The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1286 Middle Eastern Witchcraft

Chapter 1286 Middle Eastern Witchcraft
The preparations of the Shar family were very fast. Excluding the three days spent collecting information, the next mobilization took less than half a day, and all preparations were made for the Desert Fox AJ stronghold.

This time, there are 20 members of the Shar family who went to the Desert Fox AJ stronghold with Qin Lang.

The Shar family is the guardian family of the royal family in the Arab world. The members of the family are all real fighters, and these more than 20 warriors of the military rank are also proficient in the art of battle formation.

It is said that if a set of five sword formations of the Shar family is used in combination, each warrior in the sword formation can almost exert five times more fighting power than himself, and everyone in the sword formation is comparable to the late Wu Zun.

Of course, this set of knife array is also the heirloom of the Shar family, and it is the foundation for the entire Shar family to gain a foothold in the Arab world.

In addition to the members of the Shar family, Qin Lang also summoned [-] warriors of the Wuzun level from the Middle East branch to come to assist. Ten masters marched towards Desert Fox's AJ stronghold.

This time Qin Lang became ruthless, determined to eradicate the malignant tumor of the Desert Fox, and could not tolerate the existence of this organization any longer.

Otherwise, his Lanrun branch in the Middle East alone would not be able to open.

Since the Desert Fox organization is so ruthless and wants to kill him, don't blame him for this anti-killing operation.


"Trash! A bunch of fucking trash!"

At this moment, in the headquarters of Desert Fox AJ's stronghold in the capital, a bald old man was furious. He slammed a lighted expensive Cuban cigar into the ashtray, and then kicked a low stool inlaid with turquoise gems. turn.

"I can't do this well, Fake! I raised you for nothing!"

This roaring guy is exactly what Qin Lang and the Shar family are looking for, Haty, the executive director of Desert Fox's capital stronghold.

At this moment, the news of the annihilation of the Huangsha mercenary army had already spread, and after knowing that his men had failed again, Hattie was also very angry.

But the fact is before his eyes, his left arm and right arm are broken now, after Shadi let out a burst of anger, he stared at the messy office, and after a long while, he suddenly said: "Master Ulmeng, please come here!"


A respectful voice came from outside the door, and then the footsteps faded away.

"This time, in order to deal with the Shar family and that Chinese man, my capital stronghold has suffered heavy losses! Now I can rely on Master Wu Ermeng. I hope this master will not let me down."

Hatty said intently, keeping his head clear and trying not to be filled with anger.

"Master Wu Ermeng is one of the only remaining mysterious wizards in the Middle East. He has several ancient lost magical arts in his hands. It has always been one of the biggest trump cards for Desert Fox to gain a foothold in the Middle East. It is used to deal with that mysterious Huaxia boy and The Shar family should be enough..."


Qin Lang and the people of the Shar family made rapid progress, and soon arrived at the capital stronghold of the Desert Fox. No tactics were needed. The entire desert fox's AJ capital stronghold was surrounded.

Qin Lang intends to prepare to clear the field.

Anyone in this stronghold can be killed, and there is no possibility of killing innocent people by mistake, so his meaning is very clear, the clearing must be thorough, leaving no future troubles!
And at this time, a large number of black-clothed men from the Desert Fox AJ stronghold came out of the stronghold, all of whom had received temporary qi and blood blessings to raise the Wuzun level.

However, these counterfeit Wu Zuns are still much worse than authentic Wu Zun-level warriors.

After all, the cultivation of warriors needs to be accumulated over time, and both cultivation base and combat experience require a lot of tempering to be able to continuously improve, and this kind of man in black who is temporarily blessed by secret techniques has the strength of the martial arts level, but the comprehensive The combat effectiveness is much worse.

Basically, it is not a problem for a genuine Wu Zun to fight two or three such black mourners, and these men in black at the level of Wu Zun who burst out temporarily are still ordinary people in essence, and their fighting power is not as long as the authentic Wu Zun .

However, the close appearance of nearly 200 Wuzun-level black-clothed men still shocked the warriors behind Qin Lang. It is no problem for them to fight two, but now it is hard to say that one picks five.

But Qin Lang laughed loudly, he was already experienced in dealing with this kind of fake warrior, and immediately summoned the Black Eagle Sword to open the way for his subordinates and the friends of the Shar family.


Qin Lang let out a loud roar, and immediately killed him. At the same time, a large half-moon-shaped sword energy swept away, and the five or six black mourners in front of him had no time to dodge, and cut them in half.

"I feel that the men in black are not as good as those elite members of the Huangsha mercenaries. Although they are also at the level of Wuzun, the five or six hundred elite members of the Huangsha mercenaries have much richer combat experience. The clothed man just got the blessing of the secret technique not long ago!"

Qin Lang looked at the area that was swept away in a small area, and shook his head: "Vulnerable, really vulnerable!"

Seeing the strength of the man in black on the opposite side, the forty warriors behind him couldn't help but cheer up and their morale also rose. At this moment, they all roared and rushed forward to fight.

The two sides fought together very quickly, even though it was 41 against 10, the battle was resolved quickly. In less than [-] minutes, Qin Lang led his men to clean up the men in black.

The reason why the battle was resolved so quickly was that the men in black were weak in fighting power, and Qin Lang's strength and the sharpness of the Shar family's sword array were also factors.

In the battle just now, Qin Lang killed more than 70 people, and each of the 90 warriors under his command killed about [-] people. The remaining [-] people in black basically died in the sword battle of the [-] swordsmen of the Shar family. under.

However, Qin Lang gave up most of the credit in order to save energy. Otherwise, with Qin Lang's Yuanying level ability, it would not be difficult to kill twice as many enemies within 10 minutes.

After all, the attack of a cultivator, especially this kind of large-scale sword energy, consumes a lot of true energy. The more large-scale battles such as group battles, the more Qin Lang must know how to use his own true energy reasonably. In order to prevent the lack of stamina.

This was the case when he was at the mercenary base in Huangsha. At that time, he fought against three thousand mercenaries regardless of consumption. As a result, his true energy was consumed too much halfway, so he had to use the method of invisibility talisman, swallowing pills and using high-grade spirit stones in the middle To replenish the true energy, and finally successfully dealt with the enemy.

With Qin Lang's current strength, Huaxia basically has very few existences that can hurt him, but the bloody big handprints of a hundred mercenaries at the Wuzun level like the Huangsha mercenary base are as powerful as a full blow at the Nascent Soul level. Hitting on the body puts a lot of pressure on one's own defense and consumes a lot of true energy.

There are also rockets and small missiles that attack and explode with great power. Although Qin Lang can resist for a while with his current cultivation base, he can't guarantee that the speed of his true energy consumption can withstand it, so he can avoid it. He tried to dodge as much as possible.

The higher the battle level of a cultivator, the greater the consumption. Without sufficient background and resources and a flexible mind, it is simply impossible to play. It is really unwise to resist those powerful attacks foolishly. Qin Lang is a smart man Certainly not doing such a thing.

A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, unless it is a last resort, it is better to avoid some unnecessary dangers as much as possible, and there are too many bumps in the road to longevity, it is better to try to be as steady as possible.

After killing the more than 200 black clothes, Qin Lang led forty warriors of the Wuzun level into the stronghold of the desert fox AJ's capital.

This stronghold is quite a maze-like combination of buildings. After Qin Lang led the people into it, he discovered that the distribution of these buildings actually coincided with the rhythm of heaven and earth. Obviously, after the guidance of an expert, an effect similar to that of a formation was formed.

After entering this building complex, Qin Lang and everyone seemed to be in another world for a moment, as if the formation of the maze complex had been activated. For Qin Lang, who had already reached the advanced level of apprenticeship in the formation research and was almost close to the place of the formation master , it is not very difficult to crack this formation.

After all, he had trained with Liu Zhenzhen for a period of time before, and the level of the current formation is infinitely close to the level of breakthrough. Although the formation in front of him refers to the formation of ancient Egypt, the essence of the formation in the world is still the same. As long as Qin Lang seriously finds out , can find some clues.

Soon, Qin Lang found the formation eye of the building complex and then shot to destroy the formation eye. In fact, he moved a few nearby stones to suppress the formation eye.

After the eyes of the ancient building complex were destroyed, the normal situation returned to normal. Everyone began to search for the most central building. That building should be the core of the Desert Fox AJ Middle East Branch. Going there should be able to Find Hatty.

At this time, the originally light blue sky was suddenly dark. Qin Lang looked around and felt strange: "Isn't the formation of the building complex already cracked by me? How can it still work?"

He thought that the strange phenomenon in front of him was caused by the formation once again operating.

But when he saw a large area of ​​phosphorous fire suddenly flashing around the dark environment, and countless skeleton-like skeletons drilled out of the ground, Qin Lang realized: "This is not a formation... but witchcraft! Or no, it should be It's an ancient Egyptian magic."

I have heard of Qin Lang, the divine art of ancient Egypt. I can't imagine that there are still wizards who understand magical arts.

The swordsmen of the Shar family are all locals, so they are no strangers to divine arts. In fact, as one of the guard families of the ancient Egyptian royal family, some divine arts have been handed down within the Shar family, but now there is no one who knows how to practice. There are talents in this aspect of divine arts, so the family's cultivation has always been based on martial arts.

After all, there are more restrictions on wizards who practice divine arts than in the cultivation world. If some cultivation conditions are not met, even if there is no cultivation method, it is difficult to get started. The current Shaer family is in this embarrassing state.

Knowing that a wizard who practiced magic was manipulating the scene in front of him, everyone in the room became cautious. Everyone knew the horror of wizards who knew magic in ancient Egypt. Some strange curses would even cause people to die without knowing it. It is even weirder than the battle between practitioners in the cultivation world.

In such a situation, even Qin Lang is a little more careful. Although he is a cultivator and his resistance to magic is much higher than that of ordinary people, he should also prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, right?And now he has basically understood who the casters of those qi and blood blessing secret arts came from, and it must be the mysterious wizard in front of him who is hiding in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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