The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1288 The Wizard Reveals His True Body

Chapter 1288 The Wizard Reveals His True Body
For Qin Lang's spiritual spying, Wu Ermeng naturally sensed it, and was shocked, and shouted: "Bastard! I, Wu Ermeng, am not so easy to bully, let you see my methods again!"

Speaking of this, this guy lit up a gray-black witchcraft stick in his hand, and a bolt of lightning took shape directly and shot at Qin Lang!

The lightning speed was very fast, and it hit Qin Lang with a zigzag sound. Qin Lang was fine, but the forty warriors around were stunned by the shock, and green smoke rose from their bodies, and they all turned into chicken coops. hair.

It can be seen that this is similar to the mummy king that Qin Lang once met in the secret place of the pyramid, which issued a movie spell of light. The mysterious wizard named Urmeng in front of him is also a legal profession. Spells are sharper.

Qin Lang is not very afraid of Wu Ermeng's lightning because he has the protection of Lie Yan Yuan Yang Ruler, but the warriors around him may not be able to resist a few times. This ancient magic is as powerful as many spells in the cultivation world. It's not something these warriors can contend with.

You must know that the voltage is close to [-] volts. The main force that hit Qin Lang just now was the main force, and what these warriors received was just the aftermath of lightning.

"Go back!"

Qin Lang said to the surrounding warriors, now that the skeleton array has been broken, the warriors don't have to crowd in this small space in front of them.

And after these warriors retreated according to their words, they also gave Qin Lang more space to fight.

Speaking of which, Qin Lang is also very curious about these mysterious Middle Eastern wizards. The Middle Eastern wizard in front of him is much stronger than the Kunsha he met last time in Nanyang.

If the Nanyang wizard Kunsha is just a half-toned counterfeit, then the Wuermeng in front of him is an authentic wizard. The ancient Middle Eastern magic in his hands forms a system of its own. No problem.

This is also the real reason why Wuermeng was so arrogant before and looked down on everyone present. Unfortunately, he has been slapped in the face and swollen when he meets Qin Lang, a pervert.

The spells and arrangements that were carefully prepared before were cracked by Qin Lang again and again. After losing all his arrogance, he is now completely angry.


Another flash of lightning appeared like a movie.

The speed and frequency of the appearance of this lightning magic is very fast. If it were Qin Lang before, he would definitely not be able to avoid it. However, after being promoted to Yuanying, his own induction and agility have been greatly enhanced, so under careful preparation, Qin Lang I dodged it.

And Qin Lang's performance made the mysterious wizard in the Middle East feel more and more unconvinced, thinking that Qin Lang could not have such a ghostly body, and it was just luck to avoid him this time, so he used it a few more times in disbelief.



Four consecutive flashes of light appeared again, and Kan Ermeng, who had cast these magic spells, was shaking all over his body. It can be seen that he used a lot of effort to use these magic spells, and it was not easy .

After these flashes of lightning were displayed, Wu Ermeng also heaved a sigh of relief, thinking: "This guy can't dodge now, heh, even if a flash of lightning can't do anything to you, just a few more times to believe it You can't resist, this time, I, Master Carmon, will definitely turn you bastard into coke!"

However, when he took a closer look, Wu Ermeng's mouth suddenly opened wide, and he could almost stuff a big pear into it.

Qin Lang still dodged with great ease, and sneered at him while dodging. It can be seen that this oriental ghost's movement is not a coincidence at all.


Ur's face turned pale in an instant, knowing that he had finally met the greatest enemy in his life. At this time, he raised his staff and muttered something. Under the flash of the staff's light, the surrounding ground seemed to be Something broke through.

"Is this trick coming again? It seems to have no effect!"

Qin Lang also sarcastically said that the mysterious wizard Urmeng seemed to be at the end of his rope, and wanted to summon skeletons to deal with him, so he really didn't have a long memory.

However, this time Urmeng summoned not skeletons, but two golden mummies, and these two golden mummies began to rush towards Qin Lang under his control, and at the same time Urmeng once again used the Jiguang movie to attack Qin Lang.

Now Wu Ermeng and the two golden mummies have formed a combination of World War II and one method. This kind of cooperation is very good. It is really a headache to switch to Qin Lang during the Yuanying period, but the current Qin Lang is just a little troublesome. Just a little.

After casting the Phantom Wind Walk, Qin Lang began to fight with the two golden mummies, while carefully paying attention to the spell of Ur Raimeng.

Although Wuermeng's witchcraft-like spells don't hurt the body, they also consume his true energy. Qin Lang has always been a person who is careful about this aspect, and he will definitely not pay attention to it.

Although the fighting power of the two golden mummies is not very good, but because of the immortal body, it is good to be two qualified meat shields, and Qin Lang also knows that if he wants to crack the two summons, he has to dismantle the two mummies Bandages will do.

In fact, he did the same. While fighting, he was looking for the flaws on the two golden mummies. As long as he found these flaws, he could remove the bandages on the mummy and let the two guys dissipate into black smoke.

After spending a while, Qin Lang finally found the threads on the two mummies. With a laugh, he dismantled the two golden mummies. With two groans, the two golden mummies turned into black smoke.

The smoke was poisonous, it was corpse smoke, and some of the warriors in the distance felt dizzy and dizzy after inhaling it. Fortunately, the swordsmen of the Shar family were all knowledgeable, so they quickly led everyone out of here.

And Qin Lang once again used the black cauldron to inhale the corpse smoke into the cauldron. Although the corpse smoke is poisonous, it should also be a great tonic for his pet beast, so keep it well.

However, after absorbing all the soul fire in the spirit ghost bag, the drought demon has fallen into a deep sleep. If he knows that there is something good to eat again, this guy may be impatient to jump out again.

This guy is so greedy, which is also the reason why he was hungry and afraid after staying in that abandoned desert small secret place for many years.

The two golden mummies were killed, and the combination of World War II and one law in front of him was naturally untenable. Urmeng felt a little embarrassed, and fell into a bitter battle that he had never encountered in his life.

The oriental man in front of him is really scary, with all kinds of mysterious methods emerging one after another, and he feels even more awesome than him, a Middle Eastern wizard.

He naturally didn't know that Qin Lang had entered the Qinghe Continent for "advanced training" and came back, otherwise he would not have reached such a height in his life.

After the bitter battle, Wu Ermeng has gradually been at a disadvantage. If it weren't for his own background, he might have been taken down by Qin Lang in a short while. However, seeing the current situation, the defeat is within three to five minutes.


Wu Ermeng let out a strange cry, bit his tongue and spewed a mouthful of blood, and suddenly his whole body turned into green smoke and disappeared. After the smoke cleared, three or two clams jumped away in embarrassment.

"Ran away?"

Qin Lang was startled.

In fact, this is also the case. This guy Wu Ermeng saw that he couldn't do anything. He resolutely gave up the battle with Qin Lang, used the blood escape method, and fled shamefully.

However, this is also a huge blow to this mysterious Middle Eastern wizard who wants to save face.

"Do you want to escape now? Unfortunately, it's too late."

At this moment, Qin Lang chuckled. It turned out that during the battle just now, Qin Lang had already left a mark of spiritual consciousness on Wu Ermeng, even if this guy fled to the ends of the earth, he could still find it.

The means of leaving the imprint of spiritual consciousness is also the ability that Qin Lang only mastered after the Yuanying period, which also means that Qin Lang has one more means to track the enemy in the future, but this ability is ineffective for enemies whose cultivation base is higher than his own, which is also a fly in the ointment It's a bit off.

Urmeng's escape has already appeared dozens of miles away. Speaking of which, wizards are also very powerful existences. In some respects, they are not weaker than some cultivators. It's just that they are limited by their lifespan. Most wizards are just If you live one or two times longer than normal people, you will have to die of old age.

Wizards also have some special methods that can be used to prolong life, such as spells such as seizing a house, but the restrictions on such spells are greater than similar skills in the cultivation world, so wizards generally don't live long, and this is also the case in the earth world. One of the reasons for the decline of the wizarding community.

However, although there are many restrictions on the cultivation of wizards on the earth, they do not need the assistance of spiritual energy to practice, so the inheritance of wizards has always existed, but it is not known to the world because of the scarcity of the number.

Speaking of which, the group of wizards used to be a powerful existence, born out of the ancient witch clan, which was an existence on the same level as immortal gods, and what they cultivated was the power of blood.

And the power of blood is also the source of a wizard's ability. No matter what kind of spell you practice, it is based on it. Whether it's ancient Egyptian magic or Nanyang's head-down technique, even the essence is the same. The power of blood is the same foundation, the source of wizard power.

It has to be said that Wuermeng is indeed a powerful wizard, and he is proud enough to escape temporarily under the eyes of Qin Lang in the Nascent Soul Stage.

You must know that since Qin Lang was promoted, he has not encountered any existence that can escape from his palm. Even the top-level mutants in the M laboratory in European and American countries can be killed alone. They are very high-end technological monsters in movies. No worse than a high-level cultivator at all.

And at this time, Qin Lang didn't have the heart to track down Wu Ermeng. Anyway, with the imprint of spiritual consciousness on this guy, he will not be able to escape sooner or later. Now we should deal with the desert fox AJ's capital stronghold in front of him first, and kill the executive director Hattie.

After all, the source of all the chaos is Hattie from the stronghold of Desert Fox AJ. This guy is the real enemy of Qin Lang and the Shar family, and the real reason why Qin Lang and the Shar family came here with great fanfare.


Qin Lang took the swordsman of the Shar family and the warriors under his name to rush to the building in the center of the stronghold again.

Now without the harassment of that fly-like wizard, the entire desert fox AJ's capital stronghold is undefended. Qin Lang's goal is clear, that is to smash this stronghold and wipe out all the villains inside!
(End of this chapter)

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