The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1291 Establishment of the Middle East Branch

Chapter 1291 Establishment of the Middle East Branch

For the next few days, Qin Lang sat in the Middle East branch to practice painstakingly, and at the same time watched the buildings on the construction site being improved step by step.

Although he doesn't need to worry about the progress of the construction site, he is the boss after all, and his subordinates still have to find him to handle some decision-making matters.

The progress of the project was very fast, and it took about two months for the Middle East branch to be completed.

This also means that Lanrun's branch in the Middle East can finally open for business.

Qin Lang was quick to do things quickly, and soon decided to formally establish the company.

On this day, after all the personnel were in place, Qin Lang held a grand and grand ribbon-cutting ceremony.

People from the Shar family participated in this ribbon-cutting event. As the second largest shareholder of the Middle East branch, Bit Prince Alsra also attended in person, giving Qin Lang the face of the Middle East branch.

Although he only invested [-] million U.S. dollars, Alsla is very optimistic about the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company, or he is very optimistic about foreign companies entering the cosmetics market, otherwise he would not have directly wanted to invest in five billion dollars.

Speaking of it, the negotiation between the two parties was actually quite smooth. Although Qin Lang did not agree with his proposal at first, the little prince of the Middle East made concessions and only invested 30.00 million US dollars, accounting for [-]% of the shares of the Middle East branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company.

This ribbon-cutting event was a success, and then Qin Lang’s factory can officially start construction. In fact, the Middle East branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company has a backlog of a large number of orders before the start of construction. Many customers are looking at Prince Bit’s face. face to face.

After all, Alsra is also well-known in the entire Arab world, whether it is status or his economic acumen, he is top-notch. As the little prince of the Middle East with a business empire worth tens of billions of dollars, he is a living golden sign.

Speaking of the joining of Alstom, although the Middle East branch lost some shares, it gained more, and it also provided great convenience for Qin Lang to open up the markets of the Middle East countries in the future. This is also called everyone making a fortune together. A win-win situation.

After cutting the ribbon, Alsla gave Qin Lang an invitation letter, inviting Qin Lang to participate in an exchange meeting held by the Bit Royal Family. This kind of exchange meeting will be held by the Bit Royal Family every year. At that time, there will be a large number of upper-class people from the Middle East. It was also an opportunity for Alsla to give Qin Lang a closer relationship with the upper class in the Middle East.

So after receiving the invitation letter, Qin Lang directly accepted Alsla's invitation and promised to attend this exchange meeting at that time.


After the ribbon-cutting, the Middle East branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company officially started operations. For the operation of the Middle East branch, the headquarters specially mobilized [-] professionally trained employees.

Now Lanrun has gradually become a multinational group. The total number of people in the company has reached more than 7000. I believe that with the continuous growth of the company's business, the company's population base will continue to increase.

While receiving support from the Huaxia Headquarters, the Middle East Branch also accepts applications from outstanding local talents.

After all, if the Middle East branch wants to integrate with the Arab world, it is impossible to rely entirely on the talents transferred from China, and properly recruit some local people to train them as employees, which can not only save operating costs, but also properly adjust the local economy.

Doing so can reduce the employment pressure of the local government, and the relationship between the Middle East branch and the government will be closer, and at the same time, it can get more policy support from the government.

The first batch of recruitment of Lanrun Company is in full swing. The Middle East branch is much larger than the Singapore branch, so after arranging the manpower transferred from Huaxia, there are at least more than 1000 vacancies, which need to be replenished from the local area.

The job fair is expected to last for a week. The requirements for recruiting employees are not high, but they must be literate and able to count, which is equivalent to the education level of Huaxia junior high school or above.

Locals of this level will be arranged in various production positions in the Middle East branch factory and trained as ordinary workers. The salary is not very high compared to the Huaxia head office, but the average salary is still higher than the local average salary of AJ. more than double.

In this case, the job fair of the Middle East branch will be very attractive. Once the job announcement is announced, there will be an endless stream of applicants, with at least thousands of people every day. Such a hot scene, as well as the high salary, It is also equivalent to playing a live advertisement for the Middle East branch for free.

And the locals recruited are not without high-level talents. If they meet those candidates who are willing to work hard and have a high level of education, as long as they are hired, the Middle East Branch will not begrudge those more senior management positions, or Sales positions, give these talents better treatment.

The current Lanrun Company has a complete set of operating plans, so the shelves of various departments in the Middle East branch were quickly set up, and after the personnel were replenished one by one, they all began to operate normally.

At the employee training meeting, Qin Lang also gave a speech, encouraging these new employees to work hard, and the company will not treat them badly, and there will be generous bonuses in the monthly performance appraisal to repay their dedication and hard work.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is not a stingy boss, he should pay more than his peers, which makes it easier to win the hearts of his subordinates.

Speaking of it, joining the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company is equivalent to getting an iron rice bowl. As long as you work hard, you can ensure that the family has no worries about food and clothing. This is attractive to most poor people in the Middle East where the gap between rich and poor is still very large. Still not small.


When the Middle East branch was officially in operation, Qin Lang left here, took the special plane of the Shar family, and went to Bit, a neighboring country of AJ.

It turns out that Bit Prince Alsla not only invited Qin Lang, but also invited Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, to participate in this year's upper-level exchange meeting. Basically, every year, the invitation letters of the Bit royal family will be sent to more than 30 surrounding countries, inviting famous people from all over the world. Aristocrats and high-class people participate in the exchange meeting.

The special plane of the Shar family stopped at the Royal Airport directly next to the Bit Palace, and then ran over to check the identity of the guards. Bit is a country with military and political integration, so the national quality of the whole country is very strong. Wearing military uniforms is like a soldier. Take off your military uniform and you are the people.

After taking out the invitation letter, the guards who confirmed the identities of the group immediately let them go. This time Qin Lang was traveling with four members of the Shar family. Apart from the patriarch Allah, the clansman Shar and two other companions were accompanying them.

The venue of the exchange meeting is in the banquet hall of the palace. Bit is a very famous and wealthy country in the Middle East, so the palace is built extremely luxuriously. The entire banquet hall covers an area of ​​more than 50 acres and is divided into three floors, which can accommodate more than 3 people at the same time. People eat at the same time.

In the banquet hall, Qin Lang saw more upper-class people from the Middle East than in the ten-nation exchange meeting he had attended before. After all, the ten-nation exchange meeting was just a private business exchange meeting, and not many upper-class people participated.

But this exchange meeting was held by the Middle East's leading rich royal family. It is a matter of face for all high-ranking people who join the meeting to get an invitation letter. It represents that the most representative royal family in the Middle East also recognizes your status in the Middle East. .

At the exchange meeting, Qin Lang also met Alsla, the little prince of the Middle East is the third heir of the bit royal family, and one of the hosts of this feast, this trip is bringing his cousin Della and cousin Sally into the venue .

At the moment, the venue is filled with luxurious mahogany tables. The tables are full of drinks, melons, fruits, fresh salads, and assorted platters. Many foods Qin Lang has never seen before are all secrets made by the royal family.

After entering the center of the venue, Alsla picked up the microphone and began to speak: "First of all, welcome all distinguished guests from all over the world, and welcome you to come to this year's exchange meeting with the royal family!"

"Actually, the original purpose of this royal family exchange meeting was that 13 years ago, several brothers and sisters of our royal family got together to discuss and decided to celebrate the old father's birthday. The scale was not very large at first, but it evolved to ten years ago. Today, a few years later, we can have the current scale, and thank you for your continuous support over the years.”

"Okay, there is no need to say more! First, I would like to wish my old father, His Majesty King Bit, Mohammad Ledeka, a happy 57th birthday!"

Picking up a glass of red wine from a nearby table, Alsra raised his glass!

"Happy birthday to His Majesty the King!"

The high-ranking people from all over the world also toasted at the same time to celebrate together. Although His Majesty the King is involved in government affairs and does not participate in the exchange meeting every year, it does not affect the respect of most people present for the old king.

"Okay, the banquet begins! Let's chat, eat and drink to our heart's content!"

Alsla finished the red cup with a smile and signaled the beginning of the banquet.

The scene suddenly became lively, and the exchange meeting officially started. Most of the upper-class people attending the meeting were looking for friends they were interested in while chatting and enjoying royal cuisine at will. Of course, most of these participants were from nobles from various countries. The behavior of things is also very elegant.


While eating and drinking, with the help and introduction of the Shar family, Qin Lang also met several guys with identities in various countries. Most of these guys are retailers, which will be very helpful for Qin Lang to expand business routes in the Middle East branch. , so Qin Lang also communicated with them very seriously, and patiently introduced his company's business.

At the same time, when Qin Lang introduced the Middle East branch, he didn't forget to mention Alsra's tiger skin. After all, the Middle East branch also has a part of this guy's shares, which is very helpful for promoting the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company.

It was very easy, these big fish were immediately hooked. After hearing that the Middle East branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company had even invested in Prince Alsra, several retailers immediately said that they would turn around and sign a contract with Qin Lang's Middle East branch. distribution contract.

These retailers are able to participate in the exchange meeting of the Bit Royal Family, and their identities are naturally not simple. They are basically the largest retailers in the Arab countries, so Qin Lang has at least won a big order of [-] billion for the branch just now.

And just when Qin Lang wanted to ask the Shar family to help find a few more participants with retailer backgrounds, he suddenly felt a special soul wave in the crowd.


Qin Lang turned his head and saw a black-robed man with three or four bodyguards, guarding a young man with a European and American face who was not much older than himself.

The soul wave is transmitted from the black robe. The soul wave of this guy is similar to that of Wu Ermeng that Qin Lang killed before, and they should be the same type of wizard.

Qin Lang suddenly became interested, and at the same time he found out that the young man with a European and American face was called Brink, and he was the second son of Formoran, the person in charge of the Desert Fox headquarters.

"The young master of Desert Fox? Interesting."

After Qin Lang got the news, he also had some surprises. He said that he had wiped out the two strongholds of Desert Fox's AJ branch, and he didn't know how Desert Fox would deal with this matter in the future.

Brink's participation in this royal feast held by the Bit royal family is also inseparable from Desert Fox's current status in the Middle East. After decades of operation, this European and American foreign force has already successfully penetrated into the Middle East. A commercial force to be reckoned with.

(End of this chapter)

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