The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1295 Awarded the title

Chapter 1295 Awarded the title

When Qin Lang brought people to the meeting place again, those high-ranking people who had been cursed had already woken up one after another, and the cursed wizard Sibiqi fell, and the curse on these high-class people was automatically lifted.

The meeting place was still in a mess. Those people who woke up felt like they had survived a catastrophe. They were really lucky to be able to survive. If they became a puppet without a soul, life would be worse than death for them.

When the guys who woke up knew that it was Qin Lang who saved them, they all came over to thank them, which made Qin Lang a little overwhelmed.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang felt that the quality of these distinguished guests was very good, at least they didn't make trouble.

You know, this time the event was held by his Blue Run Middle East branch, and he is the actual person in charge. Now the guests who came to participate were cursed by the wizard. Even if nothing happened afterwards, they were at least frightened However, if one of these guests accused him of being the reason for the wizard's attack, he really couldn't refute it.

Fortunately, these guests were very reasonable, and none of them made such an opinion. Instead, they were very grateful for his efforts in fighting the wizard and lifting the curse.

This also made Qin Lang feel a lot of emotion.

If it is in China, with the current social atmosphere there, I am afraid that after the same thing happens, someone will come to him for compensation!
This is not to say that he is not patriotic, that he only sees the shortcomings of his compatriots and the bad side of society, but that is the reality.

"Mr. Qin, has that wizard been dealt with?"

After everyone finished thanking Qin Lang, Alsla quickly approached and asked Qin Lang in a low voice.

After all, as a member of the royal family, he had to attach great importance to a crazy revenge action involving a powerful wizard.

But now the venue is no longer a place to talk, so Alsla brought Qin Lang to a separate side hall of the royal family.

"That's how things are..." Qin Lang told Alsla the whole story.

After hearing Qin Lang's narration, the little prince thought for a while, and then said: "So, everything is a conspiracy of the Desert Fox, who wants to target all the upper-class people in the Middle East and control them with curses." what?"

"Yes, that's it."

Qin Lang said affirmatively.Then, he pointed to a few captive bodyguards brought over by the guards, "You can interrogate these captives, and you should be able to get something useful."

"OK, all right."

Arsla waved his hand, and naturally his subordinates did this for him, and the prisoners were also taken down.

After finishing this matter, Alsla smiled and said to Qin Lang: "Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin Lang also has a mysterious ability. This time the palace exchange meeting is also thanks to the help of Mr. Qin Lang, otherwise this time the palace exchange meeting will be really messed up." big."

What he said is actually correct. As one of the persons in charge of the palace exchange meeting this time, if something goes wrong at the palace exchange meeting, Alsra will take the primary responsibility, even the third heir to the royal family. All will be lost, losing the right to compete for the king in the future.

Of course, Qin Lang also participated in this exchange meeting, and his role was even greater than that of the prince. In fact, he was the main person in charge, and if the guests really wanted to make trouble, they would not foolishly question a Middle Eastern prince, but They will attack him directly.

This is why Qin Lang was thankful that the guests were well-educated and did not trouble him.

But on Alsla's side, Alsla is also very grateful to Qin Lang this time, he thought for a while, and then said: "Mr. Qin Lang, in order to express my gratitude, I would like to give you a gift from myself and my private treasury. Of course, this is just my private behavior, and there may be other rewards from the palace, after all, if this incident happens, it will have a great impact on the reputation of the entire palace."

"Oh, that would be disrespectful."

Qin Lang thought to himself, as a prince, his collection must be unusual, and this can be regarded as his reward for his previous work.

Therefore, Qin Lang followed Alsla to his private treasure house. After the little prince asked the guards to open the door of the treasure house, he brought Qin Lang into the treasure house.

As the little prince of the richest kingdom in the Middle East, Alsra, who owns tens of billions of assets, is full of good things in this treasury. Gold and diamonds are out of the ordinary. Qin Lang even saw a dozen of them in this treasury. A rare resource in the cultivation world.

Under such circumstances, Qin Lang naturally chose the most valuable gift as a gift, but unfortunately he could only choose one. Qin Lang chose Taibai Jade Essence, which is the material for refining the top-quality auxiliary magic weapon, and it can also help himself if he carries it on his body Speed ​​up the practice.

After picking out the gift, Qin Lang also smiled. Speaking of which, the little prince of the Middle East is quite interesting. Just now such a piece of Taibai jade essence can’t be bought in China today if you have money. People who know the goods may spend hundreds of millions. to buy.

After all, this kind of cultivation-assisting treasure is not only effective for cultivators, but also for ordinary people. It can help ordinary people clear their hearts and eyesight, and prolong their lives. It is a rare and good treasure.

After picking out the gifts, news came from the guards that the interrogation of the prisoners had ended. These bodyguards were indeed sent from the Desert Fox headquarters, just like what Qin Lang said.

"A desert fox? Those who dare to provoke us in the Arab world will be in big trouble this time..."

Alsla was not surprised to hear this result, and murmured while looking at the distant sky.

This is true. Although Desert Fox has the support of Western countries, the Arab countries in the Middle East are also very united. After a large number of high-ranking people who participated in the exchange meeting were persecuted by Desert Fox, they must have hated Desert Fox in their hearts. , Looking back is also trying to get revenge, so it will be more difficult for the Desert Fox to gain a foothold in the Middle East in the future, and it has basically become a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats.

"Tell this news to the people at the venue!"

After thinking for a while, Alston gave orders to several interrogating guards.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prince." Several guards obeyed and left.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, Qin Lang also smiled, this time the Desert Fox got into a big disaster, and it was also because of his own fault, otherwise, the Desert Fox's plan might really have succeeded.

After that, Alsla entertained Qin Lang more grandly in the palace, and those high-ranking people who participated in the palace exchange meeting knew that the disturbance this time was caused by the desert fox, and they were also very angry.

Immediately, many high-ranking people decided to leave Bit and return to their own country to prepare for the subsequent suppression of Desert Fox. Because of this, although the exchange meeting was not over yet, the number of people in the meeting was reduced by one-fifth.

Before parting, they all thanked Qin Lang again, and warmly drew Qin Lang closer.

And Qin Lang also gained a lot of prestige in the Middle East because of this incident, and the business of the Middle East branch also benefited from it. These high-ranking people who have benefited from Qin Lang said that they will help Qin Lang's Lanrun Company in their respective countries in the future. Promote vigorously , To mobilize retailers in the country to buy Lanrun's cosmetics.

"thanks, thanks."

When these people left, Qin Lang also shook hands with them very politely. He felt the sincerity of these high-ranking people, so he was very happy.

It is convenient for others, and it is convenient for you. This time I have helped them, and they will repay themselves a hundred times in the future, so it is said that good people will be rewarded.

The palace exchange meeting continued, and then Qin Lang also became the center of this exchange meeting, enjoying the same grand treatment as Prince Alsla, surrounded by a large number of high-ranking people.

The palace also expressed appreciation for Qin Lang's actions to resolve the crisis this time, and gave Qin Lang a Medal of Honor from the Bit Royal Family. From now on, Qin Lang will be a nobleman recognized by the Bit Royal Family, with the title of Viscount.

This Medal of Honor of the Bit Royal Family is more useful than any reward. In addition to Qin Lang's title, the Bit Palace also rewarded Qin Lang with a large manor, which is near the palace, with an area of ​​about [-] acres.

In addition, Qin Lang also has the right to mobilize a small group of guards than in the country. Of course, the number should not exceed 50, which is also the treatment of the Viscount.

When Qin Lang received the reward, the surrounding elites also came to congratulate him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Qin Lang...or no, he should be called Viscount Qin Lang now. Congratulations, Lord Viscount, for obtaining the title."

"Hehe, congratulations."

Qin Lang was also very surprised by the reward from the royal palace. He knew that the title of the royal palace in the Middle East is not so easy to obtain. It is normal for a guardian family like the Shar family to be able to obtain the title, but he became a viscount only by an accident. It seems that it is thanks to Alsla's extensive operation behind the scenes.

If this is not the case, maybe the palace reward Qin Lang received this time is not a title, but a large amount of in-kind rewards. As the richest country in the Arab world, the royal palace will definitely not be stingy with rewards in this regard, but no matter what the reward is, it is better than It's not true to be a knighthood.

This time Qin Lang got the title, which is also an improvement of his status, and it also shows the real recognition of him by the upper class of the Arab society. In the future, with this title, as long as he is in the Middle East, Qin Lang will do a lot of things no matter what.

"Thank you little prince for your help, and thank you His Majesty in the palace for your fulfillment!"

After receiving the title, Qin Lang cupped his hands in the direction of the palace and said with a smile.

"Hehe, Viscount Qin Lang, now you can go and see the manor you just got."

Alsla smiled after conferring on Qin Lang himself.

"Oh, yes." Qin Lang nodded, and led by Alsla to his own manor next to the palace.

Speaking of it, the land around the Bit Palace is all golden land, so although Qin Lang's manor is only [-] mu, its value is definitely more than one billion.

Led by Alsla, Qin Lang visited the entire manor. The manor is a winery, and there are grape vines with big leaves as far as the eye can see. The vines are as thick as an adult's arm. Obviously, this winery has existed for many years.

"This winery is divided into four areas, the grape plantation area, the wine cellar area, then the fertilizer and irrigation water storage area, and finally the manor villa area."

Arsla pointed Qin Lang with a smile: "Now the manor has been given to you, I hope you can also manage it with your heart. This manor is a first-class manor in the entire Middle East. If it is managed well, the annual output value of [-]-[-] million is still very easy. of."

"However, the Middle East is relatively short of water, so in terms of irrigation, you should ask the servants in charge of the manor to pay more attention and take some measures to ensure that the water volume in the irrigation water storage area remains above 60.00% of the water level all year round."

"The wine produced in this manor used to be a tribute to the royal family. I hope that the quality of the wine can still be maintained after Viscount Qin Lang takes over. I hope that I can often drink the rich wine produced in the manor in the future. Fine wine."

Alsla patted Qin Lang on the shoulder and said with a smile, and Qin Lang also smiled: "No problem, Your Excellency the Prince."

(End of this chapter)

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