The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1293 Blocking the Royal City

Chapter 1293 Blocking the Royal City
And the prince Alsla and others next to him were also shocked. They didn't expect that Mr. Qin Lang was really a hidden expert, and they were mistaken.

Is not it?The old Mullah said that it would take him two hours to get rid of the curse on Princess Della, but now Qin Lang... only took less than two minutes!
That's the level, he's better than Mullah.

He really didn't expect that Qin Lang's medical skills would be so good, it can't be described as excellent, even the imperial doctors in the royal family can't compare with Qin Lang.

What if Qin Lang's medical skills can be used by the royal family?
Just thinking about Alsla made me feel excited.Then I'm afraid that if I want to live to be a hundred years old, it will be quite easy, right?

Of course, he is also very clear that this is just a matter of thinking about it, the royal family simply can't come up with a bargaining chip to exchange for Qin Lang to become the imperial doctor of the royal family.

Alsra was surprised, and so were the others.

At this moment, everyone looked at Qin Lang with admiration!

But Qin Lang poured out a elixir from the jade bottle. People say it is a first-class elixir.

The Jingqi Dan was used to restore the vitality that Princess Della lost after being cursed, but it couldn't be more suitable.

However, this elixir is not only about the size of a soybean, but it is mild in nature and can be taken directly by cultivators, but ordinary people cannot take it directly.

Qin Lang gave Princess Daila a pill, and said: "You soak this pill in water, divide it into ten times and take it three times a day. After three or four days, not only will you be able to recover the lost vitality, but there will also be some unexpected effects. the benefits of."

"Thank you, Mr. Qin Lang."

Princess Daila took it, and she also learned from the conversation of the people next to her that she was rescued by Qin Lang. This Mr. Qin Lang from the East is not an ordinary person, and giving her such a pill is definitely not an ordinary pill, so she Also very important.

Although she and other guests were cursed to be lying guns, Qin Lang, as the organizer, was obliged to treat them, but seeing Qin Lang being so devoted to her treatment, she was only grateful, and had no intention of angering Qin Lang at all.

At this time, Qin Lang turned his head and said to Prince Alsla: "Now, Your Excellency, Prince, knows my ability? I can deal with that wizard who secretly cursed."

"Yeah." Alsla nodded, seeing that Qin Lang wanted to leave here, chasing after the wizard who planted a curse in the venue, at this time he called Qin Lang again: "Wait, Mr. Qin Lang."

He took a metal token from his body and handed it to Qin Lang: "This is my access token. Mr. Qin Lang can use this to pass through the entire royal city without hindrance. Wherever the token arrives, it's like I personally arrive. When the time comes, you will You can mobilize all the guards in the royal city to assist in the pursuit."

"That's great."

Qin Lang's eyes lit up, knowing that he had gained more favor from Alasla for saving Princess Della, so he temporarily borrowed all his pass tokens, which is a kind of full trust.

After receiving the order, Qin Lang patted his chest and said that he must catch the mysterious wizard who planted the curse, and solve the curse on these people in the venue, and also welcomed the voices of gratitude from many people in the venue.

Turning around, Qin Lang left the royal banquet venue amidst everyone's attention, and directly started searching for Desert Fox Shaodong's family, especially the black-robed wizard who planted a curse on the venue, which was the focus of his search.

However, Qin Lang hadn't thought of the real purpose of Desert Fox Shaodong's family participating in the bit royal exchange meeting before. If they knew in advance that these people wanted to do such despicable things in the royal exchange meeting, they could not let them slip away.

Now that the entire royal city has been closed, I only hope that these people haven't slipped away. Qin Lang can only use his clumsy tricks and use his spiritual sense to slowly search area by area.

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness has now covered a distance of five hundred feet. All targets in this area, even ants running on the ground, cannot escape the induction of the divine consciousness, so as long as Qin Lang has the heart, slowly The search is also able to search the gang of villains.

Of course, the premise is that these guys haven't escaped from the royal city yet. If they escape from the royal city, Qin Lang really has no way to find them.

However, Qin Lang had a feeling in his heart that this gang of scoundrels would not leave the royal city for the time being. After all, they just used the black-robed wizard to plant the curse. They should still want to see if the curse planted this time has achieved the expected effect.

In this case, Qin Lang is like searching for a field mouse, searching the entire royal city inch by inch and using his spiritual sense to cast a net like a search.

Now the royal city has been blocked by the guards. Fortunately, Qin Lang has a pass token given by Alsla, so he can pass through the royal city without hindrance.

It took about three hours. Qin Lang sensed a familiar atmosphere in a five-star hotel in the royal city. It was the Desert Fox group. That's right, Qin Lang rushed to the hotel immediately.

While rushing over, Qin Lang also mobilized four or five patrolling palace guards on the street to surround the entire hotel, strictly prohibiting people from entering and exiting before entering the hotel.

"What are you doing?" People in the hotel lobby were surprised when they saw this scene, and the lobby manager of the hotel rushed over to ask.

"Well, please help the palace guards I brought to catch the fugitives. We got news earlier that a group of people who caused violence and chaos at the previous palace exchange meeting are hiding in your hotel."

Qin Lang showed Prince Alsla's gold medal and said solemnly.

"Ah... this?"

The lobby manager was so frightened that he didn't know what to say.

"Can I go in and catch the fugitive now?"

After Qin Lang calmed down the hotel lobby manager with words, he spoke slowly.

"Yes, of course."

The lobby manager nodded again and again, being suppressed by Qin Lang's big hat, he didn't want the hotel to have any connection with the frightening gangsters in the legend.

"Oh, right."

Qin Lang turned around and said: "In order to prevent fugitives from escaping by taking advantage of the location, show me the building distribution map of your hotel."

"Oh well."

The lobby manager hurriedly told the front desk to do what Qin Lang said, but while doing this, the lobby manager also wondered why the captain of the guard of Bit Palace was replaced by an oriental, it was really strange.

He thought that Qin Lang was the captain of the palace's guard, but he didn't know that Qin Lang was temporarily appointed by the little prince Alsla, so he was able to mobilize the guards of the palace.

After seeing the topographic map of the hotel, Qin Lang had a clear understanding of the hotel's architectural structure, and asked the guards outside to come in to guard the entrances and exits of the hotel, and then he headed towards the desert fox's young owner. To go up to the floor where I was, I didn't take the elevator, but took the stairs. Qin Lang ordered the headquarters to close the switch of the elevator.

After all, there are five or six elevator entrances and exits in the hotel. If those Desert Fox people happened to come down from the elevator when I was getting on the elevator, then I would have to spend a lot of energy chasing and escaping these people.

Therefore, it is the best way to turn off the switch of the elevator, so that the entrance and exit of the hotel can only be through the corridor. Qin Lang rushed all the way to the ninth floor, which is also the place where Desert Fox and his group rest. Knowing that he has been exposed, the entire building has been sealed off.

This is also the result of Qin Lang discovering in advance that the person behind the scenes is the desert fox. If it weren't for Qin Lang, the entire upper-level communication meeting of Bit would definitely be messed up this time, and it would be impossible for others to catch the murderer behind the scenes afterwards. After all, the cursed witch The technique is too secretive and belongs to the mysterious field.

Even a strong adult man would be tired if he went up the nine-story stairs, but Qin Lang couldn't catch his breath after he arrived. It is estimated that he can run to the top of the hundreds of floors of the World Trade Center in one go.

After arriving, Qin Lang's magic point locked the room, then he snorted coldly and walked over directly.


At this moment, the young owner of Desert Fox in a luxurious suite of the hotel was talking and laughing happily with some of his subordinates.

"It is estimated that the world of Aberdeen will be in chaos this time. As long as one-third of the people in the Bitter Palace exchange meeting are cursed, they will become useful pawns for us Desert Fox in the future. Sibic, this time you will immediately If you have made great achievements, I will truthfully report your achievements to my father."

"Thank you, Second Young Master, for your support."

A wizard in black robe next to him bowed and said that he was the guy who planted a curse on all the high-class people at the exchange meeting in the palace, and he was also the wizard who accompanied the second son of Formoran, the head of the Desert Fox headquarters, on this trip.

This time, following Desert Fox's young master into Bit to participate in the palace exchange meeting, in addition to the cursed wizard Sibic, there are eight bodyguards. These eight bodyguards are not ordinary people, and all of them are warriors with fighting power at the level of Wuzun.

"Okay, then I will stay in this hotel in peace of mind for a day or two to see the effect of the curse this time. After completing the mission, I will go directly back to the headquarters. This time the mission is successful. Double the contribution."

The second son of Fu Molan, who is in charge of the Desert Fox Headquarters, said with a smile.

"Thank you second son."

Everyone bowed to Shaodong's family, showing joyful expressions.

They all know that the contribution of the headquarters is more precious than money from the outside world, and can be exchanged for things that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime. After all, the Desert Fox headquarters is not as simple as ordinary people imagine, otherwise it would not attract Ruxi. Cursed wizards like Beachy work for the headquarters.

While everyone was talking, at this time, the mysterious cursed wizard Sibic suddenly made a silent expression, and said solemnly: "Someone is coming outside. It seems that they are not ordinary people. They may be targeting us. Because I sensed the breath of this person at the royal exchange."

The wizard specializes in spiritual power, so his sense of breath is as keen as that of a cultivator. In addition, Qin Lang did not deliberately restrain his breath, so he was sensed by the cursed wizard Sibic as soon as he entered this floor.

"Aren't ordinary people... coming here to target us? It seems that we may have been exposed, Sibic, kill this person for me."

Beside, the young master of Desert Fox spoke.

"Okay, as you wish." The cursed wizard Sibic closed his eyes and began to cast the curse spell. A large puff of black smoke turned into a ribbon and floated out from his body. He went to the corridor outside through the crack of the door, towards Qin Lang's side rushed over.

This time, Sibiqi took all his strength to deal with Qin Lang alone, and the power of the curse he cast was much more terrifying than the exchange venue. I believe that even if Qin Lang had magical items on him, he would explode because of such a powerful curse.

As a wizard who specializes in curses, curses are also Sibic's greatest source of strength and his confidence. When he thinks about it, even if the people who come from the corridor outside are not ordinary people, it is impossible to resist his strength this time curse.

(End of this chapter)

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