Chapter 1298
The reason why Qin Lang's flying sword can split the dream bubble is actually related to the composition of the dream bubble.

The dream bubble contains one dream after another, and the witch power and spiritual power that maintain the existence of the dream are actually similar in nature.

Therefore, Qin Lang can destroy the structure of the dream bubbles directly by using the magic weapon with spiritual power, so that these dream bubbles collapse.

"Dream invasion... is indeed a very strange ability! However, if your ability is nothing more than that, then there is nothing to be afraid of."

Qin Lang looked at Sidaf and sneered, and lit up the flying sword in his hand.

With a snort, Sidaf's face was a little pale. Obviously, he had consumed a lot of mental power just now when he performed the dream invasion. He also didn't expect Qin Lang to be able to crack his own unique trick. You must know that he used this dream invasion technique in the past, even with wizards. The battle is also firmly on the upper hand.

"Don't be too rampant!"

At this time Saigon drank!
God knows the origin of this Qin Lang, who was able to forcibly destroy the dream bubble created by his painstaking efforts, making the most proud move in his life like tofu in front of Qin Lang, without threat at all, how could he not be angry?
"Death to me!"

Sai Gong roared, with blue veins protruding from his forehead, like earthworms wriggling, looking very terrifying, he mobilized almost all his strength, and sacrificed Ur Staff!
The rod of Ur quickly played the role of summoning, helping him summon more powerful undead creatures!

Five golden mummies emerged from the ground.

After summoning the five golden mummies, Saigon once again blessed the five new summons with the reinforcement technique.

"Go! Get rid of that kid!"

Sai Gong gave an order, and the five golden mummies immediately moved into action, rushing towards Qin Lang
And after ordering the five golden mummies, Saigon retreated to his elder brother to protect Sidaf. Now Sidaf consumed a lot of mental power after the dream invasion spell was broken, so there was no time to fight again force.

In fact, Sidav's dream invasion technique is not that weak, but unfortunately, the witchcraft of wizards is still somewhat different from the spells in the cultivation world. Once restrained, even stronger ordinary people may turn around and kill these wizards.

In the process of Sidaf recovering his mental strength, the aura of the space shield protecting the four people on the field also disappeared. This also made the desert fox young master who had no strong protection extremely vigilant, and kept making the mutant Flying Eagle Stand in front of yourself.

As a mutant who is the product of genetic modification, Flying Eagle has no such emotion of fear, even if he encounters greater difficulties, no matter how big the problem is.

However, although Feiying's brain was implanted with a program to execute orders, as a mutant with a high IQ, he still has some necessary judgments. That's why Feiying pretended to be unconscious at the Bit King Hotel before.

At this moment, Feiying's brain is still running at high speed. His brain has been installed with a system, and he is now closely watching and analyzing the situation on the field. If there is any sign of defeat, he will run away with his young master without hesitation. .

"Our winning rate is 40.00% five... It has dropped eight points from the 50.00% three just now. Judging from the current situation, our winning rate will still drop. If it falls to about 40.00%, I must make a decision. Let the young master leave immediately!"

Flying Eagle, a top-level mutant, paid close attention to the situation on the field, and at the same time, his brain was running at high speed to analyze a result.

This result is different from what the two wizards on the field thought. Although the two wizards have admitted that Qin Lang is a strong opponent at the moment, they still don’t think that Qin Lang can defeat them. After all, the two wizards also have a lot of cards. Spread it out.

It's a pity that wizards' hole cards need to consume a lot of mental power. Without mental power, their abilities are rootless water, and they can't be used at all.

Speaking of which, wizards consume much more spiritual energy during battle than cultivators consume true energy, and it is not easy to recover mental energy, so wizards always hide their trump cards.

The wizard's hole card methods will not be used unless they are absolutely necessary. After all, these hole card methods require a lot of mental power as support. Once used, this wizard will enter a period of weakness, which will give the enemy An opportunity to take advantage of.

To deal with this kind of golden mummies, Qin Lang is also an experienced person. He knows that if the golden mummies don't find out the flaws in their bodies, they can't kill such undead creatures at all.

And this kind of golden mummy is tightly wrapped with bandages, which prevents the possibility of the soul fire leaking out, so it is completely impossible for him to continue to use the black cauldron to absorb the golden mummy's soul fire.

Due to several times of fighting experience with golden mummies, although Qin Lang felt a little hard to face five golden mummies, it was only a little hard. The main reason was that the golden mummies moved too fast. If five undead creatures attacked at the same time, they would always Hit yourself.

Although I have the protection of the flame Yuanyang ruler, these undead creatures can't do anything to me for a while, but the true energy is also consumed by them little by little, and it will definitely not work after a long time.

Qin Lang was very patient, carefully looking for the flaws of the five golden mummies, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he had already found the thread on one of the golden mummies.

Then it was naturally much simpler. Qin Lang stepped forward directly, pulling and pulling, and pulled the thread off the golden mummy, and then the bandages on the golden mummy fell apart.


The entire golden mummy suddenly turned into a large amount of black smoke and dissipated.
The bandages on these undead creatures are already comparable to magic weapons. Qin Lang knows that if he doesn't do this, he really can't do anything with these undead creatures. After all, they are undead with immortal bodies.

Seeing that one of his summons was dealt with by Qin Lang, Sai Kung, who was protecting his elder brother Si Dafu, also turned pale. He hurriedly ordered a spiritual force to strengthen the attack of the remaining golden mummies, and the remaining four immediately The golden mummy went berserk.

With the blessing of Saigon's spiritual power, the attack of the remaining four golden mummies was like a storm, and the attack strength was even stronger than Qin Lang's dealing with five golden mummies at the same time just now.

It can be seen that at this moment, Saigon is also desperately fighting Qin Lang with all his abilities. He knows that if the remaining four golden mummies are also quickly killed, the consequences for himself and his eldest brother will be very serious.

While the wizard in Saigon was desperate, the mutant Flying Eagle quietly began to evacuate with the desert fox young master. Now, based on the calculations of the brain of this top-level mutant, the probability of the two wizards winning is already lower than that of the wizard. 40.00%, even adding mutants like him is useless.

The enemy is too strong, and retreating is the right way of thinking. Mutant Flying Eagle is a top-level mutant who focuses on camouflage and escape ability. Fighting is actually not his strong point, so it makes sense to make such a decision under the circumstances among.

The Shaodong family who was pulling the desert fox kept retreating, and Feiying had already evacuated the room with his people.

The retreat of the two guys, as accomplices, Si Dafu and Sai Gong did not notice it, but Qin Lang, who had already spread his consciousness throughout the room, felt it a long time ago.

"Hmph! Do you really think you can escape? Let my little pet play with you now."

Qin Lang summoned his beast, Shui Ba, and asked Shui Ba to chase these two guys.

Qin Lang summoned his beast, and didn't ask Shuiba to kill the two fleeing guys. He just hoped that his beast could hold the two fleeing guys for a while, and after he solved the battle here, he would soon You can free up your hands to deal with these two goals.


After the Shui Ba was summoned, it bowed like a little monkey and clasped its fists to Qin Lang to show off its cuteness. After being fed by Qin Lang, the Shui Ba was now nourished a lot, even its hair became shiny, and its body was already Not as thin as before.

After getting Qin Lang's order, Shui Ba jumped and jumped and chased the two guys quickly. The speed was as fast as lightning. In terms of speed, Shui Ba was already one of the few monsters in the foundation building period. What's more, now that Shui Ba has been nourished by a large amount of Yin Qi from Qin Lang, there are already signs of starting to advance.

Seeing that Qin Lang summoned a strange creature, and then ordered the strange creature to go out of the house to chase after it, the two wizards, Sidaf and Saigon, realized that the mutant Feiying and Shaodong's family beside them were gone. , Knowing that these two people are not optimistic about the battle in front of them, they evacuated here in advance.

With a wry smile, Sidaf, who has recovered, began to re-examine Qin Lang at this time: "It seems that we really underestimated you, then, let's really have a showdown!"

Since both sides are enemies, they are incompatible existences, so Sidaf also decided to fight at this moment, and used his means of suppressing the bottom of the box, and began to release a lot of mental power as he muttered.

These mental forces grew out of his brain one by one, like countless long earthworms wriggling and stretching, from the first few inches and feet, to the back stretching to several meters, tens of meters.

Sidaf holding the crystal ball is also desperately pouring spiritual power into the crystal ball. Now the crystal ball in his hand is as bright as a small sun, which is rather dazzling. I don't know how much spiritual power Sidaf has poured into it.

"This magic weapon has been in my hands for many years, what a pity! This time, in order to perform the secret technique, I'm afraid I have to scrap it!"

"Now let you have a taste of my strongest blow... space blast!"

As Sidaf shouted loudly, the crystal ball in his hand suddenly exploded into countless pieces.

A large amount of unknown energy began to flow into Sidaf's mental power dissipating in the air, and then sent out a violent molecular impact.

With a huge explosion, the whole house was blown up and flew into the air tens of meters high.

At the same time, mushroom-like dust and sand rose up, leaving only a layer of reinforced concrete piles like a foundation on the ground. The explosion this time was probably almost as powerful as a missile.

In the center of the entire base, there was only a pit several feet deep, and after Sidaf exploded his magic weapon, his whole body was in tatters, and he was seriously injured by the explosion.

And his brother Saigon behind him was even worse. Although he was only in the aftermath of the explosion, he was also blown off with two legs and one hand, and became a missing member.

And what happened to the enemy who directly faced his mental explosion?At this moment, Sidav raised his head and looked ahead, only to find that there was no one in front of him. The oriental boy must have been smashed to pieces in the explosion just now, right?
"Haha, hahaha..."

Sidaf grinned and laughed a few times, and at the same time raised his head, his face full of pride, intending to laugh wildly to celebrate his victory.

How awesome I am, I killed an extremely powerful opponent!

Isn't that Qin Lang who came from China very awesome, hum, but he is also weak in his hands, so he was killed by him anyway!
"Hahaha! I'm awesome!"

Sidduff was clearly proud.

(End of this chapter)

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