Chapter 1301 Millennium Treasure
Just when Qin Lang's Blue Run Cosmetics Company's Middle East branch was in full swing, Qin Lang once again received an invitation from the Shar family to let Qin Lang go to the Shar family to discuss important matters.

"Is there any new progress in dealing with the desert fox?"

Qin Lang guessed that recently, those high-ranking forces in the Middle East are also busy suppressing the desert fox, and this matter is no longer just Qin Lang's business.

The Desert Fox made a big fuss at the exchange meeting held by the royal family in the Middle East, and even caused many important members of the royal family to suffer curses. Leaving aside the harm, just the blatant offense to the royal family made the Middle East very dissatisfied.

The royal family is dissatisfied, so naturally, even the major Middle Eastern forces that are close to the royal family will regard eradicating the desert fox as a top priority.

Therefore, Qin Lang is sure that even without his own participation, the Middle East will fight against the Desert Fox to the end.

Of course, the effect achieved by that side is not great. After all, the desert fox is also very cunning. After hearing the news, the entire force shrinks back, and does not hesitate to act like a turtle to temporarily avoid the limelight.

So even though these upper-class forces in the Middle East are making a lot of noise, the loss of the Desert Fox is not too great, but it has lost seven or eight strongholds on the bright side, but the other dozens of strongholds have already turned into the dark, and their vitality is not great. Didn't take much damage.

After a battle, it is definitely impossible for the Desert Fox to regain its previous arrogance, and its deterrence to the Middle East has been somewhat affected.

After coming to the Shar family, Qin Lang was invited to the reception hall of the ancient castle. The high-level family members such as Ala and Shar were there, as if they were holding a secret meeting.

Unexpectedly, however, the secret meeting was not about the desert fox, but another major event in the Arab world.

After learning about it, Qin Lang was still very surprised.

First of all, these royal families and nobles in the Middle East obviously haven't found the desert fox's stronghold yet, and haven't taken forceful combat measures. He has overestimated the strength of the Middle Eastern royal family, or underestimated the cunning of the desert fox.

Maybe, I have to take the lead in dealing with the desert fox.

Fortunately, he also intends to eradicate the desert fox permanently. He agrees with the other party's original intention and position on this matter, and there should be no conflicts between the two sides in the future.

Secondly, what major event happened in the Arab world, such a big movement?

Qin Lang naturally asked his doubts.

Ala took the words and immediately told Qin Lang.

"There are three great mysteries in this world, and there are also three great miracles in our Arabian world. The first place is naturally the well-known great mysteries of the Pyramids, and the other two are the hanging gardens of ancient Babylon and the marvels in the Strait of Malacca. The Millennium Treasure. According to the exact news, the Millennium Treasure in the Malacca Strait will be opened in a month, and the ancestors have left oracles on this in many ancient books as early as 1000 years ago.”

"This is also the biggest feast in the Arab world. The ancient inheritance families and royal families of more than [-] countries in the Middle East have basically received the news. The high-level officials of various countries will send elite teams on that day to conduct a survey on this ruin that has been reopened after many years. explore."

"Compared to the secrets of the pyramids, which are known to the world, the Millennium Treasure in the Straits of Malacca is just a legend hidden in the Arab world and is not known to the world, but its hidden heritage is even greater than the secrets of the pyramids."

"This is also caused by a special reason. Although the Pyramid Secret Realm is one of the world's three great secret realms, with many treasures inside, people from all over the world have been exploring for thousands of years. Although it may not be successful once in hundreds of years, at least there are thousands of years. It has been successfully broken into seven or eight times, and the internal details are still consumed to a certain extent. The thousand-year-old treasure in the Strait of Malacca has always been sunk in an unknown place on the bottom of the sea, and this is the first time it has surfaced in thousands of years."

"I heard that this millennium treasure was left by the most powerful pirate king in the Straits of Malacca more than 2000 years ago. That pirate king was called Haifu, who owned the most mysterious ghost pirate fleet in the world at that time. Almost 30% of the merchant ships passing through the strait."

"The wealth accumulated by the most powerful pirate king in the world at that time shocked even the wealthiest colonial country at that time, and even sent warships to encircle and suppress the ghost pirate fleet in Heifer, but the result was Unexpectedly, the ghost pirate fleet won a big victory, and dozens of warships on the side of the never-setting sun were all wiped out by the pirates."

"Such a result also attracted the attention of high-level executives. This huge war machine that broke through most countries in the world at that time and had a large number of colonies naturally looked down on a mere pirate king, and then sent warships many times to attack the forces of Haifu. However, every time they were defeated by the Ghost Fleet of the Pirate King, taking advantage of the terrain and the long-term fog in the Strait of Malacca, the losses were heavy."

"After accepting the lessons of many disastrous defeats, Sun Never Set also had to admit the dominance and status of the Pirate King in the waters of Malacca, and signed an equal contract with Haifu at that time, and they will not invade each other from then on. And get this world at that time After the recognition of the most powerful colonial country, Haifu's ghost fleet grew stronger and stronger, dominating the entire Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, and became the well-deserved king of the sea in this sea area. The wealth plundered every year even exceeded that of Ala at that time The sum of the finances of every country in the world..."

At the meeting, Ala, the patriarch of the Shar family, talked about the thousand-year treasure in the Arab world. Qin Lang also learned from Ala’s narration that this thousand-year treasure was actually left by Haifu, the world’s most powerful pirate king, 2000 years ago. precious.

As the most powerful pirate king in the world 2000 years ago, he was able to defeat the most powerful colonial country many times. Heifer is naturally not an ordinary person. He is a capable man, and the background of the pirate fleet far exceeds that of any country in the Arab world at that time.

The wealth plundered by the pirate fleet would never be used up in a lifetime, so under the suggestion of capable men and strangers under his command, Haifu sealed up these redundant treasures and buried them somewhere on the seabed of Malacca, arranged in a place similar to In the same existence as a secret realm.

I don’t know if the burial place is too secret, or the capable men and strangers under Haifu’s command are too powerful. After Haifu’s death, the pirate fleet disbanded until it completely disappeared hundreds of years later. This treasure has been hidden in Malacca. In the strait, many adventurers in the Arab world went to explore after that. Until today, 2000 years later, no one has been able to find the exact location of the treasure.

However, when Haifu actually laid out the thousand-year-old treasure, he also left a message in the Arab world, that is, if this thousand-year-old treasure has not been discovered, it will surface one day after 2000, and the entire treasure remains will be automatically destroyed. exposed to the world.


Regarding the opening of the Millennium Treasure, this is the largest event in the entire Arab world, and it will be just one month later, so now the upper-class people in the entire Arab world who know the news are focusing on this matter. The matter of the fox became irrelevant.

Of course, the matter of dealing with the desert fox is only temporarily let go, not giving up.When the timing is right, the Middle East will still try its best to eradicate this big cancer.

And for this millennium treasure, the entire family of the Shar family also took action, preparing to send more than 20 family elites to participate in this grand event.

And Qin Lang also accepted the invitation of the Shar family. After thinking about it, he decided to send [-] elite warriors from the Middle East branch to follow the action.

I heard that the thousand-year-old treasure remains are very large, and there are many teams going to explore. If the people on my side want to get sufficient benefits, they must not be able to do without a certain amount of manpower. That's why Qin Lang made it like the Shar family. decision.

"Actually, to participate in this adventure, the ordinary treasures in the treasure are not very attractive to me. The reason why I accepted the invitation of the Shar family is to move some special treasures from the Pirate King's treasure... As the most powerful pirate king 2000 years ago, the thousand-year-old treasure left by Haifu is definitely not ordinary, and there may be many rare treasures that can be used by practitioners, and this is what I need."

"After all, the Millennium Treasure is a large-scale secret realm. It is one of the three major miracles in the Arab world. It is not far behind the world's three major secret realms. It is only natural that there are a large number of special treasures in the Millennium Treasure. Now let's see if I can find it here. Enough benefits have been gained from this risky operation."

"This trip to the Millennium Treasure will definitely be overcrowded, but I have nothing to fear. I think that I am a dignified cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage, and I must be the top existence in the world. All...the greatest benefits of the Millennium Treasure under the Sea , I am also determined to win, and no one can compete with me."

With a lot of thoughts in his mind, Qin Lang also secretly vowed in his heart that he wanted to grasp the greatest benefits of the thousand-year-old treasure in the palm of his hand during this exploration trip.

After the meeting, Qin Lang didn't even care about drinking tea, so he hurriedly returned to his Middle East branch to make some arrangements, arranging the candidates who would follow him to the Straits of Malacca in the adventure.

And when they knew that they might go to the Strait of Malacca with the leader to explore the ruins of the Pirate King, one of the three great miracles in the Arab world, all the warriors in the Middle East branch became a sensation, and they were all very enthusiastic.

The more than 300 warriors present are all elite disciples sent by the three major families of the Five-Party Alliance, and all of them want to sign up. Among the more than 300 warriors, at least 100 of them have reached the level of Wuzun, but Qin Lang can only Pick twenty followers from it.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lang said with a smile: "It's a thousand days to raise soldiers. It's only for a while. It's been a long time since you came to the Middle East branch. Let me test it now to see your strength. Then I will choose the twenty strongest members among you to follow me in this operation."

"Okay, my lord, tell me, how to choose!"

All the fighters are also rustic. After coming to the Middle East branch, they all practice hard. During this period of time, everyone has improved rapidly, and now they are full of energy and have nowhere to play.

"Well, let's get out of the ring and win two out of three rounds for the knockout round!"

Qin Lang nodded and told the rules of the trials.

"it is good!"

All the warriors applauded loudly, even if their strength did not reach the level of Wuzun, they still looked eager to try.

It's really a newborn calf not afraid of a tiger!Qin Lang shook his head, but this is just right, as a warrior, he must have vigor, which is also the motivation for a warrior to make rapid progress.

Then, he began to announce the official start of the trials.

There are more than 300 fighters present, so the selection competition is divided into three rounds. The first round is the preliminary round, ten groups, and more than 200 people will be eliminated.

The second round is resuming the cold, with the same ten groups, and 60 people will be eliminated.

In the third round, there are still ten groups, and the remaining 40 people will face off in pairs, and the winner will be selected as the promotion candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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