The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1285 Deadwood Divine Art

Chapter 1285 Deadwood Divine Art
At this moment, Qin Lang has arrived at the missile launch site, and when he saw the two mercenary leaders who had undergone tremendous changes, he was also taken aback.
The physical shape of these two people has obviously changed significantly, and it is by no means normal, and it cannot be caused by their own strength.

Qin Lang immediately knew that these two guys must have used special drugs to temporarily increase their combat effectiveness.

Mutant fighters often take those genetic medicines to change their body shape, which can increase their strength geometrically.

"Using medicine to improve, did Shengsheng create two temporary opponents for me at the peak of the late martial arts?"

Qin Lang licked his lips. It would be really difficult for him to meet these two people after he had not been promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, but now it is different.

At this time, Qin Lang also summoned his own black eagle sword. After all, the opponents of the two peak Wuwang late stage opponents are almost the same as those in the late stage of alchemy in the cultivation world, and it is worth his attention to take it seriously.

"Come on!" Qin Lang looked at the two mercenary leaders whose eyes were red as if they were about to breathe fire, and greeted them with weapons.

There are no more missiles around, don't worry about this, Qin Lang can relax and deal with these two people.

Seeing that Qin Lang took the initiative to attack, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, the two mercenary leaders did not dare to neglect, each changed into an alloy knife, and jumped towards Qin Lang from left to right.

This kind of alloy knife has no defects in hardness, sharpness, and wear. In ancient times, such a knife was a precious knife that cut iron like mud.

Holding the alloy knife, their speed suddenly increased, showing that after taking the potion, their stamina was greatly enhanced.

Tigers come down!

The two mercenary leaders were originally at the level of ancient warriors, so they used combined martial arts skills. Now that their cultivation base is under the blessing of medicine, they are even more majestic. Can cut mountains with one blow.

"Three Lives Sword Art...Sword Style Phantom Crack!"

Qin Lang raised his sword, one left and one right sent out two sword auras to meet the two attacking mercenary leaders respectively.

The split sword energy can cut gold and iron, and its sharpness is far from alloy, so when it collides with two alloy weapons, it directly cuts the two alloy knives in half.

After cutting off the two alloy knives, the sword energy continued to attack the two guys. It's a pity that after the two guys were promoted to the peak of the late King Wu, their body skills were also exceptionally flexible, and they actually avoided it.

Come again... Sword Style Phantom Crack!
Qin Lang used this style again, the phantom sword qi produced two, two produced three, three produced countless...

This time Qin Lang exerted three more force than before, so he split more than 30 sword qi to block the space of the two mercenary leaders in front of him.

"Withered wood magic!"

With a loud roar, the two mercenary leaders also used their real skills.

The bodies of the two guys flashed blue light, and their bodies turned lignified at the same time, turning blue-gray.

At this time, although Qin Lang's sword energy penetrated their bodies, no blood flowed from their wooden bodies.

"Cultivation technique?"

Qin Lang was very surprised, but after carefully sensing their bodies with his spiritual sense, he felt something was wrong.

These two people are definitely not cultivators, and this exercise is not a cultivation technique, but a special exercise similar to Buddhism.

In India, the birthplace of Buddhism, there used to be a Buddhist power who participated in the dead wood Zen, turning the whole body into wood. Now the dead wood technique used by the two mercenaries has similar effects.

But Buddhist exercises focus on comprehension. These two guys can learn this kind of Buddhist supernatural powers. Could it be that they are still geniuses who practice Buddhism?
Anyway, Qin Lang doesn't believe that such a sinful person full of blood and killing has the heart and nature of Buddha.

In a blink of an eye, the attacks of the two mercenaries have come over. After changing the body of the dead wood, Qin Lang's sword attack has almost been ineffective against the two of them, which means that the two of them temporarily have the effect of immortality.

However, after Vulture and Firefox transformed into the dead wood body, the sensitivity of the movement was also greatly reduced. It can be seen that the effect of this transformation is still limited, which may be the characteristics of the dead wood body.

For this kind of skill similar to that of an old woman, Qin Lang naturally easily dodged it, and then he laughed and continued to swing a few sword qi.

The sword qi just added a few more sword qi scars to the two mercenary leaders, and the rest had no effect at all.

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly thought that this technique similar to Deadwood Zen might not come from Buddhism, but might be related to Brahmanism, a branch of Hinduism.

Therefore, Qin Lang guessed that the exercises of Vulture and Firefox should come from Brahmanism, because some exercises of Brahmanism are similar in nature to Buddhist exercises.

After trying several rounds of sword energy attacks to no avail, Qin Lang laughed and put away the flying sword.

Of course, taking Feijian didn't stop there, but he thought of a better way to deal with these two guys.

After the two mercenary leaders used the dead wood magic skill, their entire bodies have turned into wood. According to the principle of the five elements restraining each other, the fire attribute is naturally the best to deal with the wood attribute.

Therefore, Qin Lang raised his hand and used his best fire attack.

After the growth of the Kanli True Fire in the body, it has now become a big ball, which is more than a hundred times stronger than before, which is a little bit the size of a bean, so its power is also different.

He just raised his hand a little, and a red-white fire dragon sprayed out directly, like a high-pressure flame gun spraying directly on the two mercenary leaders.

The high-temperature and high-pressure flame instantly ignited the wooden bodies of the two mercenary leaders, and all the parts hit by Kanli's flame were directly carbonized.

"Ah..." "Ah..."

After two screams, the two mercenary leaders had turned into two human-shaped fire balls, turning into wooden bodies so that they would not die immediately, but it also prolonged the painful process.

The two fire men frantically bared their teeth and claws, but the flames on their bodies could not be extinguished. Instead, they burned more and more vigorously, and even directly ignited the tent next to the launch base.

The flames rose up, and soon the two mercenary leaders were also reduced to ashes in this high-concentration flame.

The battle is over!
Qin Lang was also surprised that these two enemies were easily eliminated in this way.

At this moment, he clapped his hands, seeing Jimmy who was trembling and trying to escape not far away, Qin Lang chuckled, at least he saved a life, so that the future clues would not be cut off.

Afterwards, he directly picked up the third largest shareholder of the Kanermeng Logistics Company, and performed the art of searching for gods, and soon Qin Lang knew more information.

Elmon Logistics and this yellow sand mercenary base belong to AJ's industry called Desert Fox. This Desert Fox is not a local consortium in the Middle East, but an external force.

This is an emerging foreign force and it still comes from Europe and the United States. There are two strongholds in AJ, one is the capital, and the other is at the border thousands of miles away.

Speaking of it, the Arab world is still very repulsive to European and American forces, but this large consortium called Desert Fox is an exception, and it is actually doing well.

This large consortium has been developing in AJ for decades, and has already gained a foothold, and now spreads across dozens of countries in the Arab world.

The boss of Jimmy, Vulture, and Fire Wolf is the standing director of Desert Fox AJ Capital, Hattie, who is in charge of the business of this area and has a lot of energy.


After getting the complete memory in Jimmy's brain, Qin Lang finally understood why his enemy mastered that incredible secret technique and possessed such a huge power.

It turned out that the attacks against him and the Shar family all the time were orders issued by Hattie, the executive director of the desert fox AJ Capital.

It's strange that Hatty ordered his subordinates to attack him and the Shar family many times, and he didn't know when he and the Shar family offended him.

After getting the news, Qin Lang directly killed Jimmy, and then left the Huangsha International Mercenary Base.

Now that the second major shareholder of the Elmon logistics company has been killed, the Huangsha International Mercenary Base has also been destroyed, and the executive director of Desert Fox, Hattie, has also lost his left and right hands. It will be easy to deal with him next. a lot of.

However, Qin Lang was not in a hurry to go to the Desert Fox to deal with Hatti, but went back to the Shar family, and directly told the patriarch of the Shar family, Allah, about the news he had received.

The Shar family was also very shocked when they got the news. After thinking about it for a while, the patriarch Ala felt that this was a great opportunity to eliminate cancer for the entire Arab world, and determined to get rid of this desert fox.

After all, look at the industries under the name of Desert Fox, mercenary bases, casinos, nightclubs, etc. are not good ways.Even several horse thief groups that have been in the Arab world for many years have been secretly funded by this consortium and have always been big.

Since there are not many people in the desert fox's AJ stronghold, the Shar family intends to take the credit for it alone, so they do not intend to hand over the news they get to the royal family and the high-level leaders of the Arab world, and plan to join hands with Qin Lang to kill the Desert Fox AJ branch. Hati, the executive director of the Ministry.

"According to the information collected by the Shar family in the past few days, we have found out that the group of horse thieves that Mr. Qin Lang and our Shar family guard Shaer killed in the desert before the Pyramid Secret Realm were the peripheral members of the Desert Fox. "

"Even... that horse thief leader, the fat monk in red, Baburu, was once one of Hattie's most proud subordinates. He led the horse thief group to set fire and rob for many years, and provided Desert Fox with a large amount of wealth accumulation."

"And it was precisely because the horse thief group was wiped out by Mr. Qin Lang and our Shar family guard, Shar, that the Desert Fox lost one of the most important sources of income. It also aroused Haty's anger, and sent a large number of men to attack Mr. Qin Lang and Mr. Qin Lang. Our Shar family carried out raids and killings, which is also the origin of Mao Dun on both sides."

After summarizing the collected information, Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, told Qin Lang the news, which also answered Qin Lang's long-standing doubts.

It turned out that the desert fox chased and killed himself and the Shar family for no reason, but he and the Shar family unintentionally cut off an important source of income for the family, which triggered the other party's revenge.

However, the matter has long been irreversible, and now that the conflict between the two parties has escalated, it seems that this conflict is irreconcilable.

And Qin Lang didn't regret it either. For him, it would be better if there were fewer evil people in this world. The bad guys who should be killed still had to be killed. He only hoped that those good people could live longer.

(End of this chapter)

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