayed out flames at the same time. The bullets hit the defensive shield around Qin Lang's body like fried beans, and the ringing continued.

In just over 30 seconds, it is estimated that Qin Lang's shield could withstand more than [-] bullets. However, these dense rain of bullets still failed to break through his defense. There is a thick pile around the body.

Soon these bullets piled up into a ring-shaped hill, but Qin Lang, who was dealing with the center of the hill, laughed loudly and shouted: "Get up!"

Countless bullets that landed on the ground were sucked up by him with the small hand-wrapped silk, floated into the air, and then flew around the body densely and irregularly like flies.

After these bullets flew for a while, they were gathered by Qin Lang with his small silk-wrapping hands to form a huge metal ball, which stood upright in the air.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the faces of those people in the base changed drastically, and everyone felt their scalps tingling!

They are not stupid, they know what Qin Lang will do next!
As a result, those who were close started to run out crazily, completely in a panic.

Pity it didn't work.

No matter how fast they escape, they can't run faster than the speed of bullets.

"Now... give it back to you!"

Qin Lang laughed, and pushed directly, the huge metal ball formed by the entire bullet exploded immediately, and a large number of bullets shot back at a speed exceeding the original speed, and then heard a series of screams.

By the next second, a large area of ​​mercenaries had fallen in the entire yellow sand field, at least more than 1000 ordinary mercenaries were directly killed by this wave.

And nearly half of the remaining nearly [-] mercenaries were also injured. At this moment, everyone was terrified. The shock caused by Qin Lang's move just now was really big enough.

Not to mention invulnerability, but killing more than 1000 companions with one blow is simply not something humans can do. At this moment, in the eyes of the remaining international mercenaries, his image is almost as terrifying as a life-threatening demon.

However, when the rest of the mercenaries were stunned, the angry voices of the two mercenary leaders Vulture and Fire Wolf resounded throughout the camp: "Why are you so stunned! Give me all I can to kill this guy, whoever comes first A reward of 100 million US dollars will be given to a base that completes the mission!"

$100 million bounty!

After hearing the high bounty offer from the two bosses of the base, the whole base suddenly boiled, and the trace of fear in the hearts of the remaining mercenaries disappeared, and they were all inspired by the sky-high bounty.

Especially the five or six hundred mercenaries blessed with mysterious spells were originally a fearless killing machine, but now that their energy and blood are stimulated, all of them have combat effectiveness above the level of a military master.

These five or six hundred mercenaries are like five or six hundred crazy wolves. Even if Qin Lang is a first-level land god, they dare to bite and even share Qin Lang's flesh and blood.

The battle started again, this time with more intense hard steel. Qin Lang faced nearly [-] strong mercenaries alone, including [-] to [-] non-human level combatants, and two ancient warrior level base leaders beside him Eyeing it like a tiger, it is possible to make a move at any time.

The conflict escalated, and Qin Lang, who had a somewhat casual expression, became a little dignified at this time, and faced so many powerful enemies at the same time, this was the first time since he was promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage.

In the face of so many enemies, it is one thing to have confidence in your heart, but it is another thing to feel when you actually fight. "kill!"

The involuntary Qin Lang also yelled violently, stretched out his fists and kicked himself up, Dacheng's Dragon Elephant Fist and Nascent Soul-level combat power, now each punch has reached a terrifying more than 100 tons!
Hitting these mercenaries is like being hit by a high-speed train, it is definitely a broken muscle.

After Qin Lang unleashed his fists and kicks, he was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. Basically, there was no one of his enemies in this flock of sheep. Even those mercenaries who exploded with blood only cost him a little more effort. If you punch, you basically lose your fighting ability.

Qin Lang's smash hit directly destroyed five or six hundred of them, but the remaining mercenaries became smarter and kept a certain distance from Qin Lang to fight, and those who encountered Qin Lang in the front retreated, and the mercenaries on the side provided support.

These international mercenaries have all learned how to march and deploy troops, and their cooperation with each other has passed the test of blood and fire, so they are very skilled and natural, and the proportion of battle damage is greatly reduced in a short time.

After that, Qin Lang found that it was difficult for him to kill the remaining 1000 mercenaries with fists and kicks. At this time, most of his physical strength was consumed after a battle, and the true energy in his meridians was used up by three points of two.

Looking at the scene, nearly [-] enemies have already fallen. Qin Lang can say that this time, he has exchanged a huge battle result with a very small loss.

As for the body's two meridian systems, the true energy of the virtual meridian cannot be moved, and now there is only one-third of the meridian left, so it needs to be replenished. He swallowed a large amount of essence pills and began to focus on dodging , Prepare to recover some physical strength and energy first.

However, the meridians of the monks at the Nascent Soul level are already inclusive, and it is not easy to replenish the true energy. This large amount of Jingyuan Dan is estimated to be only one-tenth of the exhausted medicinal power. negligible.

Qin Lang was not in a hurry, he was holding a piece of high-grade spirit stone in his hand to speed up his recovery. Nascent Soul stage monks could already use high-grade spirit stones. Although he didn't have many top-grade spirit stones on him, it was still worth using this level of spirit stones at the moment of battle. Stone to restore itself.

Seeing that Qin Lang's attack weakness suddenly disappeared, and turned to use his body skills to walk and dodge, the mercenaries in front of him also knew that the opponent must have consumed too much energy and stamina in the battle just now, and all of them immediately knew that it was time to counterattack .

There is no need to greet each other at all, these mercenaries are desperately attacking Qin Lang at this time, and after special techniques to bless their blood, there are still about [-] Wuzun-level international mercenaries left to unite , like a locomotive, put your hands on your back one by one to transmit internal strength.

"Okay! Let this guy see the strongest stunt of our mercenaries... superimposed version of Mahamudra!"

The vulture and the fire wolf laughed at the side. They were very confident in the special secret skills of this kind of mercenary. At this moment, they seemed to have foreseen Qin Lang's miserable future.

These five hundred or so special mercenaries at the Wuzun level were divided into five groups for superimposition. That is to say, the five groups of mercenaries on the scene will produce five enhanced versions of superimposed mahamudras.

Although I don't know the power of this big method, but thinking about the superposition of the internal strength of nearly a hundred mercenaries at the Wuzun level after the burst of vitality, the power must be quite terrifying, even if I have been promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. Dare to accept the move.


One group of mercenaries at the front had already condensed the big handprints. This kind of kung fu, which was obviously born out of the Buddhist sect, was completely irrelevant to the Buddhist kung fu after being jointly performed by these nondescript fake warriors. ,

At this moment, a bloody light with the size of the door panel appeared from the hands of the mercenary at the front, and it was slowly pushing towards Qin Lang with a billowing evil spirit.

And the other teams of mercenaries around Qin Lang also surrounded him, and also forced out the big blood-colored handprints. Five groups of blood-colored big handprints the size of the door panel directly blocked all the space that Qin Lang could dodge. At this moment, Qin Lang There was nowhere to escape.

Surrounded by five blood-colored big handprints, Qin Lang also felt a sense of crisis for the first time. He urged the magic weapon defense on his body to the strongest state, and at the same time inspired another magic weapon on his body, the split-shadow bracelet.

The Split Shadow Bracelet turned into five identical clones at once, trying to confuse the mercenaries so that they couldn't tell which one they were.

Six identical Qin Lang appeared, and the five leading mercenaries who were attacking were also taken aback. They may have seen strange things, but they didn't panic. They all directly selected a target that they thought was accurate to attack.

There was a huge explosion in the center of the field.

And Qin Lang was in the center of the explosion. Although he used five clones to confuse the attention of these mercenaries, he was still directly hit by a big method, and the aftermath of the impact of the other four big handprints also affected him.

So the terrifyingly powerful force directly tore through the underlying defense of his Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler. During this huge tearing, Lie Yan exploded one after another even though Lie Yan had twelve layers of shields.

Fortunately, in addition to Lieyan Yuanyang Ruler, Qin Lang was also wearing a magic weapon-level python scale armor to absorb most of the power of the Mahamudra, so he just grunted and suffered a moderate injury.

After the five mercenary teams performed the Mahamudra, the field was violently turbulent, and a ten-meter-deep pit was directly opened in the center of the explosion.

Half of this is due to the loose sandy soil environment, and the other half is that the mahamudra of the group of [-] people just now is indeed huge, comparable to the strongest blow at the Nascent Soul stage in the cultivation world, and it is five consecutive blows.

After the explosion, the middle of the venue is now empty, and Qin Lang disappeared.

And the five mercenary combinations who performed five strikes were also stunned, and began to look for Qin Lang's traces, preparing to continue attacking.

Although the five large blood-colored handprints with the size of a door panel just now consumed a lot, they were not too much when distributed to each member of the group of hundreds of people, so they could use at least five or six consecutive attacks of this level.

If it continues like this, it will definitely be Qin Lang's nightmare. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they search now, they can't find Qin Lang!
They couldn't help being horrified!

Could it be that Qin Lang couldn't bear the attack just now, and his body turned into mustard dust?Or... does this guy know invisibility?...

(End of this chapter)

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