The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1292 The Mysterious Curse

Chapter 1292 The Mysterious Curse

Regarding the organization of Desert Fox, Qin Lang did not know a single bit of information.

Although he had severely damaged this organization before, he couldn't completely destroy it.

At the very least, the young owner of this organization actually came to the opening of his company.

I heard that the ambition of the Desert Fox is very big, so many local forces in the Middle East are very repulsive, but they can't stop the Desert Fox from growing.

After all, Desert Fox has the support behind European and American countries, which also makes many forces in the Middle East very afraid. They feel that suppressing it is not right, and it is not right to let it grow. This also gives Desert Fox a chance to breathe.

Over the years, the Desert Fox has managed to break through the obstacles of the local forces and develop.

Of course, this is only information on the surface. In fact, Qin Lang learned from the killed wizard Urmeng that the desert fox takes black and white, and secretly used many small tricks to kill many competitors. The key to the company's firm foothold in the Middle East surrounded by powerful enemies.

The young owner of the Desert Fox is talking to some of his subordinates at the moment, they are all a little sneaky, Qin Lang only heard the words "tonight" and "ready" under his hard work, and he didn't know what to say. Know what they're talking about.

And when Qin Lang waited for a few people to approach them, these guys stopped the discussion tacitly, left here, and disappeared among the crowd in the venue after a while.

The other party is very vigilant, and it is not easy to track, and if there is a riot in the venue, it will only be him who suffers.

After all, right now is the inauguration meeting of Lanrun Middle East Branch, and celebrities from all walks of life are here. If someone makes trouble, the impact will be very bad.

This is probably also the reason why the young master of Desert Fox dared to appear openly.

Less than 10 minutes after these people left the venue, Qin Lang was talking with someone, when suddenly, Qin Lang felt a slight pain in his head!
It seems that there is a strange spiritual force drilling into the head!
But how powerful Qin Lang's current primordial spirit is, the divine consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness eliminated this special spiritual power with just a slight shock.

Just when Qin Lang thought he had exposed his identity and was discovered in advance by the black-robed wizard next to the desert fox's young master, a large number of people in the venue screamed and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

"No, it's a curse! It should be the Desert Fox targeting everyone in the venue. It's really a good plan."

Qin Lang understood in an instant that this time must be a large-scale operation of the Desert Fox targeting the upper class in the Middle East, and wanted to wipe out the upper class of the upper class in the Middle East.


Qin Lang was very angry!
Before, he was still worried about not being able to deal with Desert Fox's young master in the venue, worried that the guests at the meeting would be affected, but he didn't expect that Desert Fox had no bottom line in its actions, and even included all the guests present as targets of attack!

You must know that among these guests there are many rich businessmen, businessmen and political predators. Now that Qi Qi is cursed, foaming at the mouth is like being poisoned. I am afraid that even if he tries to explain it afterward, these celebrities will only treat him differently. complain.

What's more, this has to be under the premise of ensuring that the bodies of these celebrities are not damaged in the slightest.

How could Qin Lang not be angry and furious?

"Mr. Qin Lang!"

At this time, Saul from the Shar family came over, and now the venue was in chaos. He was relieved to see that Qin Lang was fine: "Mr. Qin Lang, this banquet event is not easy, someone cursed everyone present, But it probably wasn't done by the bit royal family, just now I saw the royal princess Della also collapsed!"

"I know."

Qin Lang nodded, and he was even more sure that the weirdness this time was caused by the wizard of the Desert Fox. "By the way, how are you all right?"

"Our members of the Shar family are members of the Pyramid Secret Realm Guardian family. The curse of the pharaoh thousands of years ago is hidden in the body. It is a more powerful blood curse that can repel other abilities. Our Shar family is invalid."

Shar explained.

After a pause, Shar continued: "Actually, not everyone in the venue was cursed. There are also many people in the upper class in the Middle East who have magical items. This is the greatest gift from their ancestors to the Arab world. Many magical items have The curse has a resistance effect, so only two-thirds of the people in the venue were cursed."

After listening to Shar's explanation.Qin Lang looked around and found that the surroundings were exactly as this guy said, only one-third of the people fell down, and the others were safe and sound, but at the moment these people who are fine are all flustered, I don't know how the bit royal family will deal with it Chaos at the scene.

At this time, Qin Lang also saw Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, who was accompanying Prince Alsla at the moment, and Prince Alsla supported his unconscious cousin Della. Although his expression was calm, he couldn't hide the pain in his heart. A little nervous.

Della's younger sister, Sally, stood beside her, looking anxious as well.

It can be seen that Alsla is very concerned about her royal sisters, and she is asking an old man wearing the clothes of the Christian church to diagnose the curse of her royal sisters. It is said that this old man is a mullah of the Christian church in Bit. *Religious abbot in Bit King Capital.

"Your Excellency, although Lingjie's curse can be broken, it may take two hours with old magic power. Of course, if the wizard who secretly cast the curse can be found and caught, the process of breaking the curse may be faster. "

The old mullah said to Alsra.

Then, he added: "This time there are a lot of cursed people in the venue. If the source of the disaster can be eliminated within three days, everyone's curse will be broken by itself. This is the most important thing!"

"Otherwise, if time drags on for a long time, the other people on the scene will be hopeless, and they will all be controlled by the curse, just like the disease has entered the terminal stage, and the old man will not be able to deal with it at that time, and these people will all become puppets of that wizard."

"I just ordered the guards of the royal family to seal off the entire royal city, and pay attention to the movements of some suspicious people."

Alsla's face changed when he heard the words, and he said solemnly.

After such a big commotion happened, Alsla also called the royal city guard system just now and dispatched all forces to seal off the whole city.

Think about it too, if things get worse and worse, it happens that this session of the Bitcoin royal family exchange meeting is hosted by myself. If many Arab high-ranking people are cursed by the mysterious wizard and become puppets at this exchange meeting, it will be a puppet for this Middle Eastern prince. The image is also a big hit.

You must know that Alsra is Bit's third-choice successor. If he loses the possibility of competing for the throne because of this accident, it will deal a huge blow to him.

Just when the old mullah was treating Princess Della, Qin Lang also came to Alsla, and at this moment, his cousin Sha Li was blaming herself: "It's all my fault, if it wasn't for the magical necklace that I saw my cousin Pretty snatch it and wear it, so my cousin won't be cursed! It's all my fault!"

It turns out that the members of the bit royal family originally had a magical item on their bodies, and Della's magical item was a necklace. Before participating in the exchange meeting this time, this magical necklace was seen by her younger sister Sally and snatched it. La has always spoiled his sister, so he changed to an ordinary diamond chain, which was the curse.

However, my sister Sally couldn't be blamed for this. Basically, everyone who attended the meeting never thought that there would be wizards who would cast curses on the people present at the bit royal family exchange meeting.

After all, although the legends about magic and wizards in the Middle East countries have a long history, such people are very rare in modern society, not to mention ordinary people, even the upper class can't usually see such mysterious figures. It will appear at Bit's royal family exchange meeting and cast a curse on everyone present, which is beyond the expectation of these high-ranking people on the scene.

During the scene, Qin Lang saw that the old mullah, who taught the old mullah, was struggling to cast the magical ability and was slowly dispelling the curse on Princess Della, so he couldn't help but shook his head. The old mullah's magical ability was too weak One point, if it was me, solving these curses would be a matter of minutes.

Of course, I am a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and my vision and ability level are too much higher than that of the church mullah in front of me, so I am qualified to say such a thing. If it is this church magician who is similar in ability to the black robe wizard No, for this mullah old man, being able to solve the curse on Princess Della in two hours is already his limit.

Qin Lang didn't have the idea of ​​helping, but came to Alsla and told him what he thought: "Your Excellency, I think I may know the clues of the mysterious wizard who planted the curse."

"You know the clue?" Alsla was taken aback.

"That's right, but I don't think the royal guards you sent can deal with that mysterious wizard. I want to go out and capture that guy myself."

Qin Lang smiled.

"You...can catch the wizard?"

Alsla looked at Qin Lang, showing a suspicious expression. Qin Lang is his partner, yes, but it is a business cooperation. He has never heard that Qin Lang has the ability to deal with wizards, which belongs to the mysterious field.

In fact, Alsla doesn't know much about Qin Lang. If you ask more about Qin Lang's special features, you will know that Qin Lang is not just a successful businessman, but has more mysteries than the legendary wizards in this world.

And Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family who already had some understanding of Qin Lang's ability, heard Qin Lang's words at this time, but gave Qin Lang a guarantee: "Your Excellency, please trust Mr. Qin Lang, he is not an ordinary person."

"Oh?" Arsla was even more confused when he heard Allah's words.


Qin Lang stretched out his hand, and a ball of pale flames appeared in his palm like magic, and then he squeezed his palm, and the flame disappeared. When he opened it again, a small jade bottle appeared in his palm.

"This...Mr. Qin Lang is also a wizard?!"

Alsla was also shocked to see this scene.

But Qin Lang shook his head: "No, I'm not a wizard, but I can also remove the curse on Princess Della, faster than this church old man."

"What? Faster than me...Young man, although you also have divine powers, you still have to keep your feet on the ground."

The old mullah next to him shook his head when he heard it. He didn't take it seriously that Qin Lang was stronger than himself. Naturally, with his eyesight level, he couldn't see through the secrets of Qin Lang, thinking that Qin Lang was just a young man who just learned magic and showed off.

Moreover, haven't you heard this kid say that he himself admits that he is not a wizard anymore.

Qin Lang smiled and didn't explain. He walked directly to Della's side, put his palm close to Della's vest, and sent a burst of real energy, and at the same time, sent a strand of divine consciousness, forcing the curse in Della's body.

Then, I heard Della spit out a mouthful of black blood, and the black blood turned into smoke and dissipated in the air.

At this time, Princess Della finally woke up from the coma, and quietly said, "What's wrong with me?"

Her voice was weak, and it could be seen that although the curse was cleared this time, it also consumed a lot of her vitality.

"This... is really so fast!"

The old mullah opened his mouth wide open, and he couldn't close his mouth in surprise. This young man really did it. The process of exorcising the curse just now took less than 2 minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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