The strongest fairy doctor in the city

Chapter 1299 Killing the Wizard

Chapter 1299 Killing the Wizard
Sidaf was very happy, after all, after killing Qin Lang, he had an unparalleled sense of accomplishment and felt that he was awesome.

As if he is the master of this world, even if Qin Lang is a super master who is unique in a million, he still can't beat himself.

This feeling is so wonderful that it is beyond words, much more exciting than him moving on a woman's belly.

So much so that Sidaf got carried away with pride and laughed wildly on the spot.

Hahaha, the gigantic laughter continued, and even someone around him had to admire this guy's unusually strong lung capacity. It was really powerful enough to laugh without stopping for such a long time.

"Excuse me, what are you happy about? May I know?"

A joking voice appeared in Sidaf's ear, which made Sidaf's original smile freeze immediately.

Qin Lang looked at each other with a smile.

Turning his head, Sidaf looked at Qin Lang with an expression like seeing a ghost, and said in disbelief: " did you escape the explosion just now?"

"Surprised, aren't you? Hehe, but I just won't tell you."

Qin Lang looked at Sidaf with a smile and said.

"Your aura is much weaker... Could it be... Could it be that you resisted the explosion just now?"

Sidaf looked at Qin Lang and said with some uncertainty.

Apart from this possibility, there should be no other possibility.After all, it is unlikely that the opponent can escape that kind of large-scale spatial explosion.

"You guessed right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

Qin Lang took a few steps and approached. Now Sidaf has completely exhausted his mental strength after performing the big move just now. To him, he is just a chick waiting to be slaughtered.

Sidaf's brother, Saigon, also consumed a lot of mental power, and also broke two legs and one hand in the explosion just now, and now he has no fighting power at all.

In other words, the two wizards in front of me no longer pose any threat to me, so even though I was able to resist the explosion just now, it also consumed a lot of real energy in my body, but the remaining However, the true energy that was collected was enough to harvest the lives of the two wizards.

"How is it possible... how could he avoid my mental blast, even the most powerful wizard in the headquarters can't do it!"

Sidaf's eyes were glazed, and he was still muttering, somewhat unable to accept this fact.

If it wasn't for Qin Lang's own admission, and seeing that Qin Lang was alive and well, he couldn't believe it was true.

His mental explosion can affect the space, and under his control, even the indestructible body of King Kong will be blasted into pieces.

But Qin Lang actually endured it.damn it!I was so happy for nothing!His life was controlled by Qin Lang!

This space wizard, who was originally extremely arrogant before the battle, is now on the verge of collapse under repeated blows to his confidence.

Amidst the sneer, Qin Lang's hands were already close to Sidaf's head. Sidaf's current state is just convenient for him to perform the art of searching for gods, and there may be some unexpected gains.

Sure enough, Sidaf was already on the verge of collapse of consciousness, and Qin Lang successfully invaded his sea of ​​consciousness when his thoughts were extremely chaotic.

Then, a large number of memories flooded into Qin Lang's sea of ​​consciousness, and Qin Lang actively blocked those irrelevant memories, but only selectively received some memories about Sidaf's cultivation.

Speaking of it, Qin Lang is very interested in the witchcraft of Sidaf's dream invasion, and the wizard majors in spiritual power. Only strong spiritual power can support this dream invasion ability.

And his spiritual consciousness is similar to his spiritual power, which means that this kind of dream invasion witchcraft can be performed by himself after some minor changes.

This is a kind of witchcraft similar to the Soul Dao technique. For Qin Lang, it is also a brand new attempt and a new understanding.

As for new knowledge and new understanding, Qin Lang is very interested, even including Sidaf's understanding of space witchcraft.

Speaking of which, in addition to this kind of dream-entry witchcraft, the special protective ability of Sidaf's space witchcraft is also very eye-catching. If Qin Lang can learn some of the essence, his own life-saving methods can also be more varied.

After obtaining some relevant memories of Sidaf, Qin Lang's spiritual consciousness returned. At this time, he felt that something was wrong around him, so he snorted coldly: "It's already like this, don't you still want to give up!"

After finishing speaking, he slashed at Sai Gong who wanted to attack him with a sword. This Sai Gong broke two legs and one hand, and wanted to attack Qin Lang when Qin Lang started to search for God from Sidaf.

It's a pity that Qin Lang's search for God was too fast, and Sai Gong, who was inconvenient to move, missed a great opportunity, and was discovered in advance by Qin Lang who returned to consciousness.

This sword qi directly slashed at the necromancer, and then Sai Gong's entire body turned into a cloud of green smoke and scattered.In the dark, the soul of Saigon turned into a gray shadow and quietly drilled on the ground, absconding into the distance.

However, Qin Lang's spiritual sense sensed everything around him very clearly, so Sai Gong's small movements could not hide it from him.

I saw Qin Lang grabbing the void, and an invisible big hand grabbed the small gray shadow on the ground, and brought it back. At this moment, Qin Lang has already used the small silk-wrapped hand to completely grasp Saigon's primordial spirit in his hand.

"You...don't want to die!"

Saigon's primordial spirit struggled in Qin Lang's blurred palm, uttering the most vicious curse.

After the curse was issued, the entire soul of Saigon burst with a bang and disappeared invisible. This guy actually cursed Qin Lang with his last vitality.

At this time, Qin Lang's primordial spirit had a slight bad feeling invisibly, pouring towards his sea of ​​consciousness like a fog. invasion.


Qin Lang snorted heavily, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness in his brain surged, and a large amount of primordial power began to surge out to resist this invisible invasion from outside.

The power of the primordial spirit and the invisible curse eroded and consumed each other. The curse issued by Saigon at the cost of the last vitality still failed to invade Qin Lang's primordial spirit, and was completely melted by Qin Lang's primordial spirit.

However, after dissolving these curses issued by Saigon with his last vitality, Qin Lang also turned pale. In order to consume these curses just now, almost half of his primordial power was wasted.

Fortunately, he still resisted the invasion of the curse in the end. The consumption of the power of the primordial spirit can be recovered slowly in the future. If the curse enters his brain, the consequences will be disastrous.

Think about the long-term fate of the Shar family, and you will know how terrible the curse in the Middle East is!
The Shar family was cursed by the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh. As the guardian family members, they could not live to be 30 years old. It was not until they met Qin Lang and entered the secret place of the pyramid together to obtain the golden page scriptures that the fate of the family members was revealed. Change.

After disappearing from Saigon, Qin Lang looked at Sidaf at this time. After being searched by himself, the wizard still did not become an idiot. It is conceivable how powerful the wizard's spiritual power is. Qin Lang was able to successfully invade the opponent just now It is also a coincidence, which takes a lot of money.

The death of his brother Saigon affected Sidaf's heart and pulled him back from the brink of collapse. Sidaf who was awake saw the tragic situation in front of him and sighed, staring at Qin Lang with a vicious look.

And Qin Lang was afraid that this guy, like Saigon, would also suffer a curse of overdrawing his vitality before he died, so he quickly shot him and ended him, even Yuanshen would not let him go.

This time, Sidaf didn't pull out too many waves. It is estimated that the space blast was too consumed just now, and he no longer had the extra mental power to curse again, which made Qin Lang finally heave a sigh of relief.

Alright, now that the two high-level officials in the stronghold have been resolved, I can continue to pursue the remaining two fish that slipped through the net.

In Qin Lang's sense of consciousness, his water 魃 only trapped the two fish that slipped through the net for less than 5 minutes, and let the two fish that slipped through the net escape.

After all, although my water bait moves fast, it can only move on the ground, and the top-level mutant Flying Eagle can transform into wings and fly in the air. There is really no way.

At this time, Qin Lang used the flying Luo Yunsuo, changed into a shuttle shape, and rushed towards the direction where the two escaped fish escaped at the fastest speed.

Of course, he didn't forget to take back his beast when he left. At the same time, he stretched out his hand from a distance in the air and set fire to the entire base.

Seeing that the entire base was set on fire, Qin Lang snorted coldly, then turned his head and accelerated with all his strength, and started chasing the two fish that slipped through the net.

If the top-level mutant Flying Eagle runs away at full speed, it is estimated that the speed is about the same as that of Qin Lang who has used the flying magic weapon, but because he is still flying in the air with a person, the speed is still slower than Qin Lang.

Moreover, it seems that only ten minutes have passed since Feiying led people to escape. Such a result should be the credit of Shui Ba, and it finally dragged the two fish that slipped through the net for a while, otherwise the two fish that slipped through the net He may have escaped half an hour ago, and it will be more laborious to chase him.

The two escaped fish escaped for more than ten minutes. Qin Lang estimated that he should be able to catch up in less than half an hour. After all, with his own spiritual imprint, even if the other party fled to the ends of the earth, he could track it. , not afraid of not being able to find someone.

This kind of spiritual tracking ability is in the secular world, and ordinary people dare not even think about it.

If Qin Lang went to Huaxia to be a policeman, he would be [-]% a detective-level existence, and no major case would be difficult for him. In comparison, existences like Sherlock Holmes are weak.

It's a pity that Qin Lang's goal in this life is grand, and he doesn't feel at ease being an ordinary person in the secular world. He is a cultivator, and what he pursues is powerful power and longevity.

Longevity is Qin Lang's ultimate pursuit in this life after he obtained the unbelievable cultivation power of ordinary people. On the road of longevity, he will face it no matter how difficult it is.

This is also the biggest motivation for him to upgrade after he was promoted to the Nascent Soul stage. A cultivator at the Nascent Soul stage has a lifespan of almost a thousand years. In the eyes of ordinary people, he already exists like a land god, but after a thousand years...

If you don't work hard, if you don't actively strive for it, I'm afraid that when the deadline comes, you will inevitably turn into loess.

Qin Lang has always been struggling with a positive attitude. This is also the real reason why he can quickly grow from an ordinary person to a Nascent Soul cultivator in less than two years. Such a rocket-like rise Speed, inseparable from his usual aggressive effort.

Of course, there is another reason that is very important, that is luck!
Although Qin Lang doesn't know what his lucky value is, he can be sure that his lucky value must be very high, otherwise he would not have been lucky all the time, even after returning to China.

"It's just a fish that slipped through the net, can it escape to the ends of the earth?"

Qin Lang rushed forward to chase, not worried that the opponent would escape from him.

(End of this chapter)

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