The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1294 Cursed Showdown

Chapter 1294 Cursed Showdown
Qin Lang was already approaching that room at this moment, but suddenly a black ribbon-like smoke came out of the door of the room, like a thin and narrow python belt, rolling towards him!
This smoke is like a real thing, Qin Lang has no doubt that if his body is engulfed by this smoke, he will be entangled like a python immediately, and it is even more dangerous.

Moreover, this is not the biggest threat of this mysterious smoke, the smoke is so menacing that it rolls towards his body and his consciousness at the same time!

The moment the ribbon-like smoke came into contact with his own consciousness, Qin Lang felt a sharp pain in his brain, it was a curse attack!

Very strong curse attack!

Qin Lang is convinced that this is the cursed attack mode!
Qin Lang's face darkened at this time, and he snorted, and the incomparably condensed consciousness of Yuanying level bounced violently, knocking out the invading breath python belt.

In this round of battle, although the mysterious wizard's curse was powerful, it could not invade Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, so Qin Lang successfully defended in the first round.

Although he doesn't know much about witchcraft and curses, Qin Lang has a soul so powerful that even wizards who specialize in spiritual power in this world are envious.

At this time, when Sibiqi manipulated the black ribbon and was unwilling to attack again, Qin Lang stomped his feet, and at the same time recited the ghost spell in the Yin Talisman, and counterattacked the caster, a green The light flashed by, staining the black ribbon.

Then this extremely flexible black ribbon like a python belt seemed to be on fire, and green flames emerged from the edge of the ribbon.

The flame retreated along the ribbon like a firecracker fuze, burning all the time, returning from the original path to directly attack the caster.

In a short while, Qin Lang heard a muffled sound coming from the room, and the caster had already suffered a great loss.

"Fighting with me is considered bad luck for you."

Qin Lang snorted coldly. The way to deal with the curse is to use the Nether Ghost Curse to attack poison with poison. If you change to other types of wizards, you may spend more effort, but to deal with this curse wizard, it is yourself strongest point.

After all, the curse is also a kind of spiritual attack, which is the most original spiritual attack. With Qin Lang's current spiritual strength far exceeding the ordinary Nascent Soul level, he can basically not fear any existence on the earth.

But at this moment in the hotel room, the cursed wizard Sibiqi tried his best to attack Qin Lang after casting the curse, but Qin Lang counterattacked. Suddenly, his vitality was severely injured, and his face became as pale as a zombie.

"So strong! The opponent is also a cursed wizard!"

Sibic yelled, took out a strange potion from his pocket and took it, and at the same time grabbed a golden yellow toad full of bumps from a lively bag and swallowed it alive. After a while, the backlash of the curse was resolved. His face turned from white to red.

"Bang!" At this moment, the door was kicked open, and Qin Lang walked into the hotel room with a smile on his face.

"Coincidentally, they are all here. Since there is a nest of snakes and rats, I don't need to bother any more."

Qin Lang said with a hey smile.

"Stop him!"

Seeing that Sibic was in a bad state, Desert Fox's young master said loudly to his eight Wuzun-level bodyguards.

When they heard the order, the eight bodyguards of Wu Zun level rushed towards Qin Lang viciously without any nonsense.

They are loyal, and even if the Young Master doesn't have this order, they will do their best to protect them.

These eight bodyguards are all masters, and have undergone specialized fighting training, and their martial arts level is not weaker than that of Huaxia's warriors.

However, it is a pity that they met Qin Lang, no matter how high the martial arts are, there is no use for them. Qin Lang is not only a late martial artist, but also a powerful cultivator. These eight bodyguards.

The eight bodyguards who were restrained all fell to the ground, unable to move, and Qin Lang pointed at the young master of the Desert Fox at this time, pointing this European and American young man down.

"Okay, you're the only one left!"

Qin Lang hooked his finger at the cursed wizard Sibic, and Sibic froze, and suddenly turned around and turned into a black smoke, filling the two rooms, and when the smoke dissipated, Sibic no trace of .

Sibic was terrified.

The curse technique he is proud of can't help Qin Lang, and even if he is restrained by Qin Lang's curse technique, he will be completely defeated, and Qin Lang must have other means besides the curse technique. If he confronts Qin Lang head-on , he knew that he would simply be vulnerable.

"Want to run? You won't be able to run this time. If you are under my ghost spell, it's the same as leaving a mark of divine consciousness."

Qin Lang snorted coldly, and at the same time jumped out of the window to chase the escaped cursed wizard.

He sensed that the cursed wizard turned into a bat in the black smoke and escaped.

Sure enough, when he jumped out of the container, Qin Lang saw a black dot fleeing in the sky in the distance. It should be the cursed wizard who turned into a bat, and Qin Lang summoned his flying Luo Yunsuo to chase after him.

It has to be said that Sibic, the cursed wizard who turned into a bat, fled quite quickly. Qin Lang's magic weapon formed by turning into a cloud could not catch up at all, so he had to change into a fusiform again, which slowly narrowed the distance between them.

When he was less than [-] feet away, Qin Lang snorted coldly, and used his flying sword to slash out a stream of sword energy, and shot away with a half-moon-shaped arc, hitting the bat in the air.


The bat screamed again and fell down, but before it landed, it disintegrated again, turned into countless smaller flying mosquitoes and fled in all directions. This is the countless fragments of the soul of the cursed wizard attached to the scattered flesh and blood. Use this special method of disintegration to escape Qin Lang's tracking.

"Well, Flesh Clone... It's the first time I've seen this kind of strange witchcraft, it's interesting."

Qin Lang became interested. At this time, he repeatedly slashed out a lot of sword energy to kill the flying mosquitoes in the air.

It can be regarded as the curse of the wizard Sibic, his witchcraft, which is similar to the disintegration of the demon, turned into hundreds of flying mosquitoes. As long as one of the flying mosquitoes escapes, he can restore his body and soul at a certain price, but Qin Lang's The sword energy was abundant, fast and accurate, and soon a large number of flying mosquito clones that cursed the wizard were cut off, turning into green smoke and disappearing.

There was only the last flying mosquito left. Qin Lang summoned his hands to generate real energy and captured it with a big hand, and performed the technique of searching for gods. A few hundredths of it is extremely weak, so it was quickly controlled by Qin Lang using the technique of searching for gods.

A large amount of soul memory was transmitted from this soul fragment, rushing to Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, and Qin Lang also got some useful information from this soul fragment, including the best curse secret technique of this curse wizard and this transformation Bats and Flying Mosquito Escape Secrets.


After watching these two secret arts, Qin Lang was very interested in the latter secret art of turning into bats and flying mosquitoes to escape. These two witchcrafts are very valuable, especially the latter secret art of escaping. And the value of learning, according to this secret technique, I can try to figure out a special escape method in the future.

At this time, Qin Lang returned to the original room on the ninth floor of the hotel again. After entering, his face changed. The young master of Desert Fox disappeared. There were only seven bodyguards lying on the ground, still dizzy Fascinated, but also one less bodyguard.

"What's going on, how did these two guys break free? I obviously tapped their acupoints. But it's okay, I also left a mark of spiritual consciousness on them when I tapped the acupuncture points, and they shouldn't be able to escape."

Qin Lang felt very strange, so he could only take down the six bodyguards first and hand them over to the royal guards downstairs, and then he was about to track down the two who had escaped, but he was surprised to find that the two had already moved away from Bit.

"Hey, did these two guys leave by rocket? How could it be so fast? I feel that even if I chase now, I might not be able to catch up!"


The scene returns to the moment when Qin Lang jumped out of the hotel window.

At that moment, Qin Lang pursued the cursed wizard Sibiqi, and in the hotel room, a bodyguard suddenly stood up, and Qin Lang's acupressure was useless to the bodyguard.

Creak creak creak creak creak, the bodyguard moved his figure, unexpectedly his whole body grew bigger, and his face became much wider.

At this time, the aura of this guy has changed. It is no longer the aura of the Martial Master level warrior before, but the mutant aura that Qin Lang is very familiar with.

This kind of mutant is actually disguised as a bodyguard. Even Qin Lang didn't see it before, which is really incredible.

Speaking of which, Desert Fox has the support of European and American countries, so it is not surprising that there are mutants. However, I don't know if this Desert Fox has anything to do with that M Lab.

At this time, this guy looked around, and then picked up the second son of the young owner of the fox of the water desert, and jumped out of the window directly after him.When the mutant jumped out of the window, a pair of wide flying wings suddenly appeared behind him, spreading its wings and flying like an eagle.

This kind of flying wing is not an exoskeleton delta wing, but directly imitated by the flesh and blood of a mutant. It can be seen that this mutant is also a very advanced mutant, probably not weaker than the one that Qin Lang once fought. Manipulate metal top level mutant clown.

The Flying Eagle mutant flew in the sky at a high speed after holding Qin Lang in his arms. The speed was very fast, comparable to Qin Lang's [-]% strength in manipulating the flying magic weapon, and it was a flying magic weapon in a shuttle state.

Such a speed, plus Qin Lang was delayed for more than an hour fighting the wizard Sibiqi on the road, when Qin Lang returned to the hotel, the Flying Eagle mutant had already escaped from Bit with the second son, even if Qin Lang wanted to chase now, there was no Don't even try to catch up with most of the time.

However, this battle was able to kill the black-robed wizard Sibiqi who cast a curse on the venue of the Desert Fox, and solved the biggest trouble at the palace exchange meeting. Qin Lang was still very satisfied, and this was the biggest gain.

Now, he can take the seven desert fox bodyguards and captives to find Prince Alsla on business. As for whether he can catch the second son of the desert family's young master, it really doesn't matter.

I believe that when Alsra pries the mouths of these bodyguards, he will tell the news to the upper class who were victimized before. When the time comes, these upper class people in the Arab world will retaliate against Desert Fox, and there will be enough Desert Fox people Drink a jug.

After all, this is a life-and-death enmity, and being bullied to such an extent is not afraid that these high-ranking people will not do their best, even if they know that the desert fox is backed by the power of the western kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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