The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1287 The Immortal Undead

Chapter 1287 The Immortal Undead

"Jie Jie Jie... Jie Jie Jie..."

At this time, gloomy laughter came from all directions, covering the entire area.

A voice smiled triumphantly: "It's all a bunch of idiots! You were very good before, right? In fact, those men in black who bless your vitality are nothing more than ants to me. If you die, you will die." , there is no pity!"

"But the skeletons in front of me are different. The old man spent nearly 50 years collecting the essence of the most yin from the world to build a magical array called the Silent Night Skeleton Array. This is my means of suppressing the bottom of the box. Now Let you experience the feeling that life is worse than death, and then turn them all into nourishment for my little skeletons!"

"Skeleton babies! Wake up, dinner is ready! Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

After hearing this gloomy voice, the warriors around Qin Lang also looked around hesitantly, but unfortunately they have not been able to catch this magical wizard hiding in the dark.

At this time, under the call of the mysterious wizard, more and more skeleton frames came out of the ground, and these bone frames densely filled the space around the warriors for a while, carrying the tattered bones The weapons approached the warriors.

And these miraculous undead creatures approached, and the warriors finally couldn't help but shoot. These skeletons looked easy to deal with, and it didn't take much effort for ordinary warriors to break their bodies apart.

But it's useless, after their skeletons fall apart, they will be slowly put together again under the suspicious eyes of the warriors, and then form a new skeleton and crawl towards the warriors.

"Jie Jie Jie, I forgot to tell you, my little bones don't think they are weak but they can't be killed, so you have to be careful, if you are attacked by them, your yang energy will become weaker and weaker. It is their best food and nourishment!"

The voice of the mysterious wizard sounded again, and the great sense of superiority made the mysterious wizard hiding in the dark feel that the scene in front of him was like a game to him.

Because in his wizarding career, he has never encountered an enemy that he cannot deal with. In his mind, the enemies in front of him are the same.

While this mysterious wizard was showing his sense of presence and superiority, the swordsmen of the Shar family and the warriors under Qin Lang were desperately attacking the skeletons in all directions, breaking them up one by one.

But there are too many of these skeletons, densely packed, there are more than a thousand of them, and one after another, it is completely one after another.

And warriors' internal strength and physical strength are also limited, and they consume a lot after fighting for a while. One or two warriors were accidentally hit by skeletons, and as a result, a trace of yang energy was extracted from their bodies, and the whole body was beaten. Let out a roar, feeling a lot weaker.

This is because they are warriors, their qi and blood are dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary people. If they were replaced by ordinary people, these bones might directly suck out the yang qi of their bodies and die suddenly.

"It can't be like this!"

Qin Lang saw the scene in front of him, the harder it was for the swordsmen of the Shar family and his subordinates to support him, he could see that the mysterious Middle Eastern wizard hiding in the dark really had some tricks. Dangerous.

He was observing and meditating before, and after discovering that these skeletons had the undead characteristic of undead, he knew that ordinary attack methods must not be the solution to these undead creatures.

And he happened to have something to restrain these undead creatures. When he was in Qinghe Continent, Qin Lang entered a ghost cultivator's cave in the Nascent Soul Stage, and got several treasures of ghost cultivators.

Ghost cultivators are practitioners who mainly control ghosts. These undead are actually similar in nature to ghost cultivators, so they deal with them in the same way.

As undead, these skeleton frames must have soul fire, so as long as their soul fire is taken away, these skeleton frames can no longer act mischievously.

In the past, when Qin Lang had the body of the second soul, he could use the zombie body of the second soul to forcibly absorb the soul fire of these skeletons and strengthen himself.

It's a pity that now my second soul body has been resurrected, and I left my station in the secret realm of Kunlun Mountain, so this method is no longer feasible.

Among the treasures that Qin Lang got from the Ghost Cultivation Cave in the Yuanying period, there is a black lacquered tripod that I don't know, and a Yinfu scripture. Being able to condense the essence of underground Yin evil spirits, it should also have the ability to absorb Yin Qi.

And the ghost spell in the Yin Talisman is a secret technique of the control system, and it can also control these skeletons for a while. The technique is definitely advanced.

So it shouldn't be a problem to let the skeleton stand out of the mysterious wizard's control for a short time.

So Qin Lang cast the Nether Ghost Curse, and countless faint green lights appeared above the skeleton formation, and then disappeared again. In fact, these green lights did not really disappear, but entered all the skeleton frames, and entered their bodies. Soul fire.

At the same time, the suspicious voice of the mysterious wizard came: "What's going on? Why do I feel that the connection with these skeletons is suddenly broken!"

With a sneer, at this time Qin Lang had summoned the mysterious black cauldron from Yuanying Si Guixiu cave in Qinghe mainland. It turned into a hill.

"Oops! This ghost magic weapon hasn't been sacrificed yet!"

Qin Lang patted his head, and then remembered that this ghost magic weapon had been hidden in the corner of the storage ring, and he hadn't paid much attention to it before.

However, for a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage, it only takes a few minutes to sacrifice a magic weapon, and the speed of sacrifice is far from what those monks at the Alchemy Stage can compare.

So Qin Lang yelled at all the warriors present: "Brothers! Hold on for a while, and I will help you solve these troubles later!" After finishing speaking, he ignored them and sank his mind to sacrifice this magic weapon of ghosts.

Seeing that Qin Lang suddenly turned into such a huge black cauldron and saying such a paragraph, all the warriors at the scene cheered up. Mr. Qin Lang must have found a way to deal with these skeletons. Now everyone will do as he said, and stick to it first!
After the skeleton frame was controlled by Qin Lang, all the warriors found that the surrounding pressure had also decreased a lot, and at this time they broke up the surrounding skeleton frames one after another.

For a while, because of the loss of contact with the mysterious wizard, these skeletons could no longer be put together again. Instead, a large number of soul fires scattered out, and the surroundings were arranged greenly, making the surroundings look gloomy.

"A magic weapon?! How is it possible, this damn Dongfang boy actually has a magic weapon!"

The mysterious wizard is actually a person who knows the goods, and he immediately knew that the thing that Qin Lang sacrificed in his hand was a magic weapon, and at this moment he let out a loud cry.

Two or three minutes later, Qin Lang stopped the sacrifice. This ghost magic weapon has a total of thirteen layers of restriction. It is a top-grade ghost magic weapon. Due to the rush of time, he only sacrificed one layer, but it was used to capture the skeletons in front of him. The soul fire of the shelf is enough.

Under Qin Lang's pinch, a black tripod stood above his head and turned upside down.


With Qin Lang's cry, countless soul flames seemed to be sucked into an invisible mouth, and thousands of soul flames turned into green torrents in the air, all pouring into the black cauldron.

Under Qin Lang's pinching flames, the black cauldron showed its power and absorbed all the fire of the soul for a while. This time, all the surrounding skeletons could no longer climb up and completely fell apart.

"Damn it! You damned guy ruined my Silent Night Skeleton Formation, I will make you pay for it!"

Seeing this, the mysterious wizard was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

After decades of hard work, once he returned to before liberation, this was his hard work for 50 years!Although it is said that wizards who practice divine arts live longer than ordinary people, how many 50 years do they have in their lives?

For this mysterious boy from the east in front of him, the mysterious wizard has already regarded him as a life and death enemy, and began to pay attention to it.

But at this moment, after Qin Lang absorbed these soul fires and entered the black cauldron, he felt movement in the spirit ghost bag on his body.

All of a sudden, Qin Lang understood what the Shuiba wanted, he chuckled, and said, "I forgot, this fire of the soul is also a great tonic for you little thing."

After finishing speaking, he poured all the souls and the like from the black cauldron into the spirit ghost bag, and the soul bag was replenished with these souls and the like, and the water ghost let out a cry of joy, almost fainting from happiness. , oh my god!With so many soul fires, this master is too kind!

It was a lucky turning point for the hard-working Shui Ba to meet Qin Lang as his master. This time, he got so much soul fire that his loyalty was raised to the peak, and he decided to follow Qin Lang to the dark side even more desperately.

At this time, Qin Lang had no time to think about his beast, and stared at the front at the moment, because the mysterious wizard finally appeared after he cracked all the skeletons.

This is a guy wrapped in a black robe, with a hunchback, and his face is also covered with only two eye holes, which glow with green light.

"Damn it! I'm so pissed off! I'm so pissed off!"

Directly ignoring all the warriors present, the black-robed wizard looked at Qin Lang and yelled angrily.

And Qin Lang's spiritual sense also detected the past, sensing the soul breath of this mysterious wizard handed down from the Middle East. Although the soul breath of this guy in front of him is not as good as his own, it should be the strongest type in this world...

And because of the concealment of the magic, Qin Lang couldn't use his divine sense to fully discover all the details of the black-robed wizard.

(End of this chapter)

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