Chapter 1300
Half an hour later, Qin Lang finally caught up with the two escaped fish, and now Flying Eagle and Desert Fox's young master are fleeing in the air ahead, only more than 50 feet away from Qin Lang now.

"Finally caught up, hehe, I said you can't escape!"

Qin Lang snorted coldly, worked harder, and once again pulled the distance closer.

The last time the young owner of the Desert Fox played tricks at the exchange meeting, causing many high-ranking officials and nobles in the Middle East to be cursed, and almost turned that high-level exchange into a disaster. Can't let this guy slip away from him again.

"Damn it, why is he still here!"

After seeing Qin Lang start to approach, the expressions of the mutant flying eagle and the second young master of the desert fox finally changed. The mutant flying eagle was frowning while his brain was calculating at high speed, while the second young master of the desert fox But he loudly urged his mutant bodyguards to be faster, and faster.

Seeing Qin Lang getting closer and closer, the current Qin Lang has left an indelible impression in the eyes of the second son of the desert fox's young master. Qin Lang's clear smile is more and more visible, but looking at the second son's eyes, there is something like Demon-like, as if mocking death at himself.

"No! I don't want to die!"

The young master of the Desert Fox exclaimed, but found that his body suddenly lightened and began to fall from midair.

How is this going?

Raising his head with difficulty amidst the howling wind, the young owner of Desert Fox could vaguely see the shadow of the mutant flying eagle disappearing. This guy flew faster, and more importantly... this damn mutant bodyguard He actually abandoned himself at the critical moment!
"how can that be……"

The young owner of Desert Fox was extremely desperate. He had no idea that such an accident would happen in front of him. His mutant bodyguard would give up on him and run away alone.

It's a pity that no matter how much you yell, it's useless.

He knew that it was no accident that the mutant bodyguard had betrayed him.

In fact, this is also related to the characteristics of mutants. The more advanced mutants are, the more independent their thinking consciousness is, and the degree of importance they attach to their own lives is actually prior to the loyalty of their masters.

What's more, the young owner of Desert Fox is not Feiying's first protection target. Feiying's first protection target should actually be Fu Molan, the head of Desert Fox Headquarters. It was Fu Molan who asked Feiying to protect his son. Second target task.

Therefore, the young owner of Desert Fox is only equivalent to half of Feiying's master, and his position in Feiying's heart becomes even more secondary.

So when he knew that he couldn't get rid of the enemy's pursuit, the advanced mutant Flying Eagle also made a decisive decision immediately, gave up the target he wanted to protect, and ran away alone.

Without the bondage of the desert fox Shaodong, the flying speed of this mutant suddenly increased. Flying Eagle is a kind of advanced mutant of the auxiliary system who is good at camouflage and escape, and the current flying speed is no different from that of Qin Lang who is under full strength. What, so it is not easy for Qin Lang to catch up with this top-level auxiliary mutant.

Turning to the next best thing, Qin Lang followed the flight and descended, catching the young European and American before the desert fox's young master fell to his death.

Of course he didn't mean to save this guy's life, but the young owner of Desert Fox, as the second son of Formoran, the head of Desert Fox's headquarters, must have more clues and secrets about Desert Fox hidden in his brain , Qin Lang may use these if he wants to deal with the desert fox next.

So temporarily saving the kid and extracting the memory in the kid's brain is what Qin Lang wanted, so he did it.

"God-searching technique!"

Before landing, Qin Lang directly performed the God-searching technique on this poor guy. Since he is an ordinary person, Qin Lang's God-searching technique is not difficult at all. Clearly.

However, these irrelevant memory fragments were directly blocked by Qin Lang. Qin Lang only searched for information about the Desert Fox in the last period, and got a lot of valuable clues and news.


"Hey, Desert Fox is bigger than I imagined. It actually has its own branches in dozens of countries in the Middle East. If such a force is gathered, it can be said that it is not weaker than any country in the Middle East!"

After searching the gods, Qin Lang was also very surprised by his discovery. It is not difficult to see that the reason why the desert fox is so powerful must be the power of European and American countries behind it. In the final analysis, it is for profit. The Middle East is a big piece of fat. More than 60.00% of the world's oil resources.

Petroleum is synonymous with black gold on the earth. It is worth using black gold to describe its status and value in the world. In fact, every aspect of modern society is inseparable from it. Automobiles and factory machines need it. Airplanes and ships need it, and road construction and bridge construction also need asphalt as an accompanying product in crude oil extraction.

It can be said that without oil resources in modern society, the operation of the whole world will almost be paralyzed. Factories will stop working, cars, ships, and planes will not be able to move, and roads will be rough without asphalt.

The initial motive of the Desert Fox to enter the Middle East was for the oil resources in the entire Middle East, but gradually this purely commercial force began to change, colluding with some mysterious local wizards, horse thieves, and drug lords to inhale and enter the Middle East. organization, making the entire Desert Fox more mysterious and terrifying.

The current Desert Fox is no longer a purely commercial force, and has begun to use the resources in its hands to continuously erode the entire Arab world, and the headquarters' research on mysterious power has also attracted many evil wizards to settle in. The Desert Fox headquarters is almost the entire Stronghold of evil wizards in the Arab world.

How strong is the power of a wizard, and how strong is the power formed by the gathering of many evil wizards? People who have never fought a wizard face-to-face don’t know. If people don't understand, it's just a mystery.

But Qin Lang knew how terrifying wizards like Sidaf and Saigon were.

Even as a cultivator, if he is not already a Nascent Soul cultivator and still in the alchemy stage, it will be extremely difficult to kill the opponent under the condition that the wizards are constantly using various taboo methods.

As for himself, if he is still a foundation-building monk, then he can only be killed by these powerful wizards in seconds.

From this, we can also know how powerful and evil the Desert Fox organization, which has gathered many evil wizards, is a big cancer that must be eradicated.

After knowing the news, Qin Lang estimated that it might not be difficult to break into the Desert Fox headquarters by himself, but it is basically impossible to overthrow this behemoth with his own strength.

After all, a person's strength is limited after all, and there are too many ants to kill an elephant. Qin Lang can't afford to test it by himself, and from the memory of Desert Fox's young master, he has not been able to draw the desert fox's headquarters. The total number of evil wizards, but it is estimated that there will be at least twenty.

Moreover, in addition to the evil wizard, there are also four top-level mutant bodyguards, which were recently dispatched from Europe and the United States to the head of the headquarters, Formoran, for temporary dispatch.

For this kind of evil wizards and mutants, Qin Lang reckons that he can deal with four or five at the same time. If there are too many, it is enough with his current strength. Superhuman monsters.

"However, I disrupted the desert fox's curse in Bit's palace. The failure of this operation also triggered a backlash in the Arab world. I believe that the desert fox's life in the Middle East will not be easy in the next period of time! "

"In the next period of time, no matter how big the Desert Fox is, I'm afraid it can only be the grandson of a turtle. It is impossible to do bad things as blatantly as before. Otherwise, the Desert Fox will be directly confronted with the entire Arab world. That way I'm afraid even the European and American forces behind it can't keep it."

After getting the useful news, Qin Lang did not decide to continue chasing the mutant Flying Eagle, but decided to go back to AJ first to inform the Shar family and Bit Prince Alsla of the news. People don't work hard to figure out a way.

After making a decision, Qin Lang left here directly, went to the nearest city and transferred to the airport, preparing to return to his AJ headquarters, the Middle East Branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company.

After half a day, Qin Lang had already returned to his base camp by plane.

Now that the entire company is officially in business, and because of the special encounters at Bit Palace, Lanrun has become famous throughout the Arab world. I believe that it is not difficult for this cosmetics branch to become one of the most famous landmarks in the entire Middle East.

And Qin Lang has naturally become a celebrity in the entire Arab world. The entire Arab world knows about these great heroes who made a big splash at the Bit Palace exchange meeting and saved most of the upper class people present, and this hero is still in the Middle East with Bit The fact that Prince Alzira has co-founded a cosmetics company is even more news in the news.

All of a sudden, the entire Middle East about Qin Lang, about Bit Prince Alsla and the palace exchange meeting, about the Middle East branch of Lanrun Company, and Desert Fox all became hot search terms.

The recent hotspots and headlines in the Middle East newspaper industry are also related to Qin Lang. Unknowingly, Qin Lang and the entire Middle East branch of Lanrun Cosmetics Company have already established a reputation. The products of Lanrun Company Although it has not been sold to the public in large quantities, it has already formed a brand, and there is an endless stream of people in the market who inquire about related cosmetic products.

All this is good news for Qin Lang and the entire Middle East branch, so the Middle East branch began to be busy with the orders that flooded in like snowflakes, and the employees began to work overtime to produce cosmetic products.

However, although busy, Jiang Xinzhong is meticulous in product quality control, and strictly prohibits unqualified products from entering the Middle East market, because every outgoing product of Lanrun Company also represents the company's image and reputation, which is heavy. There is no room for sloppyness.

Jiang Xinzhong, the safety and production manager of the company headquarters, is in charge of these. Qin Lang is naturally at ease, and doesn't have to worry about the usual business of Lanrun's Middle East branch, and everything is under the control of professionals in various positions and departments. They are all being produced one after another, and then quickly picked up by the influx of orders.

It can be said that the current business growth of the Middle East Division in the entire Middle East is showing a blowout attitude, and this trend cannot be stopped and will continue for a long time. After all, the foreign cosmetics business in the entire Middle East is basically in a blank state. Qin Lang Huaxia Blue The entry of the products of Run Cosmetics Company just filled this gap.

It is estimated that it will take several months to completely fill this blank market. Anyway, Qin Lang is not in a hurry. At present, no one in the whole Middle East is robbing him of money. After all, the people in the Middle East are quite resistant to cosmetics from European and American countries, so Cosmetics from European and American countries simply cannot enter the market.

(End of this chapter)

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