The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1296 Chasing Flying Eagles

Chapter 1296 Chasing Flying Eagles
After that, Qin Lang held a dinner party in his new villa, and invited all the high-ranking people who participated in the palace exchange meeting to come to this dinner party.

The purpose of doing this is, one is to celebrate, and the other is to get closer to the relationship with these high-class people.

After all, in the future, Qin Lang's business in the Middle East will also rely more on the promotion and promotion of these upper-class people in the Middle East, and it is also necessary to mingle with these upper-class people now.

After what happened at the previous exchange meeting, Qin Lang found that these upper-class people in the Middle East are not bad. The upper-class people live in harmony, so he wants to get along well with them and form a certain friendship.

Relying on friends when going out, no matter where you put it or when you put it, it will never become outdated.

The meeting place was his new villa. Even though the villa area was very large, it couldn't accommodate thousands of people present, but it didn't matter. Those who failed to enter the villa area were arranged to participate in the bonfire picnic outside the villa area.

On this night, the moon in the Middle East was extraordinarily bright and clear, and it was also extraordinarily round. The guests and friends present were all drinking toast, and they seemed to be drunk before they rested.

What everyone drinks is naturally the wine stored in the manor. There are currently more than 1000 barrels of wine stored in the manor for two or three years. The taste is very pure and sweet.

This time Qin Lang naturally used his ability to stay drunk for a thousand glasses, and he never refused to come. He overturned at least dozens of them by himself, but in the end he scared the high-class people who came forward to toast.

Ever since, the name of Qin Lang's Dionysus was also spread throughout the dinner.


The next day, the housekeepers and servants of the manor were fully in place, Qin Lang held a brief meeting and asked them to keep the manor running normally, and then stopped worrying about it.

These people are experts in the management and maintenance of the manor. I believe that even without Qin Lang, they can manage the manor well in the future.

Of course, the purpose of Qin Lang's operation of this manor is not to make money, but for the royal palace tribute-level grape wine produced in this manor. In the future, his Lanrun company will grow and develop, and many celebration occasions will use these fine wines.

He plans to not sell the fine wine produced by the manor in the future, but to digest it internally, and bury the excess in the wine cellar of the manor. Anyway, the wine is more mellow and more fragrant, and the longer it is kept, the more delicious it will be.

After dealing with the matter of the manor, Qin Lang is ready to leave Bit Country, but this time he doesn't want to return to AJ's own Middle East public office immediately, but wants to continue to track the two escaped desert foxes who slipped through the net. fish.

Relying on the sensing of the imprint of his spiritual sense, Qin Lang discovered that the two fish that slipped through the net did not return to the headquarters of the Desert Fox, but stayed in a small country in the Middle East. According to the incomplete memory of some wizards in his mind, Qin Lang analyzed that place It should be a branch of Desert Fox.

Since these two fish that slipped through the net did not return to the well-equipped and fortified headquarters, but continued to stay outside, it gave Qin Lang a chance to continue to deal with these two guys.

For the enemy Qin Lang has always implemented the strategy of cutting grass and roots. Since he has taken action, he cannot leave hidden dangers. Therefore, Qin Lang decided to eradicate these two escaped fish as soon as possible.

Qin Lang came to this small country in the Middle East on the special plane of the Shar family. This small country has only three cities, and Desert Fox has a stronghold outside a city called Pizza.

After getting off the plane, Qin Lang bid farewell to the Shar family, and directly took a taxi to the small city of Pizza, and came directly to the outlying stronghold of Desert Fox.

"Hehe, in addition to the two fish that slipped through the net, the outer stronghold of this desert fox will also be pulled out by the way, which means that the tiger will lose a tooth in its mouth. From now on, those upper class people in the Middle East will have less resistance to deal with the desert fox. .”

Qin Lang looked at this stronghold, it was a small stronghold with less than 800 people.

This stronghold is very remote and there are not many people, but apart from the two fish that escaped the net, it seems that there are still two wizards.

However, Qin Lang is already very familiar with wizards. He knows that although wizards are powerful, they also have many disadvantages. If they can be targeted, it is easier to solve them.

Qin Lang took an invisibility talisman for himself at this time, so he sneaked into the stronghold and encountered many guards along the way, Qin Lang did not disturb these people.

Even Qin Lang concealed his own aura. In this case, I believe that the two wizards with relatively strong spiritual power will not easily sense his arrival.

All the way to break in was very smooth, Qin Lang came to the center of this stronghold, which is where the two escaped fish and the two wizards of the stronghold were.


"What! You said that my younger brother Sibic was killed? The other party was also a wizard?"

A tall and thin man in black robe was very surprised. This guy is the owner of the stronghold and Sibic's brother, Sidav.

"That's right, Your Excellency Sidaf, that opponent is very powerful, and we wouldn't be able to escape if it wasn't for Feiying's help."

The second son of Desert Fox's young master also had lingering fears. Obviously, all the troubles coming back from Bit Palace had left a shadow in his heart.

However, he didn't know that Qin Lang's exact identity was a cultivator, he just judged that Qin Lang was a wizard.

You must know that when Qin Lang was fighting against the wizard, he used the Nether Ghost Curse, and the method was directly related to the curse and witchcraft. It is actually quite normal for him to judge this way.

"Can't Flying Eagle deal with it?"

The tall and thin Sidaf looked at the only remaining bodyguard. At this moment, the mutant had returned to his original appearance, and the aura on his body was suppressed again, just like a normal bodyguard.

But Siduff knew that this bodyguard was not simple. It was one of the four special bodyguards specially sent by Europe and the United States to Formoran, the head of Desert Fox Headquarters, and his strength was not weaker than wizards like himself.

After obtaining four special bodyguards, Fu Molan, the person in charge of Desert Fox Headquarters, sent one to serve as a bodyguard for his second son before this operation, so Feiying was also the head of the remaining seven Wuzun-level bodyguards. Son.

"Saigon, what do you think?"

Sidaf looked at the wizard beside the peak and asked.

"Second brother has to take revenge. Let's inquire about that wizard first, and then carry out the revenge plan."

Another black-robed wizard is actually the brother of Sibic, the cursed wizard killed by Qin Lang. The two brothers naturally hated that enemy very much.

"That's right, the second brother has to take revenge. I'm going to discuss it with the headquarters and borrow some of my strength to use it for revenge."

Sidaf pondered for a moment and said. "The opponent's strength is not weak, I'm afraid we can't take it with our current strength."

"Unfortunately, you have no chance."

At this time, a voice snorted coldly in the dark.

"who is it?"

The four people present became vigilant and looked around, while the two wizards with very keen spiritual sensing ability also let go of their mental force fields to search for this potential enemy.

However, Qin Lang is now in a stealth state and has not revealed his aura, so it is not easy for them to find Qin Lang's location.


A sword energy suddenly appeared and swept over
Facing Qin Lang's shot, the two wizards snorted coldly, and raised their hands at the same time, and then a black mist protected the four of them.

After the sword energy entered the black mist, it disappeared inexplicably, even Qin Lang who was in the dark was startled, what kind of witchcraft is this.

"In this world, time and space are three-dimensional opposites. In the long river of time, there is a fourth dimension unknown to the world, and I am the wizard who has mastered the power of the fourth dimension... Please call me Space Wizard Xida husband."

The owner of the stronghold, the tall and thin Sibic said in a deep voice, he is also extremely confident in his abilities.

"Oh, so you just used witchcraft to transfer my sword energy to a certain place in the fourth dimensional space."

Qin Lang, who was in the dark, suddenly realized that this wizard named Sidaf seems to be much stronger than the cursed wizard Sibiqi, after all, he has no way to deal with space witchcraft for the time being.

However, this did not hinder Qin Lang's next attack. Anyway, they couldn't find themselves in the invisible state, so Qin Lang used dozens of sword qi one after another.

"Try this trick...the golden needle is sharp!"

Qin Lang used the Three Lives Sword to determine the fourth commandment, turning out ten thousand points of golden light, and headed towards the four of them. "The golden needle and sharp light are invincible, let's see if your space witchcraft has a stronger ability to transfer sword energy, or the needle sharp light I picked up has a stronger ability to penetrate!"

Thousands of needle-shaped sword qi collided with the black mist, and most of them were canceled out, but the mist was also consumed. This was the space shield created by the wizard using spiritual power, and it could also be consumed.

At this time, a little golden light penetrated the mist and shot directly at the second young master of the desert fox's young master in the middle. Suddenly, several people in the black mist became nervous: "Protect the second young master!"

The bodyguard once again broke the disguise and stood in front of Shaodong's house, blocking Qin Lang's attack. The golden needle directly penetrated the guy's body, and he looked like a normal person.


Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Qin Lang was immediately surprised. It wasn't until now that he knew that the bodyguard in front of him was actually a high-level mutant, and this guy's camouflage ability was also a little stronger.

After the advanced mutant revealed his true aura, Qin Lang finally understood why the two escaped fish escaped.

Mutants are all high-tech products, and they are all monster-like existences. The acupuncture points on their bodies must be different from normal people. That is to say, my previous acupuncture technique was a ridiculous restraint measure, and I didn't touch this mutant at all. human acupoints.

In this case, after Qin Lang pursued the wizard Sibic, the high-level mutant in disguise naturally fled with his young master. His core task was to protect the young master. Although he couldn't beat Qin Lang, it was the high-level mutant who escaped. man's strengths.

"A top-notch mutant."

Qin Lang smacked his lips and said, the breath of this guy is similar to the mutant clowns he has dealt with before, and they are all at the same level.

At this time, the effect of the invisibility talisman for more than ten minutes had passed, and Qin Lang's figure was revealed, just in front of these four guys.

(End of this chapter)

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