The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1289 Destroying the Stronghold

Chapter 1289 Destroying the Stronghold
As soon as Qin Lang issued an attack order, not only all the troops brought by his side obeyed the order, but even those from the Shar family also entered the stronghold.

After all, Qin Lang's previous powerful performance shocked these people in the Shar family. They have recognized Qin Lang's role as the leader and naturally obeyed Qin Lang.

As a large number of people rumbled and forced their way in, the people in the desert fox AJ's capital stronghold could not stop their invasion at all, and they were completely defeated.

Soon, Qin Lang entered the office building at the center of the stronghold.

"Where is Hattie? Where is Hattie, if you confess clearly, you can avoid death..."

Qin Lang led a group of warriors along the office building, searching layer by layer.

When they reached the sixth floor of this building, people like Qin Lang were reluctantly resisted. It is estimated that the last people in the desert fox AJ stronghold were concentrated here. Very fierce.

For a while, these fighters under Qin Lang were blocked and could not move forward, and based on such fierce firepower, it can be inferred that Hattie, the executive director of the desert fox AJ's capital stronghold, must be this building.

Laughing, Qin Lang was about to go out in person, and rushed up against the fierce firepower. A large number of bullets along the way crackled on his body. Unfortunately, no matter how fierce the enemy's firepower was, it would not be able to penetrate Qin Lang's magic weapon defense.

Along the way, Qin Lang knocked out a lot of bodyguards. Qin Lang was really not interested in killing these ordinary bodyguards, so he simply knocked them out.

However, when the firepower on the sixth floor was gradually extinguished, Qin Lang did not find Hattie, so he caught a guy who looked like a small boss and searched for God, and found that Hattie had already gone to the roof, and there was a helicopter on the roof , that guy saw that something was wrong and wanted to run away.

"Can you escape?"

Qin Lang smiled coldly and ran directly to the floors of this building.

This building has eight floors. When Qin Lang rushed to the top of the building, the propeller of the helicopter had already taken off with the fuselage.

Qin Lang leaped over in three steps and two jumps, and grabbed the helicopter's legs at once, then turned over and got on the plane.

On the plane, a guy stabbed him with a dagger, but his reaction and speed couldn't compare with Qin Lang's, but Qin Lang pulled the guy back from the plane.


The helicopter had already flown up to a height of about ten meters. When the guy fell, he didn't fall on the roof platform, but fell off the floor. It is estimated that he ended up with a broken body.

And after Qin Lang got on the plane, he finally saw a flustered bald old man. This guy was the target of this trip, Hatty, and there was also the pilot of the helicopter.

The two guys trembled when they saw Qin Lang get on the helicopter, but the helicopter was unstable at this time, and it slipped and fell, and it was about to crash.

At this time, Qin Lang grabbed Hattie's collar and jumped off the plane with the bastard, the magic weapon Fei Tian Luo Yunsuo turned into a cloud and held it firmly underneath.

The helicopter finally crashed, sending out blinding sparks. Since the explosion was right next to the building, the whole building shook violently. The huge air wave with howling sound shattered the windows of every floor of the building , countless miscellaneous noises kept falling.

And the miserable pilot in the helicopter probably died directly with the plane. He is really a miserable guy. Originally, Qin Lang didn't want his life. He just wanted to catch the culprit, Hattie. How could he know this guy? The mental quality is so poor.

After capturing Hattie, all the warriors rushed to the top of the building at this time. They were overjoyed to see the bald head in Qin Lang's hand. Now this guy can't escape, and the task has been successfully completed.

Qin Lang decided to let the Shar family do the execution of Hattie, so he handed Hattie to the swordsmen of the Shar family. These swordsmen decided to bring Hattie back to the family for trial first, and then execute him.

After the group successfully completed the task, Qin Lang led people to search the desert fox's AJ capital stronghold, and got some property and even the land and deed of the branch.

This piece of land in the Middle East branch of Desert Fox is very good. Qin Lang is determined to win it, so he didn’t ask for those properties but only the land and the deed. At the same time, he was going to ask the local snake of the Shar family to help him go to the government to prepare for the transfer. Matters, transfer this piece of land to their own name.

After a rough calculation, the land of Desert Fox AJ's capital branch is about [-] acres, and the buildings are very complete. The total value of all real estate assets is at least more than one billion US dollars. Zhihu's loss of this capital branch is considered a big loss.

The reason why Qin Lang wants this piece of land is also for future development. If Qin Lang wants to convert any new projects in the Middle East in the future, he can develop on this new piece of land.

The swordsmen of the Shar family took Hattie back to the Shar family for trial, and Qin Lang also took the rest of the warriors back to the Middle East branch. After a rest, Qin Lang was ready to do what he hadn't done. , chasing down the escaped Middle Eastern wizard Urmon.

One of the reasons for chasing this mysterious wizard is that both sides are enemies. Although Urmeng has already escaped, Qin Lang will definitely pursue him to the end with the mentality of eliminating all evil. My enemies are worried about me.

Another reason is that Qin Lang is also very curious about the magical arts mastered by Urmeng. He wants to see the difference between the magical arts performed by these bloodlines of the wizard and the skills of the cultivation world. Study it and see if you can get it from it. Some gains.

Of course, the more important thing is that Qin Lang felt that the battle with Uermeng would help him become more proficient in all aspects of his abilities after he reached the Nascent Soul stage. On this earth, Qin Lang, a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, would like It's really not easy to meet a decent opponent.

Since Wu Ermeng has the imprint of the divine consciousness left by Qin Lang on his body, Qin Lang is not worried about not finding this guy. He feels that this guy has been fleeing northward, and he should have gone to another stronghold of Desert Fox AJ, which is the border stronghold.

It has been nearly three days since Wu Ermeng escaped. I believe that the AJ border stronghold after the desert has already known the news of the fall of the capital stronghold. Qin Lang doesn't know what action he will take next, and he is not worried about the other party's revenge at all.

Now with the establishment of the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company, Qin Lang's people have joined forces with the Shar family in the capital, and the two sides have formed a monolith. No matter what enemy comes, they are confident to take it directly.

After all, strong dragons don't mess with local snakes, and the Shar family can be considered a small local snake in the area of ​​the Egyptian capital. Coupled with the power of Qin Lang, I believe it is not much weaker than the overall strength of the desert fox.

About a week after the battle between Desert Fox's AJ capital stronghold, Qin Lang finally came to Desert Fox's border stronghold, which is a stronghold in the desert and sparsely populated.

However, although the population is sparsely populated, the two countries around AJ have recently fought, and some refugees have been absorbed by the Desert Fox border stronghold, so the defensive strength of this stronghold is more than ten times that of the capital stronghold.

At this moment, the entire frontier stronghold in front of Qin Lang is densely packed with tents, surrounding the most central stronghold building. The surrounding area is full of refugees who have just been absorbed, and they are also reserve members of the Desert Fox. The number exceeds tens of thousands.

Wu Ermeng should be inside the stronghold, and Qin Lang can sense it with the imprint of his spiritual sense, but it is still daytime, and there are all refugees around the stronghold, so it is difficult to move in broad daylight. He plans to sneak into the stronghold after most people fall asleep at night middle hand.


At night, Qin Lang sneaked into the stronghold. Due to the imprint of his spiritual consciousness, Qin Lang rushed directly towards the place where Wu Ermeng was.

And Wu Ermeng in the border stronghold of the Desert Fox also had a whim that night, restless, always feeling that something was about to happen, so he usually practiced witchcraft at this time of night, and he had never practiced witchcraft. Cultivation, he should have sensed something.

Just when Qin Lang approached Wuermeng less than a hundred feet away, Wuermeng's heart beat faster in the stronghold. After counting his fingers, he knew that he was doomed tonight, so he couldn't help showing a gloomy light in the direction of Qin Lang: "Follow me so soon! Here, since you won't let me go, I won't let you go!"

Urmeng in the stronghold directly slapped his forehead cruelly. As the skull shattered, a large amount of blood gushed out, and the mysterious wizard chanted a strange spell, and he saw black mist slowly covering the surrounding area. Shizhang area.

There were faint voices of undead in the black mist, and many corpses crawled out from the ground, including zombies, skeletons, and even mummies. A large number of these undead creatures came out of the black mist, and then rushed to the surrounding refugee camps. Jumping over, the yang energy of the living people who started to devour refugees in large quantities strengthened itself.

And Qin Lang, who was approaching Wuermeng, saw the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being surprised: "Is this Wuermeng crazy? Indulging a large number of undead to devour the essence of the living, this is to turn the entire camp into a hell on earth. !"

In fact, he also knew in his heart that Wu Ermeng was probably forced to be helpless by himself, so he became so crazy. He wanted to use the yang energy of a large number of living people in the camp to strengthen the undead he summoned and fight to the death with him.

Qin Lang didn't care about these scattered undead, he just dealt with those who passed by, and then went straight to the stronghold where Uermeng was.

After Wu Ermeng lost a lot of energy due to self-harm, he summoned a terrifying army of undead. Now undead are constantly emerging in the black mist. It is estimated that there are at least a thousand undead creatures in the entire camp.

Seeing Qin Lang appearing, Uermeng laughed bitterly: "Okay! Very good! Boy from the East, my master underestimated you before, you are indeed very capable. Now that you have come here, it seems that you don't intend to Let me go, then, let's fight to the death here!"

Wu Ermeng also worked hard, and now the holes in his face were glowing with green light, and his breath was at its peak. He waved the ebony staff in his hand, and a large number of undead creatures rushed towards Qin Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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