Chapter 1297 Dream Bubble
"Is it you? Damn boy, you actually killed my brother Sibic!"

The thin and tall wizard Sidaf looked at Qin Lang and said in a cold voice.

"So what if it's me! Haha, when I come here this time, I will not only solve the two fish that escaped the net before, but also kill you!"

Qin Lang looked at Xi Dafu and said nothing.

"It's so windy that I'm not afraid to flash my tongue. I thought it would be great to know a few special witchcraft. Let me teach you a lesson today, and let you see what it means that a mountain is higher than a mountain."

Although Sidaf was amazed by Qin Lang's opening just now, he was obviously not optimistic that Qin Lang could deal with the four of them alone.

After all, this kid in front of him is too young, even if he started to practice witchcraft from the womb, it is impossible for him to be much better than them.

Sidaf obviously ignored his brother's death because the opponent was too strong. He always thought that Qin Lang must have attacked his brother. It was an accident. In addition, Sibic was actually the weakest of the three brothers, so he didn't think What's so great about Qin Lang
He didn't know that Qin Lang was actually not a wizard but a comprehensionist, but there have been no comprehensionists in this world, so the legend about the comprehension world has not been spread in other places except China. Come.

A cultivator is a more advanced existence than a wizard, which is also Qin Lang's confidence, and now Qin Lang is already a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, and there are almost no people in this world who can fight against him.


"For the four people in front of me, the young owner of the Desert Fox is an ordinary person, but he ignores it. The other three guys are indeed a bit tricky. Among the three guys, the mutants are put aside first, and one of the two wizards knows space witchcraft and can transfer the enemy. attack, and the other one hasn't made much of a move yet, I'll pay more attention and try to work harder to kill them so that they can't perform witchcraft."

Qin Lang looked at the four people in front and his eyes flickered for a while. He was thinking about the next countermeasures. The enemies in front of him were not simple, so he had to think carefully.

And just when Qin Lang changed his mind, the four guys on the opposite side had already moved, and the opponents also started to counterattack. As the eldest brother, the wizard Sidaf strengthened his space witchcraft and firmly protected the people on his side. Is the most powerful defensive supporter of the entire team.

At this time, the third brother, Sai Kung, began to recite the incantation. As the incantation was completed, the surrounding environment began to be foggy, and the ground began to move, and one skeleton after another began to emerge from the ground.

This guy is actually in the same system as the necromancer that Qin Lang killed in AJ before. Qin Lang is already experienced in dealing with this kind of necromancer system wizard, and he is relieved at the moment, as long as it is not too weird.

And this Saigon is obviously much stronger than the necromancer Wu Ermeng, the necromancer that Qin Lang killed before. After summoning the skeleton, he still chanted the spell, and at the same time, a ray of light spread out in his hand, covering all the skeletons.


Saigon shouted loudly, all the skeleton frames were blessed by divine arts, and the thin body radiated light black rays of light in circles, and the skeleton frames obviously became stronger after the light passed.

These skeletons, which were blessed by Saigon with the reinforcement magic, not only became stronger, but also had faster reaction speeds. Numerous skeletons rushed towards Qin Lang crowded in the room.

Qin Lang sneered when he saw this, and directly cast the Nether Ghost Curse. Even if the skeleton frame has been blessed, so what, it can't resist the extraction from the soul. The core esoteric method is perfect for controlling these undead.

Sure enough, after Qin Lang cast the ghost spell, a large number of green light spots entered the soul fire of the skeleton shelf, causing them to become chaotic and out of Saigon's control.

"What's going on? What's going on here!"

Sai Gong also didn't expect Qin Lang to have such a trick, completely restraining his skeleton frame, he looked at Qin Lang and said bitterly: "Unexpectedly, this guy is also a necromancer!"

"No! If you guessed wrong, ten points will be deducted!"

Qin Lang joked that he was not a necromancer, but an upright cultivator.

At this time, Qin Lang also took out the black cauldron, the magic weapon of the ghost way, and the soul fire used to collect these skeletons was just right.


Qin Lang made a decisive move, and immediately the soul fire of a large number of skeletons around him was directly extracted by the black cauldron, a magic weapon of the ghost way above Qin Lang's head. Going to the next level, Qin Lang feels that it is easier to extract the soul fire of the surrounding skeletons now.

"magic weapon?!"

The two wizards exclaimed at the same time and looked at each other. They also didn't expect that the kid in front of him actually had a magic weapon.

"Sure enough, boy, did you use this magic weapon to kill my brother?"

Sidav looked at the magic weapon of ghosts floating above Qin Lang's head, and his eyes showed a hot greedy light.

Magic weapons have various functions, even wizards like Sidaf and Saigon can use them to increase their abilities.

So when the two wizards saw Qin Lang revealing a high-grade ghostly magic weapon, not only were they not afraid, but were attracted by the powerful aura of the high-grade magic weapon, their greed followed, and they wanted to take away all the magic weapons from Qin Lang.

You must know that Sidaf and Saigon are sitting on one side, and they have only a handful of magic weapons in their hands. They are all exchanged from the headquarters by using contribution points, and they have always been very precious.

"Boy, we want this magic weapon of yours!"

There was a venomous snake-like light in Sidaf's eyes. Looking at Qin Lang, he also revealed a magic weapon on his body, which was a transparent crystal ball with faint spiritual power fluctuating on it.

This is a magic weapon of the strange object category, which should be similar to the low-grade magic weapon in the cultivation world. However, because it is a strange object, the value should be higher than the low-grade magic weapon.

And Saigon also revealed the magic weapon on his body, which is an ebony walking stick, which is similar to the one Qin Lang got from Wu Ermeng before. It should be a standard magic weapon mass-produced by the Desert Fox headquarters, and its quality is considered garbage among garbage , the worst type of magic weapon.

Seeing the two wizards showing their magic weapons, Qin Lang suddenly understood why the two wizards reacted so strongly after he revealed the black cauldron, the ghost magic weapon. It completely attracted the two wizards. I'm afraid the two wizards have never seen such a powerful magic weapon in their lives.

If such a powerful magic weapon of the ghost way is taken into the hands of two wizards, it will definitely be able to make this magic weapon exert a stronger power and make their witchcraft ability improve by leaps and bounds.

At this moment, in their eyes, there is only one idea of ​​seizing Qin Lang's magic weapon. In contrast, the previous hatred about brother Sibic's death in Qin Lang's hands has been actively ignored by the two wizards.

This does not mean that they are selfish. Wizards are also a group that pursues individual strength. In the process of pursuing strength, other things such as family, friendship, and love can be abandoned. This is also a kind of extreme desire for strength. The stronger the wizard in the world, the more this is the case.

"If you want my magic weapon, it depends on your abilities!"

Qin Lang snorted coldly, wizards are really arrogant and arrogant, today I will let them see what it means to look at the sky from the bottom of a well, with myself, this world is not something that wizards like them can be rampant.

At this time, both sides used the magic weapon ability. After Qin Lang took back the ghost way magic weapon, he showed his black eagle sword again. This magic weapon made the greedy eyes of the two wizards on the other side even more intense.

Under the urging of Sidaf, the magical magic crystal ball began to light up, getting brighter and brighter like a light bulb, changing colors in the process of glowing, and Sidaf murmured non-stop What, those five colors actually overflowed from the crystal ball like suction bubbles.

"In this world, space and dreams are one, try the spells blessed by my magic weapon...Dream invasion!"

Sidaf waved his hand, and the colorful bubbles in the crystal ball were controlled by invisible magic power, and the long line began to float towards Qin Lang.

What is this ghost?

Qin Lang's divine consciousness touched it, and felt that these colorful bubbles contained one dream after another. Although each dream was not very eye-catching, the dozens of dreams that floated over and the dreams in the upper bubbles were superimposed. It is also very spectacular.

This kind of spectacle, I am afraid, is much weirder and more novel than that Hollywood blockbuster movie "Inception". There are so many colorful bubbles, at least tens of thousands, but each one There is actually a dream sealed inside the bubble!
It is conceivable that if a person is tricked, then in theory, this person will be completely led into one dream after another by these dream bubbles, and I am afraid that he will spend his whole life in the dream.

If this is the case, I have to pray that all dreams are fairy tale dreams. If it is a nightmare dream, hehe, then bad luck.

Qin Lang felt that it was both novel and cautious at the same time.

The opponent created these multicolored bubbles, which looked pretty, but God knows if the dream inside would be dark, brutal, and bloody.

At the moment when the consciousness came into contact with one of the bubbles, Qin Lang's consciousness was assimilated by the dream, and the consciousness felt a little out of control.

"Not good! This dream bubble has a strong psychedelic effect, making the consciousness immersed in the dream and unable to extricate itself. It is also a very powerful attack technique of the consciousness! I never thought that there is such a magical witchcraft in the earth world! "

Feeling the magic of Dream Bubbles, Qin Lang also became serious. Now that his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful and concise, it is not easy for these Dream Bubbles to assimilate his spiritual consciousness.

However, after suffering a small loss, Qin Lang will not carelessly let his spiritual consciousness touch these dream bubbles again, but will use a few sword qi to split these blown bubbles one by one.

It is worth mentioning that although these dream bubbles are weird, the sword energy can also split them. After the dream bubbles are split, the colorful colors begin to dissipate in the air, and everything in the air returns to its original state. .

Seeing that Qin Lang's flying sword was able to split his dream bubble, Sidaf was also taken aback. His ordinary weapons for this dream bubble couldn't deal with it at all, even obstacles such as walls and roadblocks. It can penetrate, but what I didn't expect was that the young man in front of me was able to use the magic weapon of his technique to break his own attack.

(End of this chapter)

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