The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1284 Want to run?ask me first

Chapter 1284 Want to run?ask me first

These mercenaries guessed right. At this moment, Qin Lang did use an invisibility talisman to make himself invisible.

He can't do anything about being invisible now, facing this kind of bloody big handprint that is similar to a full-strength blow at the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang now also feels a headache.

Even if he was fully prepared, he probably wouldn't be able to resist the second round. After all, his body was a bit exhausted, and he had suffered some injuries just now, so he was even more unwilling to face this kind of wheel warfare head-on.

So he took a picture of the invisibility talisman, and then ate a Great Returning Pill to heal his injuries. Although the explosion just now was scary, but in fact he was not seriously injured, so the Great Returning Pill at the panacea level is enough. There is no need for good fortune pills to heal injuries.

Under the effect of the power of the elixir, Qin Lang's injuries are also recovering rapidly. The internal injuries that originally required rest for several days have already healed by seven to eight points in just three to five minutes, and the true qi has also recovered in this round. recovered a lot.

In his hand, the piece of high-grade spirit stone just now had unknowingly turned into powder, and Qin Lang changed another piece of high-grade spirit stone to absorb consumption without the slightest hesitation.

"The blood-colored handprint should be an ancient martial art-level skill. I don't know where this mercenary organization got this heaven-defying skill. What's even more frightening is that this whimsical idea of ​​a hundred people joining forces is not Know which bastard came up with it."

"The power of this Mahamudra is really terrifying. Fortunately, I am in the Nascent Soul stage now, otherwise, if I had the strength of the Dzogchen Formation before, I might be directly taken away by a wave of explosions!"

Qin Lang still has lingering fears about the power of the explosion of the five giant blood-colored big handprints the size of the door panels just now. He thought that there were not many forces in this world that could threaten him, but he didn't expect that there really were.

He encountered this strange combination of forces before him. The five hundred mercenaries blessed by secret arts were completely like ants in his eyes. The power is something that I cannot ignore.

It's incredible to think about it, but this world is so wonderful, there are too many incredible things, just like I can change from an ordinary person to a cultivator.

After that, Qin Lang kept recovering himself during the time of stealth, and did not take the initiative to attack.

After more than ten minutes of invisibility, Qin Lang's body's zhenqi recovered [-]%, and his figure was revealed. The mercenaries around him discovered him, and he shot again immediately.

But this time, the two mercenary leaders, Vulture and Fire Wolf, couldn't bear it any longer. They tried to trap Qin Lang and locked Qin Lang in place.

But Qin Lang was also extremely vigilant, and took another photo of the invisibility talisman and it disappeared. Not only did the attacks of the five groups of mercenaries come to nothing, but the plans in the minds of Vulture and Fire Wolf also fell through.

When the leaders of the two mercenary bases were angry, Qin Lang's counterattack also started. After being invisible, he swam very easily and launched a sneak attack on the five dragon-like mercenary combinations. The cry came out.

"Damn it! What kind of a man is sneaky, come out if you have the guts!"

Vulture and Fire Wolf were also extremely angry, and they cursed Qin Lang for being such a bad guy.

Although if they were faced with the same situation, they would definitely hide and would not be foolish to fight head-on, but now Qin Lang is playing this trick in front of them, making them helpless, of course they are angry, hoping to use this The aggressive method stimulated Qin Lang to jump out.

But Qin Lang's echo soon came from the air.

"I'm sorry, your wheel warfare is not done by a hero, so please don't complain anymore. Hehe, I will come out and fight you one-on-one after you are almost killed by me..."

Qin Lang's answer made the two bosses go crazy.

The enemy who thought it was easy to deal with has always been full of tricks, and this special stealth method does not know how to do it, so that nearly a thousand of their mercenaries have completely become blind, and they can't find the stealth at all. Qin Lang in state.

Speaking of which, the invisibility talisman is still very powerful. Although this kind of primary talisman is not as good as the small black stone beads that Qin Lang once owned, and there is nothing to hide in front of the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator, it is very useful in the mortal world of the earth.

It is difficult for ancient warriors or reformers or mutants to crack Qin Lang who is invisible.

In desperation, Vulture and Fire Wolf could only ask their subordinates to strengthen their vigilance, but there was nothing they could do to deal with the invisible Qin Lang, and Qin Lang quickly killed most of the group of more than 500 people.

The screams made Vulture and Fire Wolf almost collapse, but their subordinates were calm, and it might be because of the terrible secret technique blessing that they didn't feel fear, and they were fearless in life and death.

This was a one-sided killing. At the end of the day, when the elite men of Vulture and Fire Wolf had less than 200 people, Qin Lang finally showed his figure.

After killing so many mercenaries, now his figure is full of bloody smell, which cannot be dissipated. Ordinary jackals, tigers and leopards may be frightened when they smell this bloody smell.

After showing up, Qin Lang looked at the vulture, fire wolf and the rest of the mercenaries expressionlessly, with a terrifying expression on his face, and said lightly, "Actually, I don't want to sneak attack either, the combat power of both sides should be about the same now , let’s fight with you upright!”

When the two leaders of the Huangsha mercenary base heard this, they had constipated expressions on their faces, and they were all about to cry: "Your uncle! You have killed almost all of our elite men, and now even if the remaining people You can also form two combinations that continue to use the blood-colored mahamudra, and it probably won't be able to trap you, a pervert, how can you fight this!"

After Qin Lang showed his figure, the two mercenary leaders suddenly didn't want to fight anymore, and they had the idea of ​​running away, so they gave orders to the rest of their men: "Trap him for me!"

After that, the two ran towards the center of the camp.

"Wait for me!"

Jimmy not far away was also trembling all over. Although he was an ordinary person, he was not affected by being away from the battle just now. At this time, seeing two accomplices running away without him, he hurried forward to chase.

"Want to run? Haven't asked me yet!"

Qin Lang smiled coldly, and was about to chase after him, but the mercenaries around him mobilized again. These mercenaries were very flexible. Instead of forming a team of a hundred people, five or six teams formed to chase and intercept him.

Although the bloody big handprints of a group of five or six people have shrunk a lot, their shape and size are about the same as a kelp ball, and their power has also shrunk significantly. They are no longer a threat to Qin Lang, but they are enough to stop Qin Lang.

For the nearly [-] elite mercenaries who faithfully carried out orders, Qin Lang really had no good solution for a while, and was actually dragged back and stalemate here.

However, the current situation is beneficial to Qin Lang. It is also a matter of time to completely solve the remaining [-] elite mercenaries blessed by secret techniques and the remaining [-] or [-] ordinary mercenaries, so Qin Lang is not in a hurry .

Qin Lang directly released two fire ants to track the three fleeing people, and then fought with the mercenaries in front of him again.

Under Qin Lang's patience, he wiped out the remaining mercenaries blessed by secret techniques in less than 10 minutes, leaving only five or six hundred weaker ordinary mercenaries, but he had nothing to deal with them guy's mind.

"Forgive your life!"

Qin Lang said lightly to these ordinary mercenaries who were obviously a little timid and did not dare to fight, and was about to leave, but at this moment, his mind froze, and a very bad feeling directly appeared in his heart.

"Damn it, it's coming again!"

Qin Lang quickly dodged to dodge, a black iron lump fell from the sky, and exploded... It was a missile, and the camp had a missile launcher!It should be the attack by the two bastards, the vulture and the fire wolf.

Qin Lang escaped, but a large number of mercenaries nearby were affected. When Vulture and Fire Wolf fired missiles, they didn't care about the lives and deaths of their subordinates at all, so the missiles followed Qin Lang wherever they were.


For a while, Qin Lang was a little embarrassed, and kept dodging these objects with tracking and positioning. Fortunately, the flying speed of the missiles in the air was not as fast as that of the rockets, so Qin Lang was able to hide smoothly.

However, Qin Lang hid smoothly, and the remaining ordinary mercenaries in Huangsha Base suffered disaster. At least 100 of the five or six hundred mercenaries died in the continuous missile bombing.

Only nearly four hundred mercenaries escaped, far away from this terrible place.

And Qin Lang is also quickly approaching the center of the camp at this moment. He finally understands at this moment that the two mercenary leaders Vulture and Fire Wolf didn't want to escape just now, but want to use the firepower of the camp to continue to attack Qin Lang. Unfortunately, now The effect remains unaffected.

After all, Qin Lang is no longer an ordinary person, but a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level. This kind of existence has far exceeded the cognition of ordinary people. It is difficult to be killed on the earth. Too much.

I took the Wind Escape Talisman for myself, and turned on the rapid effect of the "Shadow Changing Boots", so the missiles around me fell down one after another with great momentum, but none of them hit me.

A thousand yards... eight hundred yards... five hundred yards... He was getting closer and closer to the center of the camp now, and the missiles were losing sight of him.

After all, the missile launcher also has a targeting distance, and now Qin Lang has almost reached the blind spot where the launcher is aiming.

At this time, the missile attack had stopped, and the vultures and fire wolves in the center of the camp were already stunned. Such a large missile bombing just now failed to kill Qin Lang. Now they can't think of any way to completely complete the task assigned by the boss. !
If they can't complete the task assigned by the boss, waiting for them will end in death, and now that Qin Lang is chasing them, if the two of them don't escape, it is probably a death sentence.

Left and right are dead, vulture and fire wolf also have a heart...

At this time, both of them laughed miserably, took out an injection from somewhere and injected it into themselves.Then the aura of the two of them soared like chicken blood, and they were directly promoted from the early stage of King Wu to the level of late King Wu, and they were the peak of late King Wu.

This is a terrible injection. From the expressions of the two mercenary leaders, it can be seen that they use this injection as a last resort. Obviously, the side effects of this injection are huge. It must be huge.

But they couldn't help it. Faced with Qin Lang's pressing step by step and the life-and-death situation given to them by the boss behind him, they had to bite the bullet and do this.
(End of this chapter)

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